Wk of Sep 3--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

TEK224 said:
Cam - What race are you doing in Philly next Sunday and where is it being held? Depending on my schedule, maybe I can get out and give you a little cheering section! :)


Terri -- That would have been so great :sunny: , but alas, we have decided that the $$ is too prohibitive. $50 entry + $50 minimum fundraising each. We've decided not to do it this year, so we'll have to find another event for next weekend or just get out on our own to do whatever the MfM plan calls for 1 week before the 1/2.

Judy - I am so sorry you had a bad weekend. I hope this week is better for you and that your sweet horse did not hurt her leg too badly. sending pixiedust: and :goodvibes:
Sunny - Hope work goes much better for you today! Can they get you a drafting table to work at so that you wouldn't have to sit? :grouphug:

Judy - :wizard: and :grouphug: on those xrays! Horses are worse than children sometimes :rolleyes:

BTW - Those Asics you wrote about - were those the Kayano? I bought those earlier this year and love them. Most cushy but light shoes I've ever owned. If u live near a Scheels sometimes they have $15 off over $100 shoes in their athletic shoe department.

This weekend was a bit of a wakeup call. I finally forced myself to ride this weekend (not the horse that fell on me) but a nice safe horse. I also rose my 4-wheeler for the first time in months after rolling it. I finally forced myself past that scared shell and out into life again.

Today I'm back on an eating plan and will be walking a minimum of 30 minutes tonight somehow.

Hope everyone is doing well and hope to get catch up soon.
Judy - I'm so so sad about Steve irwin too! He seemed like a very special person. One who actually made the world better!

I have got to get a hair cut soon too! My hair is out of control long, but it is so long now that it would be a shame not to donate, so i'm going to have to let it grow a little more! I don't want it to be cut much above my shoulders and if i donated right now, it would be a bob (not good for thick hair and small head!)

I did get a long run in today. 10miles w/ avg. pace of 10:57 which included long BR break! The route was quite hilly, but mosly rolling and not the big monster hills i often do.
Carrie and any other outdoor winter runners... what do you wear to stay warm? Do you ever get too warm? Brand names would be helpful. I am starting to plan early so I am prepared. I am thinking that tights would be good, but don't know what to wear on top. My brother is a biker and has been tipping me off on some of the things her wears, but I love others opinions. I live in Wisconsin, so the weather is very unpredictable!!! Thanks in advance.
Hello Team: I am struggling at work today trying to get back in the swing of things after the long weekend. Took the princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, to the New York State Fair in Syracuse yesterday. Wow, that was some event. It was huge!!! Kathy have you and your family been there? I had no idea what a big event (and how commericial) it was. My DW and I kept saying, "We're not in Vermont anymore."

As far as my training goes, I completed the first 2 weeks of the MfM Run Marathon plan. Whoo hooo I'm 1/10th of the way through the training! Yesterday I had a rest day (because I ran the 5K on Sunday) and this morning I did 40 min of x-training on the elliptical (including a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down).

I thought since I'm not really being productive at work, I'd try to catch up on some posts.

Mel/Chimera- Sorry you weren't happy with your run, but I wouldn't be too discouraged with your pace outside. Maybe your legs just need some time to get used to not being on the treadmill. You'll get there.

Krista- Very nice job on your 6 miler!!! I'm glad your legs were pain free.

Kevin- Your LR was smokin... sub-9:00mpm pace. Awesome!!! :thumbsup2 I know you've been complaining about not being motivated to run, but maybe the having rested legs is helping you run these quick training runs.

MickeySP/Lisa- Welcome back!!! Don't worry about having to walk the DL half. I'd walk it if I could get out there!

CJ- Good for you for getting out there and doing your 7 miler. OK, so you missed a day, but you got right back up there and did it the next day. Just take it 1K @ a time, right?

Tiff- Glad you had an awesome LR! :cool1:

Rich- Wow, your 13 miles was fast too. I'll let others give you suggestions for the LRs before your marathon.

Hello Sunny :wave: Well, you gotta start somewhere as far as going back to work goes, right? Sorry the pool didn't rejuvenate you after a long day at work. Hang in there. We're all thinking of you. You motivated me a couple of times this weekend to get out of bed and keep training. Thank you!!! You are such a valuable and important member of this TEAM!!!

