"You'll find I'm full of surprises" - Marathon/Princess Half Marathon - 3/11 Raglan Road Brunch

Congrats to your husband, I'm positive I ran right up on him (especially now after seeing these pics) before/near the TTC & was right next to him running and was like look's just like Dis_Yoda's husband, but he looked very in the zone. Chef Mickey's is one that I've liked but not liked, we haven't been back in a few years. Great recaps of all your dining too!!

Congrats to you as well! You did Dopey right? Everyone was so bundled up and had to adjust clothing accordingly!

He is a very in the zone runner. I've tried to talk to him while he was running and its like talking to a brick. He knew I was going to be at the Boardwalk and missed me he was so in the zone! Feel free to startle him next time and be like """HEYYYYY DIS-YODA's HUSBAND". I would love that! He has gotten used to people on the Disboards coming up and saying hi or having conversations. Much better than the meets he did on Disney Dream or Fantasy. He has his headphones on and can barely hear the world around him. I told him he won't be able to have headphones on when he's Snow White.

Chef Mickey's has it place. It's a great way to spend time with characters. If you don't expect amazing food - its passage. It isn't in my zone of need though.

Darn! I remember the tissue people! I think they were right before the tootsie roll people!

I didn't know about the Tootsie Roll people. I was very unremarkable though - wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants drinking a beer can not cheering (much). Shaun came back to the room with lots of Skittles Fun Size Packs though. He was really happy with that!
When you come back for Princess Weekend, you need to try the Cucumber Sake drink in Japan ... it was NICE during DATW!
Congrats to you as well! You did Dopey right? Everyone was so bundled up and had to adjust clothing accordingly!

He is a very in the zone runner. I've tried to talk to him while he was running and its like talking to a brick. He knew I was going to be at the Boardwalk and missed me he was so in the zone! Feel free to startle him next time and be like """HEYYYYY DIS-YODA's HUSBAND". I would love that! He has gotten used to people on the Disboards coming up and saying hi or having conversations. Much better than the meets he did on Disney Dream or Fantasy. He has his headphones on and can barely hear the world around him. I told him he won't be able to have headphones on when he's Snow White.
Just the marathon this time (Did Dopey in 2016)...I should have yelled at him, it would have been hilarious for sure, next time I will. Him as Snow White that is going to be epic!!!!
I am getting ready to make my 180 day reservations and I have been second guessing Le Cellier. Your pictures and review makes me really want it. I think I will book it! Thank you so much for all your reviews and pictures. I really enjoyed it!
When you come back for Princess Weekend, you need to try the Cucumber Sake drink in Japan ... it was NICE during DATW!

Will keep that in mind! I do love a good cucumber cocktail! We are at Boardwalk so it will be easy for quick trips to EPCOT!

Just the marathon this time (Did Dopey in 2016)...I should have yelled at him, it would have been hilarious for sure, next time I will. Him as Snow White that is going to be epic!!!!

Only at Disney is it "just" a marathon! Still a major race! It will be awesome. I think this one should be better than his Rapunzel.

I am getting ready to make my 180 day reservations and I have been second guessing Le Cellier. Your pictures and review makes me really want it. I think I will book it! Thank you so much for all your reviews and pictures. I really enjoyed it!

I think you should book it too! I hope you have an awesome meal there! Where else are you looking at?

I've been bad and haven't done 180 day reservations for a while. We tend to decide a couple months in advance. I think that will change for our November trip since we are there for so many nights.
Another case of me reading the update from my phone and forgetting to comment! I dont know how folks can drink beer during a marathon. That would completely sap my energy!

Your husband does look exhausted. I wouldnt be able to leave the room after something like that! Your meal looked great and totally something to fill you up after a long run like that. Smart to take a nap, and nice you made it home quickly so you could be ready for work the next day.
Another case of me reading the update from my phone and forgetting to comment! I dont know how folks can drink beer during a marathon. That would completely sap my energy!

Your husband does look exhausted. I wouldnt be able to leave the room after something like that! Your meal looked great and totally something to fill you up after a long run like that. Smart to take a nap, and nice you made it home quickly so you could be ready for work the next day.

I think there are certain points where drinking some beer during a run will really not have much effect. During a long run - your body starts wanting hydration and carbs. What better way to have that than beer? It also was only half a beer for that lady and she only have like 1.5 more miles to go so she should be fine. Then again, I've had 2 bottles of wine today so I shouldn't say much.

