Wk of Nov 12--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Big Vic Vic FL
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
disneyfanz04 Michelle NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hbardeleben Heather IL
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nstauffer Nikki MI
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
outonarun Teri CA
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Princess Nancy Nancy SC
Pungodingy Angie NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
Rockclimber Dave NC
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
SoCalSnail Jim CA
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
Good LR today! My goal was 7 miles in 90 minutes. I managed 7 miles in 1:28:34 for a 12:39 pace! I'm still not entirely confident that Garmin's not messing with me...the distance seemed a little bit off, but at least it didn't have me going 30mph again this week! I printed out a pace guide from the Runner's World website and I'm right on track for a 2:45 finish!

Cam and Howard... :grouphug: thinking of you and your family this weekend.

Mike... :wizard: for your wife. What an awful phone call...I would've been a mess!

Dave...thinking of you too! Can't wait to hear how things went!

Krista...we got our Road IDs. Jeff was so impressed with yours, he wanted Kaley and me to get them, just in case.

Oops...need to put the wild todd to bed.
chimera said:
but at least it didn't have me going 30mph again this week!

Oops...need to put the wild todd to bed.

Now that's funny - 30 mph?! :rotfl2:

Great pace today, by the way!

I am going to borrow from you - time for me to put Wild Zachary to bed!
-> :yay: is my zack on my bed right now!

I wonder how Jen is doing on her date night???
And Dave on surprising his DW???
GRRR!! After all that typing, the computer made it all go away!! :badpc:

Ok, cliffs notes version...

Mike - here's hoping for a speedy recovery for your wife.

Dave - other people mentioned this, and I will probably post this on the pacing thread too. 4:30 is pretty ambitious with a 1/2 of 2:14. I think that 4:45-5:00 is more reasonable. You want time to take pictures, and the crowds will slow you down over the first few miles. I know that I fade something fierce when the miles begin to add up. I swear that mile 24 is 5 times longer than mile 1.

Did my longest back-to-back runs of the season this weekend. Did 9 on Friday and 20 (scheduled 19, but something happened on the way to 19) Saturday

Friday 9 miles (Garmin 9.05, 1:34:32, 10:27 ave)
mile 1 10:30
mile 2 9:40
mile 3 9:58
mile 4 10:06
mile 5 10:34
mile 6 11:26 (gu)
mile 7 10:41
mile 8 10:26
mile 9 10:36
final .05 0:31 (9:53 pace)

Saturday was supposed to be 19. I started on a bike path at 8 north, so I would have to run to 1.5 south to get to 9.5 out, or 19 round trip. I missed the 1.5 south sign somehow. I got to 1.75 south, and figured there was not much difference between 19.5 and 20. My garmin told me I was too far, but I figured it was just the little overage that Garmin always gives. So I did 20! :banana: The wall tried to beat me, and it did a decent number, but I finished and I can still walk. So the score is Paul 1, Wall 0. I will fully admit that I faded bigtime as my splits will show. But remember I did 9 less than 24 hours before (kinda like Goofy).

Saturday (scheduled 19, did 20) Garmin 20.12 3:50:57 11:29 ave
mile 1 9:47
mile 2 10:21
mile 3 10:42
mile 4 10:56
mile 5 11:37 (stretch break, tight calves after friday's run)
mile 6 11:16 (gu)
mile 7 10:48
mile 8 10:44
mile 9 10:55
mile 10 10:16
mile 11 11:45 (gu)
mile 12 10:43
mile 13 10:42
mile 14 11:51 (call wife, tell her 1/2 split of 2:25 (I think))
mile 15 11:05
mile 16 14:08 (gu, wall - 25 miles in 24 hours, lots of walk breaks this mile)
mile 17 11:30
Split for 17.15 3:10 (I think)...cumulative marathon split 4:45 if you include Friday's run
mile 18 12:57
mile 19 13:17
mile 20 14:08
final 0.12 1:24 (11:42 pace)

As you can tell, I slowed way down after mile 15. I started to do walk breaks every 1/2 mile, then every 1/4 mile, then walk a 1/4 run a 1/4. But I finished today's 20. I think I am ready for Goofy now. I am scheduled for 3 more 20's between now and Goofy. I think I will do at least 2...one 22 and one 24 to push that wall back even further.

