Wk of Nov 12--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

MelRhoads said:
Speaking of sports nutrition: Heree is a link to a great bit of news, but it is something that the EQ Christa told us long ago:

Chocolate milk good sports drink!!

I can live with that! :teeth:

Oh, BTW, I really find Tab Energy Drink to be very effective before LRs and races, but alas have decided NOT to use them as frequently, since my recent arrhythmia episodes. I've also stopped using caffeine which I was always greatful to get a boost from. bummer! Now, chocolate milk? I could really embrace that theory! :goodvibes
Hi everyone! I'm going to be participating in a Half marathon, Full marathon in 7 weeks with a great group!
:banana: :banana:

Vic, PD to you that the ankle is quick to get better. Take it easy as you don’t want to do further damage. Since you’re searching for that “perfect” neutral shoe…I love my Mizuno Wave Creations. They are just a bit wider than most to give my foot a little room to swell on the longer treks, although not really sold as a wide shoe. They also offer the cushion I need along with my little bit thicker running sock. I don’t particularly like the Thorlo brand running sock, but they are cushioned and I will use them when my others are in the wash.

Sunny, that Treadmill Nirvana was great to re-read. I think back at where I was when you first posted that and I know there was no way I was in any zone other than the massive struggle to keep from getting swept under the belt as it goes round zone. That first experience was tough. Now, it is tough but manageable if that makes any sense to anyone. I have come a long way in more ways that I would have imagined!

Who’s talking of grumbellies? That is me too. I’ve given in and started adding some things like oranges, apples and bananas to my consumption. I read this sentence and think how lovely and healthy she is. Nope, I stood in line with Ted the other evening at the coffee shop picking out some wonderful and decadent bakery at Starbucks to enjoy as we stole a few moments together. And, the sales person at the counter now knows I could “afford” this delicious treat because I am putting in 8 miles on Saturday and 16 miles on Sunday in my training for the January half and full marathons!

Judy, you are my hero that you can get up so early to put in those TM steps! I did not make those steps before I went to sleep last night. Sleep won. I cannot ever seem to get up early enough before work to put in steps; I can manage the Pilates some days, just not the steps.

Teri, thanks for sending the WISH for sunshine our way. Even if there is no sunshine, I look for no rain this weekend. I want these LRs to be on the trail.

Pat and Cam, you are setting up your Minnie trips already? I have Minnie envy!

MelR, you can’t have guilt. You did a major adventure event! Really though, your body needs that rest. You are so well trained that you will be on the mark as soon as you get going.

Amy, sorry about the blister thing. I’d say revisit doc too.

Stephanie, sorry you have not been able to get out on your runs. Glad thought that at least you can TM them.

Whee, 7 more weeks and we’ll be there!
Vic-- I'm so sorrry to hear of your injury. I hope it heals quickly. :wizard:

Jen-- I'm so sorry your back is hurting. Here's to a speedy resolve on that :wizard:

MelR-- you are so physically fit that I'm sure you'll pick up your running agian without a problem.

I'm not training that hard this year so I really can't use the training as my excuse to want to eat all the time. But I do remember last year I couldn't get enough donuts. I rewrote the ad "I run for my skinny jeans" to "I run for donuts" :rotfl2: I seriously at 3-4 every weekend. The funny thing is; after the marathon, I lost my taste for donuts. Too bad I didn't lose my taste for ice cream, chocolate, cookies.......

My advice would be to add small protein containing snacks throughout the day to help avoid going face first into the junk food. (Ya, I can talk the talk :lmao: )

Cam-- I've tried the choc milk made with skim milk and sf choc syrup and its great. But my tried and true pre-run and post-run drink is slim fast. On a long run (16+) I'll drink two before the run and one right after stretching. And I never get sick of them! I often get digestive issues on LRs so I avoid anything solid pre-run.

Clif Shot Blocks :Pinkbounc Yippee :Pinkbounc something new to try for training. This time around there aren't so many fun new things to try and discover.

Krista-- great lyrics. I just downloaded Mountain by Lonestar after Cam's post yesterday, looks like I've got to get that one, too!