Terri- great job on your 10 miler before DL!!! Ooooh, I wish I were going too. Good luck with the taper.

Christa- you always have great runs? How's the eating go with your friends from Jordan? (Don't read that the wrong way, I'm not trying to be mean) Did you all have some good feasts?

MelR- Glad to hear you got a new helmet. I was thinking of you this weekend when I wandered into Target (aka StuffMart) and saw the Pirates of the Carribean helmets. I almost got one for myself - everyone tells me what a small head I have. Great job on your 10 mile LR today. I'm really impressed with those of you that can do these long workouts during the work week. How do you guys do it?

Denny- keep up the training! Sounds like you're doing great. You'll tackle that full before you know it. This team has kept me on track!

Kristi- Think of it this way, if you slept until 11:30am then your body probably needed it anyway. You'll get your steps in, and you just had a really good rest day. You should be ready to get back out there. At least you got the 8 miler in, and good luck with that ummmm, chafing, issue. Seriously, that would be sooooo uncomfortable.

Mike- No worries venting here. That's what we're here for. Everyone knows that we don't have all good days. It would be really artificial if we just always posted how great everything was. Your work sounds like a real bear. Nonstop from 6:30am to 3:30pm - man, that's crazy. I'm impressed you can run at all after that. Keep it up though, that's the great stress reduction. You'll break out of your funk.

Wendy- I read your Virginia Beach report and it was fantastic. I'm very impressed with you. Thanks for organizing the team shirt re-order too.

Cam- good for you for getting your 10 miler in. WTG! Looks like you are all ready for the DL 1/2. I'm getting so excited for all of you. How's DD18 doing settling in to UofD? I hope Howard is doing well with his classes too!

Hello Jodi :wave2: 20K!?!? Wow, that is awesome!!! I'm really impressed. I didn't remember you were running that far. WTG! You are doing well getting yourself prepared for Goin' Goofy! How's the Team in Training going? Have you had any team meetings or workouts together? Thanks for posting the pictures!

Bill- Nice job on your LR. Especially with everything your family has been dealing with recently. Looks like you are in good shape for DL!

Bekah- Good luck on your first "real" race!

Hello Amy! It's always good to hear from you. Glad you had a fun trip down at WDW. And good for you for getting your runs in. I'm really impressed that you were able to keep up with your training on vacation, and in some serious heat. WTG!!! Good luck with getting back to your MfM training and kickboxing x-training.

Matt- your race sounds like something else. Major hills, and some major fast times. I'm going to be in Atlanta for a meeting in October, but I don't think I'll be running this course. Great job!

Cecilia- Sorry to hear you were a little depressed. Hang in there! You can run the marathon. I know exactly how you feel though. A lot of times I think I am crazy for trying this too. Let's help each other get through it though. If I can do it, you can do it. I had been sitting on the couch for years until this past January. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Awwwww Judy- I'm really sorry to hear you had such a bad weekend. I hope it gets better soon. Maybe a fresh week at work will clear the air. I hope Misty is doing well after the storm.

Jen- Nice job on your runs. Yes, you said Saturday stunk, but at least you were out there doing it!

Hello Celeste :wave2: Hope your work schedule isn't too crazy these days!

Minnie- good luck with your walking tonight. Get out there and do it!

Oh, I also wanted to say how sad I was to hear of Steve Irwin passing. That is really too bad. I find myself thinking of his family too. I was so sad to think he won't be around for his kids too. OK, I need to stop now.

Sorry this post is so long. Everyone going to DL - you better post some team pictures!!!
I think everyone is sad about Steve Irwin! It is so aweful! :sad2:

Judy - So sorry about your bad weekend! Hope all goes well this week!

Melissa - you are a wild woman with your training...I don't think I could keep up with you...Has the boy started school yet?

Minnie - WTG on getting back! Good luck!

