Wk of Oct 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
disneyfanz04 Michelle NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hbardeleben Heather IL
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nstauffer Nikki MI
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
outonarun Teri CA
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Princess Nancy Nancy SC
Pungodingy Angie NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
Rockclimber Dave NC
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
STONKER today! 5 miles at a 13:13 pace. Most of the last 2 miles were walked.
Took DD13 to the ortho on Fri...she has runner's knee, both knees. Her kneecaps don't sit on the thigh bone where they're supposed to so she needs a brace and PT, but she's clear to run the half.

Krista...congrats on your 12 miler!

Racer #9543...glad to see the packets are out! I will reserve my excitement...I think I was nearly the last one on the team to get my packet last year. How's the family?

Michelle...congrats on being a runner!

Cecilia...balance is huge. I often feel extraordinarily guilty for running instead of fixing dinner or the 1002 other things I should be doing.

Sorry to be short tonight. Had a lot on my mind this week. This brings me to my burning question...how do you train to be mentally tough? I've read a lot about increasing my pace, moving up my distance, but have found little on the mental aspects of training and the long, slow distance. I find that I'm very susceptible to mental 'weaknesses' when I run. In fact, if I'd had a day like Denny did before his half, I never woulda made it through the half. My run today was awful because my brain just wasn't there.

How do y'all train your brain for running?
Krista: My schedule was actually off Runnersworld before they redesigned the site, but now it's not there anymore strangely.

Schedule for the rest: LRS (total weekly mileages)
7(22) 8(24) 10(26) 8(20) 12(27) 10(24) 16(26) "Race"<-probably half marathon or similar(24) 20(32) 13(28) 9(24)

It seems pretty unorthodox, but it fit perfectly for the timing between the DL half and the WDW full. With my shin and weight issues I've needed one that's toned down a bit total mileage wise.

I'm sure I'll be hurting making the jump from 8 to 12, 10 to 16, and from a race to 20, but I gets that's why there's a stepdown week every other week.
Oh, Matt, I think I have your shin problems now. :sad2: I thought I could beat it with my strength training but apparently not as I was in pain last night. I took some motrin and put ice on my legs. That helped some. I also decided to give my legs a rest today so I'm going to try to complete my long run tomorrow. My legs ache a little tonight but not as badly as they did last night. I also bought some new shoes today so I'm hoping that will help my problems. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.
Hi Mel! Ahhhh....the mental stuff is a battle for me too. I just can't seem to zone out or get my head "out of the run" on those LRs. I just try to not focus too much on pace or where I am in terms of distance....but honestly it's something I need to work on so much! With that said....I feel like my mental fortitude has been tested this past month with injury after injury. Today I ran thru pain (probably shouldn't have) and may be facing a major set-back. But I have to say...I was mentally tough today...maybe I shouldnt' have been for once LOL! Who knows??

So yeah...12 mile run today. I finished it! There's the good news lol. The best I can calculate is that I finished with a 10:24 avg. mpm. The bad news is that I think I've injured my achilles. :guilty: OK...so I know it hurts to walk right now....and I know it's the achilles....and I know that is just not good. It's just been one lower leg injury after another. My custom orthotics are in now...but it may be a little too late I fear :confused3 . Has anyone dealt with achilles issues? My best guess is that it's tendonitis. I know this could set me back. I'm going to try to get in with the orthopedic sports guy next week...he's tough to book appt with but I HOPE that they can fit me in somewhere. As for the run...well it felt good everywhere except my right knee and left achilles. If it weren't for those issues I could have kept going...which is at least one postive, right?! LOL!

I guess my big fear now is getting the packet...and seeing it all right there...and facing the real possibility that I might not make it to the starting line :(. I wish my legs would just cut me a little slack here! I know my heart and mind are willing to do this...I so desperately wanted to make it there....but wow it's a much tougher journey than I expected. I guess that's what makes just getting to the starting line so darn exceptional. It's 90% of the battle!