Happy training everybody.

Hey all... longest distance to date of 8 Miles. I was so proud of myself. We were dumped with snow on Friday and the temps turned really cold overnight, so everything iced up. I didn't want to risk the slippery roads (or way cold for me temps), so I went to the Y and ran the indoor track. 96 laps for 8 miles. That was boring. My MP3 player died at mile 5. But I was so proud of myself for doing and finishing. I was a trooper and my confidence grew!

I did my R5/W1 most of the time:
Mile 1 12.00
Mile 2 11.53
Mile 3 12.27
Mile 4 17.15 (Sports Beans, water and potty break which took longer than expected)
Mile 5 12.54
Mile 6 13.15 (water again)
Mile 7 12.58
Mile 8 12.44

I was slower than normal, but I didn't know what to expect with the distance. The run felt easy for me, just long and boring. I never thought I would say an 8 mile run was easy, but I guess I was lucky because it was a flat run. If I take out the 5 minute break at mile 4, I ran about 12.5 minute mile.

Mike - Prayers that your wife heals quickly.

Mel and Paul - great runs!!!!!

Oh and DH and I did go out to dinner tonight and chit chatted for a bit. Then we rented a movie and ate some popcorn. It is great to be kidless, but I am now missing them since I barely saw them all day. I went for my run and DH took them to his parents house. Then they came home, ate lunch and took a nap. Then we packed them up for the other grandma's. Oh well, I get them back tomorrow!!!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Whooo, my legs are tired today. I'm still walking, but have a little stiffness. I think I have a date with the ice bath today.

Colleen and Paul- Thanks for the advice about the estimated marathon finish time. I'm happy with just finishing the thing, but I would be thrilled if I finished under 5 hours. Paul, I'd love to have an experienced partner, and I like your idea of a whole 5 hour WISH team group. I just hope I don't slow you all down too much. Although you mentioned breaks for photops, which is what I wanted to do too. I think my next long run I may try a 5R/1W interval instead of the 9R/1W I've been doing, and see if that helps me feel stronger towards the end. I think I'm going out too fast in the beginning, and I'd like to have something left in the tank at the end.

Date Night Report: OK, I know what everyone wants to really hear about in this post. To summarize - DW's in! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :thumbsup2 She's very excited about it, and I've got my scream team lined up now. She said her only concern is the money it costs for the trip. I then showed her my spread sheet, that says I've already saved or paid for everything but the last ~$250. Her response was, we can save that, and she got a smile on her face and said, "I'm so excited we're going to DisneyWorld!"

OK, here's the long report. The date night didn't go quite as I had planned, but I'm trying to be better about going with the flow. DW has been feeling sick lately - fighting off a nasty cough for weeks. On Friday, she says she would really rather just relax and go to a movie than have a big fancy dinner in a restaurant. I said, "I had something planned, and wanted to talk to her about something over dinner." Now, DW really, really doesn't like surprises. So at that point she says, "Oh, you have to tell me what it is." I say no, and she says if she guess it will I tell her if that's it. I say sure. She says, "You want to run a marathon." I say yes. She then says, "You want to run a marathon at Disney." I say yes. Her next response is "How can we go for free?" I say I have a plan, but I don't want to talk about it when the kids are up. She then comes over, gives me a kiss and says "I think it would be great for you to run a marathon. I just worry about the money." My response is, "I know that's what you worry about, that's why I have a plan." She goes off to her Friday night book group, and we will talk about it more on Saturday during our date.

Saturday rolls around. I get up and run 16 miles in the morning. I get home around 10:00am, the princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, are up. I ask them where mom is, and they say she is sick in bed. Uh, oh... DW is upstairs in bed saying she feels really exhausted. I say get some rest so we can go out on our date night. I hang out with the princesses, take a shower, etc. In early afternoon DW says, "I think you should call the babysitter and cancel." I agree, no sense going out if she's not feeling well or can't enjoy it.