Jen 117 - That is AWESOME that you got those runs in! :thumbsup2

And to everyone that talked about having to walk or choosing to walk at the end of your runs - Thank You! Sometimes I get this stupid feeling that walking would be a failure. This attitude is going to get me injured if I don't find a way to get over it.
Cruella de mom - I understand this! It is so hard for me to walk too...I always feel like I have copped out on the run.....If you find a way to get over this let me know...BTW, YOU CAN SO DO THE MARATHON! :cheer2:

Kristi - WTG on getting out there and doing your LR! :banana:

Matt - AHHHHHHH! that was a helly (I mean hilly) course! WTG to you and DW! :cool1:

Jodi - Great race!

Cam - I love you! You are the sweetest person I have ever met...Well I guess we really have never really met, but I remember seeing you at the BCV around mile 24ish of the marathon! :love:

Did I post yesterday????
If not, I biked to the car shop to pick up my car that was getting a tune up...The guys looked at me like I was CRAZY :crazy: ! Maybe it was the bike shorts...you know how they are all tight and have the padding in the butt area. :rotfl: I hit some MAJOR hills but was able to climb them! :cool1: My ave was btween 14 - 30 MPH...Remember the hills...I went UP(14MPH) and DOWN(30MPH). That may give you an idea of the steepness (is that a word???) of the hills.
ANYWHO.......I ran 4 today at 9 MPM then had to learn this dance for a show I am doing....That was harder than the run...I was sweating like mad!
Hope all is well...LATER!
Mouse Skywalker said:
Hello Team: I am struggling at work today trying to get back in the swing of things after the long weekend. Took the princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, to the New York State Fair in Syracuse yesterday. Wow, that was some event. It was huge!!! Kathy have you and your family been there? I had no idea what a big event (and how commericial) it was. My DW and I kept saying, "We're not in Vermont anymore."

As far as my training goes, I completed the first 2 weeks of the MfM Run Marathon plan. Whoo hooo I'm 1/10th of the way through the training! Yesterday I had a rest day (because I ran the 5K on Sunday) and this morning I did 40 min of x-training on the elliptical (including a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down).

I thought since I'm not really being productive at work, I'd try to catch up on some posts.

Christa- you always have great runs? How's the eating go with your friends from Jordan? (Don't read that the wrong way, I'm not trying to be mean) Did you all have some good feasts?

OH! We ate like MAD! That is why I have GOT TO RUN LIKE MAD this week! And I didn't take it the wrong way...I could probably out eat most people on this thread...I am not kidding! :smooth: OOOOH, not I don't always have great runs....acid reflux makes sure of that! I hope to get that under control soon.
What stinks about the top 1000 getting medals at that 10k yesterday? Turns out I placed 1005th. :guilty: Passed like 50 people in the last half mile and down that last hill, but I guess I needed to pass 55. ;) Four seconds too many, durn it...
Just wanted to check in and say Yeah!!! :banana: to all you DL half marathoners that got in your 10 miles this weekend. I have great respect to those of you who walk 13, 14, and 15 minute miles. You ladies are really moving walking at that pace, it is not easy to do and to sustain that pace for more than 3 miles is just awesome! Congrats :thumbsup2

I ran my 16 miler on the weekend in preparation for my marathon in Chicago, next month! :scared1: I am really getting nervous about it. I ran an average 11:30 pace. I felt quite good after the run. My friend that I am going with ran her 16 miler too and she said it was terrible. After inquiring about what might have gone wrong she informed me that she has been cutting out sugar/carbs in her diet last week to lose a little weight!!! :faint: I quickly gave her a little glycogen lesson and why carbs are your friend in marathon training.

Oh, today, I also signed up for Kiawah Island half-marathon in December. I bunch of mothers from school are doing it, so I thought I could use it as a good training run for Goofy! DH thinks I am crazy, but he still loves me. :lovestruc

Hi to everyone! :wave2:

I know I have been MIA :rolleyes1 , hopefully Cam has been keeping you up to date on my progress or lack there of.

I went out with Cam yesterday to get in a LR. I averaged 10:58 per mile overall. I covered 13.63 miles in 2:29:35

Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 9:24
Mile 2: 11:56
Mile 3: 9:28
Mile 4: 9:03
Mile 5: 10:54
Mile 6: 14:00
Mile 7: 9:35
Mile 8: 12:51
Mile 9: 9:52
Mile 10: 9:13
Mile 11: 13:00
Mile 12: 10:38
Mile 13: 8:48

I consider myself ready for the DL Half, but I wish I were in just a little bit better shape.