Cam-- I listened to Mountain while doing the arc trainer today. When it got to the part about the soldier training through pain for the marathon it made me cry! I so needed that kind of imagery.

Judy-- I would keep a log of your eating and make sure your eating frequently enough and again, making sure you have adequate protein with each meal. Even if you have a piece of fruit, eat a slice of FF american cheese (30 cal, 5g prot) along with it. Runners get so caught up on carbs, but protein is what keeps the furnace burning.

I did 60 min arc trainer at high intensity today, so that counts as 5 miles! I did some weights but after last Sunday's mega pain rebound, I was super careful. TOmorrow Paul and I will do 10 and Sunday I will do 18.

Only 4 more weeks of intense training people! Don't lose hope, we can do it!

Tiger Lily 03 said:
Sunny, that Treadmill Nirvana was great to re-read. I think back at where I was when you first posted that and I know there was no way I was in any zone other than the massive struggle to keep from getting swept under the belt as it goes round zone. That first experience was tough. Now, it is tough but manageable if that makes any sense to anyone. I have come a long way in more ways that I would have imagined!

Who’s talking of grumbellies? That is me too. I’ve given in and started adding some things like oranges, apples and bananas to my consumption. I read this sentence and think how lovely and healthy she is. Nope, I stood in line with Ted the other evening at the coffee shop picking out some wonderful and decadent bakery at Starbucks to enjoy as we stole a few moments together. And, the sales person at the counter now knows I could “afford” this delicious treat because I am putting in 8 miles on Saturday and 16 miles on Sunday in my training for the January half and full marathons!

Lily you have come along way for sure! You are truly amazing. You're one of the very few who did Goofy last year and braving it again this year :cheer2: ANd your attitude about putting in the steps and going at one's own speed have always been a huge inspiration to our team. And thank you for mentioning my TM N. I repost it because I think there is a significant bonus to looking forward to the zoning out aspect of the TM that isn't possible on the road. But I really don't know if I could ever do another 22 on one. How about you?

I think part of the lure of LDR is the "justifiable" decadent treats (in reason)! There's nothing greater than knowing you deserve that triple threat chocolate cake :teeth: :woohoo: That's something I never experienced before running.

Speaking of oranges. Last year I did WW points system and I declared oranges "free" during Nov/Dec. I ate 3-5 per day! Of course if you are doing Core, they're free anyway.

OK, I seem to be rambling at this point. Maybe my blood sugar is too low. Haven't eaten lunch yet. popcorn::

I'm suffering from the blahs today. I don't have any partular reason that I can think of, 'cept one...and that's the d@mn trial....so to make me feel better an so you all see her sweet, sweet face...here's my girl Mist....


This is one of the pictures I took last Sunday to send to the judge. I hope it helped. :wizard:
Judy--Mist a beautiful girl!!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for the trial. If that "lady" gets her back :furious: :furious: :furious: ......

Jen--I probably could use some more protein in my diet, I do get protein for dinner as I usually have chicken, but not much throughout the day. I need to get back in the habit of eating peanut butter and banana sandwiches like I used to for lunch and stop eating Healthy Choice. They are quick, but really not that great for you.

Sunny--Thanks for the tip of Slim Fast. I remembered you said that last year and I drank them after my long runs, it's a great recovery drink. I wonder if I drank them during the day as a snack if that would curb some of the hunger pains. What other protein snacks do you eat? I was thinking of nuts, but I can't think of anything else.

Carrie and Dave--Are we ready for tomorrow???? :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Okay, I have to share this with everyone as I got a huge kick out of it. I was talking to one of the guys at my work who runs. I made the comment to him that I had 16 miles tomorrow (had to get that in ;) ) and he asked how long it would take me. I told him probably a little over 3 hours because it took me 2:38 to run 14 miles. He said, "wow you are fast" and then he thought about it for a little bit and said "That's what a 5 hour marathon? Wow, you are fast" Me? Fast? Bless him!! :teeth:
Jen117 said:
I am working on a presentation that I have to give and I was wondering if I should just randomly slip it in there to see if anyone notices. Hmmmmm...

Go for it, right after the DL half I had a presentation to our customers and one of my status slides had a picture of me crossing the finish line and one with the medal. I figured that since that was most of what I did that month I should put it in.