So here is my tip for the day....especially for first time distance runners! Maybe consider visiting an orthopedist or podiatrist and get your feet and ankles evaluated. My problems ALL stem from overpronation. I bought great shoes and knew from the beginning that I had this issue. Unfortunately, I should have been running with custom orthotics from day one. Especially once the miles increased over 5. That is my big mistake and looking back if I had the insight to do that...just get evaluated initially...I think I could have prevented the post tib tendonitis...the knee problems...and now the most debilitating of all the achilles. I think addressing these issues now will help me with future marathons...and I WILL FINISH A MARATHON. But is sure is a crushing blow to face even the possibility of not getting to the start of Disney 07.

OK....enough depressing talk. I hope everyone had successful training runs this weekend! And for those running halfs tomorrow or today....GOOD LUCK!!!! :cheer2:

That's a good question you asked about training mentally as well as physically. What I try to do is make sure every day of training has a purpose and think about that purpose. Longer, shorter, slower, faster, whatever your purpose is that day, as you are training think about what today's session buys you.

I also vary the training so I don't get mentally stale. Yes, each week looks alarming like the week before and the week to come, but during the week no 2 sessions are alike. This seems to keep me fresh physically and mentally.

Another trick I use is to vary the intensity within a single workout. In every single workout I vary pace, intensity, hills/incline, whatever, usually spontaneously based on how I feel that day. Today is long Sunday, and I throw in a few surges of pace and hill, not real intense since I need 2+ hours, to keep it interesting.

The ipod also plays a role. If i'm feeling a need to pick up my physical or mental intensity I'll find the appropriate song. If I want to zone out for a while I'll do the same thing. I mix these as well, as I cannot mentally carry up tempo for hours, so like a spin instructor's profile and music I go up and down. Intensity and relaxation.

The last trick I use is visualizing the Disney Marathon course I'll run on January 7. From running it for the first time this past January and having a copy of the course map in my portfolio, I have a mental picture of the course, mile by mile, in my head. It may sound dumb but on my long sessions I visualize myself starting outside of EPCOT and running the course. Depending on the length of the run I will go through each mile at the appropriate time, so at the end of the training run I will go under the EPCOT ball, past the choir on the right, and reach the finish. Between mental mile markers I do let my mind wander, but at any point I can think about where I am on the course, and what is coming next.

And with the full marathon only 77 days away, as I get closer I get excited. The race will be a blast, and I make sure to smile some during each training session because it will allow me to earn my reward on January 7.

Take care

Mel, After more-than-17-years of running, I can honestly say that there is no drop down set answer to your question. However, there are a lot of different techniques that you can use. You can follow AmyBeth68's or Craig's program or read Chi Running but it is very individualized. The one thing that I found has helped me is to take each run as it comes and realize that there will be periods within the run that hurt. Accept the discomfort and work on relaxing during that period by starting at the top and working down. What I have very recently found is that I concentrate on relaxing my facial muscles then I concentrate on relaxing the shoulders and letting the relaxation cascade right down to my toes. Shake it out if you need be and do not think any less of yourself if you have to slow down and even stop to stretch. This is a tough thing to do, our chosen program of running/walking races, but if you concentrate on why you do it you can get through the valleys and climb your way to the peaks.

Yesterday I went out to see if I was capable of running for 3 hours andif you have followed my tribulations this year you will know how hard this would be from the start. Well I have to say that I was shocked and extremely pleased that I went for 3 hours non-stop and when I checked the garmin I was at exactly 20 miles. I actually did not care about the milage and simply concentrated on relaxing and moving for 3 hours. Here is the best part, I actually had to stop myself from going on for more miles; I felt that good. No cramps, no nausea, no voimiting (ALL PROBLEMS I HAVE HAD WITH EVERY RUN FOR THE PAST 9 MONTHS) and I enjoyed myself. I think I am actually on to something with this heart rate thing - if interested look up Dr. Philip Maffetone and follow his program of strictly aerobic training. :woohoo: It works!!
Hi Everyone!

Well, I finished my half marathon!

The race started at 6:30 am. It was pouring down rain and everyone stood around the start wearing trash bags. Some people wore the trash bags the whole race but it was 50 degrees out, so mine came off right before the start.

So there we are running in the dark with rain pouring down on us. I could handle the rain, but the giant puddles of COLD water we had to run through were miserable.

I had stomach cramps before the race. I kept telling myself they would go away when we started running but I fought them the entire race.