Once, the kids go to bed, I reveal the rest of my plan. I give her a card telling her how lucky I am to have her and thanking her for all the support she gives me - especially the support she's given me with my running this past year; in particular watching the princesses, princess: princess:, during the cold, rainy Niagara Fallsview 1/2 Marathon. In the card is a gift certificate for a pair of CROCS that she's been wanting to get. Her response is, "Oooooh, I can wear these in Florida." (Yup, she got it right on the nose.) I then give her the spreadsheet that shows the details of my budget for the trip, what's paid for, how much I've saved, and what's not paid for. DW really appreciated seeing the figures, knowing the trip's paid for, and that relieved her anxiety about the money.

I then presented her with another wrapped present. She opened that present, and a Mickey Mouse helium balloon was on top. She laughed. Under the balloon were two boxes of "Pirates of the Carribean" candy - gold foil wrapped chocolate coins, and chocolate cannonballs. Under another layer of tissue paper were the park maps, luggage tag, Wilderness Lodge Villas reservation sheet and postcard, and the topper a menu from 1900 Park Fare with a picture of Mary Poppins (DW's favorite character) autographed "Dana, see you soon." (Thank you Anne, Judy, and Cam for all your help with sending things.) At the bottom of the box were the matching Mickey Mouse Waikiki dress for DW and shirt for me that we can wear at Disney. DW liked the present, but really didn't need convincing at that point. She was already sold on the idea of going.

So, she's in. Has already told me, "OK, so you need to go run now." We're all set.
Dave - CONGRATULATIONS!!! After all your worrying, it seems she's known all along! I'm getting ready for church and heading out to run a 5K afterward, and just had to run down and check the boards to see how last night went. I must admit, I'm teary eyed cause I'm so happy for you!

I am NOT happy about my 5K - it's cold and pouring down rain right now - I've never run in the rain, but have made up my mind that I'm going to do this no matter what. We'll see in about 6 hours if I can stick to that commitment or not!


Dave, I am so happy for you and your family!

Whew! Now your team is there for you at home to give the support you need these next long run weekends.
MouseDogMom said:
Dave - CONGRATULATIONS!!! I must admit, I'm teary eyed cause I'm so happy for you!

Ditto! Oh, Dave, so happy for you! You have a great wife there! :cloud9: I think it is great that you know her so well that you would put the effort into settling her concerns beforehand.

Actually, we are all so very lucky to have great spouses supporting us through this adventure! My DH has been SO great encouraging me and pulling up the slack at the homefront when needed. :love:

Another week, another race report! This week was the 4.5 Mile Mid Bay Bridge run, which actually ended up being 4.4 according to Garmin. That was fine with me, as it made it the same length as a race I did wayyyy back in May, which was basically the first race since I had begun seriously running again. That finish time was 42:24 for a comparison.

Course was flat and fast, almost. Near the middle of the bridge there is a somewhat steep incline so they can make it high enough for the boats to get under, and then a somewhat steep decline on the other side obviously. The two mile water stop and mile marker were close to the top but still on the uphill, so it was rough trying to choke down some water while breathing so hard. They also had us running basically on the left shoulder, and although cops were leading the traffic very slowly, it made passing difficult at times since there was only room for about 3 people to run next to each other, and sometimes you'd have groups of 3 people stop to walk or carrying on a conversation creating bottlenecks.

DW had quite a struggle, as her hip problem apparently became quite painful and she had to stop to stretch it three separate times, said it was largely the downhill that aggravated it. She's still trying to get an apmt on base to see if the doc has any potential fixes. It basically "pops" every step, I think a tendon moving past a muscle or something of the sort, and eventually I think the rubbing is what gives her the pain.

For me it went quite well. PRs are about 8mpm for a 5k and 8:25mpm for a 10k, so I figured I'd shoot for abut 8:12mpm, and that's basically what happened!

Miles: 8:01, 8:35 (uphill), 8:11 (downhill), 8:18, 3:05 (.4 mile 7:30pace)
Total time: 36:10! 8:11mpm :cheer2:

So the last six months have seen me drop six minutes off my time at that distance, very rewarding feeling. Next week I was scheduled for a 12 LR, so I'm just going to take it very easy if at all possible and run a local half marathon, I figure that way I don't have to invent my own water stops along the way. :) Although my longest run since DL has been 8, so I'm sure it'll feel pretty gross during those last few miles. Gotta get that LR extended out though over the next few weeks if I'm going to get to 20 before taper.

