Working on Weight Loss During Training

Total drive-by... :moped:

I keep thinking I should post this idea re: Halloween candy - and I finally remembered to when I am near a computer!

Last year I bought a TON of halloween party favor type things & toys wicked cheap at Target after Halloween. They were at least 75% off, and I got even more when Target went 90% off Halloween in November.

I figured that the kids get more than enough candy. A toy, pencil, bubbles, etc. might by kind of cool to get from one house. AND - no leftover candy for me to eat!

Gotta run - lots o' trick or treating to do today! pirate:
Kristi-- you are so on the ball! What a great idea! This year I bought a small quantity of junior mints (not exactly anyone's favorite) and a big bag of halloween motif single size pretzel bags. We'll give out the junior mints and if we run out we'll do the pretzels. That way nothing too dangerous in the house, except for DS's loot.

I'm a bit discouraged. I've had several really, really good days and I haven't lost an ounce. I know WL can sometimes lag in time and show up days after the hard work that produced it, but its discouraging all the same. I had a number in mind for Nov 1st and unless I dump 4 lbs tonight it ain't gonna happen :furious:

We hand out mini bags of Halloween popcorn. But it's the kids T&T candy that gets me. Plus DD's b-day is the 29th, so we have cake and all that other junk around.

Kristi - That is an AWESOME idea. I always forget to hit Target at the right time tho!

I ate way too much. I try, and then just throw it all to the wind. I guess I won't be eating much for dinner.
Okay, guys, help! This is totally ridiculous. At 1:00 I ate a huge serving of barley veggie soup and at about 3:00 I ate an apple and I am sitting here nearly nauseous with hunger. My stomach is growling and it has that sick feeling you get when you have waited too long to eat. Isn't that weird?

I have a banana and I am going to cave and eat that now, and hopefully get home at a reasonable hour but I am not sure why I am so hungry. :confused3

This is what I have had today:
8:00 coffee w/skim milk; 16 oz water
10:00 shredded wheat with skim milk; 16 oz water
1:00 veggie barley soup; 20 oz water
2:30 coffee w/skim milk (couldn't stay awake and was hoping to stave off hunger)
3:00 apple; more water (working on another 20 oz)

Isn't this strange?

Okay, now this is just embarassing. My stomach is growling so loud! :rotfl:
Hate to say it Cam, but it sounds like the "I feel like I'm training for a pie/cookie eating contest" syndrome to me. I'm starting to feel like a bottomless pit now too. Very reminscent of last year. Just try to keep what you eat healthy. :wizard:

ETA: Much easier said than done, I know!
Carrie, I am wondering if a serious shortage of protein might be the problem. I have now also eaten a banana and drank another 20 oz of water. UGH! I still have a salad here and I might have that.
Last year for breakfast I would have a Curves protein shake with a cup of mixed berries (frozen) and a bowl of real oatmeal, not instant as the real stuff has more fiber, with pecans (and a pinch of brown sugar). That did help, but I think I had 2 servings worth. Now I've got to start getting up early enough to make my shake again. Plus, my Oatmeal has turned into a breakfast cookie (Quaker). :rolleyes:
My friend back home joined Curves and apparently they have a weight loss program that you can join, anyway she's lost 10 pds. so far. Has anyone else participated on this program?
keenercam said:
Carrie, I am wondering if a serious shortage of protein might be the problem. I have now also eaten a banana and drank another 20 oz of water. pinkbounc: UGH! I still have a salad here and I might have that.

Cam - I noticed that with Core also. If I don't have enough protein, I am famished! I was eating salads without any chicken for lunches. Once I added the chicken, I felt so much better. So, now when I start feeling that way, I make sure to have something more substantial like chicken or tuna. Not just fruit or soup, etc.

Sunny - I handed out pretzels last year & Chad called me a scrooge for that too. I can't win. :rolleyes: I do have to say - the containers of goop were big hits tonight! I got them at target's dollar spot 75% off last year. I will have to find more of those this year... FYI, Target's 90% off should be next Tuesday. :banana:

I am not even going to go into all the candy I ate tonight. Suffice it to say, I am not weighing in tomorrow night. But I will go to the WW meeting.
I'm so sorry that I've done a terrible job of keeping up with everyone's posts lately. Like Jen, my training has been "off" -- though in my case, I've basically missed pretty much the whole month of October (aside from one half marathon). This happens to me every year, though, because my work hours skyrocket as we prepare for a huge tradeshow we have in November. I have to remind myself of that because every year I prepare to drop out of the WDW races, then I dust myself off, take a hard look at my schedule and the calendar, and get back on track. I did Goofy last January, so I know I can definitely recover. On Monday I did my first 16-miler since January (I was home with the kids on a teacher workday) and I felt pretty good, though I barely made the sub-16-minute average that Disney demands. Still, I should be fine if I don't let the negative voices get the best of me. (Sounds like you battle those too, Sunny. Goofy is doable, especially if you include some back-to-back long walks/runs/whatever over the next couple of months.)

