Wk of Oct 22--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Brief catch up from lasgt week -

Cam - Wow! The packets seem early!! Hoping they come this wasy soon!

Minnie - I am sorry one of us had to lose Saturday. Just think how good Iowa will look when MI becomes National CHamps, though. ;) That was a heck of a game!

Matt - I only did the 20-miler 3 weeks out last year. I still got my Mickey. :goodvibes

Christa- You are not the world's worst mom!!! My mom once sent me to school after vomiting that morning. SHe denies it to this day, but I know better. (Seriously, I was old enough to hold that against her and I still dont, except tog et a rise out of her.)

Krista - How sweet! I forgot Sweetest Day like a big loser! Scott got me teh Little Mermaid DVD, A book on Stevie Y adn some dark chocolate, though. Isn't it nice to eb spoiled? :teeth:
Krista - Oh thanks! I really planned on taking it easy. Although something tells me I'll be a nervous wreck. :rolleyes: The Expo looks like fun. Thanks for the pics. :thumbsup2

Chester - Oh thank you! I'll check that out tonight. I've never updated it so I'm sure I'm due! :goodvibes

Cam - You haven't opened it yet!?!?! :faint: Thanks for the good wishes for Mist. Wait! Oh no! No cardiac issues for you! No no! I want you to be done with all that! :hug:
skfulkers said:
. So does anyone love the Kayanos?
Forgive me, but :rotfl: You may want to read last weeks thread. There were many raving reviews. IIRC, some comparisons to Brooks too.

Jodi & Celia - Way to go!!

Jen - great run!!!

Mel - So sorry aout the stonker! AS fo rmental, I think I'm finally gettign tehre now. Sadly, teh way I see it is that my SRs are finally just as fast as my LRs. SAdly, that's a big increase for my SRs. I have no great advice to you, but to hang in there. :grouphug: SO sorry about dd's knees. Glad she can stil ldo the half, though.

Amy - Achilles? Not good! DH had soem problem with this last summer and had to take some tiem off. It was before official training though. Good lukck at the ortho. I'm guessing you will eb able to make it to the start, but you may have ot slow it down a bit.

Off to catch up with more.
I've been lurking since this time last year. This January will be my first marathon (ran Disney World and Disneyland Half's this year). Up to now, I've been planning to run alone since I'm coming from California and don't know anyone in the race. It would be great to have someone to run with for the race. Do any of you use this forum to find running partners? Everyone seems to be from all over the country, so it's not like you are training together. I recall that there were pacing groups available on race day, but I like to do a 5/1 run/walk and have no plans to go to straight running (I live for those walk breaks).

Maybe it's too early to start thinking about this, but as the long runs get longer (12 miles last Saturday, 2:18:45), this is all becoming very real, very fast.

DAve, Paul & MelR - Way to go on your races!

Cam - :O Sending prayer and PD that this is NOT your Vtach coming back!!!! COngrats on your 12-miler! Congrats to ds and Howard too!

Rhonda - So good to see you!!!! Hope training gets better!

Judy - :wizard: for MIST! I would thnk 2 to 3 hours would be enough for teh Expo. It was about 20 min fo rus to get our stuff adn maybe 30 min to go through the expo, but it was Saturday, so most people had their stuff and we had people waiting for us.

Krista - Disney planning night? That soudns awesome!

Solo - Hope you survived your weekend! Classes still going ok?

OK, we did our 12-miler at a 10:24 pace! :cool1: My legs weren't even THAT bad Sat or SUnday. I'm so scared that the bottom's going to fall out soon, though. This is where we took a dive last year.

I know I still missed a ton of people. Yikes we're big! That's awesome! :goodvibes
Cam :grouphug: I am praying for you, and sending :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Please update us as soon as you see your dr.

Dave-- Congrats on Niagra :cheer2: Think back to last January, would you have believed you could do that???? :woohoo:

MelR-- Another amazing adventure race :banana: The extra biking must have been so discouraging, but you kept it in great perspective and finished strong. Kudos!

Welcome Jim! We've got runners of all paces so I'm sure you'll be able to run with someone :)

So what happens if you don't update your Garmin? The GPS signal hasn't changed, does it recalibrate the Garmin? It seems the only reason you would need to update is to use the newer online software options. Yet Mine has been consistently reporting more mileage than it should. Yesterday's 14 miler was on a marked path and Garmin reported 14.22. Luckily, I've learned not to trust it so I set my stop watch and used that to get my average pace.

