Wk Of Oct 14 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Wow Stephanie - is that 41,000 just at the race you are in tomorrow?

Kristi - Hope you feel better. Lucky duck at least you are going to be on vacation in less than 24 hours!!! See you at TOT.

Renee - thanks for the ice tip - I have been trying to remember to ice my shins but some reason I don't get around to it as much as I should. I have been trying to stretch more often after a run so I am sure I will start to ice more.
Tricia--yep, just for the race here. It's amazing to be a part of--I'll take lots of pics! The AR Race for the Cure is one of the biggest in the nation--just over 7 years ago the race was 13,000 women and it's just grown astronomically.
Greetings all -

I had a day off yesterday while I supervised the barn being painted. It is now a very sharp looking evergreen, and thankfully neither of the horses are green. They were well behaved and stayed away. :laughing:

45 min on the TM this morning. Nothing very exciting but, well, there you have it.

Let me just say, this time next week....we'll have landed and will be searching for our luggage right about now. :yay:

Angie - Oh YAY for you running! :woohoo: I'm so happy for you. And I'm glad you find my posts entertaining. ;)

Kristi - I'm not tapering but then again I just started my MFM Half training so I only have four scheduled for this Saturday. I'm not taking the ToT13k all THAT seriously For me this is a fun run. How can it be anything else when I am normally in bed by 9:30?? My plan is just to not get swept. I may actually even take in some of the sights. Not like I did the Half. I was so focused I am STILL seeing pictures taken on the course and saying "I didn't see that!" Ohhh, I hope you are OK today. :wizard: No health issues right before we go!

- It's pretty much routine that I drive everyone nutso with talk of WDW. :upsidedow We always have a trip planned, so it really never stops. I think people just tune me out.

Dana - I'm glad things are getting a little brighter for you. :wizard:

Cindy - Oh let me go find your race report! See?! I KNEW you were speedy! :thumbsup2

Renee - That is great! Wow, you're getting super fast too! :woohoo:

- You go girl at the NWH! :banana:

Lou - I was taking Osteo Biflex for a while and I TRULY believe it helped. Only thing is, it's not cheap. We also give our senior horses glucosamine and chrondroitin. It seems to work well for them. Even if I can't spell it. :rolleyes1
Kristi - Have fun at ToT!

Judy - I think I'm going to try good old Motrin and ice for a while. I think I am going to stay away from anything they give to horses.

Angie - Tough loss last night. I watched most of the game in between the Flyers/Devils and Red Sox/Indians. When Rutgers faked the field goal and scored a touchdown I had a feeling it wasn't the Bull's night. I think that was the play that hurt the most.
Lou: Just be sure to read up on Motrin and hydration issues. I've sort of been scared away from Motrin and now take only Tylenol because of some things I've read. Maybe someone here can better explain the risks.

Kristi: Sorry for you allergic reaction. Hope you are feeling better.

Judy: Thanks. :blush: Glad the barn painting went well. Is it easy to find a horse sitter when you travel?

Stephanie: Enjoy the race, I cannot even imagine 41K runners.

Jackie: I'm glad you are feeling well today. Good luck with your run tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.

OK! I even hesitate to post about my LR b/c I keep thinking the time could not be true....or I think, what if I cannot do this in a real race.....but anyway...Here is the report and if you just want the stats, they are in bold at the bottom.

Was going to start around 0730, but it took me over an hour to get to the DOWD YMCA (Where I park) b/c of the RAIN! It has not rained in months and now it is pouring on my 20 mile day!:eek:
But I what do you do....I guess I just run!

So anyway!
I get to the YMCA and it has kinda stopped, but is very muggy. And mid 70s. My plan is to run to the "start" of the Charlotte marathon (1 mile) then run the 1st 18 miles of the marathon course, then run back to the YMCA (1 mile) to get 20. I have the miles marked on my map so I can keep track of my pace. The course comes back by my car around the 13.7 mile mark. SO I will change shirts, refill my bottles, ect at that point.

THere was lots of traffic so it was stop and go at first. This was hard. but then I got into a grove.....

This is the DL:
20 miles
Time - 2:55:53
Pace - 8:47

But I am not sure if I could keep this up for another 6 miles!:eek: I guess we will see.
Lou: Just be sure to read up on Motrin and hydration issues. I've sort of been scared away from Motrin and now take only Tylenol because of some things I've read. Maybe someone here can better explain the risks.

