Your one must do thing is...

We have been going to WDW forever :rotfl: But I love to talk to people about what their one must do thing we have lots of must dos, but what is yours? :confused3 It can be a ride, a restaurant, a show, a resort...whatever!

Ours has changed through out the years, but right now it is that we gotta hit the Trails End Buffet at Fort Wilderness Camp Ground. :thumbsup2

Now....what is yours????

My wife and I just returned from our first WDW trip on Friday (Jan. 27th). Here are the things that we really enjoyed....

MK: Attractions: I enjoyed Splash mountain (it took 4 attempts due to "Technical Difficulties") and can't wait to do it again when we return next year. As a Canadian I found "The Hall of Presidents" interesting and well done. Mickey's Philiharmagic was awesome (I think my wife's favorite). We both loved "The Haunted Mansion" a classic that deserves the title.
Dining: "Liberty Tree Tavern" was great and I think it will be a mainstay of ours on subsequent trips for years to come.

DHS: Attractions: My favorite park for sure, We loved the animation academy, learned to draw goofy while there and the animator gave me her signed original....suffice it to say its being framed as we speak. "One man's dream" was great. My wife loved "Beauty and the Beast - the Musical" and we both thought that "Star Tours" rocked.
Dining: Starring Rolls Cafe was a great little counter service place, great portions and a nice seating area that we both enjoyed. 50's Prime Time was awesome, great atmosphere and food...will be going back for sure.

Epcot: Attractions: This list begins and ends with "Soarin'"...awesome.

Dining: The "Rose and Crown", simply put, the pan roasted corninsh game hen was the best meal I had during my whole stay. Coupled with a table on the back deck for an amazing view of "Illuminations"...hard to beat!

AK: Attractions: "Kilmanjaro Safaris", amazing ride, "It's tough to be a bug" was a great interactive experience. "Expedition Everest" I was terrified....but it was great and I'm glad I did it.
For me: Photopass pictures everywhere, but the main ones are family pictures in front of all the big symbols in the parks (during the day and at night).

DH: Pumpkin funnel cakes in Epcot.

DS8: Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and pictures with Lightning McQueen.

DS5: Winnie the Pooh ride, Finding Nemo ride, and pretty much spending the entire day in Fantasyland.

Whole family: MNSSHP
Hearing 'por favor mantenganse allejado de las puertas'.....I know I've really arrived!!!
(Got it as my ring tone too!!!)
MUST take it easy on day 4! leisurely morning then on to the parks! Our go, go, go attitude goes, goes, goes unless we relax a bit!
We HAVE to go to Beaches and Cream and share a Kitchen Sink at least once each trip. I've got photos of the kids growing up in front of that sundae. They've gotten bigger while that sink has shrunk! :rotfl: Uummmmm

wow! i want to have one of them!!!
Ours have changed alot over the years and trips (just did trip 46 last week) and now we're into the simplier of things....trival to some but great to us....

Wife's favorite is getting the huge dill pickles in the MK from the farmer stand by the HOP, and popcorn from any vender wagon.....I really enoy a draugh beer from the famers market in HS and my wife just discovered this place this trip (she's usually doing TOT or RNR) while I enjoy my beer but this trip it was just us 2 and she enjoyed the food offering at the market greatly (better than any TS restaurant)....doesn't take much to please us, it doesn't have to be on a grand I said, after 46 trips, we have done it all, or what we always wanted out of a WDW vacation so the little things mean more than racing around a park opening to close...we like playing "get on the first bus" that pulls in.....and enjoying where it's going...we like not having a dining plan and time schedule to eat.....being free to just grab and go, induldge in any item we come across, be it a sandwich, ice creme bar, dessert.....we hardly paln anything anymore, best trips for us our all unplanned or laid out.......
Hoop de doo review- it was the first thing we did on our first trip and we go every trip! It's corny but we love it!

At MK we ride IASW first, my rule- yes I get complaints but for me it is the heart of Disney.

Epcot- Soarin and Grey Goose slushies!

Where do you get the Grey Goose slushies :cool1:
Ours have changed alot over the years and trips (just did trip 46 last week) and now we're into the simplier of things....trival to some but great to us....