WARNING! Off-topic WHINE ahead....

I have not slept in 34 hours. I am having a very long day.... and I'm mighty cranky. :rolleyes1

I was unable to get my run in yesterday-- work sort of interfered and we didn't get done until after 10pm, so I was forced to bag it. I did do a lot of running around, though, so that should count for something. :teeth:

I had trouble sleeping last night for some inexplicable reason, so when 3:30am rolled around and I had to get up to take my roomate/boss to the airport, I hadn't slept a wink. But that was only the start of the fun!! You know how they always say to check your flights before leaving for the airport?? Well, good thing I did at 3:30am, since his first flight (of 3-- its tough to get to Pensacola) was cancelled and they had booked him on flights that would not get him in until very late and which had a 22 minute connection in Atlanta. :sad2: OK, SO the next twenty minutes is spent tossing out options to my boss whilst emphatically telling him that NO, he does NOT want a three hour layover in Newark!! (I used to work for a venture cap firm and I was the defacto travel guy--- I know every airport, airline, and hotel chain on six continents. It comes in handy. ;) )

Long story short (too late).... we end up with the the same flights for legs 2 and 3, just leaving out of Lansing instead of Grand Rapids. Worked like a charm as it turns out--- it just required me to drive an hour there and an hour back at 4am to do so.

Luckily I have the day off, so I'm pretty much doing a whole lot of nothing. :teeth: And I am very much looking forward to this weekend's runs.

Mel-- Yes, I was BAD towards the end of my training last year. I can't decide if I was in better shape that I thought I was or if it was dumb luck that I did so well during the race. I'm going with luck. I'm sure you'll be fine (what with all the canoeing, orienteering and rope-climbing you do.)

Judy-- that's a great picture!!

Krista-- I love that song. It's been on my treadmill playlists for a while now. I change stuff out on there a lot, but that song tends to stay put.

So, 9 miles tomorrow and then 18 Sunday. :banana:

Take Care all!!
Kevin :earsboy:
Judy -- she is a beautiful girl!

Kevin -- you must be exhausted. Go take a nap. So sorry to hear about Coach Bo.

Lily -- You truly inspire me, sweetie. I remember just keeping the "just put in the steps" in my head through my LRs last year and how much your mantra and the WISH cheer helped me stay focused. :hug:

Krista -- You are fast! Have a great 16 miler!

I think mine is going to be on a treadmill on Sunday after being at work most of the day. UGH! Tonight is opening night for Andrew's play. One of our dearest friends is driving 2 hours to come see it and then going to Jenn's game tomorrow to see her final performance, as a surprise. And then Jenn is coming home with us to see Andy's play tomorrow night as a surprise. How I have kept my big mouth shut all week is beyond me! ;) Tomorrow morning is also Andrew's audition for all-state chorus. Unfortunately, he may be in the "changing voice" phase and not quite on targe for All-State. Please keep your fingers crossed for him.

So, it is going to be a crazy busy weekend. After Mass on Sunday, I'll come in to work and will tote all my run gear so I can go to the Y from here. 4 hours on the treadmill. OMG! And that is IF I can maintain a 15 minute pace the entire time. UGH! The furthest I've gone was 14 a few weeks ago, so this seems very intimidating. I'll be thinking of all of you. Guess I'd better charge my ipod. Think I'll download an audiobook too -- that will help burn some time. :faint:
keenercam said:
Judy -- she is a beautiful girl!

Kevin -- you must be exhausted. Go take a nap. So sorry to hear about Coach Bo.

Lily -- You truly inspire me, sweetie. I remember just keeping the "just put in the steps" in my head through my LRs last year and how much your mantra and the WISH cheer helped me stay focused. :hug:

Krista -- You are fast! Have a great 16 miler!

I think mine is going to be on a treadmill on Sunday after being at work most of the day. UGH! Tonight is opening night for Andrew's play. One of our dearest friends is driving 2 hours to come see it and then going to Jenn's game tomorrow to see her final performance, as a surprise. And then Jenn is coming home with us to see Andy's play tomorrow night as a surprise. How I have kept my big mouth shut all week is beyond me! ;) Tomorrow morning is also Andrew's audition for all-state chorus. Unfortunately, he may be in the "changing voice" phase and not quite on targe for All-State. Please keep your fingers crossed for him.