Regarding pacing, based on my crash and burn last three miles DL half of 2:06ish, I'm hoping (and based on the x2 +10 calcuation) to break 4:22 at DW for the full. That's exactly 10mpm, so it'll be real easy to see the splits and know where I'm at, and when my garmin beeps the half miles know if it's 5:00 min I'm on pace. Sounds like we've got some under 4 hour and under 4:45 goal people, seems I'm stuck in between!

Big Vic : I noticed you're in Niceville, I'm running the Timberlake half marathon next Saturday that's held out there on Ranger Camp Road (basically one looooooong out and back north of Eglin), there's also a 5k that my wife is thinking of running twice as her LR (she's prepping for the half like yourself) if you're interested!
Good morning everyone. :sunny:

Mike - scary news about your DW. I'll pray she heals quickly.

I had a rough week: a funeral (friend's mom) and a nasty sinus infection that has now spread to my chest. Monday was the only day I could train. I missed two 5 mi SWs and a 9 mi LW. :guilty:

Here's hoping the new week is more productive. My congestion is still lingering, though, so I don't have grand expectations.

Have a great week everyone! Cheers! :wave:
Dave - that is AWESOME news. So glad your wife is on your side. Did you see that they are coming out with a Disney line of Crocs???


Right now the kids are out, but I am pretty sure I saw somewhere that they are also coming out with adult sizes. Too Cool!!!

I thought I would feel more stiff today after my long run, but I feel pretty good. Yesterday I took my first cold water bath and although it was COLD, I think it helped!!!

Have a great day all. Good Luck to anyone running a race!
goingthedistance said:
GRRR!! After all that typing, the computer made it all go away!! :badpc:

Paul: We just released a new version of Firefox that includes a feature that constantly keeps track of your surfing so that if your computer crashes, reboots or something else bad happens it will bring you back to where you were, including the content of web pages, i.e. forum posts, e-mail, etc.

I'm biased of course, as I work for Mozilla (which is why I haven't been around much and my training log is waaaaay out of date). However, I don't feel so bad for this "commercial" as we're a non-profit, public benefit organization working to make the web better for everyone. Hope it helps, and please do let me know if it doesn't. We were all tired of losing work to forced reboots and system lockups. :)

Firefox is free and open source and you can get it by searching Google for "Firefox 2 Official". Be sure to click on the link that leads to "Mozilla - Home of the Firefox web browser..."
(Sorry, the forum software isn't letting me post a link.)

Great run! I'm still working my way up, today will be my longest run yet, and I'm aiming at 9 miles.
Dave - great story! :goodvibes

Jen - sounds like a really nice date night!

Kelley - take care of yourself. :wizard:

Matt - awesome job! And some :wizard: for your DW!

Paul - WOW! Fabulous job on your back to back runs!

Christa - hope things with work are slowing down for you. :wizard:

I am scheduled for 48 mins. w3/r1 today. We have such a busy day, not too sure if I can fit it in. Chad slept at work last night after he got done at 11pm, and he started working again at 5:30am today. I am leaving shortly to take Zack to Chad's company Christmas party in Boston at 1pm. So, by the time I get back from Boston, help my Mom change her flight for the marathon (she is REALLY bad on the computer!), and get my butt in gear putting listings on eBay (need money for marathon trip), I doubt there will be almost an hour free for me to workout. Esp. since I should be in bed around 8.

So, all those things are going to come before getting my steps in today, unfortunately. :sad2:
YAY Dave! :cool1:

I have logged on three times this weekend just looking for your "reveal". :teeth: Oh I'm sooo happy! YAY! :banana:

OK back for my regularly scheduled post first thing tomorrow morning. :goodvibes
Good Aftenoon Everyone-

Just thought I would share this with you. As you know my coaches suggest ice baths immediately after our long runs to speed recovery. This week they also suggested an epsom salt bath later in the day. They claim that it helps remove the lactic acid build up.

Well, I was pretty sore after my 18 mile run. I did the ice bath thing. It isn't pleasant at all but it does help. But once the ice bath wore off my legs continued to ache. Nothing in particular hurt, but everything from the hip down was miserable. Even sitting was miserable (although I was watching my beloved Auburn Tigers GIVE Georgia a win so I might have been miserable regardless.)

