Wk of Sep 10--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Lynne, Great to hear of the report beginnings. Hope you are having chicken soup! That is the cure all right?

Tink, glad to have you with us!

Lisa, great to have you stop by. I've been wondering how you are and sending PD and prayers to you and family. Since you've got the ickies, I guess I'll add some more prayers for you.

Dave, you are doing so well! I'm pleased for you.

Gotta jet for a bit. I'll be back for Chat tonight...see ya then
Part three


Rode back up the Helix and told the volunteer that collected my bike that he could keep it although I wasn’t as seriously upset at it as I have been at other races so it must not have been that bad of ride. I do desperately need a new bike saddle with a narrower nose. Inner upper thigh chafing/open sores is no fun. Went into the T2 ballroom and looked around and there were still TONS of transition bags in there. WTH- was I having a better day than I thought? The transition rooms resembled MASH tents w/ people getting bundled up and tended to. Changed from the black Sugoi long sleeve shirt to the West Kennebunk Fire Tri long sleeve, peeled off the totally trashed WISH socks(Mom thinks they are done for- almost black w/ dirt), put on dry-temporarily- running socks and shoes, grabbed the hat and off I went. Mat to mat- 7:58.

The run- 26.2 miles through the streets of Madison and around UW

The course was 2 13.1 mile laps with a lot of different out and back sections and some loops. You cover opposite ends of State St at the start of each lap and in the middle. Was great for spectators following their athletes. The most significant hill/hills were the Observatory Hill area of the UW campus and the worst wind was along Lake Mendota. On the outbound portion of each lap made a loop around the Camp Randall/UW football field which was kind of cool.

Not much positive to say here- ran every other mile for the first 10 and then switched entirely to walking. Wasn’t physical in that the legs couldn’t do it because the miles I did run were ‘comfortable’ and in the 9-10 mpm range. Mentally, I still felt nauseous, I was cold(yes, it was still raining and windy), my side hurt…I just couldn’t force myself to start running again. Hindsight, I was having exceptionally poor decision making at that point probably due to the cold. From the distance of a couple days later, if I could have forced myself to string a couple miles in a row together at the start of the run, I might have been able to warm the body up enough to dig myself out of the hole I was in after the bike. Now, I’ll never know. I wanted to quit at many points but I just kept moving forward. I KNOW this ‘run’ was at least 1 hour slower that it should have been and I think the biggest reason was poor decision making tied into being cold. Got to talk with some really neat people though.

The numbers: 5:56:38, 95/130 age group, 1904/2475 overall

14:34:05, 69/130 age group, 1560/2475 overall

Had planned on watching the glowstick parade and the final people finish at midnight but was so cold and feeling miserable that I just got changed into dry clothes and we headed back to the hotel. Skipped the massage and never did see any post-race food. We ‘walked’ the path although it was really more a slow shuffle for me at that point and about 2/3 of the way back I sent Mom for the car. Could have made it the rest of the way but she was moving too fast for me at that point. Was in bed before midnight after having 2 little boxes of Frosted Flakes w/ milk and a Skippy bar for ‘dinner.’

The city of Madison
The volunteers
The spectators

Underestimating the weather

Would I do another? Hell yeah. It’s a challenge at the most personal level. Will I do WI again next year? Nope, but will probably come back to it at some point as it was announced that the contract was renewed for another 5 years.

So congrats on getting through the epic race report of an epic race. I'm really getting sick of doing 'epic' condition Ironmans so I'm headed to Panama City for 2007- the Floridians will lynch me if I bring this weather with me down there in early November.
Wow, Lynne, you are an IRONMAN (IRONWOMAN) !!! :banana: :banana:

Unbelieveable accomplishment and for you to persevere in those conditions is remarkable. I loved reading every word of your report, (although you kind of lost me with some of the bike lingo:confused3 ).

Well done!:thumbsup2

For those of you doing DL this weekend, her is a short trailer for a movie coming out about the Chicago Marathon.

I have 5 more weeks until Chicago and it has really got me pumped, I just want to get out and run NOW!

At the beginning...I was sick with nerves for you!
YOU DID GREAT! I really don't know if I could EVER do anything like that.​
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Get better soon!​
Lynne, you are one of my hero!s :worship: :worship:
Your ability is fantastic!

Hope you're not "down" too long. Take it easy in your post race time.

Kathy, what was it like to spectate that event? I can't imagine.

Oohh Colleen, thanks for the link. I'm off to look at it then I must XT!

I told Matt in chat b4 I quit that I was going so I am, really! :rolleyes:
Lynne, I have nothing to say but :worship:

You are our WISH hero, err, IRONWOMAN!!! :cheer2:

Feel better soon!

