Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Jodi. Remember me? I'm the one that gave you grief for drinking your water out of glue bottles (that ought to get you started off right here on the big thread)!

Yes, Mike, I remember you...sort of:lmao:

Thanks for the intro, Dave.
Jodi who?:confused3


Mike, did Kathy get the AP rate for the weekend days as well?

I have called three times and they will only give me the AP rate for Sunday night.
Jodi who?:confused3


Mike, did Kathy get the AP rate for the weekend days as well?

I have called three times and they will only give me the AP rate for Sunday night.
Hi Colleen- How is your knee doing these days? And how is your family doing after the plague that has run through your house? Have you figured out your plan for long walks?
Mike, did Kathy get the AP rate for the weekend days as well?

I have called three times and they will only give me the AP rate for Sunday night.

Hi Colleen -

I'm still waiting for a call back from Disney. I called several times yesterday too..I was quoted several different rates...none of the CMs I spoke with were able to break down the rates for me by day :confused3 The last one I spoke with said that my account would be credited and that I would receive the $49 rate for each day of our stay (Thurs-Tues) She said that I would recieve a call in the next 24 hours with a new confirmation number. No call yet. Maybe I'll look it up online and see what they did.
Wow, MCMers are taking over the weekly WISH thread. I just have to say that Kathy, I didn't realize until today that you were "momoftwogirls". It's nice to put the screen names with the faces. I really enjoyed meeting you and Mike this weekend, and hope we can meet up again sometime in the future. You were such good hosts and ambassadors for your region.
Hi Colleen -

I'm still waiting for a call back from Disney. I called several times yesterday too..I was quoted several different rates...none of the CMs I spoke with were able to break down the rates for me by day :confused3 The last one I spoke with said that my account would be credited and that I would receive the $49 rate for each day of our stay (Thurs-Tues) She said that I would recieve a call in the next 24 hours with a new confirmation number. No call yet. Maybe I'll look it up online and see what they did.

Hey Kathy,

Wow, that is a great rate at POP. Vic is also checking in Thursday and getting the $99 for a moderate. Maybe that is the difference.:confused3 I am afraid to call again, I can hear the CM's laughing in the background, here's that crazy lady again calling about the AP rates. Right now I have a AAA rate for $119 a night, so it is not too bad.

BTW, sounds like you all had a great time in DC, can't wait to meet you and Mike in January!:thumbsup2
Jackie: bummer about being at Mile 22. I have to get a decent copy of the map - the one online is so hard to read. If 22 isn't somewhere all the way into Umstead Park, maybe we'll come visit anyway. Take care of that foot.

According to our instructions, our stop is on Ebenezer Church just before Richland Drive (the map makes it look more like it's right after Richland Drive, so who knows?), not too far from the intersection with Duraleigh Rd. I'll be there from 8:00-1:30, so come visit!

There's an "Ask the PT" at the Expo on Friday, so I think I may go by there during his session and see if I can talk to him about the foot. Might as well get something out of my registration!

Eva - Sorry for your loss. Running will keep you sane during the next few days.

Sabrina - Welcome! This group will absolutely get you trained for whatever distance you want.

Welcome back to all the MCMers!

Hi guys, I know I have been totally MIA from the boards for awhile. It has been a case of WTO, then lots of travel and racing. My midweek runs have suffered a bit (i.e. I haven't run as many of them as I should have), but I've been fairly happy with some of my racing lately! This weekend is my last race before the Goofy - a 5 miler nighttime race in Banff. Should be a good time!

I did get a run in today over lunch - my first since ToT. The legs have been feeling a little tired and I would have bailed except my coworker who is racing with me this weekend wanted to get a run in (even though she wasn't feeling it either). 3.52 mi in 36:48 (10:27/mi). Once we got going it sure felt great to be moving! I have my 5 mile race Saturday, then a 15 miler long run on Sunday. It is going to be a long weekend!
Hey Vic - My DW momoftwogirls already thanked you for the AP rate post.

She was sitting in the study yesterday and all of a sudden SCREAMS "Vic posted"... then something I couldn't hear. I thought you'd gone over the edge and finally posted the locker room pictures of you at WWDave's health club.:eek: :eek:

Needless to say, I was greatly relieved to find out it was that the AP rates were out.

Thanks again.

Glad to help.

All pictures stay in the vault. :rolleyes1
Eva - So Sorry for your loss!

Sabrina and Jodi :welcome:

Leanna - can you please PM me?