Anyway, I tried the Epsom salt bath and I was amazed. It really really helped with that achey feeling. I was even able to walk up and down the stairs without pain. It was like magic. In minutes my legs went from miserable to feeling like I had had two days of rest. And I feel so good today, that I might actually go for a quick 4 or 5 mile run. Sundays are optional and I usually opt out since I am still sore from my LR on Saturday.

Dave - Congrats on a successful presentation! I am happy for you all.

Mean ol' Cruella is not taking her kids to Disney.....

Happy trails everyone!
Good afternoon everyone, and thanks for the warm welcomes! :)

8 miles scheduled today, and 8 miles completed. Averaged a 11:33 pace. So, we're getting there. I'd like to drop my average a little more before January. However, my primary goal is to run and finish the race. Being slow is ok, for now.

Hey Matt. Good job on the race, and thanks for the invite. Some of my coworkers from the sheriff's office are running that one. I hadn't planned on it, but I may have to rethink my plans.

Dave - very cool!
Dave - :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Such good news!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!

Dave and Paul : I love the WISH team 5 hour group! I'm in!!!!

Our adventure race went great this weekend. I'll post a report and pics when i get caught up on sleep. They still haven't put pics up from the last race.
Hi Team!! I just got back from my 8 mile run. I normally do my long run's on Saturday, but yesterday was cold and rainy and I honestly just didn't feel like running. I knew the Steelers played at 4:15 today, so that helped with my decision too. :teeth: Also, Hines had his "special" surgery on Friday and I didn't want to leave him alone if I didn't have to. He has been a much better patient that I thought he would be, he really doesn't mess with his stitches, but I have to remind him to not play so rough. Right now he's laying next to me on the couch (bad Mom lets him on the couch!!) and we're waiting for Stephen to get home after his 17 miles so we can all watch the Steelers. Anyway, back to my run. The 8 miles was okay, not great, but not bad either, my taper back weeks are always so-so, I think because I'm not very excited about the distance because I have already covered the distance before. I wasn't really paying attention to my splits, so I didn't really know how quickly I was completing the miles. Imagine my surprise when I saw that my time was 1:25--a 10:41 pace!!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I normally keep my long runs in the 11:00-11:30 minute mile range, so to run almost a minute faster per mile on a so-so run made me very :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:

About the 5 hour pace group--that's right on pace for me right now, of course we all know that marathon day can be very different from training. I'd love to hook up with some of you guys.

Mike--Thank God that your wife is okay!!! How scared you must have been. :wizard: :wizard: for a quick and full recovery. Happy belated birthday!!!

Dave--Yay!! I am so happy for you! Your wife sounds great and you are very sweet.

Mel--I'm glad you got your Road Id's, although I hope we don't have to use them!!! I hope Hines Ward has a big game for you today. (and for me too!!)


Cecilia--Thanks for the epsom salt tip, I definitely going to use that after my 16,18, and 20 milers. I stretch before and after my runs, take ice baths, and I'm still a little sore Saturday night and usually Sunday.

Kelley--I hope are you feeling better soon! Don't worry about getting miles in when you are sick, just concentrate on getting better. :wizard:

Mel--I can't wait to hear about your adventure race. I don't know how you do it.

Well, it's time for kick-off, I'm sure I'll be back to vent about how awful the Steelers are this season!! :rolleyes:
First of all---Yea Dave!!!!! :cool1: I am so glad you finally got to tell her & that she is so supportive! I'm sure your little princesses will be thrilled too :yay:

My LR was a taper back to 6 miles today. 14:25 pace. I need some new music, I was getting very bored. :sad2:

Krista-WTG! and :wizard: for Hines!


Kristi-congrats on winning the meet & greet with the Goo Goo Dolls again. I'm glad you get a "do-over" since you werent feeling yourself last time.

Cam-I have been thinking about you & your family. :grouphug: I hope you have been able to get through this weekend & find some comfort in knowing he is in a better place now.

Matt-great job on your race :thumbsup2 I hope DW gets her hip problems solved soon. What bridge is that, the one in P'cola ? DH dad lives near that bridge.

Jen-great job getting the miles in! :banana: Especially in the forms of 5 million laps. (well not really but I'm sure it felt like it)


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