Wk Of Nov 11 - WISH Walking/Running Club

One thing I do know, I gotta lose the headphones. I tried it a few times but went back to them. Last night they showed how easy it is for someone to run up behind and use your headphones to strangle you with. It was quite an eye opener. :eek:

Wow Shan that is really scary. I actually gave up the MP3 player after my 5k in the end of June. I never ran with both headphones in for safety reasons (to hear cars and what not) and it seemed like more of a pain in the you know what with the cords and messing with that instead of focusing on running. Also I found it rude when I came up behind some lady on the course had her headphones on and I could hear her music over my music (granted I only had 1 headphone on) and she definately couldn't hear me coming up behind her and she was in my way!!! Same thing happened in the 5k I did in July. Now I just think and plan in my head when I am running. LOL

Hope I can get out there again soon but I know it won't be too soon. I have a half day of work tomorrow and then we leave for the Keys :cool1: for the NASCAR race this weekend in Homestead-Miami. :woohoo: Go Dale Jr and Kurt Busch!!

Good luck to all with events this weekend and also to those with LR planned. All who are sick please get better.
Christa - You would be fine with the 4 week taper. Great fitness base, yadda, yadda.

That said, I think you may go crazy. I did a shorter taper (2 weeks) for MCM and really felt better. Didn't feel stale and didn't have that nagging "I haven't really run for 4 weeks. Am I out of shape?" mental B.S. You do have a great base and I seriously doubt another LR thrown in would increase your risk of injury. I wouldn't feel compelled to do 20 miles but 14 or 16.... Depends on your motivation (and time).

Carrie - Great time on your race. I see a sub-5hr in your future.

Leana - Sorry about the curling. BTW, as DW will gladly attest, a no-post run shower for me is NOT an option at home. Don't even think about work!

Tricia - Dale Jr. and Kurt Busch? Aren't they mutually exclusive? Have fun at the race.
Well, I just read every page of this thread for the week, wow, this is a chatty group...but I LOVE it!!! There is no way, i can catch up with every person individually, but I wanted to add a few things:

To all those not feeling well--here's some pixie dust that you are feeling better soon! :wizard:

To anyone battling an injury--make sure to take care of yourself! :wizard:

To those like me that work LONG hours each day, and have lots of stuff going on---make sure to get enough rest! (Maybe I should listen to myself for a change! :rotfl2: )

To all the NEW members of the team---WELCOME!!! As the others have said, this is a GREAT group!!!!

For all you Nascar fans--What are we going to watch on Sunday afternoons after our LR's! GO DALE JR--last race in the 8 car...I am soooooooooo sad!!!!!

Everyone is doing so AWESOME with their training...we have a lot of speedy people around here these days!!! I can't wait for January, especially to meet everyone!!

Good Luck to everyone on their runs this weekend! Have an awesome Friday!
Woop de doo, I love the drop back week, I love the drop back week - there I was just settling into my Friday morning 'short' run and it was all over and time to go home - hooray. Hopefully I'll be as excited tomorrow for the 12 miles!!

I may have scared a few people on my run this morning though, I decided to run round the top of the Observatory here as I fancied doing a hill. Normally there's lots of boot camp classes up there but this morning it was deserted - so I ran three laps round the top of the hill singing (loudly) to Welcome to the Black Parade - then I noticed the workmen.........might not go up there for a week or so. Helen
Morning all. Well, my LR this weekend is on hold right now. For the past month or so, I've been experiencing ankle pain (right around the ankle bone--outside of leg), but it's been mild. And I've been telling myself it's nothing and continued to train. Well, this morning I almost couldn't walk on it--think the cold weather stiffened it up a bit. It's better now, but still a little sore. What do ya'll think? I'm worried that if I don't get my LR in this weekend and with next week being Thanksgiving that I might miss 2 in a row. Ugh!

Okay, really got to get to work--my 8 hours working at the gym has turned into 24 this week, along with babysitting and my Walgreen's gig this weekend; I'm a workin' machine!
Hi Everyone-

Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling a little better today.
Once again, it is a perfect day to run here in Atlanta. No, I am not going to run yet, but its killing me!

