Wk of Sep 21 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Facebookers, if you want to meet up find me on Facebook, Tracy Goggin. Then you can hook up with other WISHers.
SamSam - Happy Birthday :banana:

I did the Philly Distance Run today. The longest I've gone in a while! Finished in 3:16:17. I was doing a r3/w2 sequence and was able to keep that up for the first 5 miles. Started feeling a little sore in spots and ended up walking just about all the rest. I've been feeling it the rest of the day, though. Back and legs are stiff.

Weather was nice, not too hot (except for some sunny areas with lack of shade)

It was fun seeing all the Wishers there. We had a great time!

Got lots of comments about the shirts. Everyone liked them.

Allyson, we gave some to my mom, some to my brother, and some to my brother's in-laws. We still have a LOT of apples left.

My mom made an apple crumb pie, an apple cake, and apple sauce between the noon delivery of her apples and dinner. We just got home--she invited us back to have dinner and a few desserts. WOW--my mom thinks it was the freshness of the apples, but that was the BEST apple crumb pie I've ever had.

And the discussion today of what to make veered to the Forrest Gump: apple pie, apple crumb pie, apple cake, apple fritters, apple crisp, apple turnover, apple sauce, baked apples.... :rotfl:

My brother thought I was kidding about 44 pounds of apples...and then we brought him some. :)

DH is already planning a return trip--after all, the winesaps, the Romes, the granny smiths, and the Fujis won't be ripe for a few more weeks....
Fun Panda, what a wonderful blog. It took me most of my life to find my inner child. Even as a child I was trying to be 'grown up', as a young mother I though I needed to be really 'grown up' and was almost matronly (even in my twenties). As I hit my forties I finally started to realize that I could get in touch with my inner child, have fun AND still be an adult. When I hit 50, I started having even more fun, enjoying my life even more and felt like I was really finally becoming the real me. Fifty plus and loving it!

There is a guy who works in our store Lab that turned fifty not to long ago. He told me once that he had been really scared of turning 50, like life was over and that was the beginning of being old. He said after he met me he decided that 50 wasn't so scary after all.

I'll just drop the 50 and act whatever age is left, so next month I'll be 7.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Nike 5K Run for the Kids (Honolulu).

I hope I placed first for 99 year olds.

24.46.99 total time, us old timer's can't run negative splits until we see the finish line. :lmao:

7:19 mile 1
7:51 mile 2
8:02 mile 3
.1 mile 6:13


14 minute mile with Princess #1



Did hell freeze over? My San Francisco 49ers are 2-1. How'd that happen? Now if they would just show a game on my local network one of these years. :happytv:

I forgot to mention. The guy who won the Niketown 5K, my wife said he collapsed after crossing the finish line. She though he was "playing" with the crowd, but then the ambulance was called in.

I figure he must have hyperventilated, because when I crossed the finish line, he was sitting on the curb, being attended to by the paramedics. He was coherent, and talking, which was a good sign.

Beware of those timing chip mats. I saw lots of people trip and stumble on them in the two different locations they were placed.

Finally, during the 1 mile fun run I witnessed two kids on bikes, and one guy and his kid on a Segway. I don't know how they got on the course. That's so wrong, and dangerous. Some people just don't know how to follow rules.
Jeff Yes, but the 49'ers had to beat the ^@^$!$@#Lions to get to 2-1, so we're going to call it 1.5-1 (the Lions are like a JV team)!
And kudos again for being out there with your DD and getting them into healthy activities. Not something that happened when I was young, and it can take years to get yourself back on track.

Jeff, your daughter looks so happy/proud in those pics!

As for me, I did 3.1 miles at an 8:45 ish pace. It was a good morning stretch. It was so nice and crisp out.

Maura: :cool1: Great job on the race!

Tracy: Yup, I'm a facebook-er too. I was gonna say "we should make a group"...so I did... "Disboards WISH Team". Pinkie Pistols! :lmao: I still love it. Now watch where you aim those things!

SamSam: Do you feel older? Wiser? ...have fun at RFTT. I want to go down for F&WF, so be sure to bring back a detailed report so we can live vicariously!

Tricia: Bummer about TOT but have fun with the extended EE trip!

Duckie: "Mickey Restriction"?? :confused: Doesn't that count as cruel and unusual punishment? mmm... can you share your mom's recipe? You are lucky to live in apple country! What's your favorite type?

Panda:LOL I like the drop-the-50 method! I'm looking forward to being 4 and 1/2 again! That reminds me of
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.

'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key.

You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.

'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life .. . You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21. YESSSS!!!

But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?

You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone.

But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would!

So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to 60.

You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's a day-by-day thing; you HIT Wednesday!

You GET INTO your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you HIT lunch; you TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the 90s, you start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.'

Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!'

May you all make it to a healthy 100 and a half!!

Jeff: Nice dash for the finish once you did see it though! You seem to get the YIKES! runners. I hope that guy was okay.

For anyone who is on facebook we now have a group to help you find fellow WISHers. "Disboards WISH Team"

I don't know why but I always feel like I run faster on Sunday mornings...I'm not sure why though. Hopefully that will hold true for the marathon! Today, I'm going to go swim and do a yoga class...hopefully I wont be as sore as last week!

brrrrrr it's in the 60's here! Positively nippy!

Happy running!
Sounds like everyone had a fun weekend. My oldest son, living in CO, surprised his sibs with a visit. MY DH and I knew he was coming. Did a parents weekend at DD's college.

Today out for an 8 milers at about a 9:30 pace-not bad considering there were several hills. Hope everyone has a great training week.
Ahhh, I wish we were going then but we'll be gone before ToT. At least we're going and I'm doing Race For the Taste....AND lots of food and wine.:rotfl:
Sept. 21 ------ I'm 55 today!!! Wahoo!