Everyone enjoy the taper!!!



Jen117 said:
Carrie and any other outdoor winter runners... what do you wear to stay warm? Do you ever get too warm? Brand names would be helpful. I am starting to plan early so I am prepared. I am thinking that tights would be good, but don't know what to wear on top. My brother is a biker and has been tipping me off on some of the things her wears, but I love others opinions. I live in Wisconsin, so the weather is very unpredictable!!! Thanks in advance.

Ok so I don't run in the same winter conditions that folks up north do, but I whine about it more than they do ;) Anyway...wlecome to my latest running addiction...buying running clothes on ebay. I got a pair of new (with tags) long running tights lined with Polartec fleece made by REI (Size Medium :cool1: ) on ebay for $15 (that included shipping). They are fabulous!

Howard...congrats on your LR! How are your classes?

Matt and Wendy...great trip reports!

Judy...sorry about your rough weekend :grouphug:

Colleen...congrats on your LR!

Krista...what's up with Rothlisberger? Been a tough summer for him!

gatorphipps said:
OH! We ate like MAD! That is why I have GOT TO RUN LIKE MAD this week!

Christa...I was at my mom's over the weekend and found my grandmother's senior high school yearbook (from 1946). Apparently her catch phrase was "Like Mad!"

Hi Celeste! :wave2:

Not much to report for me. Same 2.25 miles on the TM at same W2/R8 at same 14:50 pace. DD13 finally started training today (finally!) and did 2 miles in 26 minutes :confused3

Apologies for not catching up with everyone!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! It sure is tough coming back & trying to fit in 5 days work in 4. But I am not gonna let anything get in the way of training this week....sounds like a good goal & if I say it often enough, I might stick to it.

DS11 decided to ride his bike beside me tonight....
Mile 1 13:46
Mile 2 13:24
Mile 3 14:43
last .85 13:19
Not the fastest pace, but we got in a good chat. I forget how tough 5th grade was some times.

Thanks to all for the encouragement. Some days it is the only thing that gets me out the door. Hope everyone else keeps moving forward.

CJ - Fishers, IN
1k @ a time
Hi All!

Just checking in again today. Nothing to report (probably because I'm sitting here with ice on my leg). I have shin splints again! :sad:

Haven't had them since the Goofy, but I felt it last night and today. Not as bad though. I've been icing, stretching and doing the alphabet with my toes. Need to get rid of it before the DL 1/2. Hope to reide the bike or do the elliptical tomorrow (to avoid any pounding).

Can anyone post a link to the post that was on here about how to protect against blisters? I wanted to print it out and now i can't find it.

Ugh! This is so frustrating. And the weird thing is, I usually only get them when I walk. Trying to maintain the 13-15 mpm pace.

Judy - sorry the weekend was less than perfect.

Cam - let me know if you pick any other Philly races.

- Great job on the bike ride! :thumbsup2

Congrats to everyone who got out there this weekend and got the steps in!
:banana: :banana:

Just a quick report of my workout today. I have been sick with bad seasonal allergies for a week so this was my first day back at the gym. I did an hour yoga class (was definitely feeling weak after being out for a week and being under the weather) and then did 40 minutes on the t/m. I have been doing w3/r2 intervals at 4 mph and 5.5 mph respectively. But remembering the advice of others that slowing down can help you go further when running, I decided to do my running intervals at 5 mph instead. The result was that


I know that for many, if not most of you, this is a regular everyday event but truly in 41 years I have never managed this before. I was also glad that I managed to keep up my 3/2 intervals for the rest of my time on the t/m.

So I did 2.53 miles in 33 minutes (with an additional 5 minutes of warm up and 2 minutes of cool down) for a pace of 13:02 - that is SUPERFAST for me so I was very proud especially considering I was definitely not feeling my best today.