Sunny - I'm way out of my league on this one, but doesn't the gamin update just help w/ glitches and make it run smoothly. I know I've updated my garmin rino b/4 and it seems like i update my ipod all of the time!! Oh, yeah, I thought about you this weekend while i was doing the rappell section!! I think there was a photographer there. If i find any pics of our team, i'll post a link. You remember how i don't want to look so girly on the hike-a-bike pics? Well.. this time the hill was so huge i couldn't carry my bike up at the same speed that our team moved, so phil carried mine and his at the same time. the photograper was so happy about that!!! She said she had to get a pic of it! So.... basically i know i dont look tough in the hike a bike pic this yr!!! I think there was another time she took our pic where i was riding behind the boys and i was smiling and waving. i'm sure they look all determined and tough. i can't wait to see that one just b/c it will look funny
keenercam said:
Well, I did my 12 miles Saturday on a treadmill and wore my new Brooks Ariels. They felt better than I thought they would, but ultimately, were not a great choice for me. I ended up with blisters on the front end of the second toe on each foot and 2-3 blisters (elongated) along the inside line of the foot starting around the arch and going backwards. I also had some skinned areas on the inside of the left foot right below the big toe. I’d say these shoes are a big no-no. Off to order something else to try now. Judy may have talked me into trying Kayanos

Oh, no! Don't tell me this. I just bought Brooks Ariels. I was told by the owner of this running store for ladies that the Ariels are for people with a flatter arch and the Kayanos are for people with a medium arch. I'm having trouble with shin splints and she thought the Ariel would give me better support than the Kayanos. We'll see. :rolleyes:
WOW we are chatty this week...I cannot keep up.....

Melissa - that race sounds so cool! There is no way you couldn't look TOUGH on it.....Pretty, but tough! :crazy:

Sunny - 1st off, let me say that I know NOTHING about Garmins...but, sometimes they may be off if you had to cross the path...most of the time, paths and races are measured on the "inside" of the path/road/track...ect...

Dave - :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: on your race...we will now call you speedy!

DH just got back from his 4 miler and he is doing so great! He took the JRT with him....
I also took the JRT with me on my run today....I did 9 miles on the trail. I was just going to do 6, but it was a PERFECT running day and I just had to run. I think I was doing btwn 8.30 and 9.00 MPM. I did it in 1:15.
SO MY JRT RAN a 1/2 marathon today....I have been trying to increase her mileage so she could do LRs with me. Here is a pix of her after DDs dressed her up.
Christa - The poor thing! A half marathon on those little JRT legs...

Judy - Good luck with Mist's trial.

Dave - Congrats on your half marathon! Have you broken the news yet? (I keep coming in and out of lurking mode and haven't had time to read ALL the posts!)

Rhonda - Great job - I can't believe you're able to run that far! Makes me very envious.

Cam - Will keep my fingers crossed that there's nothing really wrong. We'll be waiting to hear...

I'm sitting here with bandages and ice - went out for what I thought would be an easy 3 miles after work tonight with the dog. She had an altercation with another dog after only 1/4 mile, and while trying to separate them I ended up on the ground. It hurt, but I got up and decided to finish the run anyway. When got home I actually looked at my knee and couldn't believe the mess I'd made of it (and my shoulder too)! There will be much ice and Aleve for the next couple of days, and maybe Mystic will stay at home for a few runs. I did demand kudos from DH for continuing the run!

Hey! I've been lurking for a while, but wanted to check in and say congrats to everyone for doing an AWESOME job with all the training runs!!! :thumbsup2

Cam - Big hugs! :grouphug: Please let us know what the doctor says!

Judy - Tons of PD :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Mist's trial!

Christa - your JRT is too cute!!! I am amazed that she did 13 miles!!! Tigger is having a good day when he goes 2 miles without sitting down on the road! :dog:

Mel - I'm sorry to hear about DD's knee issues! I hope the PT helps, but yea for being cleared for the half! You asked a question about the mental training - I'll dig out my marathon books. I know one dealt with the mental side more than the physical side, and it had some great info. Sorry I can't remember which one - I'll work on that tomorrow, though. My training runs were so much more grueling than the actual race last year, but I knew I couldn't get to the start line without putting in the steps. You can do this!!! :thumbsup2

Cecilia, Dave, Paul, Melissa, and Jodi - Great job on the races!!!! :cool1: I love the reports - thanks for the inspiration!!!