Good point. I really would prefer not to take anything when I run. I figured I would only take Motrin during the day if I feel pain and to reduce swelling. I actually brought 2 Motrins with me on my 18-mile race a few weekends ago. I ended up giving one to a lady who was begging anyone for pain meds. I thought she needed it more than me. Then I forgot to take the one I had left. I could have used it because I was in a lot of pain the last 6 miles but I'm glad I made it through without it.
Angie - Tough loss last night. I watched most of the game in between the Flyers/Devils and Red Sox/Indians. When Rutgers faked the field goal and scored a touchdown I had a feeling it wasn't the Bull's night. I think that was the play that hurt the most.

Yeah I am definately still licking my wounds and I found out that I should not watch football with my two sons, they said I am very mean. :rolleyes1 I was getting just a little stressed out last night as you can imagine. I agree with you about the play, I had the same feeling. I still say proudly GO BULLS!! and we will see how everything falls out the rest of the season.

Christa YOU ROCK!!!

I did run again last night (if you want to call it that) ran 2 miles walked a 1/2, but to my defense the 4 the night before and the humidity was horrendous!!
89 degrees and about 70% humidity when I ran.

I REALLY hope it cools down for you guys coming down for Tower of Terror, otherwise please prepare yourselves for much worse conditions than Marathon in January. Supposed to be 90 tomorrow :eek:

Gotta go back to work

This is the DL:
20 miles
Time - 2:55:53
Pace - 8:47

But I am not sure if I could keep this up for another 6 miles!:eek: I guess we will see.


I TOLD you guys she was a machine!! :eek:

Whoooo hoooo! Christa! :woohoo:

Hello WISHers!

Today is a rest day for me; but I am LOVING this ice bath thing. After 16 miles yesterday there is not a sore muscle on my body! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Tomorrow I'm driving DH and DD to a 5K (DD's first race!) about an hour away. Should be fun! I'm excited to scream team and not run. (I'll be hanging out with DS.)

Leana - Good luck at SF! Can't wait to meet you at ToT.

Angie - Yay- you ran! I hope the back took it okay. Please get rid of that heat before next week!

Jackie - I am so glad you got to do a walk/jog and felt good! Yes, that rain was incredible. DD told me they were watching a movie at school and had to turn it off because they couldn't hear it over the rain!

Lou - Good job getting in the 5 miles. Hope the knees aren't protesting too much.

Kristi - So jealous you're leaving tomorrow - but not over the reaction to the allergy shot. Hope you're better now!

Stephanie - Have fun and good luck in your 5K tomorrow!

Tricia - I am loving the ice bath. I really can't believe I'm saying that but 16 miles and I'm just fine today? Crazy.

Judy - If the horses had gotten painted green at least they'd have been ready for Halloween!

Cindy - My whole house is off Motrin. It upsets my stomach and DH got a lecture on it from his doctor.

Christa - WOW girl, you were smokin'!! Glad it stopped raining for you. Do you ever even get sore? (I think I kind of picture you as Superwoman --- of course Christa doesn't get sore!)

Happy training and good luck to all our racers this weekend!
Christa - AWESOME RUN!! I think you could do another 6 miles like that!! Come on!! After 20 what's another 6?!

Lou - The Glucosamine Condroitin (sp?) is supposed to help strengthen the cartilage (sp?) and joints. I started using it earlier this year when I had been getting runner's knee (which I suffered through during last year's Disney training). After being on it for a few months now I have had NO pain at all. Seriously. Doctors are recommending it all the time for people with arthritis. It really might be worth a try!!

Cindy - I have been taking Motrin ever since last year's knee problems while training for Disney. Luckily, I haven't had to take it as much now that the knees don't hurt, but when I am sore (usually cause I missed my ice bath) or like the past few weeks when my hip is hurting I depend on the stuff. I have never had any problems with it, but I have heard everyone say how dangerous it is. The problem I run into is that I haven't heard one person say that they had some sort of problem and that it was related to Ibuprofin. "O" well, that's just my take on it!!

Tomorrow I have 18 miles. If the weather isn't too bad I will probably go run out at my favorite rail trail. However if this rain doesn't let up a little I might be doing it on the treadmill!! Goodness knows, I don't want to drive in the rain to go run early on a saturday morning. The last time I did that I got a new car!! DH might get upset with me though if I total the new one already!!

Here's an article on why Tylenol is better for runners. I don't usually take Tylenol, but I've started carrying it on LRs.


I'm also a big proponent of glucosamine/chondroitin. I decided to try to give it up a few weeks ago, and I feel like I can definitely tell a difference now that I'm off crutches and trying to be active again. Needless to say, I added it back to the nightly vitamin regime!

Christa - YOU ROCK!!!

Renee - What 5K are DH and DD running?

Dana - Be careful if you go to the rail trail. The insurance company might start questioning you if you total another car...