At mile 5, I ran ahead of my teammates and found a portapotty but it didn't help and then I had to give extra effort to catch up with everyone, which I finally did just after mile 7.

At mile 8, I started to gain confidence and picked up the pace. I decided I liked passing people. Especially people that had passed me earlier.

At mile 10, I knew I could finish in 30 minutes so I picked up the pace again and caught up with some of our team that run at a faster pace. That was cool. They were surprised to see me. Pretty soon I left them behind too. They yelled at me that I was supposed to be training not racing, but it felt so good to go fast.

At mile 12, I felt great except that my stomach still hurt and my legs were definately exhausted. I decided that if they were going to hurt, I might as well run faster and get there sooner. I started looking at runners ahead of me and passing them. When I passed my "mark" I would pick a new one.

I finished in 2:11 minutes. Three minutes later, the rain finally stopped.

Now my legs are like jello and yet I am too keyed up to sleep or rest. I also have a very strange bump that popped up on the top of my foot. It looks like a cyst?

Let me say that I am EXTREMELY impressed with these women who are doing 12 mile training runs all on their own. Thats a long time to keep motivated without any help.

Hi Gang,

Today I did my 4 mile - Great Pumpkin Classic.....I did pretty well, I finished it with a 10 min/mil pace, coming in at 40 minutes.

I was pretty surprised.....since I couldn't really pace myself with my Garmin.....It went funky on me when I was at the start (turned itself off). Even my DH was suprised that I didn't pace myself with Garmin :teeth: Although, above all I was surprised I had finished so quickly.....the run was all hills. :woohoo:
HI everyone. I did my 6 mile run yesterday, the longest for me yet. I was a little disappointed with my time, but then I remember that this is all new to me. I am running a 10K next weekend and may come in very last. But at least I will have finished!!! My run yesterday was very cold. I had to run at 6am because I had plans for the day. It was still very dark and creepy out. I ran the 1.5 loop of my neighborhood 4 times. I felt safer doing that than hitting the trails. It was still creepy!!

Mel - Oh mental toughness. I have been dealing a lot with this at work. I am trianing to be more tough because I may be forced into a new role in the next year. So our business coach is working with me. He is a runner too, but being mentally tough at work is so much more easy that being mentally tough while running. Yesterday I could barely get through the 1st 2 miles. But then I hit the 1/2 way point and convinced myself it was all downhill from there. Then when I hit that final 1.5 mile lap, it was my fast yet because it meant I was almost done. Maybe try breaking your run into segments. I am still not tough, but it will take time and training!!

Cecelia - Great job on your 1/2!!! I am fearing that I may be running in the rain next weekend. The only problem is that our temps are barely getting into the 30's lately. That is sooooo cold!!!

Jodi - Great job on your 4 miler!! You are doing awesome!

Amy - I hope that you are able to beat your injuries. Please keep us posted on how you are doing!!

OK, it's my Sunday of house catch up. I haven't been home much lately and I now live in a pit!! I need to get some things cleaned!
Mel--ahhhh, the mental toughness battle. I feel your pain. I don't have much to add that everyone else hasn't been saying, but I do remember one thing John Bingham said at the marathon expo last year. As hard as it may be, try to let the miles come to you, instead of you racing to get from mile to mile. Zoning out on a run is also very helpful, but I know this is also hard to do when doing the run/walk training and keeping track of your time. I've recently been trying to walk for 30 seconds or so every mile to keep the legs fresh, and it's easy to become a slave to the watch and the mileage so you don't miss a scheduled change of pace. Hey, at least be thankful that your next month's LRs will be at temps around 70 or 80 degrees, unlike us northerners. :)

Susie-sorry to hear about the shins. Hope you (and Matt and anyone else dealing with shin splints) can get enough rest and get those legs healed.

Amy-oh no, not the achilles! I don't know much about those injuries. I had a few problems last year during training with both achilles tendons, but both times, I stopped right away and walked home. I iced them, taped them up and actually missed 3 or 4 days of running, but they seemed to go away after that. I hope you can get through it, like I said, I don't have too much advice other than take a few days off and see how it feels.