He was exhausted! I didn't go into all the details of his return to the room but I had to help him out of his compression pants and help him into the tub. It was probably the most needy I've ever seen him physically but it was understandable why he was that way. That extra time before lunch was so needed. If I had tried to make him eat right away, it would have not been a pretty sight as he would have been cranky and in pain.

I think for Marathon Weekend 2019 - we're going to do the same thing with booking Sunday Night even without the intention of staying the night. Since we are doing France in 2019 - I have some extra points for that use year - I'm going to end up borrowing my April 2019 points to get a 1 Bedroom - Value since its cheaper than a Concierge Studio.

Crazy enough - he wants to do Goofy next year. Hopefully he trains this time!
Cheers to two bottles of wine!

This is my dilemma for AKV, love club level and don’t mind a studio but love the space of a 1BR! Too late for W&D to get either so looking like a standard 1BR.

Oh my, god bless him for wanting to do goofy!! Lol! Why not just do Dopey?! I guess it’s 2 less early mornings. I think that’s what I’d dread more than four early mornings is the HM & M back to back. Looking like just Marathon again for 2019 maybe dopey 2020?

No PHM wah! Couldn’t justify $1000 (charity requirements, room and flight) for only a one night long run. Still so sad, but I’ll be there for Dark Side for sure! Maybe by then I will have even watch a SW movie, although not sure where to start?
I think there are certain points where drinking some beer during a run will really not have much effect. During a long run - your body starts wanting hydration and carbs. What better way to have that than beer? It also was only half a beer for that lady and she only have like 1.5 more miles to go so she should be fine. Then again, I've had 2 bottles of wine today so I shouldn't say much.

I haven't been able to run since Jr High when I was diagnosed with shin splints, so I can't imagine how alcohol would impact running. I guess when you've gone that long and you only have a little bit left, something like beer with a low alcohol content wouldn't be that big of a deal, especially if you had any tolerance. Without actually being able to measure my wine intake (as my "house wine" comes in 5 liter boxes), I can't tell you how many glasses of wine I've had. I did have a half bottle of red with dinner, but not sure of how many glasses of the white box wine I had before dinner was ready. I'm guessing I'm pretty close to you.

You see we had a kitten go to emergency Sunday night. Once everything was said and done, both you, your DH, Fran and I could have taken a cruise on the Fantasy in separate state rooms. We have a little over a month to figure out how to pay for it, so I hope that Fran gets busy on eBay. We picked up 4 instruments and 3 Disney figures from storage, they won't cut it, but will at least make a tiny dent in the cost.

He was exhausted! I didn't go into all the details of his return to the room but I had to help him out of his compression pants and help him into the tub. It was probably the most needy I've ever seen him physically but it was understandable why he was that way. That extra time before lunch was so needed. If I had tried to make him eat right away, it would have not been a pretty sight as he would have been cranky and in pain.

That is Fran on a normal basis. That's a lot of why we need to chill in the room before we we do most things.

I think for Marathon Weekend 2019 - we're going to do the same thing with booking Sunday Night even without the intention of staying the night.

We did that on our trip last year (I think), it was good to have the room to come back to and potty, chill out and such before we took an evening flight home.
Cheers to two bottles of wine!

This is my dilemma for AKV, love club level and don’t mind a studio but love the space of a 1BR! Too late for W&D to get either so looking like a standard 1BR.

Oh my, god bless him for wanting to do goofy!! Lol! Why not just do Dopey?! I guess it’s 2 less early mornings. I think that’s what I’d dread more than four early mornings is the HM & M back to back. Looking like just Marathon again for 2019 maybe dopey 2020?

No PHM wah! Couldn’t justify $1000 (charity requirements, room and flight) for only a one night long run. Still so sad, but I’ll be there for Dark Side for sure! Maybe by then I will have even watch a SW movie, although not sure where to start?

At least you can get the standard 1BR still for W&D! We're in Studios for that trip - the run part is at AKV (1st to 4th) since BWV was fully booked and then we're in a Boardwalk View Studio for the Food & Wine portion (4th to 11th)

Dopey would require more time off of work and dealing with that nasty Wednesday Expo disaster. We're balancing RunDisney with France and France will be almost a 3 week vacation. He should be fine to do the HM and M back to back without too much worry if he trains. He can run a half without training so that isn't the worry - its the marathon he needs to be serious about this time.

Don't blame you for not being able to justify $1000 for PHM! I'm realizing my day to Miami Beach next Friday to see the Museum of Ice Cream is going to be a lot more expensive than originally planned. Since I'm driving all the way to Miami Beach for that - might as well have a nice lunch off Ocean Avenue (debating on where now)

Start with Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode 4) If you don't watch any other movie - at least do that one!