I took advantage of my extra time yesterday and went to purchase new Happy Feet inserts for my running shoes. My shoes are so springy now! I can't wait to run again cause I know it is going to feel great.

Dh thought it was weird that I went to the running store when I was sick. Evidently he thinks I should be resting. He does not think shopping is resting. He obviously does not understand.

I am scheduled to run 12 miles tomorrow. :) I can't wait.

Take care everyone!
Christa - You would be fine with the 4 week taper. Great fitness base, yadda, yadda.

That said, I think you may go crazy. I did a shorter taper (2 weeks) for MCM and really felt better. Didn't feel stale and didn't have that nagging "I haven't really run for 4 weeks. Am I out of shape?" mental B.S. You do have a great base and I seriously doubt another LR thrown in would increase your risk of injury. I wouldn't feel compelled to do 20 miles but 14 or 16.... Depends on your motivation (and time).

I think you may be right about me going CRAZY! I will be doing a slow 15 miles next weekend...so maybe that will help. THanks all who responded....

Cruella de mom - I understand how shopping is rest!;)

nucpharm29 - Sorry you are in pain...I think taking a week off is a good idea.:wizard:

littlegreydonkey - :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

One thing I do know, I gotta lose the headphones. I tried it a few times but went back to them. Last night they showed how easy it is for someone to run up behind and use your headphones to strangle you with. It was quite an eye opener.
Shan - WOW how scarrrrrry:scared1: ! I do not wear headphones or use my Ipod except for on the TM. It is sad that people are so mean and we have to worry about these kind of things.

Well I moved my 12 mile tempo run to tomorrow. The acid reflux has hit this morning...so no need to even try to run through it when I have Saturday to run. I may have tried it, but DD9 also woke up sick...to many things telling me not to run this morning so I am moving the run!
Good morning...

Decided yesterday that I just didn't want to mess around with the brisk winds and colder temperatures, so I took the run to the calmer and warmer environment of the fitness center treadmill. I just set the pace at 8:57 and knocked out the 5 miles. Wasn't that bad really...I'm not one to look forward to runs anywhere other than outdoors but after I settled in to that first mile I was able to kind of zone out and complete the run.

I've got a pullback 8 mile long run this weekend and then I need to look at my plan for next week as I've got to pull off a 10k on Thursday (which I'm shooting for a PR) and a 14 miler on Sunday.

Hope everyone has a great day and an awesome weekend!!

Tricia - Dale Jr. and Kurt Busch? Aren't they mutually exclusive? Have fun at the race.

Well my DH goes for Dale Jr (and how can you not go for Dale Jr - like every other person at the track is a Dale Jr fan!! LOL :lmao: ) and I was always a Rusty Wallace fan so when he left the #2 I moved on with the "new" driver as I always thought he was a great driver.

As far as what are we going to watch on Sundays until February :confused: I have no idea - its a pretty sad time!!! Guess there is always football :rolleyes1

My next report may be from the Keys if I can get an internet connection at the resort!!
Morning guys. Sorry to scare everyone about their headphones, but it was very terrifying to see.

I ran this morning w/o the headphones and I was bored outta my mind. :sad2:

Plus, I don't know what is going on with me, but again I lacked motivation and felt like a total slug. I also think my running shoes are killing my feet. I guess I'm gonna have to take them back and see if they'll do another fitting. I don't think these shoes are right for me at all.

I'm doing a 10K next Thursday and this morning was supposed to be a fairly easy run. I was gonna run 40 minutes. I ended up running for 20, had to walk 5 cause I thought my feet were gonna break, then finished the last 15 in a very slow jog. My overall pace was well into the 11:00 range. At this point, my under 10:00 goal pace for the 10K is out the window and I'm just hoping to complete it. :sad2:

Amy, I haven't started any XT yet. I start my half marathon training in mid December. Right now I'm just running a few times a week. I'm kinda scared about the pilates. I keep reading how tough a workout it is. :scared1:

Hope everyone that is under the weather feels better very soon! Good luck on any LRs out there this weekend, too! :goodvibes
OK yes, I'll confess. I didn't get up early enough to do my 30 min of XT I had scheduled. :rolleyes: I'll do it when I get home.
Hi everyone!!! Thanks for the Welcome! Wow, It will be tough keeping up w/ all you guys!!!