(ok, enough procrastinating - still not packed for our flight tomorrow!)
Lynne - Congratulations!!!! :banana: :banana:
You are an Ironwoman!! :cool1:

Kristi - You're not alone. I haven't even started packing yet. My flight leaves Friday morning.

Colleen - Thanks for the link. It got me psyched!

Lisa - Welcome back! Great to hear from you again. Sending :wizard: your way!

Jennifer - Welcome to the WISH board!

Sunny - Thanks for the info. I'll keep that it mind if I need to get antibiotics. Keeping you in my prayers.

Good Morning TEAM: I just heard this story on NPR, and I thought people might be interested in it. I had gotten a book on Chi Running about a month ago. This fellow, Danny Dreyer, has combined elements of Tai Chi to try to improve the running form in order to prevent injury. I thought some people here might be interested in it.

OK, good morning again: :surfweb:

Scheduled rest day today for MfM. My legs feel OK, but I will gladly take a rest in order for them to get stronger.

Jennifer :welcome: to the team!!! It is a great group here, very supportive and inspiring. It's always good to have another member though. I tried to start running again (after an 8 year layoff) last year, and had to stop because of shin splints. I made a committment to start up again in January, and this group has really kept me going for nearly 8 months now. That's the longest I've continued an exercise program for years. I started out walking 2 miles in 30 min, and now I'm doing 10 min miles. I had severe shin splints again which didn't allow me to run for most of July and August, but I kept training by doing deep water runs in the pool and posting here. I wouldn't have stuck with it if it wasn't for the support I've gotten here. Oh yeah, and because of the siren song of going to see Mickey in January.

Lynne- CONGRATULATIONS on completing the Ironman in Madison. I am soooooo impressed. You ROCK!!! :thumbsup2

Lily- How'd your x-training go last night?

Lisa- Thanks for posting. It's great to hear from you. I hope your pregnancy is going well, and you get over your nausea soon.

Sunny- Thanks for your post. What you have found out about quinolone drugs is absolutely frightening. Yes, it certainly does sound like you have found a connection between the levaquin and the H.E.-double hockey sticks you are going through now. I really hope you can show this evidence to your doctors sometime too. Thanks again for educating us all about it too. Before your posts, if I had a doctor presecribe that to me - I certainly wouldn't think twice about filling it, but now I would certainly question it.

Minnie- Have a great time on your spur of the moment trip to WDW!!! How fun!

Dana- I am soooooo sorry you won't be able to make it to WDW in January for the marathon weekend. Keep your training up though, maybe something will happen that will allow you to go. You've been doing so great, I hope this doesn't cause you to break your exercise and good health habit. How have you been doing with quitting smoking?

Rhonda- Good to hear from you too. Thanks again for organizing the dessert party at EPCoT. I'm very, very excited for that. It should be a great way to celebrate completing the marathon.

Mel/Chimera- The Celtic dress is BEAUTIFUL. Can you ship it to me when your DD is done with it? ;) I have two princesses here, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, that I'm sure would make good use of it. Actually, scratch that - unless you have two dresses to ship - they would fight over who gets to have it. My princesses princess: princess: are getting the Narnia dresses (Lucy and Susan) from DisneyShopping.com for Halloween. Unfortunately, I ordered them in August, and they have been back ordered. Supposedly, they will ship next week. We'll see. I'm not cancelling my order though because I got such a great deal on them - with discounts and codes they ended up costing about $8/dress.

Jen- I just wanted to say that I hope your mother is doing OK and is comfortable.

Kevin- How are you doing out there? Are you surviving the start of football season? Are you coming out this way to run any events during the Scotiabank Toronto Marathon? I'm toying with the idea of running the Niagara Fallsview 1/2 Marathon on October 22nd. It fits right in to the MfM training plan, and it would be my first 1/2 marathon.

Jodi- How are you doing? I don't remember hearing from you this week. I hope all is well. Did you run a race over the weekend?

Amy- Just wanted to send a shout out and say hi. :wave2:
Lynne - Your report put a lump in my throat and tear in my eye. Congratulations! You rock! :thumbsup2
Lynne-- that was an awsome report. I'm so glad you didn't quit at T2! I was so sad to hear you didn't get to the post race-food and went to bed with frosted flakes-- you deserved a banquet!!!!!!

I have a colleaque who went to school in Madison right next door, I'm going to go over and brag about my WISH friend right now!

Dave-- I have that Chi Running book. I should get it back out and reread. I was practicing what I was learning last training season, then I kind of forgot about it.