So, it is going to be a crazy busy weekend. After Mass on Sunday, I'll come in to work and will tote all my run gear so I can go to the Y from here. 4 hours on the treadmill. OMG! And that is IF I can maintain a 15 minute pace the entire time. UGH! The furthest I've gone was 14 a few weeks ago, so this seems very intimidating. I'll be thinking of all of you. Guess I'd better charge my ipod. Think I'll download an audiobook too -- that will help burn some time. :faint:

Cam - I can't even keep up with you! I'm AMAZED at the amount of things you have going on! :wizard: for Andy! Take your cell phone to the the gym and call me on Sunday if you want. I'll sing to you! :lmao:
Honeibee said:
Cam - I can't even keep up with you! I'm AMAZED at the amount of things you have going on! :wizard: for Andy! Take your cell phone to the the gym and call me on Sunday if you want. I'll sing to you! :lmao:
Ditto, except if call me and rescue me from my weeeknd and I promise not to sing! :teeth: And thanks again for putting up with my rambles all day! :grouphug:

Kevin - Hope you're sleeping soundly right now!

Krista - I was so ready and excited. Bo's death seems kind of surreal, though adn really put a damper on things. I really hope the team can recover as he was still qquite active with them. Talked to them yesterday. :guilty: Cool about the "you're fast" comment!

I was really looking forward to my 16-miler in Ann Arbor yesterday. I hope they can get back to being excited, but that city took a huge hit today with the loss of Bo. On the birght side, it will still get me away from teh ILs for a few hours!

Good luck with teh LRs this weekend everyone!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
So glad it's over.

I did 8 miles yesterday and 16.5 miles today. It wasn't pretty at all, in fact, it was painful, but I did it. I finished the 16.5 miles in 3 hours today, with a 10:58 pace.

I was tired after yesterday's 8 miles maybe because of the 5 run/1 walk I attempted (I found myself running faster during the 5 minutes than usual), or maybe it was the fierce wind we had in NC this week. Either way, I am so glad I am finish with this one.

Sunny and Kevin, you two are doing 9/18 this weekend? What plans are you using? I keep counting my weeks to make sure I am on plan.

Good luck to everyone this weekend. Especially those on the the treadmills. I would like to hear how they all went.

Also, to those of you new to the half marathon or full marathon and using a Garmin, the Garmin always measures long on a marathon course. For instance, it told me I ran 26.7 miles last year. Marathon courses are measured from the absolute shortest distances possible to make up the 26.2 miles, so if you are not taking a tight corner or weaving around runners you are adding steps and seconds to finish stats. I think all the curves and corners in the parks add seconds to those miles. I mention this because to better estimate goal times.

OK! Someone asked if I ever had a bad run...Today was the day!
When I woke up I knew it would be bad b/c my reflux was acting up.... :furious:
Anyway...did my normal morning prerun stuff and got to the YMCA..where we start. Took a pic with my NEW WISH shirt on (see below)..then started running...
I was doing good time, but by mile 4 I was HURTING! Just the reflux...not my legs or anything. So I slowed down a bit to around a 9 mpm. Did not help!
By mile 6, I was feeling like I was going to loose all the propel I had been drinking..you know what I mean? By mile 8, I was starting to gag and so I started walking.
I called DH (who was doing the same route but only doing 12 this day) and told him I was going to wait for him and just run 15 today (that was the route and I knew I had to get back). He was 30 min away!
I sat down in McDonalds and sipped a coke. I started feeling better. By the time he ran by, I thought that I could make it back....he walked a little more than I am used to and ran slower...I think for my sake. I was OK though b/c we talked and ran together.
I just need to get over the fact that it is OK that I did not do 20 today. I can do it next week and really, I am already trained for this marathon.

Here is my pic b/4 the run..the last time I was smiling.
A quick post before I have to get to work today. It is one of those odd years that I am supposed to work on a Saturday to get Thanksgiving off. You would think the managers have figured out that either no one comes in or the people who do have less than optimal efficiency since they are just talking or having parties. :rolleyes: I figure it isn't worth using vacation to take the day off though.