So, anyone have any advice on how to make the MFM 6-day program into a 5-day program? I am having such a hard time adjusting to not having Wednesday as an off day and I am wondering if it is okay to try and incorporate that workout into another day. The main reason is that Monday and Wednesday are the only two days a week that both of my kids are in school and if I workout both days I end up giving up 60% of my "alone" time and I am just not sure I can make the sacrifice. So I was wondering if it is reasonable to do what I did today - do my x/t yoga class for an hour and then do the Wednesday walk/run workout afterwards on the t/m. That way I could have Wednesday off but still get in the steps. The Wednesday workouts never increase too much so I should be able to handle them after my yoga class but I didn't know if anyone had any input on how/why this might not be a good idea. Any advice is welcome!

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!
Rhonda, how absolutely awesome for you!!! These guys are just for you!
:dancer: :dancer: :dancer: :dancer:
Matt, You and DW were flying!! I mean, I know you are in the AF and all.... :rotfl2: Your DW did a super job for a first event...or ANY event!! Sorry about your medal time..Lynne can surely commiserate with you!!

Christa, what's your show this time?? Talk about someone who does a lot!! :dance3:

Everyone is doing so great...even on your "bad" days, you all are putting in those steps!! Keep it up!!
akasleepingbeauty said:
Outstanding Rhonda!!!! What an accomplishment - you should be proud! We are! WTG! :thumbsup2 :cool1: :thumbsup2
Good Morning Team: :surfweb: I just checked this morning and saw that the WDW Full Marathon has reached 90% capacity. Anyone out there still need to register? OK, I gotta go run.
Rhonda-WTG :cheer2: That is an awesome accomplishment!!!!!

Judy-those are the Kayanos, right? That's what I wear and yes , I cringe every time I have to buy a pair but they are worth it. Sorry you're weekend was crummy :sad2:

Colleen-you will do great on the Chicago marathon! Great LR! And dont worry, most people in my life (including DH) think I'm crazy for one reason or another :crazy:

Kristi-I made that core skillet lasagna last night & the family loved it! Thanks! I'm thinking about trying WW online for a while to get more recipies & ideas , have you ever done it online?

Krista-how are the shoes working out?

Terri- :wizard: for those shin splints-we have things to do in a little over a week, dont they know you dont have time for shin splints :teeth:

Matt-based on how tough that course is everyone who finished without the aid of a go-cart should get a medal. I know it stinks to be sooooo close but you did awesome :thumbsup2 If this was DW first 10k she should think all the others are a piece of cake compared to that one.

CJ-that's great your son rode while you wogged. My DS is in 4th grade & I'm already dreading middle school.

Mel-when do you possibly need fleece lined tights down there?! You must be really cold natured :joker: Good job keeping up the running!

Yesterday was xt , did the bike & WT. Today its an easy 40 min (gotta love the taper man) and then I get to get my hair cut & colored :woohoo: Gotta look purty & cover up those greys before head out west.

8 days till the first mother/daughter trip to CA :cool1:
TiffJ said:
Kristi-I made that core skillet lasagna last night & the family loved it! Thanks! I'm thinking about trying WW online for a while to get more recipies & ideas , have you ever done it online?

I haven't done anything with WW online. Try going to Dottie's website (dwlz.com) - her message boards have lots of recipes (that's where the lasagna one is from). I really need to find more Core recipes and stop eating Chik Patties every day! :rotfl:

Rhonda - I am so jealous! And I am still at the point where I don't think I'll ever be able to run a full mile. :rolleyes:
:banana: :bounce: :banana: :Pinkbounc :banana:

I am off to find a new fanny-pack-thing-a-ma-bob. The one I bought before the Minnie I love, but it holds nothing. I tried to use it again Monday. I could not zipper it shut with my cell phone & 2 Power Gels in it. For DL, I need to bring a camera & my asthma inhaler. This pack is definately not going to cut it! If anyone has any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it. I am thinking of walking over to Bill Rogers marathon store at Fanueil Hall when they open at 10am.
Just a quick post --
RHONDA -- Congratulations, Sweetie! I am so proud of you! :banana: :Pinkbounc

Matt - that stinks! just 5 places away! Can't give you a virtual medal, but here's a :hug:

Everyone keep up the great work!


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