Well, finished my 14 miler today. The wind, oh the wind. I'm pretty sure we had a small hurricane here today. Did anyone happen to see a hurricane over southwestern Ohio on the Weather Channel or anything this morning? :confused3 Although (and I know the bikers out there can attest to this) I'd much rather run in the wind than bike into the wind. Finished in 2:12, and I was ok with that. I was just glad my legs felt fresh after the 7 miles yesterday morning. Hope that can continue through the next several weeks of the weekend back to back runs.

Ok, here's a question for you guys. Who has had good experience with the Asics Gel Kayanos? I'm thinking about giving them a try on the next pair of shoes, but I'm scared to death to switch out of the New Balance realm. So does anyone love the Kayanos?

Have a good rest of the weekend, everyone.

Hi everyone!

I did my 4-miler today. I didn't do well at all. I'm so disappointed. Last weekend I was able to do 3 miles at 15 min per mile. This time it was still below the 16-min per mile but not by much. My shins have been giving me fits lately and maybe that had something to do with it. I'm still hanging in there. I'm doing the W/R plan. However, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to keep it up. I can barely run the 1 min now. I'm not sure I can do 2 min coming up in a couple of weeks. We'll see.

jodi - great job with your run! I can't imagine doing ANY hills at this point in my running career. :banana:

Cecelia - wow! I'm impressed. Great job in the half. :thumbsup2

goofyguy - 20 miles! Good for you! I'm going to have to look up Dr. Maffetone' program. I need something like that. Congratulations!

Amy - sending you :wizard: for you injuries. :hug:

Craig - good advice. As I was walking/running my 4-miler, I thought about what it might be like being at WDW and participating in the half with folks cheering me on. It helped me focus on what I needed to do for my run today. Thanks!

Good luck with your training, everyone! :cheer2:
Steve, if I'm not mistaken, I think several people in last week's thread were talking about how much they LOVE, LOVE, LOVe their Kayanos. I bought some new shoes this past week and I wanted to try those but since I have flatter arches, the shoes would not be a good fit for me.....so I've been told. Maybe some of those folks will pipe in here and let you know more about the shoe.
Well, was slated to do 3.5 this am--Guess what?? The kids didn't wake me up until 7:45, so by that time it was too late to get out and back, showered and to church on time. Maybe I'll do the 3.5 tomorrow and count today as a rest day. I did 5.5 yesterday and "think" I finished around 50minutes--gotta get a decent watch--or maybe a garmin for xmas!!

Congrats on all those who ran this weekend!!!

cecilia--I feel your pain on that 1/2 in the rain. The 1st and only 1/2 DH and I did was in Feb. around 50degrees and pouring down rain, along with lightening and thunder--I honestly thought we would need an ark to finish! Kudos to you for pushing through the elements and tummy probs. and finishing! :thumbsup2
Cecilia - awesome job on your half! :cheer2:

Jodi - great job on you Pumpkin race too! :cheer2:

Susie - I am a bit leary of increasing to the 2 min. runs also. I figure I will try to run more than a min. and see what happens. I might just stick to the w3/r1 that I've been doing now.

I did my 32 min. MfM W3 / R1 today:
7:03 (.55 miles)

My time today wass slower than recent weeks. I got a relative ton of sleep since my Mom had Zack overnight. But I didn't eat very well before going out there. I had 3 scrambled eggs, a handful of baked cheetos and a couple pieces of Zack's Halloween candy. :rolleyes:

Also, as soon as I went out, I realized I didn't take a couple hits of my albuterol inhaler. I do this every time I walk/run to prevent any problems. So, I wasn't even .5 mile from home, and knew I needed that inhaler. I kept up the w3/r1 and got back home at mile 1 and was dying! Took my inhaler and got back out there to finish. I was so beat. BUT, I got out there and with the way I have been not following my training schedule very well, and being totally off the Weight Watcher wagon...I guess i did ok.