Quick update on me... I'm on Week 5 of the Couch to 5K. I completed Day 2 on Wednesday. I went in a little pessimistic. You want me to do what??? Run 8 min straight, walk for 5 and then run 8 more again??? Well, much to my delight, I did it!!! :woohoo: Today or tomorrow will be Day 3--Running 20 min without stopping... In one way I'm dreading in, in another I'm excited to see how much I can do before I get extremely winded and have to stop. My heart is in it, I want to run the full 20 min, but I just don't know if my mortaility will let me!

Hope all you guys have a great weekend!
Happy training!
Morning all. Well, my LR this weekend is on hold right now. For the past month or so, I've been experiencing ankle pain (right around the ankle bone--outside of leg), but it's been mild. And I've been telling myself it's nothing and continued to train. Well, this morning I almost couldn't walk on it--think the cold weather stiffened it up a bit. It's better now, but still a little sore. What do ya'll think? I'm worried that if I don't get my LR in this weekend and with next week being Thanksgiving that I might miss 2 in a row. Ugh!

I have the same problem. It's caused by your shoe rubbing against the bottom the ankle bone. I have to wear shoes that are low cut in that area. Did you just get new shoes recently? Are you walking/running on roads that are slanted, that puts extra pressure on the shoe rubbing the ankle bone.

I ran and walked for a long time and I just developed this problem when I was training for the marathon last year. I haven't been able to wear a shoe that wasn't low cut since.

Hope you get your solution figured out soon.

Obi-Wan Panda:hippie:
I ran this morning w/o the headphones and I was bored outta my mind. :sad2:

Shan - So sorry to hear you were bored! I run everything without music and you definitely get used to it (and I used to be staunch about listening to tunes). I think about my races coming up, or about what races I want to do later, other stuff that is going on, or I'll get a tune in my head. I always try to run somewhere with nice scenery to look at. Also - I don't know if you can find other people to run with, because chatting with others definitely helps!

Stephanie - :wizard: PD for your ankle. If it is hurting you, I would definitely say to give it a rest. You don't want it to get worse and have it impact your race at Disney. If the bone is hurting you don't want to run the risk of a stress fracture.
Hi, everyone! Just a quick catch-up post to say

To all our new teammates -- :welcome:
To everyone nursing aches and pains or illness -- sending you goodvibes :goodvibes and pixie dust pixiedust:

I am hoping to get in 16 miles this weekend, though it might not all happen in one session. I may have time for 12 tonight before the gym closes, then I'd LOVE a cold weather wog in the morning and may trek to panera for a bagel with cream cheese for DS14.

Since so many of you have been so diligent about doing your crunches, I started again last night and will hope to keep the streak going all the way up to marathon weekend.

I am finally relenting and will see my favorite doctor Tuesday night (he is the one in my family practice who specializes in sports medicine) about my back. It is much better than it was on 9/28 when I could barely move, but is still painful after 4 1/2 weeks of physical therapy. It doesn't hurt when I wog, necessarily, but hurts terribly when I sit, stretch or take a deep breath, lending credence to the original doctor's theory that there is still rib misalignment. The PT says the middle trapezoid muscle is constantly knotted and protruding, too. UGH! I really dont' have time to deal with this, but I figure now is better than closer to Christmas and the marathon. So, thank you for the good WISHes!
This recipe was sent to me. May have to try it out.


6-7 lb. Chicken
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good)
1 cup uncooked popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHERS LOW FAT) Salt/pepper to
taste ____ Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush chicken well with melted
butter, salt, and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place
in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven. Listen for
the popping sounds.