Happy belated birthday, SamSam!! party: :cake:

Did my first 5k today (2nd race overall)--not a big deal to you vets, but given my poor "Summer of not-running", it was a mental boost for me. Finished in 27:28 (where the heck did THAT come frome?!) which is mind boggling to me since I don't run that fast.

Maura -- Congrats on that awesome 5k time! :woohoo: So happy for you! Maybe your body was just itching for a run after your down-time. Hmmmm.... maybe I'll use that excuse when I am taking a break from running! ;)

Duckie-- I am so jealous of all those apples! Seems to me I should be able to find a local orchard and take advantage of the crop. Can't believe it is already that time of year! :confused3

Jeff -- It is great to see your daughter with that medal, looking proud. Kudos to her! :thumbsup2

As for me, I know I have been majorly MIA. Still crazy busy most days at work. I am running short runs 2-3 miles 2x/week and longer runs on Saturdays (besides strength training with a personal trainer and at least 2 additional days of cross-training). This Saturday was 4 miles and it wasn't too bad, even though we inadvertently did almost all uphills. I wish I'd planned it for an out and back so that we could have done the downhills, too, but alas, we ended our run at Panera and had Howard (DH, keenho) meet us there for breakfast and to drive us home. LOL!

I had the pleasure of cheering for many of our teammates at the Philly Distance Run yesterday, including Howard, Terri, Karen & John, Kira, Jen & Butch, Matt & Cindy, Anne & Robert, Pat, and Lou. It was sooo great to see everyone! :grouphug: I started a thread with pictures from the race, though I couldn't see many people in time to take pix. The Beijing silver medalist in the women's marathon ran this event and it was amazing to see all the elites just eating up the course. Awesome!

It is so great to see so many new WISHers starting to train and some training to train. The next couple of months will see a LOT of activity on this thread as people start to gear up for January, and I can't wait to hear from all our teammates who are preparing for their first races. :hug: :woohoo: :thumbsup2

I have to admit -- it is exciting to see progress in myself after being encouraged since the beginning of my journey, but not really believing it. Now I have to go tell a lot of WISHers that they were right and that "putting in the steps" and "training to train" can take even someone like me to where we want to be -- on the race course, ahead of the sweepers. Anyway, my schedule was supposed to be a bunch of charity 5ks through the fall leading up to RUNNING the Disney 1/2 for the first time (I've walked, wogged, and walk/jogged 3 halfs, 2 full marathons, 3 15ks, 1 13k, and more than 25 5ks). I kept saying no endurance races this fall while I am busy planning our vow renewal, but I THINK I may have been talked into doing the San Antonio 1/2, depending on my trial schedule. Once some details get ironed out, I am hoping to say I'll see many of my WISH teammates in San Antonio. :banana: Being at the race this weekend and NOT racing was kind of sad. :sad1:

Happy training, WISH team!
Cam, I found this place:



We drove about 45 minutes to a fantastic orchard that's been there for 100 years (really--this year is their centennial!). We were going to go out to Princeton for the Apple Festival, but decided we didn't really feel like going 90 minutes away.

It does feel like only last week it was 95 degrees and we were in the pool... Oh, wait--it was! Fall seems to come so fast anymore.

Is it almost summer yet?
Ms. Mightyduck - We go to Linvilla in Delaware County a few times a year. We missed the apple fest on Saturday because of a b-day party. Pumpkins are comin soon.

DBF ordered me a Nano (3rd gen refurbed) with an arm band and nike plus. It should be here this weekend. I can't wait to use it!
... but I THINK I may have been talked into doing the San Antonio 1/2, depending on my trial schedule. Once some details get ironed out, I am hoping to say I'll see many of my WISH teammates in San Antonio. :banana: ...

Come on down Cam, you know you want to go. All the cool kids are going to it...;) :lmao: Hope your schedule works out so you can make it. As I suggested last time, just keep asking for continuances (but remember I am just an engineer who didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn Express). :rolleyes1

HI everyone... Just a quick post. I did a bootcamp last night and my booty is aching today!!! Gearing up for my Rump Roast 5K this weekend.

Ms. Mightyduck... we do a CSA here also. I loved having so many veggies in my house. I really need to check into the picking times at our local orchard. Now you have me itching for apples. Last year we planned to go in early October and it SNOWED. So many apples froze and went rotten right on the trees. This year it has been unseasonably warm.

Mel - I still think you need to do the Dua!!!

Cam - WOW, you have done a lot of 5K's (among others). I was just commenting to DH last week that I haven't done many 5K's. But locally they are a bit sparse here. I envy all the big city dwellers!!!
I'm not stopping you. Here's the link so you can sign up real quick. Rock and Roll San Antonio San Antonio is sooooooo nice at that time of year compared to the frozen north. You could think of it as a training run for Disney. ;)

Seriously, I would love to go. I've never been to Texas either.
If anyone wants to donate an airline ticket, I'd gladly go! :thumbsup2
Then again, there's that pesky thing about not taking any time off in November during sweeps when you work at a tv station. :rolleyes:

Did they announce the headlining band yet? If it's the Goos, I am so there!
Seriously, I would love to go. I've never been to Texas either.
If anyone wants to donate an airline ticket, I'd gladly go! :thumbsup2
Then again, there's that pesky thing about not taking any time off in November during sweeps when you work at a tv station. :rolleyes:

Did they announce the headlining band yet? If it's the Goos, I am so there!

They haven't announced it yet, but they did mention that the Goos have done it in the past.

I thought you worked with the live news and wouldn't have to do that much during sweeps programming. Besides all the TV stations do is put the DVD in the player and hit play, then they interrupt your favorite shows with weather or election stuff. ;)



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