I haven't been able to run since Jr High when I was diagnosed with shin splints, so I can't imagine how alcohol would impact running. I guess when you've gone that long and you only have a little bit left, something like beer with a low alcohol content wouldn't be that big of a deal, especially if you had any tolerance. Without actually being able to measure my wine intake (as my "house wine" comes in 5 liter boxes), I can't tell you how many glasses of wine I've had. I did have a half bottle of red with dinner, but not sure of how many glasses of the white box wine I had before dinner was ready. I'm guessing I'm pretty close to you.

Interesting fact: 5 Liter Boxes are illegal in the state of Florida. I learned this from Shaun the other day when he had to dump a pallet of 5 Liter that was accidentally sent to the stores in the area. It was cheaper for them to just dump it out then it would have been for them to ship it back. That story made me sad for all the lost wine. We're down to like 6 bottles of wine here - gotta get through those before we can get our next box of 12. 3 more Cabernets and 3 more Chardonnays. Not sure what is in the next box he'll bring home.

There are people that will drink Margaritas or Cocktails during the runs...that is too risky for me but I like my cocktails strong.

You see we had a kitten go to emergency Sunday night. Once everything was said and done, both you, your DH, Fran and I could have taken a cruise on the Fantasy in separate state rooms. We have a little over a month to figure out how to pay for it, so I hope that Fran gets busy on eBay. We picked up 4 instruments and 3 Disney figures from storage, they won't cut it, but will at least make a tiny dent in the cost.
Oh no! Poor Kitten :(. I hope the kitten is ok now even if the kitten stole all your money for the next long while. I hope Ebay works on getting the debt down! I would be drinking lots of wine too! I hope the eBay works and that you get some of your rental units rented out!

We need to get our house puppy proofed again so we have a lower risk of an emergency visit but I am really glad those places exist! Bigger dogs mean they can eat bigger things. Don't need electronics chewed up and swallowed!

That is Fran on a normal basis. That's a lot of why we need to chill in the room before we we do most things.

It does take a decent amount of planning to get that time! I see why you always love your 1 Bedrooms!

We did that on our trip last year (I think), it was good to have the room to come back to and potty, chill out and such before we took an evening flight home.

It is nice to have the extra points to be able to do that! We're both lucky with that!
Interesting fact: 5 Liter Boxes are illegal in the state of Florida. I learned this from Shaun the other day when he had to dump a pallet of 5 Liter that was accidentally sent to the stores in the area.

Interesting. I always wondered why we could only get 3 liter boxes. I actually like that better, because with the time we usually spend in Florida, I'm not sure if one 5L will be enough, but two would definitely be too much. If i get two 3L boxes, I'm usually good on a one week trip. There is usually leftover that I can put in a bottle that I discard at the airport. Not that I drink a liter of wine a day, but it's nice knowing that I have the option! :laughing:

It was cheaper for them to just dump it out then it would have been for them to ship it back. That story made me sad for all the lost wine.

That's sad. Especially if it was the kind of wine that I like.

We're down to like 6 bottles of wine here - gotta get through those before we can get our next box of 12. 3 more Cabernets and 3 more Chardonnays. Not sure what is in the next box he'll bring home.

I'm confused. Do you mean that your house only has 6 bottles of wine in it total? That is a total foreign concept to me. I have a wine cellar (closet) that holds like 500 or so bottles of wine. I have a walk in pantry where I have a "drink now" wine cellar of red wine that is ready to consume and I continually populate it from the wine cabinet. My "drink now" section usually has about 3 cases of wine in it (unless it's been a while since I restocked it from the wine cabinet in the garage.)

There are people that will drink Margaritas or Cocktails during the runs...that is too risky for me but I like my cocktails strong.

I think we're similar in liking strong cocktails, but tend do differ on the liquor. I know you like whiskey, whereas I prefer vodka or tequila.

Oh no! Poor Kitten :(. I hope the kitten is ok now even if the kitten stole all your money for the next long while. I hope Ebay works on getting the debt down! I would be drinking lots of wine too! I hope the eBay works and that you get some of your rental units rented out!

The kitten is doing much better, but it's a slow time of year for eBay and for renting apartments. Let's hope that changes now that we're into February.

It does take a decent amount of planning to get that time! I see why you always love your 1 Bedrooms!

It works out well because while she is sleeping off her cranky, I can relax in the tub!

It is nice to have the extra points to be able to do that! We're both lucky with that!

