Working on Weight Loss During Training--Wk of 11/19

I've had a horrible week....craving sugar like crazy :crazy: and eating carmel macchiato's...eek! Tomorrow is WW, so I'll let you know how I did.
Ugh! M<Made pralines last night. HAl fof them did not turn out, so they will be staring me in the face very day. :( I did really well yesterday. I did have some, but probbaly teh equivalent of 1.5 to 2. That's really good for me, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it.

2 days in a row now peole have brought in goodies to work. So much for being safe in my little office. :rolleyes:
I've also been doing horribly, eating like there is no tomorrow with all kinds of junk. I've decided that since I have the week after Xmas off work that is the day to start again.

I'll get the junk out of the house. Have a week of no work/no school to focus and get ready for a great New Year.

Check in everyone and let us know how you are all doing. Even if it has been as bad as me :guilty: :goodvibes
My eating has gone haywire. I have good intentions and then they all go away. Between the Holidays and training, it's near impossible for me to have self control. It is so sad. DH said no dieting until after the race. Then I will be back on WW to get the last 40 pounds off!!! Just imagine how fast that will make me!
Oh, man, I have been so bad. Let's not even talk about all the cookies and dark chocolate malted milk balls I ate today. I was sooo good all weekend at home. I may have eaten too much, but nearly every bite was core. I even forewent pancakes yesterday morning that I made for everyone else, and ate fat free cottage cheese with fruit. Then, I came into work and finally caved to the smorgasbord of goodies that I have been avoiding for literally 2 weeks.
I feel sick.
not much to report, good news/bad weight is still the same, which is a blessing considering that I have been eating anything that isn't nailed down, but discouraging that I am "stuck" and not making any progress. Work continues to be my downfall, it seems like food is always available and I just haven't been able to resist....
I know we are all really down about our eating habits lately. But you know what? It's the worst time of year for watching one's weight! And imagine what would be happening to our bodies if we weren't exercising / training for a race? :scared1: And I seriously doubt that any of us are doing as bad food-wise as we would have in our pre-dieting days, right?

So hang in there! Christmas & New Years will be here & gone before we know it. Then, we can all kick it into high gear!

You guys with me? :banana:
Sounds great, Kristi!
I am going to avoid the kitchen today except for water refills and to get my lunch out of the fridge and ice packs (for my foot) out of the freezer. Last night at home was a disaster :guilty: and I HAVE to get back on track. My skirt is a little tight this morning and I got rid of all my larger sizes, so no choice -- I have to reign in my appetite and regain my self-control. The one thing I am NOT going to do is put off getting back on track. No "I'll start tomorrow". I HAVE to do my best to make every next bite the right choice.

Today's plan:
coffee w/skim milk; fat free cottage cheese w/pineapple chunks
green salad, apple & orange

Dinner is still up in the air, but I have grilled chicken and brown rice already portioned out from when I cooked a lot on Sunday. I'll probably have that.
You're right Kristi...what we're eating now probably isn't as bad, but still....dang those Christmas cookies! ha,ha.

I'm getting ready to take a exercise class, plus today is registration day @ the center. These are the 2 classes that I'm signing up for: one is a fitness challenge that starts 1/15 and ends sometime in April. It's sort of like WW, except they take before and after pictures, measures body fat, etc...and teaches nutrition as well as getting you in the cardio room. The 2nd class meets on Tues. & Thurs. afternoons and it's an hour of core training...they also help you design a workout that suits your needs.

Hopefully I'll get to the point where I need to workout, or I feel awful...I use to be that obsessed years ago.
Ok, maybe my plan wasn't the best plan...I was just trying to make everyone feel better about the holidays and being just a little bit bad in the food dept. I didn't mean to tell everyone to go hog wild! :rotfl:

Christmas is only a few days away now - the cookie brigades should soon be over, right? ;)
Kristi - You are right. We should not beat ourselves up too badly, as for most of us, this is a huge improvement. However, if I wait until after the New year to get back on track, that gives me 6 days to lose before marathon. ;) I've got more sticks of butter to get rid of! :teeth:

Cam - Way to get on track. I was much better today, but far from perfect. Need to get back to it before I cross off my loss.
So, Carrie! Is a stick of butter a pound? If so, I've got, let me see......lots of sticks of butter to lose. :rolleyes: :eek: I wonder if that's what Oprah dragged across the stage the time she lost a bunch of weight.

I went to WDW and did ok. I did pig out at Mama Melrose's the night before the 10-miler. Ate LOTS of bread and pasta. :rolleyes: I did finish the 10-miler though. :teeth:

Kristi - you're right. We can't beat ourselves up. It is the WORST time of year to think about dieting. However, when we take a bite of something "bad", we need to think about it. In other words, don't mindlessly pick something up and eat it. Focus on that bite - the flavors, the texture, the calories. :p Maybe, then, we'll eat less of it. I should just be talking to myself here because I'm the culprit when it comes to mindless eating. :rolleyes:

Monte - your program sounds great. I wish we had something like that around here.

Cam - today is a new day. Sounds like you have a plan! Does writing your food intake in advance help you keep on track? Do you write this out and post it on the fridge or somewhere in your kitchen? That might help keep me on track.