The weather here is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow, so I've told the boy that we are going walking in the afternoon (more like waddling for me...) I definitely have more energy now, so no excuses! ;) Also, DH and I were talking about goals after January. We both need things to aim for. So, I will put in writing that I want to do the half again in January 2008. The baby is due in April, and even with a possible C-section, that should be enough time to be ready. Yea! Had a Dr appt this morning and heard the heartbeat - all is good! We find out in a month (hopefully) if Billy will have a brother or a sister - woo-hoo!!! :goodvibes

Hapy training everyone!!! :woohoo:

Hey all, back again. Looks like it's been busy since I've been away, hope all gets better for you Cam.

Not much has happened my end, I ran 10k the week before last dressed as Minnie Mouse, which led to some serious underarm chafing, no wonder she just stands around with her legs all tangled up.

I then completely piked what was supposed to be my overload week for teh half this Sunday so headed out this weekend instead to do my 16km. Mel: I am with you on the head thing. I was doing great until the halfway point and then my motivation just switched off. I think it's because I'd set myself this goal of beating last years time, and I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen - and so of course now I don't want to run at all (logical eh). Now the problem with all of this is that at the point this happens, I am 8km away from home, and so have no choice but to keep running anyway which then leads me feeling all proud of myself that I managed to do an 8km that I really didn't want to do - I think that's how you get your head to join in, you turn as many negatives as you can positive.

So that's it for me, I'm on the taper for Sunday, which feels strange as I don't feel I even deserve one, mind you, I can't wait to lie in bed Saturday morning for one. Helen
Are shins splints contagious? I got a bad case of them on my run yesterday. I was supposed to do 60 minutes, but when I was in front of my house at 41 minutes, I just went (or should I say limped) inside. It's my left leg, which has been bothering me on and off since the middle of July with tightness in my calf and then pain going down the front of my leg. I didn't have any problems on my 12 miler on Saturday, but Sunday my calf was very sore and tight feeling, I kept stretching it, but apparently that didn't help. After I came in the house last night, I iced my leg for about 20 minutes and it felt okay, but today it is killing me again, it hurts just to walk. I'm going to xt today, switch my rest day to Wednesday and try running again on Thursday. Thankfully this is a taper back week!

Cam-- :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: I will definitely keep you in my prayers. When do you go to the doctor again? Glad to hear that Jenn is adjusting to college, what is her major?

Lynnda--Nice "seeing" you again! And it was great seeing you for real a couple of weeks ago. Are you feeling any better? Bill told us that you were sick and trying your best to get him sick as well. ;)

Christa--Your dog is so cute!! I love her!! I can't believe she ran 13 miles yesterday. If she's anything like Hines, I bet she's still sleeping!!

Judy-- :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for Myst!!

Jackie--You poor thing!!! I run with Hines all the time and that's my biggest fear. I know I would have to try to break a fight up, I just couldn't stand there and see my baby get hurt.

Helen--We need pictures!!! ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo Great job on your 10K and for finishing a run you didn't feel like doing.
Krista - lots of :wizard: :wizard: for your shins! I used to get those all the time when I danced. THEY HURT! Ballet is the worst for giving them to me.

Christa - The poor thing! A half marathon on those little JRT legs...
Jackie - You don't need to worry about her. I checked with the vet to make sure it was OK for her to run long. He said she could probably outrun me....I then explained the I was a marathon runner and he said I should train her like I train...starting small and go up. She has been well trained. I started her at 1 mile when I got her at Thanksgiving last year and we have been going slowly up in mileage. After the 9, I wasn't going to let her go 4 with DH, but she was going crazy and wanted to go. She does about an 8.30 MPM pace. I do well with that, but DH has to hold her back b/c he is more used to around a 10.00 MPM pace. So her last 4 was slower than normal for her. :rotfl:

My LR is going to have to be moved to Thursday or maybe even Wednesday b/c I am now trying to put my children b/4 my running. :rotfl2: They have parties and a field trip on Friday so I will be at school all day with them. I have to redeem myself from last week.
So I don't know what to do today. I will figure something out.

Did I mention that we are going to WDW on Sunday??? Coming back on Friday! Will be at MNSSHP on Halloween night! SCARRY!
Some of you were asking....
Bree is due Nov. 14th
She is 3 cm dialated (SP?) so you never know...her boy could be coming soon!
:cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: :banana: :cool1:
Yeah! Bree :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Keep us posted!