It is nice to have the points. Now that I switched my September reservation from SSR to OKW, I have a couple hundred points sitting around that I don't plan on using anytime soon. I'm considering renting them out via David's and that might actually get us some cash, almost enough to make up for one of those "Fantasy Cruises" that we didn't get to take.
Interesting. I always wondered why we could only get 3 liter boxes. I actually like that better, because with the time we usually spend in Florida, I'm not sure if one 5L will be enough, but two would definitely be too much. If i get two 3L boxes, I'm usually good on a one week trip. There is usually leftover that I can put in a bottle that I discard at the airport. Not that I drink a liter of wine a day, but it's nice knowing that I have the option! :laughing:
Glad our strange Florida laws work out well for you! We're going to probably bring a bottle with us in February but we are there for only 3 nights and it is a race weekend so that affects it as well since we'll both be running. Stupid running getting in the way of our running!

That's sad. Especially if it was the kind of wine that I like.
I think it was a crap wine at least!

I'm confused. Do you mean that your house only has 6 bottles of wine in it total? That is a total foreign concept to me. I have a wine cellar (closet) that holds like 500 or so bottles of wine. I have a walk in pantry where I have a "drink now" wine cellar of red wine that is ready to consume and I continually populate it from the wine cabinet. My "drink now" section usually has about 3 cases of wine in it (unless it's been a while since I restocked it from the wine cabinet in the garage.)
Well, we only have a small 1500 sq ft house. But yes, only 6 bottles of wine. I tend to drink the wine as it comes in. We don't have guests so it is just the two of us. We're up to 8 bottles now since he bought a few more as an anniversary present to me along with a formal cheese board. Maybe one day we'll have that large of a collection! I expect when we go to France, we'll be bringing home a lot more wine than we did from Italy. We just have 2 small wine fridges that each hold 8 bottles (one temp set for red, one temp set for wine). The only wines that go in the normal fridge are dessert wines or champagne. Its a lot easier to keep the amount of bottles low when he can bring home bottles 5 days a week.

I think we're similar in liking strong cocktails, but tend do differ on the liquor. I know you like whiskey, whereas I prefer vodka or tequila.
I do like vodka and tequila as well. I've been on a Moscow Mule kick for a bit so I've been drinking more vodka than whiskey lately.

The kitten is doing much better, but it's a slow time of year for eBay and for renting apartments. Let's hope that changes now that we're into February.

I'm glad the kitten is doing much better! That's such a scary situation that breaks my heart for you! I'm hoping you get your apartments rented!

It works out well because while she is sleeping off her cranky, I can relax in the tub!

That does work well! We're book in a Value 1 Bedroom for Marathon Weekend mainly due to that tub. I'll probably have to help him into that tub then too since he's running Goofy (Half on Saturday/Full on Sunday).

It is nice to have the points. Now that I switched my September reservation from SSR to OKW, I have a couple hundred points sitting around that I don't plan on using anytime soon. I'm considering renting them out via David's and that might actually get us some cash, almost enough to make up for one of those "Fantasy Cruises" that we didn't get to take.

I know I sent you a message but yeah - we've rented out points before through a different company. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get the cash!
Sugar Factory/Museum of Ice Cream

Since I still have a week until it’s time for our next Disney Trip, I’m going to post my day trip to Miami Beach. I originally planned this when I saw that the Museum of Ice Cream (a pop up Modern Art place that is popular with Instagram) was still open. I had Friday, February 9th, off of work and my husband was working all day so I decided that I would drive across the Alley and visit Miami Beach for the first time.

I had searched on Open Table for open restaurants for lunch and found that the Sugar Factory had open availability so I decided I would have lunch there before heading over to the Museum.

So what does Dis_Yoda order in a restaurant known for over the top desserts?

Answer: Nothing Crazy

It was National Pizza Day so I didn’t feel too bad about ordering a pizza. I was really happy with this as this wasn’t a place I was expecting a great pizza. At least I celebrated National Pizza Day! I was disappointed in the martini as it wasn’t provided the same way as the picture as I wasn’t given my watermelon candy rings! Not something to majorly be upset for but something I noted so when I needed a second drink, I changed it up to a hot chocolate that I knew they couldn’t cheat me on. I loved the hot chocolate more than the martini. If I was with someone else, I would have loved to get one of the special goblet drinks but as I was solo and driving - I had to behave.


Watermelon Martini


Margherita Pizza[


Bailey’s Hot Chocolate

Literally right next door to the Sugar Factory was the site of the murder of Versace, so I had to go walk to that and take photos. Apparently his home has now turned into a boutique hotel so you can stay in the various suites but they are probably super expensive as it is right on Ocean Avenue across the street from the beach.



