Wk Of Nov 11 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hey! I did do my 12 mile tempo run.:cheer2:
Plan was to take the 1st 6 easy then run the last 6 faster.
I finished in 1:42.

1st 6 in 53 min for an 8:50 pace
took a "NEW" mint chocolate gu...it was good!
2nd 6 in 48:42 for an 8:07 pace

It was the perfect day to run...a little on the cool side (28 when I started) but it was sunny and I soon warmed up.
Good Morning fellow WISH team members!!! Well, I did it!!! I finished 17 miles!!!!!! My longest run yet!! And, it felt great. I mean I did have some minor aches and pains, but nothing out of the ordinary. I am really starting to feel like I will really be able to finish the marathon! Although as I was finishing up today, I kept saying to myself, in the marathon, I will still have 9 more miles to go...YIKES!!!!!

Stephanie--hope the ankle is feeling better. Rest may be the best thing for it. I agree that a weeks rest may be the best thing!

Cecilia-Hope the 12 miles went well today! Men just don't understand sometimes that even if women are not feeling well, we still find the energy to shop!!!

Christa--WTG for listening to your body yesterday and moving your run to today! Looks like you had an awesome run today--you are super speedy!

Tricia--Hope you are having fun at the NASCAR race this weekend!! I am so jealous!

Shan--Hope your feet are feeling better! It is amazing what a pair of shoes can do to your legs. I just bought a new pair last weekend, as my shins and knees were bothering me, and guess what....the pain is gone!!! Try to go back and have them re-fit you for shoes.

Stacie-Great job on the couch to 5k plan...you are doing great!!

Cam--Hope your back is feeling better soon! AND 3 hours on the TM!!! YIKES!! I don't think I could ever do that!!!

Vic--love your recipe...sounds about how I would like to cook something! GO DALE JR!!!

Martha--good luck on your 3.5 hour run this weekend!!

Ok...time to go watch my Rutgers Scarlet Knights beat Pittsburgh!!! Hope everyone has great workouts this weekend!!
Hey everyone! I think my family is finally on the mend from all their colds - yea!!! Training has been sporadic - still fighting the PF. I walked 7 miles last Saturday. I'm hoping for 7 - 8 today or tomorrow, but we'll see if the boys let me out of the house that long. ;)

Speaking of - both are fussing right now, so this will be short...

Great job everyone on their training! I can't believe it is getting soooo close! :cool1:

And, I posted this on the packet thread, but just call me #29524! :woohoo:

I have to go - the baby is crying, but I'll try to check in later. Happy training!!!

Well, life has been crazy :eek: but I have still been getting my miles in. Today I did 16 miles!! I walked about a third I would guess and was still able to average 12 min miles. Very happy with that. This week I got in 35 miles - that is just nutso. When I left this morning at 7:15am, it was 43 degrees, so I had to layer it on. Was pretty shocked to look outside and see frost on the ground!! I thought it was supposed to be warm and sunny all year in SC :rotfl:

When I got home, DH asked how it was. I said surprisingly well. I started out a little rough, but around mile 5 I got into a groove (and at mile 12 my ipod died, so that stunk). My DH replied, Oh, I thought you were going to come home and say how awful it was and that you weren't able to finish. :scared1:

Nice! No faith!! I knew my fellow WISHers would be there for support (unlike DH) ;)

Ok, now to try to catch up!

Cam - Great job on the TM! I cannot stay on my TM that long - it bores me to death! The most I did was 99 min and then it shut itself off LOL!

Sara - Way to go! You will rock at the minnie!

Christa - You are so fast! WTG on your 12! I usually burn about 100 cal a mile according to my garmin - but DH burns more. Does it have to do with weight?

Susie - Hope the meds help. Good luck with your 16 miles!

Stephanie - I hope your ankle is better soon :hug:

Lisa - I hear ya on being aware of your surroundings. I am constantly looking around - just call me paranoid! I just ordered some pepper spray on ebay this week.

Shan - good luck on your upcoming race!

Cindy - Enjoy San Diego and your 5k!

Laurie - Awesome job on your 17 miles!! I was doing the same thing during my LR today thinking in the marathon I would have 10 more to go ;)

Lynnda - Yay on everyone feeling better! How exciting that you got your packet!!

Martha - Good luck with your 18 miler tomorrow!

Amy - WTG on your 5 miles! Good luck on thursday!

