Wk of Sep 3--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi everyone! Just checking in.

Cam - kudos to your son! :goodvibes

Kristi - are you by chance stretching before your run?

For you Disneyland bounders - I'll be more than happy to post your times while you are running in the half. I'm just not quite sure how it works. If someone can steer me in the right direction and if anyone is interested, let me know. I think it would be kind of neat to see how everyone is doing as it's happening. :thumbsup2
escape said:
For you Disneyland bounders - I'll be more than happy to post your times while you are running in the half. I'm just not quite sure how it works. If someone can steer me in the right direction and if anyone is interested, let me know. I think it would be kind of neat to see how everyone is doing as it's happening. :thumbsup2

Sorry...I meant to address this sooner. Thanks for volunteering! All you need is everyone's first and last name. Go to the DL website and click on results. Then you register to track each team member. You can have the tracking info sent to your email or cell phone. They will send you updates as folks cross the start, 10 mile mark and the finish.

You could start a separate thread for tracking info on the day of the race. I believe the race starts at 6am so that's 9am east coast time. You may want to post to the DL thread to see who's interested. Anyone who doesn't mind you tracking them can PM you with their first and last names.

If none of this makes sense, please let me know! :thumbsup2
Hi WISH Team!

Sorry I've really been MIA all week. I have not taken the time to read anything of this week either. I'm sorry I even missed Chat Wednesday, did it go on in spite of me being MIA? :guilty:

I did so much this week, I can't even keep up with it. DH Cleve Clinic visit last week, holiday weekend was jammed (all good though)--Volunteering for our Race for the Cure doing concession stand work, got steps in, went to county fair--got lots of steps in slowly there, had a so-so 16 1/2 mile bike ride, enjoyed picnic at neighbor's home, Work--sheesh, got steps in, got hairs colored, Work--ugh, worked concession stand again, got steps in TM yuck, had to get DH to Cleve Clinic again today new meds trial now, work after that--whew, no steps today.

Next time it will be all about everyone else!
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

Lily- It sounds like you have a ton going on. I might have missed this, but why does DH have to go to the Cleve Clinic for med trials? I hope everything is OK. Wishing you and your family all the best.

I had a tough run yesterday. I ran the cross country course that my princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, and I would run on Thursday evenings. I did between 3.7 and 4 miles in 40 min. I got lost on the trail and my Garmin lost the signal as well. But the hard part was that I felt dead. My legs were tired and heavy, and I was tired too. It seemed like I was running through sludge. I got my 40 minutes in to stay on track with my MfM training, but as soon as my watch hit 40 min I stopped.

Krista- It wasn't pretty, but the Steelers pulled one out last night, didn't they?
escape said:
Kristi - are you by chance stretching before your run?

:blush: Umm, no... :blush:

I guess I never stretch before since I walk the first 5 mins., then do a 1 min. run every 5 mins. I always stretch after.

Monday I did walk slow on the TM for 5 mins & did some stretching before going out for my 8 miler. Honestly, I didn't feel any different.

And I know Chad is not a expert, but he has done 5-6 fulls and a bunch of 1/2 marathons. He didn't think it was a big deal that I don't stretch first since I walk to begin with. But then again, he barely trains, and never stretches before running - and he hasn't had a problem in 4 years!
Kristi --
Take it from me, sweetie -- STRETCH!! You can seriously hurt yourself and derail your training. Believe me -- I know.

Hi, everyone!
Lynnda and Bill -- Congratulations! WISHing you the best!
Lily -- You and DH are in my prayers. :hug:
Dave -- sometimes you have to have a stonker so that you can appreciate the good runs. :teeth:
Good morning, Team! Happy Friday!!!! I did my 40 minutes last night, nice and slow on the treadmill, I did 3.55 miles with an 11:30 pace. Kind of slow, but my calf is kind of tender still, so I didn't want to push it, besides I think I strained my right quad lifting weights, so that was kind of sore. I think running helped stretch it out, it is feeling much better today. Tomorrow is going to be interesting as I have 7 miles and I just don't think I can do that on the treadmill. I'm going to take the run verrry slow outside.

Dave--Whew! What a game! I was very impressed with Charlie Batch, I thought he did a great job. Defense looked good, but we're still having problems with the secondary. How many years have they struggled with that? I'm just glad they won and I can gloat today at work. If the Chiefs can pull a victory for me on Sunday, I will be ecstatic!!

Lily--Good to "see" you again. :wizard: :wizard: for DH!!!!!

Kristi--Another vote for stretching. It will prevent injury and make the run/walk better. I used to not stretch before I ran, never had any problems, but I noticed once I started stretching before and after my runs, I felt better during the run and had much less aches and pains.
Krista - You could do as many miles as you can tollerate on the TM and then go outside to finish it.

I'm pretty much planning on not working out today. I could lift, but i've still got some sorness in the upper bod from the bike crash last week.
Hello All:

I did my 30 min of x-training this morning with a SWOG in the pool. I have a 7 miler tomorrow morning too. My legs have been doing OK, but I can't seem to get this blister on the bottom of my foot to heal. Yesterday it was really bothering me on my lousy run.

Cam- You're right, I know all the runs are not going to come easily. My runs had been pretty good for a while - so I can put up with the hard one. It still was better than when my shins were hurting. Like I said, I got my steps in.

Kristi- I never stretch before I run either. Like you, I walk for 5 min before I start to run. However, I've been having some calf tightness too, and I think I'm going to try to start stretching a little bit after my warm up walk before I start running.