Jackie-- I'm so sorry you and your poor pup had that encounter.

Hi Lynnda :wave: I'm glad you are feeling better! Oh I remember hearing the hearbeat. That's one of the many great moments of motherhood :love: :cloud9: It's great that you are looking ahead and planning goals.

Christa-- what an adorable JRT. I'm glad you checked with the vet, I was a bit worried when I heard you were gonna make him run like you :eek:

Helen-- we definitely need pics :rotfl2: Minnie is of the old school where being pretty was more important than being functional :rotfl:

On the mental-- Helen said something that I know is affecting me. I know I can't come close to my last year's time and that is defnitely a mental drain. Last year's training was always about going farther, faster, stronger... The other thing that is hard for me is the loss of the newness factor. Last year was my first full marathon. Even though I'm doing Goofy this year, it just isn't new. But I need to restudy the course maps like Craig and others and start visualizing. I did so much visualizing last year of the course, the finish line and this year I spend way too much time worrying and letting negative thoughts creep in.

One trick I used alot last year was this: when I hit the point that I felt I just couldn't go another step I would pretend that was the 20/22 mile wall and then push myself on so I would know how to do it at racetime. I did that on the elliptical, stairmill, rower, anything. Just push through that moment of "I can't possibly go another step, second, etc." and you'll be amazed!

MelR-- I can't wait for more rappelling pics! DS will be the first to see. He just thinks your the coolest (craziest?) Mom around. Remember when he asked you to send a picture of your bike? Of course I can't wait to see Phil hiking Mr & Mrs bikes, too :rotfl2: Don't give it a second thought, you are one of the toughest women I've ever known! If I ever make it to Arkansas I'll get the IC to work on your guns ;) But first she has to rematerialize and work on mine!

No training for me yesterday. Dx called and asked that I come straight home 'cause he was sick and needed to go to bed. I wasn't too sympathetic :rolleyes1 Now I'll probably catch it just because I wasn't nice!

gatorphipps said:
Some of you were asking....
Bree is due Nov. 14th
She is 3 cm dialated (SP?) so you never know...her boy could be coming soon!
:cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: :banana: :cool1:

I'm going to be very jealous if Bree goes early on her first child. Sonya was 2 1/2 weeks late. Everyday was an eternity!!!!!!! Not to mention she was nearly full grown by the time she "made her trek" :scared:
gatorphipps said:
Did I mention that we are going to WDW on Sunday??? Coming back on Friday! Will be at MNSSHP on Halloween night! SCARRY!

You guys are going to have so much fun!

We went last year for the first time, and actually did MNSSHP on my birthday. In all of our many trips to WDW, we never had a better time! And I always thought nothing could top early December. We all dressed up like pirates. pirate: I make a very good wench! :rotfl: What are guys going to be?

Sunny - I won't tell you I went 3 weeks early with Zack then... :rolleyes1
Good morning all. :sunny:

This morning was supposed to be XT for me, but since I don't have much in the way of XT I did 2 miles at 1min W @ 4.0 and 1 min R @ 5.0. Then I did ten minutes on the bike.

I was really tired for some reason so it took some effort. And while I was struggling to find the energy, I had this thought...Although I was in no particular pain, I thought to myself "the pain will only last a little while. Your first Half marathon time will last forever." I thought that was pretty profound of me. :goodvibes I'm going to write that on my arm in January so when I'm just about to drop I will remember that I will only do my first Half once, and I will always remember it. So I'll dig down and find that energy and kick it up a notch.

Christa - Your pup is so cute! :cloud9: Undignified in that outfit, but adorable none the less! Ohh! I am so jealous! We were there when they were just starting to put up the decorations. It looked like so much fun! Oh my goodness! Bree! :goodvibes

Jackie - OMG! :eek: That's awful! I hope both of you are OK. :hug:

Lynnda - Oh that's so exciting! When you find out let us know! We too...or I should say I too...am planning on the Half in 2008. Dh just doesn't know it yet. Hee hee. :teeth: As soon as we get home from WDW I am registering and booking the AKL.

Helen - I agree! We need pictures! Kudos for you for finishing when you just didn't feel like it. That's perseverance! :thumbsup2

Thank you all for the well wishes for Mist. I have a call into the Sanctuary to see how it went. :wizard:

Btw..I am still packet-less. :rolleyes:


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