Wife's favorite is getting the huge dill pickles in the MK from the farmer stand by the HOP, and popcorn from any vender wagon.....I really enoy a draugh beer from the famers market in HS and my wife just discovered this place this trip (she's usually doing TOT or RNR) while I enjoy my beer but this trip it was just us 2 and she enjoyed the food offering at the market greatly (better than any TS restaurant)....doesn't take much to please us, it doesn't have to be on a grand I said, after 46 trips, we have done it all, or what we always wanted out of a WDW vacation so the little things mean more than racing around a park opening to close...we like playing "get on the first bus" that pulls in.....and enjoying where it's going...we like not having a dining plan and time schedule to eat.....being free to just grab and go, induldge in any item we come across, be it a sandwich, ice creme bar, dessert.....we hardly paln anything anymore, best trips for us our all unplanned or laid out.......

At the risk of sounding dumb :rotfl: what is the HOP? I love pickles and I have never seen them anywhere for sale. We are going back down in March and this sounds like a can't miss :banana:
At the risk of sounding dumb :rotfl: what is the HOP? I love pickles and I have never seen them anywhere for sale. We are going back down in March and this sounds like a can't miss :banana:

Hall of Presidents.....sorry...usually don't abbreviate.....

There's a little stand on the corner, open air thing by the stocks (picture spot) by the Riverboat entrance.....they sell juices, and what not and individually wrapped huge dill too....mostly buried under a ton of ice but just ask, they'll tell you what bin they are in...wife's favorite, has to get at least 3 to be happy........
This is fun! My must do is Carousel of Progress and Fantasmic! Oh yeah and how can I forget Its a Small World

My hubby's must do is Ohanas! His favorite restaurant so far!

My kids must do changes but right now I think its Splash Mountain and a character meal!

How funny -- My son has Aspergers -- ok that's not funny :p but his must do is Carousel of Progress. His last pick before we leave is the carousel, we do it 3 or 4 times a trip, sometimes a DAY! :)
Hearing 'por favor mantenganse allejado de las puertas'.....I know I've really arrived!!!
(Got it as my ring tone too!!!)

It is my ring tone too!!

I love it when my phone rings....takes me right back to the monorail!!
- strolling to/fro EPCOT and DHS, chatting and laughing
- grey goose slushie (kiosk in EPCOT's france, in answer to pp's question)
- illuminations (from our BW balcony, and in park). the music is my ringtone
- walking through the EPCOT countries (especially morrocco and mexico)
- laying by the (hopefully) quiet pool with a margarita and a good book...sadly, it has gotten noisier over the years (screaming, cannonballs, etc:headache:)

funny, but the rides aren't that important to us....the only ones we ever use a FP for is TSM, and occassionally soarin'. we do however love the street performers on the BW, as well as the acts in DHS and EPCOT.
Before-park-opens-reservation at the Crystal Palace so we can have the entire Main Street and the Castle to ourselves for just a little bit! Love it and gotta have it!!
I love this thread!! Can you tell me how I can make that my ring tone~! That would make me super happy! :goodvibes Thank you!

I downloaded in onto my phone from one of those free sights....I don't know if I can say which one...:confused3 If you search free Disney ring tones you should be able to find it...I get alot of comments on it! :lmao:
I must go to Downtown Disney my first night. I don't know why. I need a Goofy treat, to hear the music, to watch the twinkling lights, and walk through the shops and along the water.
The one thing my family must do every time we go would have to be fantasmic.

I just love this show and actually have gone back when the show had to be stopped one year due to poor weather.
that moment on the last day when you pause, look at the castle, and promise yourself you'll be back. I hate that moment because it means we're leaving, but it stays with me...
that moment on the last day when you pause, look at the castle, and promise yourself you'll be back. I hate that moment because it means we're leaving, but it stays with me...

We've just returned from trip 46 last part is driving in and seeing the monrail track and knowing you're almost there....then checking in....we're there and seeing other guests with their luggage sad but knowing it will be us in a short time....

When the day comes that we have to leave....saddness beyond all belief and then actually leaving and saying good know, after all the trips we've made thru the years, all the time we've spent on property, it doesn't get any I do know your pain.....
I have to see Fantasmic!. There are things I can take or leave, but I would literally cry if we missed Fantasmic!. I work our entire schedule around it to make sure we see it.


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