Krista- I must admit, I went to bed after Charlie Batch fumbled the ball away at the 1 yard line. It was 11:00pm, and I knew I had to get up at 5:00am. Up to that point, I think Batch looked OK, but I was definitely missing Big Ben. I can root for KC for you too.
Hello everyone - total drive by here as I am trying to wrap things up at work, since today is my last day! :banana:

I didn't train this morning. :rolleyes: I was up until 11:00pm, which is WAY late for me. And this morning I must have slept right thru the alarm because I didn't wake up until 5:15am. Then when I did get up my knees were KILLING me for the first couple of hours. My "new" knee is all swollen up, like the size of half an orange stuck on there. I should have iced it I'm sure, but I had no time to sit down.

Tomorrow I'll get in 3 miles before we leave for the airport. :moped:

I'll stop in again at the end of the day today. I'll miss you guys! no doubt I'll be thinking of you. Oh, I have the 07' course map so as I tour the parks I'll be checking out exactly where the Half goes. That's not cheating is it? :teeth:

Wendy, thanks again for the second round of shirts! :wave2:
Hi everyone. I may not be around much for a bit. My mom was admitted to the hospital again yesterday and this morning put in ICU. She has had health issue for so long, and a cancer survivor twice. But because of cancer she only has one lung and now she is having fluid build up and breathing issues. I am very torn up about this since we are close. She is way too young for this.

So I may not be running much in the near future. Please pray for her if you can!!
Jen -- I will keep your mom and you and your family in my prayers.

Judy -- Have a fabulous time, sweetie! Just think of how amazing it is going to be to run up Main Street in about 3.5 months' time!
OK- This is real quick...I HAVE to get a small nap in b/4 my show tonight...I am not watching, but in the show. :goodvibes

Did the LR of 16.6 miles today. DH and BIL did 10 so I did not want them to wait too long for me to finish. We did the same route, but I added on 6.6...it was only supposed to be 6 but my GPSing was off.

I did the LR in 2:25 hours.... :cool1: That ave out to be an 8:44 mpm. :thumbsup2 5 years ago, I did a 1/2 marathon in that amout of time, so I am really excited and tired!

Krista - THe Steelers won..... :banana: That is cool for now...they did not play the Panthers. :goodvibes

Will catch up later....good luck DL people! Stupid question....is it this Sunday? B/C I thought it was next. :confused3
Geez Christa, every time I think I'm in shape, you go and show me up... :thumbsup2

Another 5 miler today, but it was a few minutes slower than Tuesday. REALLY sore about halfway through and pretty crazy tired as well, so took it easy on the way back. Kind of a confidence hit since I was well above half marathon goal pace when I was right on it during the 10k. It's probably because I haven't had 2 straight days of rest in 3 weeks. I've also done 6.2, 5, 5, for the last 3 workouts which is almost like 3 straight LR for me especially since one was a race. I guess I'm going to take the next two days off, then do some kind of Mon, Wed, Thur maybe short runs leading up to DL, which by the way Christa is a week from Sunday. :)

The longest run I've done during these few months of training has been 9mi, so god knows whether I'll be able to maintain 9:10mpm pace in the waning miles of the race... During my other half marathon in January I basically bonked about that time and waddled my way to the finish for the last few miles to finish in 2:07. Was hoping for under 2:00 (9:10 avg), but not still not sure how reasonable that is...

Hoping to feel better after some rest days.
Jen - oh no! I am so sorry! Lots of :grouphug: and prayers coming your way.

Judy - Ride RnR for me!

Christa - DL is next Sunday, the 17th. :banana: :banana: :banana:
2:25? That's amazing! I can't even do a half in less than three hours! (well, I am thinking next week it'll take me about 3 hours anyway) Go, Christa!!! :cheer2:
Jen-- :grouphug: :grouphug: and prayers for your Mom!!

Christa--We can be friends until Dec. 16 and then friends again on the 18th. :hug: Mel and I cannot be friends Dec. 3, Jen and I cannot be friends Sept. 18; Terri and I can be friends all year, until hopefully the Playoffs. ;) Unless someone is a closet Bengals :-)furious:), Chargers, Chiefs, Falcons, Raiders, Broncos, Saints, Browns, or Ravens fan. But I have to say, I can NEVER be friends with a Bengals fan. pirate:
Jen, definitely will be praying for your mom and YOU!!
Judy, have tons of fun at WDW. Of course it's not cheating!! :3dglasses
Christa , what show is it this time? :cheer2: for your AWESOME run!!!
Dave , do you need a link to all the blister info the pros gave a while back? How's DW reacting to your running now? Is she impressed that you have stuck with it this long? What about your surprise plans? pirate:
Kristi , so glad you listen to your team mates!! Maybe you need some different stretches? :thumbsup2
Matt, you are in such great shape for DL..don't overtrain! Even Jeff Galloway only does 40 min on M, 30 min on WF and RESTS on TTHS for a 2:39 pace the week of the marathon.

Speaking of marathons...I just learned about Dean Karnazes and his 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days!!! He starts with the Lewis and Clark in Missouri, which I have friends in, on September 17th! He'll be joining our own Monte/Monica for the Boulder Backroads marathon the following Sunday! On the days when there is not an actual marathon, he runs a recreation marathon of the official event, complete with rolling road blocks and aid stations. Unbelieveable!
Yeah I saw his website, but strangely enough someone else had just done the same thing, 50 marathons in 50 days, earlier this year. I saw the article showing all his times on another site, can't remember it now. He ran his fastest one at New Orleans, that's all I remember. Just strange because of all the sponsorship the new guy is getting, when it's already been done, recently...


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