Everyone sounds like training is going good. After my week of rest from the Nike 1/2, I'm back on the training regime. I've started the week cross-training (to help save my lower extremities.) Did an hour on the spinner on Tuesday and an hour on the elliptical on Wednesday. The spinner is up for tonight when I get home from work. Probably won't be able to hit the track for actual running until Saturday. This working for a living isn't all it's cracked up to be.:teeth:

Welcome back to all the MCM and ToT racers! Great pictures everyone!

Yesterday was crazy, but I did manage to get 4 miles done on the TM before trick or treating. DH sent me 3 dozen gorgeous roses since it was our 10th anniversary. Little did we know that we would not actually get to celebrate our anniversary until the kids were all grown and gone...we've spent all but one of our anniversaries trick or treating. :rolleyes:

Krista and Steve...Happy Anniversary to you too!

Kristi...Happy Belated Birthday!

:welcome: Bob, Sabrina, Jodi! Don't worry about keeping up...I can't keep up anymore either ;)

Eva...so sorry for your loss.

Kevin...good luck on your move!

Terri, Leana...can we see a picture of the Tiffany necklace? Sounds like a great race!

lourodrigis...you posted a photo of yourself awhile back that was from a really cool running site. What was the name of that site?

The AP rate was only $2.38 cheaper for us than the AAA rate at the Poly. We've also found out that DD14's last day of finals is Jan 11, so we won't be able to pull her out of school that day to come up for the race. :sad1: Doesn't look like she'll be doing the half this year either...we're trying to find a date to schedule her knee surgeries. Hopefully, the surgeries will make it possible for her to do the Minnie...gotta keep our streak alive!

I'm trying to figure out how far to run for this weekend's LR. Higdon calls for 15, but I've been thinking about going back to MFM. My foot's done really well, until I tried to do speedwork on Wed, so I'm thinking less mileage may be better.
MSWDave - glad you were able to get 3 miles in today and that your legs felt good.
Kim - Good luck with the weight loss thing. Sounds like you have a good plan.
PrincessRunner - :thumbsup2 on no PF pain. Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays away.
Krista - Sorry you got sick. We got back yesterday afternoon but then I am use to this weather so maybe that is what got you. We rode on BTMRR and ended up getting soaked because it started to pour. Didn't realize they still ran it in the rain. Everyone must have thought we just got off Splash, who would have thought you could get SOAKED on BTMRR???
Jen - What a great idea about the DVD player for the stroller and I just have to say your DD is adorable. I loved your pics.
Sara74 - Sounds like you have a good plan for the Minnie. By saying its 26 weeks away makes it seem not so far away (LOL) since that might be the next time I get to WDW :sad2:
Sabrina - Welcome!!!! Check out Active.com to find race dates in your area. That is always a good place to start.
Jodi - Welcome to the craziness!! Don't worry about being able to keep up. Sometimes I only have a chance for a drive by and to update on my training. I feel bad about it when I do it but I am sure everyone realizes that LTO/WTO sometimes. Good luck in the Goofy.

As far as me - I was able to get out for 2 miles today. My legs felt great. My shin splint bothered me just briefly when I first started out. It wasn't my legs that held me back its my breathing - I felt like I was going to die (well not really!!!) but I had to keep stopping to walk. I barely made it down the first street which is only .25 mile and I had to walk. I guess the legs got a work out after the race by all the walking around WDW but the lungs didn't get the work out they are use to and decided to slow me down. Oh well I didn't get too down on myself since I did end up making it in 25 minutes. I went up by the beach (luckly only 1 mile from my house) and there were really big waves. Guess that is from Tropical Storm Noel that is passing by out in the Atlantic ocean. Just 30 mins north of me there is a condo or hotel that is about ready to fall into the ocean because the beach has been erroded away so bad. :eek:

Hopefully I will be able to get out tomorrow morning and do another 2 miles and the humidity won't be as bad as that is why my DH thinks I was having a problem with my breathing (and not just lack of training!! LOL)
TnTsParty: good for you getting out for the 2 miles! I hope the shin splint goes away permanently!

Sabrina, Jodi: welcome! Don't worry about keeping up! It's hard sometimes but it's worth it to stick your head in every so often. Let us know what your goals are and how your training is progressing. Oh, and banter whenever you can.

chimera: hope the foot continues to do well. I've also been following Higdon's plan and am supposed to run 16 miles this weekend. Boy, it seems that all I do is run. I'd give anything to NOT run just one week!

Leana: good luck in Banff! I hear it's beautiful and I'd love to see it some day.

Who was it who said they were going to get a flu shot? Thanks--I'd forgotten about that. I need to find out when my doctor's office is giving them.

NEPatsFan Bill: what was your bib number?