I went out this morning and got 10 miles in with a 11:32 pace. Now all the northern Wishers will laugh but it was freezing this morning at the low temperature of 48 degrees. :teeth: It took a while to actually get warmed up since my legs were trying to convince me that the warm bed was actually a much better place to be. My first half was alot slower than I wanted but I seemed to have made it up with the second half. It was nicer than the hot and humid days though, I think.

Not to belabor this point too much, but with Thanksgiving approaching I’ve been looking for a “new” Turkey trot to try. I got an email yesterday from Active.com notifying me of a new half marathon in my area – the Victory Junction Run.

I’m thinking, “What the heck is Victory Junction?”

NASCAR’s Adam Petty (Kyle Petty’s son; Richard Petty’s grandson) died tragically during a practice lap in 2000. According to the Pettys, the week that he died, Adam had decided to purchase 12 acres of land next to his parent’s property as his contribution to a camp for kids with serious medical conditions/illnesses modeled after Paul Newman’s “Hole in the Wall Gang” camps. After his death, the deal fell through. This prompted Kyle’s parents, Richard and Linda Petty, to contribute the land; then Kyle and Pattie Petty finished the fundraising that made the Victory Junction Gang Camp a reality in 2004. So now kids with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autism—any of a host of illnesses or injuries—attend this year-round camp in Randleman NC with their parents—FREE! And while they are there can they still get their chemo or dialysis or whatever specialized medical treatment they need – right at camp – and still enjoy a super-cool NASCAR-themed camp with horses and a pool and a gym and cabins—for a few days they can enjoy some of the activities kids like mine take for granted.

You’d better believe I took a few moments to be grateful for the good health my kids have enjoyed. I even thought about how today’s 20-miler (even on the treadmill!) was an opportunity for me to be grateful for my own health. I’ve got it soooooo good!

But sometimes you have to put your money where your mouth is. So at 1:00AM I was up addressing Christmas cards with a little note inside that asked folks to donate to the Victory Junction Run so this camp can continue to provide FREE stays for critically ill and injured kids. Now that I’ve got them all in the post office, I can jump on the treadmill.

If you want to donate online, I’ve set up an online donations page at:

Good morning everyone!

Thanks for all of the well wishes. The ankle feels pretty good. Looks like heck, but doesn't hurt, and ooooo, all of the pretty colors. :artist: Had x-rays taken. Not so much for the ankle (no fracture), but for my hand. When I twisted my ankle a fell and caught myself with my left hand. Ended up fracturing my thumb. Just call me doppy (or dopey). :)

I am however, going to see an orthopedic doctor on Monday, just to make sure the ankle is ok.

So, I'll be sticking around, and if you don't mind, I'll train vicariously through your racing and training progress (if that makes any sense). :)

I WILL BE AT WDW FOR THE 1/2! :thumbsup2 I'll run and/or walk that race, one way or the other.

For those running races this weekend, and for those training, good luck, and train hard.

Wendy - I'm a big NASCAR fan, and the Victory Junction Gang Camp is a really cool deal.
getnthinr said:
I’m thinking, “What the heck is Victory Junction?”

NASCAR’s Adam Petty (Kyle Petty’s son; Richard Petty’s grandson) died tragically during a practice lap in 2000. According to the Pettys, the week that he died, Adam had decided to purchase 12 acres of land next to his parent’s property as his contribution to a camp for kids with serious medical conditions/illnesses modeled after Paul Newman’s “Hole in the Wall Gang” camps. After his death, the deal fell through. This prompted Kyle’s parents, Richard and Linda Petty, to contribute the land; then Kyle and Pattie Petty finished the fundraising that made the Victory Junction Gang Camp a reality in 2004. So now kids with diabetes, cancer, heart disease, autism—any of a host of illnesses or injuries—attend this year-round camp in Randleman NC with their parents—FREE! And while they are there can they still get their chemo or dialysis or whatever specialized medical treatment they need – right at camp – and still enjoy a super-cool NASCAR-themed camp with horses and a pool and a gym and cabins—for a few days they can enjoy some of the activities kids like mine take for granted.