Jackie - :wizard: :wizard: for you!

Beth - Great job on your runs! I have become quite addicted to my ipod as well.

Sorry to all that I missed. Good luck everyone with runs this weekend!!

Amy - Liked your advice to Susie, especially since I decided to blow off this morning's run and rest a few more days!

Christa - Mint chocolate gu - yum!

Lynnda - Had to go out and check the mailbox - nothing yet.

Becky - It's scary that we have to come to the computer for people who understand us, but I know exactly how you feel!

The alarm went off at 5:50, and I'd already been up at 5:00 to take migraine meds. My gut feeling was that I shouldn't run. The last time my gut said don't run, I did, and ended up with the fracture that day, so I decided to snuggle deeper in the blankets today and ignore the alarm! I ended up doing a couple of miles anyway since DD's band marched in the parade - we walked to the start of the parade to see them, then ran (at a pace faster than I've ever run!) to the end of the route to catch them there. I'm counting that as 2 miles since the route was 1.2!


My 12 miler turned into 7.7 and then the walk of shame. I have not had a run that hard in months and months. Stupid flu.

I just hope I am ok for my half on Thursday. Even though I am running with some first time half marathoners and was not planning to PR, I'd still like to think I can do the run the whole way. These girls are counting on me. I hate this! I was feeling so good and thing whoosh it's gone.

tomorrow I am running with my dd9 in her first ever 5k. that should lift my spirits.

Scott, cool beans! I'll try to remember to wear my WISH hat. Thanks for the heads up. We were planning on getting there early anyway before the roads close, plus we need to go by the Big Peach tent to pick up our shirts. Do I need to bring my own water or can I depend on the water station for both loops around? Did you have trouble parking? I'm extremely concerned about my feet. I was up last night with them aching. I think I might wear my old running shoes.

Oh, did they take any race photos?

They have multiple water stations and they had water both times around last year (I think there was water at each mile). Of course with more people you never know what may happen, but I feel pretty confident on relying on them as opposed to carrying my own. I didn't have trouble parking last year...all of those lots at the banks & churches that surround the square are open....just another reason to get there early though...I know they are again expecting a record turnout :)

Sorry to hear about your feet! Good idea to wear what you know will be comfortable on race day.

There were race photos taken, but not by the "pros" (ASI & marathonfoto)...it may take some sifting thru the photos to find yourself in the crowds ;)

Hope you guys have a great time at the race! Good luck to you!
Training update for today....

I did 20 miles on the bike (17mph...could have been better if I didn't have to stop for traffic), came back and did a solid 30 minutes of Pilates, then went out for a brisk 4 mile walk.

I'll be long running tomorrow but it's a step back week so I'll only be doing 8. I see it as more of a prep run for the 10k on Turkey Day.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Hello all,

Been away from this thread for a while. I'm as ready as I can be for the Philly marathon tomorrow. The weather forecast says 35-45 degrees and rain for the race tomorrow. :scared1: I'm a little scared about the weather since I haven't run in the rain since this summer. The good news is that I feel great (knees and feet). I have a little chest cold but it's not too bad. I'll deal with it.

Good luck to all those that have LR's tomorrow.

Lou....Good luck tomorrow in the marathon!!! :thumbsup2

Scott...Woah! Nice day of training. Good luck on that LR tomorrow. Don't ya love those back-off weeks :).

Cecelia....So sorry about the tough run :(. The flu will really take it out of ya though! Make sure you're getting enough rest...I know it stinks to pull back on the runs but you really have to give your body and immune system time to recover. I wish you all the best on your half next week!

Jackie! Good job listening to your body. Sometimes, no matter how hard it is to back off....it's the absolute best thing for us :).

Becky...Awesome job on the 16 miles. Great pace :).

Laurie!!! :thumbsup2 WOW...super effort on the 17 miles. Did you decide to run today b/c of our bad weather for tomorrow? Smart move if that's the case :). You did awesome. :hug:

Not a lot of training for me today. I taught my Pilates class this morning :goodvibes . And I visited my brand new...beautiful...baby niece Sierra :love: . And I did my 4 Mile walk/run which turned out to be just a walk today ;). Just didn't have the running part in me! Averaged around a 13:50 mpm. I'll take it. I plan to really enjoy the Half Marathon....and push the Full. So I'm just doing the half training on saturdays at a very reasonable pace!

K...that's it for now. Good runs to everyone tomorrow!


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