Wk of Nov 12--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Way to go Matt!

:cheer2: :cheer2: Matt - Great Job! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Now we know the advantage to a boring course is that there is nothing else to do but run fast and get it over with! Be sure to take time to recover and treat yourself to a great meal tonight.

I did my 12 mile long run today. I will be honest and admit that I was not "up" for this run at all. I figured I have done 12 a few times now so no big deal. Well, thats what I get for being over confident. It was much harder than I had prepeared for and I did not have the mental edge that I should have had. I finished in 2:15.

But now the hardest week of my training begins. The hardest mentally that is. This week we go to my inlaws house in Northern Arkansas. The roads are narrow winding mountain roads and are pretty unsafe for running so I am going to try to do 18 miles on a treadmill. In a house full of upto 17 people. However, to my inlaws credit, they did borrow a treadmill for me to use.

Take care everyone & happy trails
Well I tried to get my 12 in again today--but didn't happen. DH and I helped out on a service project for a local school this am, so I got on the dreaded TM and tried for 12. But after 7.5 DS woke up from a nap, so back to mommy land for me! OH well, 7.5 is better than nothing. I won't even post my time--nothing to write home about!

Matt---WOW! Congrats! :cheer2:

Cruella--Where in AR are you going to be??? Probably too far to meet for the LR,huh?
I promise to come back and catch up later but for now a drive by. I ran my 22 miles this AM, and did pretty darn good if I do say so myself!! The hardest part was the last 2-3 miles. For some reason my tummy really started cramping up, and it felt like I was pulling a car behind me, but I finished. Finished in 3:49:45 to be exact, that averages out to a 10:26 mile. The worst part was that I couldn't seem to warm up after my run, my stomach was still hurting, and I was starting to get nauseaus (sp?) and lightheaded. Thankfully, my DH was a Godsend. He got my ice bath ready for me, got me clean dry warm clothes, and let me curl up in a blanket on the couch with the boys. I still don't feel good, but I think I have come down with a mild case of food poisoning from when DH and I went to dinner last night. Which would explain why those last two miles were freakin' miserable.

I promise I will check back in later.

Matt - A big congrats to you for your sub 2! :cool1: Are you going to take it to WDW to see if it moves you up to a higher corral?

Wendy - Oh I was going to run that. But due to $$ and having a show that morning, I couldn't :sad2: We could have met! Ron may be there though. He was talking about running it, but not sure if he is or not.

Dana - Congrats on the 22! Are you doing something b/4 WDW? Just wondering why you are already att 22. So sorry your not feeling well. Sounds like you have a wonderful DH!

OK..I am going to try my 20 again next week. Does anyone want to come to Charlotte and run with me? :rotfl:
nucpharm29 said:
Cruella--Where in AR are you going to be??? Probably too far to meet for the LR,huh?

I will be up at Bull Shoals lake - on a mountain overlooking the lake actually. The closest "town" is Diamond City. It probably is too far to meet for a long run. If I remember correctly Little Rock is hours away.


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