Need to go do laundry :laundy: before the football game. DD's high school is tied for #1 in the conference. We're playing the other #1 school tonight. I never thought I could get so excited about high school football, but since college football around here this year could put you to sleep, it's a good thing we have someone to cheer for!

I'm sorry...no time to read tonight. Just got home from the gym (which I hit right from work) and on the way out to celebrate my BF's mom's birthday. Ugh...too bad I'm soooo tired.

Tomorrow is a DO from running and I'm so glad!! Work is draining me and if I want to run my 8 on Sunday I'll need to rest up. :faint:

Happy training everyone and best wishes to those of you in races this weekend!!!
This is the DL:
20 miles
Time - 2:55:53
Pace - 8:47

But I am not sure if I could keep this up for another 6 miles!:eek: I guess we will see.
So on target for a sub-4 hour marathon pace. You'll be getting that Boston Qualifying time before you know it Christa. Let's see you finished your 20 miles over half an hour before I finished my two 20 milers for the Marine Corps Marathon. You're in great shape.
Mouse buddy, how ya been dude?

Dang there are some fast runners on here. Christa you rock girl.

Judy, you said the heese, (That's the plural of horse), were not green, how about Charley did he make it through unpainted?

How is everyone doing with their training? Is everyone following a training plan or are you just winging it? Erica has a training plan she pulled out of her evil little mind. I think she got it from the movie "Saw", "let's play a game". A goofy race requires a goofy training plan right?

Off to walk now, have an awesome day team.

Mouse buddy, how ya been dude?
Hey WWDave- I've been OK, it's been a rough fall for me over here. I've got the Marine Corps Marathon next Sunday though. I just got back from my last "LR". 6 miles in 56:47 min/9:27 mpm pace.
MSDave - It seems like the world has returned to normal. Dave's posting on Saturday morning! Good luck at MCM!

WWDave - All training plans are out the window with the injury - I'm starting over as of today and winging it from here...

I ran 3.68 miles this morning! Took it really easy for the first couple cause our group was going really long so the pace was SLOW. Then at mile 2 I turned around and headed back so I picked up the pace a little. My foot actually felt better during the 3rd mile - guess it needed to warm up? I felt good enough to keep going, but knew I should play it safe so I called it quits earlier than I wanted to. At least I'm running...

Glucosamine/Chondroitin - http://nccam.nih.gov/research/results/gait/qa.htm This looks like a good study.

Dana - Thanks for the advice. I'm going to look into this some more. I think I'll work on getting to the Philly marathon in November without doing much more than Tylenol and ice. After that I'll see how I feel. If this pain persists then I'll seriously look into this because I don't want to have knees like an ex-NFL player at age 39.

Jackie - I think I am switching to Tylenol. I'll try it on the LR tomorrow to see if it works.

Christa - That is a serious pace for 20 miles! Even if you did the last 6 miles at a 10:00 pace you are under 4 hours. That's flying!

I think I'll be doing the LR in Philly tomorrow because I want to try some trails to give my knees a break. There are a lot of trails along the Schuylkill River.
you are so right, there are some fast people here. Sorry, but I just had a chance to read the last page.

I got out around 5:30 a.m. and ran 12 miles at a very slow pace(not by plan). It was brutal. Don't know why, but I was tired from mile 1. Even though I took Thursday as a planned rest day and I crossed train on Friday - go figure. It was hot and humid with a little rain.

I also use Glucosamine/Chondroitin. You can get it 2 for 1 at Walgreens almost all the time. I do notice a difference in my knee. I'll stop taking it after the marathon and see what happens. I also take 800 mg of Ibuprofen for the IT Band. Again, I'll stop after the marathon but I don't want to change anything until then.

I think we are off to a movie to do some carb loading. Popcorn qualifies right? OK it is after the run but let's not be picky.

have a great day,
Christa - AWESOME RUN!! I think you could do another 6 miles like that!! Come on!! After 20 what's another 6?!

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: 20 is where the marathon begins! Good luck on the 18 miles today...you are either doing it now or already finished.

Christa - WOW girl, you were smokin'!! Glad it stopped raining for you. Do you ever even get sore? (I think I kind of picture you as Superwoman --- of course Christa doesn't get sore!)
Renee - :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: again! I was really tired yesterday and my bones hurt a little...I really do not like to take meds so did not take anything until around 2100. I was so tired last night that I did not even realize my DD7 & JRT had gotten in bed with me (and DH;) ).:crowded:

I am fine today so I MAY go out and bike or something...if I can sneak out...:tiptoe: We will see...I would like to go to the trails @ Reedy Creek, but need to talk someone into going with me b/c they are so remote.


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