I've been thinking a lot about a couple of the posts. One was a post (can't find it now!) about someone being so stoked about staying on track because of the benefits she knew it would pay on race day.

My nutritionist says staying focused on the rewards of our lifestyle changes is the best way to stay highly motivated. In essence, that’s what motivation is, isn’t it? Being so interested in getting to what we want for ourselves that nothing can sway us. When we focus on the benefits we will get (tiny ones like that small victory of seeing the scale budge, as well as bigger ones like race PRs and lower blood pressure and longer lives), then we focus less on the food we are bypassing. What is [fill in the blank with tempting food] compared to that?!?!?

I also related to the impatience several of us are having with our progress, and thought something I’d read lately (in an email newsletter from on that topic made a lot of sense. It says…

You don't have to see results to know they are happening

When I was a young child, my mother fastened a tape measure to the back of our family room door. About once a month, she would have me stand next to the tape, then lay a ruler on top of my head and determine how much I'd grown since the last measurement.

Since kids grow in spurts and stops, it wasn't uncommon to have many months go by without showing any changes in my height. Now suppose my mother got frustrated with the lack of results, and angrily stomped out of the room saying, "It's not working. No matter how hard I try, you're just not growing. Since you aren't getting any taller, I think I'll just quit feeding you."

Of course, she never did this. Most people understand that changes in a human body take time, and that not seeing results doesn't mean that things aren't happening.

Things are happening -- maybe not as fast as we'd like, but good behavior is always rewarded over time. It's a "natural law," a law of physics -- sooner or later the scale will budge if we are sticking to our plan.

Gotta hit the treadmill. Have a great day!
Thank you, Wendy, for the reminder!

I did better with food last night. I ate a small piece of chicken breast when I got home and then had a broccoli, mushroom & cheese eggbeater omelette w/canadian bacon for dinner. I was cruising the kitchen for a snack and took a bag of popcorn out and put it on the counter and committed to waiting 15 minutes before cooking it. By the time the 15 minutes were up, I was able to resist and took a book upstairs to bed instead. Hopefully, my willpower is back in place.

I am definitely listening to my body and prepared to give it protein with every meal now. I have hard boiled eggs to have with breakfast or a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack and I have chicken breast for my salad and with broccoli for dinner (thank God I did so much cooking Sunday. It is so easy to grab chicken breast or turkey burgers from the fridge).

Food plan for today:
B: coffee w/skim milk; shredded wheat; skim milk
S: hard boiled egg(s)
L: salad w/grilled chicken and olive oil
S: apple
D(before gym): broccoli, barley & chicken breast

I didn't weigh in last night. I got out of work so late and really wanted to see the little kids in costume, so I went home instead. I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. I am NOT looking forward to it (let's see, pizza, cheese fries, yup! I am worried I'll break the scale! :blush: )

ETA: I am obsessing about the "whoppers" that are in the Halloween candy bowl at home. I have not touched a piece of Halloween candy but I KNOW those will be calling my name the whole day and when I get home from the gym tonight. I am going to send Howard an email asking him to put them in a bag and put them on the closet shelf that I can't reach without a chair. ;)
Cam - I went back and read your menu and I definitely think the problem was a lack of protein. I'd have been starving myself based on what you had on that list :)

I'll admit to having fallen off the wagon. There are still b-day snacks here at work and a very stressful situation due to a death which has led to out of control eating at work. I don't eat dinner though as by then I'm feeling just awful.

Hoping to find a way back. Depressed as last week was soooo much better :blush: :guilty:
YAY!! All the Halloween candy is gone--that stuff is pure evil--it calls to me all the time. But we gave it all away--we had a TON of trick or treaters last night.

I got up and walked this am--so much easier for me to do that with DST since it isn't so dark in the mornings. Got a little overheated in the track suit, so next time I'll be better prepared.