GO DL WISHers!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Lynn - Great job. I'm so proud of you! I've been keeping phil updated on what was going on. I gave him the full report last night. You did awsome!!!! I'm so glad you did not quit!!

Sunny - Hope you have a good day today.

Mel - I have basically sworn off sewing halloween costumes b/c I work my rear off and the always look terrible!!! I'm so impressed w/ your skill.

I was going to ride the bronc today. I didn't sleep last night and had terrible dreams. I think i'm taking boy to school and then resting!
Lynne - Thank you so much for the much anticipated race report. I am tired just reading it and you are a true inspiration!! :cool1: Congrats on acheiving such an amazing feat.

Colleen - So glad to hear you're psyched for Chicago. I am sure it will be an awesome time for you. I am off to Chicago on Monday for business, so let me know if I can pick up anything for you.

Christa - The cruise leaves at 5:00 after the marathon. I wouldn't have chanced one leaving any earlier. You never know what the day could bring...:confused3

Sunny - Thanks for the interesting post. I hope you are able to use it for an alternative approach to your present condition.

Lisa - Thanks for checking in :) Glad to hear you're doing well and I hope the nausea stays at bay.

Mel - OMG, the dress is gorgeous!! You are so talented. My DD9 wants to learn how to sew and I promised her that we'd learn together.

Confession time for me - I haven't been posting much because I am questioning my athletic aspirations. I just am not motivated at all. I am putting in the steps, but just not finding the joy in it. It is sort of like been there done that for me this time around. I have been struggling with my energy levels and I am just not sure I have the desire anymore to go 26.2.
Wow, that was huge for me to put it in writing.
3 miles for me this a.m. on the treadmill followed by an advanced pilates class. I'm hitting the gym at lunch for some weights.

Best of luck to the DL runners. Travel safe!!
Lyn - Congratulations! You rock :cool1:

Sorry I missed chat last night...I got home at 7:30pm and checked it, but missed everyone. I did stay and chat with the gang in the main room, so that was nice to catch up with them.
Hi, everyone!
Just checking in to tell you, Lynne, that you rock, sweetie! You continue to impress me with your discipline and determination and positive spirit. You are all good things that a parent could want their young person to become. I pray my daughter will grow up to be just like you. ;) Really, seriously, congratulations!

To everyone else -- I won't get to check in again. Work has been beyond insane and I've been here no less than 12 hours/day weekdays and put in 16+ hours last weekend. I cannot believe I am going to California for the first time in my life! :teeth: (I'm still freaked out about the flight, but hope to spend most of it sleeping - except when Howard or Andy wakes me up on the hour to walk the aisle :rolleyes: ) I cannot believe I am doing a 1/2 marathon on Sunday that I haven't had time to "take steps" for since last Friday night. :sad1: And I can't believe I will finally get to see some of my dear WISH buddies in 2 days! :banana:

I will miss all of you this next week. I feel so out of touch since I haven't even been able to return phone calls from my sweet, funny, dear Liz. Will talk to you all after the 1/2! :grouphug:
Lynne - :worship: WOW! I am completely impressed and in awe! I am so glad you had the persistence to stick with it and finish! Way to go! Now enjoy a well deserved rest and recovery period.

Have to finish packing for DL! WOOHOO!! Will be at the airport in 6 1/2 hours!

Good luck to my fellow DL 1/2ers...hopefully see you on the course! :cheer2:

Sara - sorry you are feeling low! Are you tapering right now? That is how I feel during taper. I'm playing exercise hooky today and I'm feeling a little guilty about it. I tried to nap, but the phone kept ringing, so i did some MUCH needed housework (usually if i play hooky, it's from house work!!
Hi WISH Team!

Happy travels to all those moving about. I am looking forward to those pics and reports.

Sara, I do understand what you've got going. It took me quite a while to get back on and moving. Don't think about it, just get going. One foot in front of the other--a little at a time. Make it work for you!

Matt, thanks for the "push" last night. It worked. I did stationary bike for my XT.

Dave, thanks for asking--see above! :teeth: and, thanks for the link to the Chi Running info. I think Lisa was mentioning a similar technique her PT had her doing while she was trying to work out some issues. Sounds similar and one thing I've been working on myself when I get to working on "form" never knew someone put a name to it. I guess that the Pilates combined with good form work or the Chi Running really can make that difference.

We did miss everyone who was not able to join us last night for Chat. Maybe this Wednesday, k?

MelR, hope you're enjoying your "easy" day. I think you deserve it!

Sunny, I meant to thank you for that info you posted about the meds. It will certainly be taken seriously by me and many here I'm guessing.

Today is putting in more steps. I'm actually looking forward to it! I've alredy done the Pilates b4 coming to work.

Good training to all...


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