I think I am going to try to find some local races to keep my motivation up.
Hi All,

Mel – Sorry you had a hard time on your 5 miler. I have no idea on training your brain to run, but that’s a great question. I look forward to reading the answers you get. pixiedust: to your DD that the braces & PT help her runners knee.
Susie – pixiedust: for your shins. Hope the new shoes help.
Oh Amy… pixiedust: for your Achilles. I’m so sorry you are having such a hard time with leg injuries lately. Don’t give up….you’ve come such a long way. Your pace is so fast that even if you have to slow down you will still be way ahead of the sweepers. Pixie dust that the orthotics help. John(DH) had a partially torn Achilles tendon a couple of years ago. You can try putting a heel wedge in your shoe to take the pressure off of the Achilles.
Craig – Great advise, as always! I always enjoy reading your invaluable insight. :thumbsup2
Mike – Great advise too! Glad your 3 hr run went well & felt good. :thumbsup2
Cecilia – Congratulations on your half marathon. Great finish time! :woohoo:
Jodi – Congratulations on your 4 mile Great Pumpkin Classic. Great pace on those hills. :woohoo:
Jen – Great job getting your run in, in the dark. I haven’t had to walk/run yet in the dark, I’m not looking forward to that day. :sad2:
Steve – Great job on your 14 miler. Going into the wind sure does add a lot of resistance. :laughing:

Did our 4 mile lw/r today. Mile 1 (including warm-up) 14:47; Mile 2 14:37; Mile 3 14:17; Mile 4 13:57; Average Pace was 14:25mpm. 4 Miles in 57:40 Then did an additional .39 as a cool-down. Even though my time wasn’t as fast as I had hoped, I was pleased with the negative splits & the way I felt during the w/r.

WooHoo – On the dis 3 days in a row….I’m on a roll. :lmao:
Hi everyone!

Haven't checked in lately, since my training has tanked! :sad2:
I just have not been motivated to force myself out there :guilty: , plus I've been having some life (work and family) issues that are stressing me out.

Mel - I struggle with the mental toughness part, too. But my problem has been getting myself to the workouts (either the track or gym). Once I'm there, at least I'm getting the steps in, but the last 2 weeks have been almost nothing (or at least nothing substantial).

AmyBeth - Sorry to hear about your leg problems. Hope everything works out.

GoofyGuy - Great run! :thumbsup2 Glad to hear you're feeling better and training is going well.

Jodi & Cecilia - Congrats on your races!

Steve - Not a good day for PA football! :sad2:

I have to force myself to get back into the groove starting tomorrow. Of course it will be tomorrow night, since I have to take my Mom for tests. The hosp. said the tests will take 5 hours! :crazy:
My new motivation to start getting back to serious training is that I now have 6 of my friends coming down to cheer me on. Their airfare is booked, so they're definitely coming. I don't want to look like I'm dying out there, since they've made the special trip to cheer me on. (Hey, at this point, I'll take any motivation I can get!)

Cecilia-- congrats on your half. That's a great time :banana:

Jodi-- congrats on your 4 miler, too! Awsome.

AmyBeth-- I hope your achillies trouble is short lived :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: An ankle brace might help.

Goofyguy-- Congrats on a 20 miler in 3 hours. I did a 14 miler in just about the same time! But just as you said of yourself, considering my long saga, that was actually really great for me.

Mel-- I'm struggling with the mental aspect big time. I have fears that I might be hurting myself, I have major doubts that I can't pull it off, training less than half of what I did last year for the full and this year I'm doing Goofy. I try to take my thoughts captive and remind myself, "I can do this, I am doing this and it's going to be fun!". If you say it enough, you'll start to believe it (I think).

Yesterday I did a 4 mile walk. Today I did a 14 mile run. Avg pace 12:48. It was very slow, but steady. My splits didn't vary more than ~15 seconds except for the coffee break mile :goodvibes I stopped for a coffee at mile 10 and walked leisurely as I sipped the wonderful hot fluid. I forgot how great coffee breaks are on chilly LRs.

Oh, and being that I'm not nearly as disciplined as last year, I don't make it out the door at 5AM or anything insane like that anymore ;) I did my LR around 1PM and the bikepath was very crowded. I wore my Applefest LS shirt and got a couple of thumbs up and big smiles and nods from on coming runners. That made my day :goodvibes Guess there's something to be said to not being out there all by yourself!

Tonight I mapped out how much vacation time I'm going to need to take to complete training. :rolleyes: There's just not enough time in the day.



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