I am back to entering things on fitday, and to mindful eating!

Good wishes to everyone.
Well I was pleasantly surprised when I lost 1.5 pds. at weigh-in...I thought for sure that I had gained weight, since I ate like a pig at the hotsprings, but surprise, surprise! Not a big difference, but I'll take it. lol.

I've been working out like a mad woman this past week and boy do I feel it in my joints, but I'm going to keep focusing on the results instead of the pain. Hope you all have a great weekend. :goodvibes
Congrats, Monte! :woohoo: Awesome weigh in!

I didn't get a chance to report yesterday morning, but I was down another 1.4 pounds at WI yesterday now putting me at my lowest weight since I was 14! I still have a really long way to go, but I am starting to feel a bit more confident about the journey.
It's bizarre where the weight is coming off. Very strange. My bottom is much flatter and my calves are less bulge-y and my upper arms are smaller around (even if there is a lot more ugly old Italian lady batwing stuff going on there! And yet, it still hasn't fallen off my middle or my hips. I am hoping that that will happen soon. I am such a classic pear shape and there is almost nothing left up top to lose! :eek: Why do we always have to lose it there, of all places?

Anyway, have I mentioned I am loving core? :teeth:

Oh, and I was able to run for a 4 minute stretch last night and then again for 3:30 or so, putting me at a 13:26 mile time (I took it a bit easy on the walking intervals). I think the azmacort is really helping. I just thought I'd run 2 minutes and be dying after doing that, but found I was really able to just keep going! I only did a mile because I didn't make time to eat at work before going to the gym and I really had no fuel. Sunday may be the next time I get to get on a TM or outside and I am hoping to really start pushing my limits, especially if I am properly fueled.

So, how is everyone else doing?

Oh, one last thing -- DS came home last night and said "Okay, Mom, where'd you stash my Halloween candy?" :rotfl: I put it all in a ziplock bag and put it where I won't have any reason to come across it. I feel so much better now! ;)

If I don't get back here (we have to make a trip to Pittsburgh), I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. I am totally stressing over what I will find to eat away from home, but am going to work hard to stay on core and within my 35 WPAs for the weekend.
Confession time...

I only ran once this week and it was a stonker on Wednesday. I ran my 10K race on Saturday and then I hit a wall. I have eaten poorly, I have no energy and many many stresses on me. Tomorrow I am supposed to do 4 miles for my LR, thankfully it is a cut back week. I WILL do it even if it is on a treadmill.

Oh and I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder. I get this every couple of months and it hurts until it works itself out. Usually it is the result of a high stress week. So I am in pain. I need some stress relief (it's work related and too many personal obligations, so not an easy fix).

Cam - You are doing so great. I wish I had your dedication. You just always seem to make it happen. I am more of a "give it up" kind of person. I just need to get some control!!

Monte - Whoo Hooo on your weigh in!!!
I checked my subscribed threads to see this one back up and felt pure guilt :guilty: :sad2:

I've been eating crap like a piglet as stress has really got to me this week. A variety of issues along with a funeral for a friend's dad yesterday has combined to be just a horrible week.

So much for all those OP days :sad2:

I have a busy weekend planned but will try to make time some how to get to the store and be ready to tackle this full on come Monday. I'm now down to 30 days to go until the work Xmas party in :sunny: Sarasota FL so I need to get my rear in gear quick.

WISHing everyone a great weekend :goodvibes
Cam: awesome weigh-in--congrats on all of your success.

Good luck to everyone for a successful weekend!
keenercam said:
I didn't get a chance to report yesterday morning, but I was down another 1.4 pounds at WI yesterday now putting me at my lowest weight since I was 14!

Cam - that is fabulous! I am so happy for you right now! You must feel just amazing!
And I hear you about losing in weird, unbalanced places. I always used to carry extra weight in my hips & thighs - stomach was always pretty flat. Now I have a very un-flat, giggly tummy, but I lose in my hips & thighs. :confused3 If anyone has any ideas on what to do about this tummy thing, I am all ears! I do think half of it is being so stretched out when I was preggo with Zack. But that's been almost 3.5 years now! :blush: So, until I can afford a tummy tuck, I need to do something about this on my own.

Jen & Minnie
- hang in there! You can turn this around. I was doing so bad for a couple weeks and I am pretty much back OP. YOU CAN DO IT!


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