Have a good day everyone! ~2 weeks to go! :cheer2: :banana: :thumbsup2
Pat - I know what you mean about "maintaining". Working in an office is the worst. People bring in lots of food around this time of year and it's tough! Look on the bright're not gaining like most people do. :teeth:

This is :offtopic: for this thread but I have a question to ask Pat (sorry, to everyone else :blush: ). I noticed in a previous post on another thread that you had issues with the ball of one of your feet becoming sore/hot/tingly or something like that. My left foot did this while I W/R my 10-miler the other day. Are you having more problems? I'm wondering if my shoe is too loose/tight? Did you discover the origin of your problem?
Susie - I think a stick of butter is a 1/4 pound. So, just a pound and a half to go, but every stick counts.

Well, I think I'm doing better than I thought. I'm only a half pound up from my recent low and I know I'm still on teh high end of where I tend to be for water retainnage. I think I'm doing ok, but that really makes me want to be more serious. Must get through lunch out tomorrow and a pot luck Friday.

Must also find time Saturday to get my Christmas breakfast together. You remeber, the one I get to sneak while changing for the day. :rolleyes:

I realized last last night that I forgot to eat my snickers marathon bar before my work out. So, that helped make up the calories. I'm wondering if I should try to skip that more often (maybe before SRs), it did not seem to effect me. We'll have to see.
Susie -- Thanks for the idea of posting my food list on the fridge. WISH I'd done that last night. By the time we got home from car shopping at about 8:30, I was voracious. This is how bad it was: first I cooked the last little bit of whole wheat pasta mixed w/diced tomatoes, mushrooms & broccoli & added the last little bit of fat free ricotta to it. While that was cooking, I ate pieces of 98% lean diced ham. I was still hungry after the pasta, so I ate brown rice & chicken breast. Still all core, mind you, but certainly enough food at that point for 2 meals, right? The rest of the night is a blur -- crumbs from the bottom of the salt & vinegar chips bag (I guess I should be grateful Andrew put it back in the cupboard with only crumbs in it) mixed with unsalted fat free pretzels. Oh, and some nuts & raisins & craisins from that blasted trail mix.

I woke up with a tummy ache, but was so frustrated after an hour and a half at the hospital for a test that will need to be re-done when their machine is fixed, that I just ate a sesame bagel w/a scrape of cream cheese. The scale was not as bad as it should have been this morning, and when I said "thank you, God" I added "I promise I'll do better today." So, the plan is a huge green salad for lunch today, hopefully with DD18 if she maintains the courage to drive into the city to visit and have lunch with me.

I really do feel accountable here, so I thank you guys. I think I need to get back into the habit of getting on line at night and logging what I am eating at night. I am sure I'd be better behaved then.
Good Morning TEAM!

WW was out of the question last night, due to snow, and we're expecting another 12-28 inches today. I did weigh myself and according to my scales I've lost another pound. :goodvibes

Cam - sorry about your tummy, but that seems to be going around. I've been battling a cold for a few weeks now, but alot of co-workers have a stomach virus too.

Iam curious to know why my feet tingle as well...would it be a circulation problem?
Tingling feet - Usually this happens when my shoes are a bit tight. Doesn't need to feel tight, but if I go with them just a hair on teh loose side, I'm typically ok.

:grouphug: Cam - Hope you're feeling better soon adn teh re-test goes quickly. :rolleyes: Ugh! This is the last one, though, right?
wtpclc said:
:grouphug: Cam - Hope you're feeling better soon adn teh re-test goes quickly. :rolleyes: Ugh! This is the last one, though, right?

Thanks, Carrie. Yes, this is the last test. I don't know anything about the results of the other tests but I am sure they are all normal or I think the doctor's office would have called me by now. The sad thing is the doctor was jumping through hoops to gather all this information enough in advance of the full to provide some guidance on whether a medication would help or to teach me how to re-teach myself how to breathe. I am thinking the timing just fell apart, but whatever information we gather will be helpful for the Minnie and just for normal exercise, too.
escape said:
Pat - I know what you mean about "maintaining". Working in an office is the worst. People bring in lots of food around this time of year and it's tough! Look on the bright're not gaining like most people do. :teeth:

This is :offtopic: for this thread but I have a question to ask Pat (sorry, to everyone else :blush: ). I noticed in a previous post on another thread that you had issues with the ball of one of your feet becoming sore/hot/tingly or something like that. My left foot did this while I W/R my 10-miler the other day. Are you having more problems? I'm wondering if my shoe is too loose/tight? Did you discover the origin of your problem?

Susie, not sure what caused the problems with the balls of my feet. When I've tied my shoes too tight the tops of my feet hurt, not the bottoms. I sure WISH I knew what the problem was though because it was pretty painful and one of the reasons I only made it to 12 miles Saturday....I didn't want to "hurt" something. If anybody has a clue please let me know....
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I think I'm finally dooinga good job hydrating, as I was down another half pound this morning!!! That takes me to my marathon weight last year!!!! 2 pounds from when we started this!!! Seeing as I'm still in what's usually coming off peak high weigth time, I shoudl eb able to drop another pound in the next week or two!!!!

Thanks for your help everybody!!!!


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