I then drove up the street and went to the Museum of Ice Cream for my 12:30pm ‘appointment’. I’m going to post the photos of the various rooms. My overall review is that this place is cute for photos but going by yourself makes it hard to get funny photos of yourself. The one I got - I was laughing as it was just strange for me to try to do the pose he wanted. At least you can laugh with me and not as me! The samples of ice cream in the various rooms were good - I had a mini chocolate shake with PINK! Whipped cream and cherry, a chocolate covered banana, melted ice cream and a Key Lime Ice Cream Cone. Who doesn’t love ice cream? There were a ton of wannabe Instagram Models in there though which made it a little odd but it was a good way to spend the day doing something different! I’m glad I did it since it gave me something different to do all day.



















The next day, my special delivery from Lego arrived! I have something to keep me busy until our new Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy is picked up at the end of March! This is huge! 2.5 feet long and almost 2 feet wide! I’m only like 20% done with building it despite many hours put in so I don’t feel bad about the money since it is a long entertainment value as well.

The museum looks like a lot of fun! Here in Wisconsin ice cream as big as custard is. Who would want to go in a pool of sprinkles?

So jealous of that Lego falcon. I just can’t justify the cost.
Everything Ice cream! Yum! What a fun trip!

A new puppy! Aw, how exciting! Looks like the legos will keep you busy!
Looks like a fun day off! I saw a Kardashians episode where they went there - not sure if it’s a traveling thing or maybe there are a few locations. Your martini and pizza look delicious!! SO happy to hear you have a puppy on the way!! Yay!!!
Looks like you had a great day to yourself in Miami.

The ice cream museum looks like a ton of fun. If only they had a museum of alcohol equally as cute
The museum looks like a lot of fun! Here in Wisconsin ice cream as big as custard is. Who would want to go in a pool of sprinkles?

So jealous of that Lego falcon. I just can’t justify the cost.

The sprinkles are actually plastic which makes it a little less gross to put your feet inside! It does make for some cute photo ops!

Yeah, the cost of it is a lot especially for someone on a college student budget but the price per piece is actually better than most Lego Sets and the amount of time it takes to build is also a lot. I was so mad when I bought the UCS Tie Fighter and I had it built in 90 minutes when it cost me $200! I'm now done with bag 10 of 17. Should have it finished in the next 2 weeks! Then to find the right type of display furniture.

Everything Ice cream! Yum! What a fun trip!

A new puppy! Aw, how exciting! Looks like the legos will keep you busy!

I am so excited for our new puppy! I'm glad the breeder I'm working with had one of her girls bred at that right time for us. Her last litter with her other female didn't work out timing wise as the puppies were ready around the middle of November and we were at the late stages of CHF for Jafar then. It wouldn't have been fair to add that stress in! It should be interesting to see how Gaston handles the new puppy. He's probably going to be like, mom, really?

Looks like a fun day off! I saw a Kardashians episode where they went there - not sure if it’s a traveling thing or maybe there are a few locations. Your martini and pizza look delicious!! SO happy to hear you have a puppy on the way!! Yay!!!

It was a fun day off! Usually my Friday's off are spent going to work in the morning since I still have things to do, then the movies and then home unless it is a Disney weekend. Glad I made plans to actually use it this time! There are couple different locations or some other temporary pop-ups around the country. I think the main one is in San Fransisco and the LA and New York ones are closed.

I'm happy for our puppy too! We're working on getting the house puppy proofed again. The crate is set up and we've started the box of puppy toys. We have a lot of perfect puppy height stuff around that Gaston ignores but we've had him for almost 10 years so he's over that terror stage. The worst I have to worry from him is him swiping his paws at food at the edge of the kitchen island if he really wants whatever there or barking at neighbor kitty! He could care less about the display lego sets or books or wires!

Looks like you had a great day to yourself in Miami.

The ice cream museum looks like a ton of fun. If only they had a museum of alcohol equally as cute

I love that idea of a cute museum of alcohol! I think you could be onto something ;). Casey would have loved it as there were tons of places to play and interact!

I've never commented before but I just had to for this. My dad has a Rhodesian Ridgeback. They're such great dogs!

They do seem to be! We decided on a Ridgeback back in November 2016 while at Disney. We knew we wanted our next dog to be a dog that could go on real endurance runs with us so we started researching breeds that are great endurance runners. Living in Southwest Florida, it wouldn't be fair to get a Northern Breed like a Husky and we didn't want a herding dog that would have constant energy. They seemed to be a great mix of active and lazy which is us and they can handle the heat that we get down here.


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