Battery is running low on the ol' laptop so...have a good evening everyone!
Ugh, what is it about going on vacation? Seems like the world exploded here while we were gone. I've been going non-stop since we got back. Only gotten to run once, and not for lack of wanting to. And to think, I'm a SAHM--can't even bear the thought of what life would be like if I worked full-time!

Krista--sorry to hear about the rain! We actually had a beautiful night--except they had to close Mickey's toontown for awhile around the fireworks b/c of the wind (no biggie for me--actually was nice, didn't have to wait in line for hours to see characters b/c they forced us out!)

Welcome to all our new members! Post as often as you can so we can really get to know you. Okay, gonna head to bed early cuz got a busy day again tomorrow!
Hi WISH Team! Glad that MCMers are back with us, and ToT is done. We are family again!

Welcome to the new folks. Come often post lots!

Eva, sorry for your loss. Be happy with the good memories.

I'm hoping to get to the shoe store this weekend. I desparately need shoes!
Mel - I haven't been able to figure out how to get a pic in my post to show you the bling. If anyone can tell me how to get a pic in the post, I'd appreciate it.
(When I click on the insert image icon, it asks for a url. The pic is on my memory card. Where do I find a url for that?

Hey all - just popped in to remind myself that everyone else is running 15 miles this weekend as well. 13 is (mentally) easy, done that loads of times, but only ever run 15 miles once before and I'm scared (not helped by the whole having to run 7 miles the day before thingy or the fac tthat my shuffle is no longer shuffling just playing everything in the same order!!!!) - Martha, I'm with you, all my weekends at the moment consist of running and house hunting - I'm desperate to go away for a weekend and not do either!

I do however admit to a brief moment of gloating last night in the pub - I was the only girl there with nine men (not intentional, don't know where all the other girlfriends were) and one of them saved me a chair to rest my legs after my half this weekend. So someone else said ' what you ran 13 miles last weekend and you're still walking' and I said, yep, but that's the easy bit this weekend I'm running 22 miles! He nearly choked on his beer. I'm so used to mixing with runners I forget that actually we all need a pat on the back now and again as it's all a bit of an achievement.

At least the amount of time I've got to run for shrank after being able to measure my times last week, I'm now working on the fact that I run 13 miles at my training pace in 2.20 last weekend so I'm going to stick with that - then add 12 minute miles past 13 - so I only have to do 2.44 Sunday (I had planned on 3hrs originally)

So anyway, good luck for everyone this weekend - I'll be thinking of you. Helen
I unfortunately don't have a picture of just the necklace from the Nike race itself, but here is a close up from when I put it on after the race:


I've been wearing it every day..!

Also, I did get to meet Terri in the finish area, so here is a pic of us!

Hi WISH Team! Glad that MCMers are back with us, and ToT is done. We are family again!

Welcome to the new folks. Come often post lots!

I'm hoping to get to the shoe store this weekend. I desparately need shoes!

Lily look what happened when you told me to post often and post lots.

Good luck with the shoe shopping, I hope you find the perfect ones.

What you said about being a family is sooooooo true. I miss you guys already. Good thing we have another gathering in 10 weeks. Being with the WISH Team made this the best trip to Disney ever. I love being part of the WISH Team, thank you all for bringing Erica and I in.:cloud9:

We have reservations for the Caribbian Beach from Jan 6th till the 17th, is anyone else staying there?

Have an awesome day y'all.

Goofy challanger Panda:hippie:
Anyone get the email from Pearl Izumi via Active.com?

It's a promotion to win free shoes for life, but says:

"Runners: Win Free Pearl Izumis for Life"

"Joggers: At the rate you're going, your shoes should last a lifetime"

I went ahead and entered the drawing. I figure if I were to actually win, it would really frost them to have a jogger sporting a 12 min mile winning their runners promotion :stir:
If anyone else wants to enter (to give a better chance of a 'jogger' winning), http://www.wearenotjoggers.com/home

Helen...you go ahead and gloat!

Sunny...are you out there? Someone mentioned the clippies are down and I found the whole page gone. I sent a PM but haven't heard from you. Hope you're okay!

Leana (and Terri)...thanks for posting the necklace picture. That is really cool! I'd love to have something from a race that I could wear all the time...sporting those medals might look funny at work ;)

Actually, we have someone working on marketing for our office now and they're giving us ideas on connecting with the public. I've been encouraged to mention on my website bio that I'm a runner along with other personal info. The doc and I have walls in our lobby that display our diplomas, certificates, etc...my office manager convinced me to hang my shadow box with this year's medals. I've gotten several comments from patients, including one lady who's said she's training for the Sarasota half next year because I had talked to her about it awhile ago. Kinda cool


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