You’d better believe I took a few moments to be grateful for the good health my kids have enjoyed. I even thought about how today’s 20-miler (even on the treadmill!) was an opportunity for me to be grateful for my own health. I’ve got it soooooo good!

But sometimes you have to put your money where your mouth is. So at 1:00AM I was up addressing Christmas cards with a little note inside that asked folks to donate to the Victory Junction Run so this camp can continue to provide FREE stays for critically ill and injured kids. Now that I’ve got them all in the post office, I can jump on the treadmill.

If you want to donate online, I’ve set up an online donations page at:


Just an interesting fact. Last year Kyle Petty, (Adam's dad and Richard's son) ran in the '06 WDW marathon. He did it for several reasons, one of which was to promote Victory Junction. His chip time was 4:52. Pretty amazing considering he is a full time NASCAR driver (#45 car) who did much of his training during prime race season. Here is a link of him at the race. http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=8162&BIB=4545

Another week, another race report! (geez broken record much?)

It's a good one though! Today was the Timberlake Half Marathon, which I was substituting in for my 12mi LR because I figured having someone else hand me water is a lot more convenient than having to carry it myself. :) DW was out in Tallahassee for the weekend so I was left to struggle on my own.

As courses go, we're talking boooooooooooring of the boring of the boringest. Start on a paved road, basically pretty close to straight, slightly into the breeze going out and with a few minor gentle inclines, pretty much out into the woods for 6.5 miles. Touch, the cone, and run back. In the same lane even, the other one was left open for cars. There was something like 300 people running and there was a 5k as well, so pretty much one person every fifty yards or so was what we strung out to. Compared to DL two months ago, this half course was pretty depressing. I wasn't wearing headphones either, so I kept trying to imagine where I would be if I was running the DL or DW courses.

My plan was to try to beat the 2:05:59 I ran at DL, with a miracle goal of under 2:00. My long runs had been around 9:30mpm or up to 10:00mpm, so although holding 9:30 to beat my PR seemed reasonable, holding 9:10 to break two hours didn't. At the eight mile point or so, I started wishful thinking, as I was only a minute or two off of pace for under two hours at that point. Far enough away that any kind of crash like at DL and I'd have no chance, but close enough if I cut 10 or 15 seconds a mile off of the last 4 or 5 I'd have a shot. Well here are the splits (9:30mpm goal, 9:10mpm ultimate goal):

1: 8:53 (out too fast, as usual)
2: 9:06
3: 9:21
4: 9:31 (cruising now, comfortable pace)
5: 9:23
6: 9:05 (can see the halfway point, burst of speed!)
7: 9:13 (over halfway home!)
8: 9:20
9: 9:15 (time to do math, I would need to average 9:00 for the last 4 miles to get under 2:00:00, doesn't seem very likely, no sub 9:00 miles since the first)
10: 8:52 (found someone to chase, really sucking wind now but pushing the pace!)
11: 8:47 (faster still! no wonder I'm dying!)
12: 8:34 (ohmygosh all these negative splits! I'm gonna do it, I am! :banana: )
13: 8:29 (look ma, I'm flying!)

OH MY GOODNESS! Not only sub 2, but sub 2 with time to spare! SEVEN minutes cut off my time since DL only two months ago! And six straight miles of negative splits for the second half of the race! How good am I feeling right now?!?! :dance3:
Good morning, team!
Christa, thank you for your report. You have such a great smile! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, but it does help us to hear that even our EQ has a bad run every once in a looooong while!
Judy, you left us dangling Friday! How is the trial going? Mist looks so dramatically different from when you first posted a picture of her! You have done so much for her!!
Mel, thanks for asking about the training. Last week was the pits. After only able to do strength training stuff for two weeks, I tried to do 6 miles on Saturday. Had to call DH at mile 3 to come and get me. Yuck. This week's 7 miler was so much better! Getting those SW's in during the week, really helps! I managed a 14:19 average which is just astounding to me.

Did anyone else order the photomosaic Mickey from DL? I found Matt, but not anyone else. Oh, Matt...WOW!! Congrats!!

Keep up the great work, everyone!! :sunny: Anne


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