"YARC" Post of the Week, Perception!


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
As hard as it is to believe, we all become very effective at decieving ourselves. We convince ourselves that we are doing the right thing when we really know we are not. Never is this more obvious as in our eating habits. We will eat things we know we shouldn't but eat them in small portions thinking that makes it ok.

I found this on the front page of the Yahoo news:


One appitizer order of wings has 100% of the calories an average woman and almost as many as the average man needs for the whole day. But it's not much food so it's ok right?

Even worse an appitizer is usually just a prelude to a meal. So even if you ordered the salad as your main course you ruined what you would have accomplished by having that "small" amount of food as an add on, or even as the main course you still are going to be over calories for the day.

We also play games with ourselves and make deals. Ok I'll eat this and tomorrow I'll do 5 extra miles to make up for it. WRONG!!!! To start with you have already stored that food as fat, by the next day and now it's 9 times as hard to use up as it would have been if you had exercised right away. Then at 100 extra calories used in a mile an order of wings would require an extra 17 miles to equal out.

So what is the answer? Be honest with yourself. If you are craving a piece of chocolate cake with icecream then be brutally honest with yourself. Don't make deals and don't try to make excuses to make it ok.

When you want to live a healthy lifestyle you have to do it all the way or not at all. You have to decide going in that there are things you don't do anymore because you choose not to.

It's like developing a sense of morals. We choose to abide by our countries laws, we choose not to steal and murder and the rest. Living healthy is a similar committment. Except it's to you and not your country.

You wouldn't eat posion if you knew it was posion would you? You wouldn't smoke because you know it's slow suicide right? We resist using drugs right? We need to look at food that is bad for us in the same way. Choose the big salad instead of the smaller portion of the pasta with the cream sauce. Choose to have your food as natural as possible.

John Bingham has a silly way of looking at eating he calls his "See Food Diet". He gets all his meals with out the covering of sauces and cheeses. So you can see what you are eating. For example an veggie omlet filled with cheese and covered with Holinday sauce is not a healthy meal. But a veggie omlet made without cheese and no sauce is very good. I know you can get it made that way because that's how I order it. It's very good and tastes much fresher and more flavorfull without the overpowering effect of the sauce and cheese.

To all my dear friends at the WISH. Be the person who speaks to yourself honestly. To quote an old saying, "To your own self be true". Good advice to live by.

"YARC" Panda:hippie:
I found these 9 tips for "sensible splurges" in this month's Triathlete magazine. I had posted them on a couple other threads but this seemed like a good place to share them with everyone. It follows along with Dave's theme...sort of.

1. Accept your spurge foods. Don't feel guilty when you have them but enjoy this simple pleasure in life.

2. Prepare the food yourself and fo gor flavor boosters. Instead of cheap grocery store brownies, go for homemade brownies with gourmet chocolates, local cream and fresh eggs. The homemade treats will taste better and are better for you.

3. Take time to taste the flavors. While slowly eating your splurge, consider all of the joyous flavors that are triggering the pleasure receptors in your brain and contemplate why you love this food.

4. Have a plan to be a conscious eater. Any food can fit into a healthy overall training diet as long as you have a plan. Plan to eat splurge foods on an occasional basis and only in moderation.

5. Go for quality not quantity. Instead of hastily throwing 5-6 Muhcnkin donunts into your mouth at work, consider sitting down after dinner and having a small piece of homemade apple pie. You will ejoyy this treat considerably better than downing donut holes.

6. Splurges don't have to be high-calorie and high-fat bombs. Consider reaching for a handful of fresh local strawberries or pherhaps a fancy olive oil to drizzle on a tomato and mozzarella salad.

7. Compromise and save yourself a bunch of calories. The reap the pleasure benefits of a creamy frozen dessert, consider low-fat frozen yogurt instead of real ice cream.

8. Structure your splurge around activity. Allow yourself the pleasure of the food splurge but do it on a training day not an off day.

9. Splurge after a healthy meal. Head this suggestion to prevent overeating your splurge.

I agree with the "see food" diet and not the everything I see I eat diet. Anytime that you add cheese to your sandwich, think, can I really taste the cheese or am I just adding calories to my sandwich. I stopped adding cheese after I had this explained to me and I LOVE cheese. This thought holds true for salads also, if you add a little balsamic vinegar to your salad as dressing, you can see the veggies. If you add French or Thousand Island, you veggies are covered up. I think that Dave's perception holds true for lots of things in our lives. Maybe we should all give this a try!!!!! :thumbsup2
Thank you Lisa, we need to write an artical together sometime for Runners World or Fit magazine. Actually we would probably do better writing for MAD magazine or Strange but True.

"YARC" Panda:hippie:
Thank you Lisa, we need to write an artical together sometime for Runners World or Fit magazine. Actually we would probably do better writing for MAD magazine or Strange but True.

"YARC" Panda:hippie:

Mad Magazine, one of my favorites, Alfred E, Newman for President....
I agree with the 'see food' diet. Also, with the 'why add the cheese'. I find that I can really taste the food better without sauces, etc. and like has been pointed out, it's so much better for you.
I stopped eating cheese on sandwiches some time ago, when it finally dawned on me (like you) that I couldn't even taste the cheese on it. So I will either have a cheese sandwich or a meat sandwich, not the two together. Dh and I have relatives that look at us like we're crazy for the way we eat. They're the same ones who get melted grease (movie theatre butter) on popcorn and then salt it again. :scared1:
I'm an expert on making deals with myself, I did that a lot. Then of course the next day was a new day and easy to ignore the deal from yesterday with the bag of chips or the extra cup of cashews or the third beer.