When the chicken's butt blows the oven door open and the chicken flies
across the room, it is done.

And, you thought I couldn't cook.

;) :lmao:
This recipe was sent to me. May have to try it out.


6-7 lb. Chicken
1 cup melted butter
1 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good)
1 cup uncooked popcorn (ORVILLE REDENBACHERS LOW FAT) Salt/pepper to
taste ____ Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush chicken well with melted
butter, salt, and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place
in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven. Listen for
the popping sounds.

When the chicken's butt blows the oven door open and the chicken flies
across the room, it is done.

And, you thought I couldn't cook.

I didn't know you were from Kentucky. Another classic is to to open a beer, put the can in the place where the stuffing goes and put it on the BarBQ, can down. As the chicken cooks the beer bubbles up and is absorbed by the chicken.

Please everyone post your miles for today, saturday and Sunday on the 1000 mile WISH challange thread.

Hungry Panda:hippie:
Hi everyone! :wave:

nepatsfan Bill: you crack me up! Pop up timer! :rotfl:

Vic: anyone can cook. It's just what it looks like or tastes like when it's finished that is in question.

Cam: :wizard: for that back! Don't let it go any longer. We miss you on the boards.

Stacie: congrats on being on week 5! You can do this.

lenshanem: sorry to hear about your foot pain! I hope you can get it taken care of.

Cecilia: glad you're feeling better but don't push it. Don't start up until your body is ready. And do as I say not as I do. I never follow my own advice!

Stephanie: sorry to hear about your foot pain! Did WWDave's suggestion help?

WWDave: love the idea of a challenge. I'll be good and only post what I do instead of what I planned. Can I estimate if I run time rather than distance?

30 min run tonight (~3 miles for estimate sake) and 3 1/2 hours on Sunday (roughly 18 miles). Hope everyone is doing well. pixiedust: for those not feeling well. And GOOD LUCK to all those racing this weekend!!!
What a cold and blustery day!!! Brrrr....guess the winter temps are finally settling in up here in NJ :).

I'm feeling much better today so I headed out to teach my morning Pilates class! Afterwards I hopped on the old dreadmill for a nice 5 Miler. I didn't push too hard but tried to finish mile 5 as fast as my legs would go....getting a little speedwork in there ;). I'm running an 8K next Thursday...and hope to PR. My speed isn't what it used to be....but I should be able to beat it if the stars align ;). My friend was teaching a mat class so I jumped in there and did a nice hour of pilates and stretching. Ahhhh...it's so awesome when I can just take a class. It also hurts more for some reason? :confused3

Scott: Ahhhh...we've all been sent to the dreadmills this week. Sounds like you had a solid run though buddy :).

Stacie: Hey there girl :wave:! You are doing so awesome in that C25K program. I can't wait to cheer for you at the 5K (assuming that I can drag my lazy butt out of bed that morning). :goodvibes

Shan: Ohhhh...Pilates isn't that bad. I promise! :angel: What 10K are you running on Thanksgiving???

Cam: :hug: Sorry about your back! Good for you...see that doc!

Stephanie: Bummer about the ankle pain. I'm not a doc...but here's a thought. That area could be related to the anterior tibialis. It might be a case of tendonitis...which is remedied with ice and anti-inflam. I was able to get mine under control pretty quickly. I'd suggest a visit to the ortho or sports med doc to see what they think. Just keep that in mind. I had a lot of stiffness in the ankle too...mine was on the inside though. But there are tendons that run up from the foot to the ankle on both sides...and either can flare up with runnning. Do you notice if it is worse on hills or walking stairs? That's a big sign for that one. :goodvibes Good luck...let us know how you are doing.

Are there a lot of people running on Turkey Day? It's the best day to run b/c then you can go home and chow down!!! LOVE it! :thumbsup2

This is a pull back week for me so I'm backing down to 4 on Saturday and 8 on Sunday. Ahhhhhh......:love: . My legs will love me!

Have a great weekend. Happy training :sunny:


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