YARC Panda:hippie:
Alfred E Newman as a boy

Alfred E Newman as a grown up

"Smoking helps you lose weight -- one lung at a time!"

"Today, if you ask a car dealer to let you see something for 10 grand, he'll show you the door!"

"Medical insurance is what allows people to be ill at ease!"

"Prison inmates are treated to cable TV, hot meals and a college education, while on the outside some people can only afford these things through a life of crime!"

"Thank's to the new welfare bill, the question "Paper or plastic?" now refers to many American's sleeping arrangements!"

"In retrospect it becomes clear that hindsight is definitely overrated!"

"Most people are so lazy, they don't even exercise good judgement!"

"If opera is entertainment, then falling off a roof is transportation!"

"A college jock is someone who minds his build instead of vice versa!"

"The only advantage to living in the past is that the rents are much cheaper!"

"Getting old is when a narrow waist and a broad mind change places!"

"How come stealing from one book is plagiarism, but stealing from many is research?"

"It takes one to know one -- and vice versa!"

"Nowadays, a balanced diet is when every McNugget weighs the same!"

"Teenagers are people who act like babies if they're not treated like adults!"

"A teacher is someone who talks in our sleep!"

"How come we choose from just two people for President, and fifty for Miss America?"

"Who says nothing is impossible? Some people do it every day!"

"You can be on the right track and still get hit by a train!"

"Blood is thicker than water... but it makes lousy lemonade!"

"The U.N. is a place where governments opposed to free speech demand to be heard!"

"A plastic surgeon's office the only place where no one gets offended when you pick your nose!"
Jeff you know the secret service is gonna come and get us.:eek: That was a great pic of Obama, I mean Alfred.:)

We can all go hide at DisneyWorld. "Mickey for President":cool1:

YARC Panda:hippie:
Watch everything you do.

As chief cook in the Lareau household and the mother of a pastry chef avoid the following:


Licks and

While your cooking. It can add 15lbs a year to your body.

Watch everything you do.

As chief cook in the Lareau household and the mother of a pastry chef avoid the following:


Licks and

While your cooking. It can add 15lbs a year to your body.


Sounds like good advice. May I quote that sometime?

YARC Panda:hippie:
Another good thing to do with salads, is to have your dressing on the side and not on the salad. You dip your fork tines into the dressing and then a bitefull of salad. You still get the taste of salad dressing, without all the added calories, plus you can still "see" what you are eating! This is the only way I eat my salads!

Sounds like good advice. May I quote that sometime?

YARC Panda:hippie:

Of course, it's not mine, I got it from a Magazine. I remind Miranda of that all the time because she has to taste so many things in the restaurant. One of her teachers at the Tech school used to try things over the trash, taste and spit.
But he was putting on weight from tasting 3 classes of food a day!

I bought some sardines yesterday at the market, boneless, skinless in soy oil. How does one eat a sadine? I know eating a sardine is certainly a YARC activity but I'm serious how do you eat the darn things?

Reminds me of the old, get drunk at collage and swallow a goldfish kinda thing. I'm thinking spreading them on crackers. But any help would be wonderfull.

YARC Panda:hippie:
I showed my DF the link for the wings article and he said that he would be sticking to ribs from now on :rotfl: He's going to start working out with a trainer this weekend so I think he'll be changing his tune once he realizes how hard he's going to be working.

My PT and I have talked a lot about food, eating habits, calories, etc. I was surprised that I only burn about 300 calories during our workouts. One thing he said that really stuck with me is that you'll never out train your eating. It certainly makes me think twice when I feel a craving for an afternoon treat.
I bought some sardines yesterday at the market, boneless, skinless in soy oil. How does one eat a sadine? I know eating a sardine is certainly a YARC activity but I'm serious how do you eat the darn things?

Reminds me of the old, get drunk at collage and swallow a goldfish kinda thing. I'm thinking spreading them on crackers. But any help would be wonderfull.

YARC Panda:hippie:

Growing up we actually ate sardines (my dad loved them). We usually ate them on saltines, but also just straight out of the tin they are packed in. Sounds gross to many people but I actually loved them as a kid. I especially liked the ones packed in mustard.
Thank you Sam Sam, I asked at work also and a lot said they ate them when they were kids but got tired of them. One idea I got was on crackers with a dab of hot sauce.

A co worker's wife just got the blood sugar meter and the insulin injectors, she is very overweight, he was asking about my healthy eating since his wife has tried every diet plan on the planet.

Amazing her doctor advised walking regularly and changing her esting habits.

YARC Panda:hippie:
Thank you Sam Sam, I asked at work also and a lot said they ate them when they were kids but got tired of them. One idea I got was on crackers with a dab of hot sauce.

YARC Panda:hippie:

Let me know if you eat the sardines and if you like them.
:goodvibes I'm thinking maybe it's time for me to try them again.
Let me know if you eat the sardines and if you like them.
:goodvibes I'm thinking maybe it's time for me to try them again.

I still haven't had them yet I'm thinking tomorrow before I head off to work. They are supposed to be an excellent source of Omega 3s and healthy fish oils. I'm trying to eat more of that kind of stuff. I eat a lot of fish already.

YARC Panda:hippie:


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