Your ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE to Disney World at Christmas Time! UPDATE x2 10/21

ah jess! i can't even tell you how excited i am to read this! i consider myself one of the disney obsessed and i love reading about all your wonderful experiences so thank you for sharing and fueling my disney passion! :laughing: I can't wait to see all the pictures and fun things i've heard all about on twitter so you know i'll be here! cannot wait! :goodvibes

Aww you're so welcome :) I'm glad there are other people out there who are on my disney obsessed level. I am excited to share everything with you guys! It'll be fun!

I'm in! Looking forward to reading about both of your trips! :thumbsup2

Yay! Thanks for being here! :goodvibes

Yay! I'm obviously in :goodvibes

The suprise trip sound so amazing! I wish we did stuff like that, just pick up and go to Disney, I miss Disney so much. I reaaallllyyy wanna go back but... wait for it... my mom is sick of Disney and doesn't want to go back for a very long time. :scared1: :eek: I know, she must have hit her head or something. But my dad still is in as much love with it as I am so he'll back me up. Plus, I'm daddy's little girl so that always helps :laughing:

And aww that college thing sounds awful! I have absolutly no idea what I wanna be, what college I wanna got to, etc. I'm only a freshman in high school so I still have time but by next year they are already having a test on what we should be when we grow up based on our likes and like every adult I speak to is asking me on what I wanna be or what college I wanna go to. I mean seriously I'm only fourteen, how am I supposed to figure something that important out?!

Also, Have you ever been to the Stardust Diner in New York City? You would LOVE it. It's a diner in the city (obviously) where the waiters and waitresses all wanna be on Broadway, tv, movies, have albums, etc. and they each have a turn and they like sing around the diner. The last time I was there was in July? maybe idk anyway and in the past year they had like 26 ( I might have the number wrong) of there employees be discovered. It's really cool, and I was thinking of it because it sounds like something you would like.

Haha my Mom and I have done a few spontaneous trips this year and they are SUPER fun. They're always really short but we end up having a blast!
I'm SO sorry your Mom is sick of Disney. That probably isn't acceptable behavior. At least your Dad knows what's up!
You have PLENTY of time. I feel bad that people are asking you already. I always HATED when they did that to me. I literally didn't know what I wanted to do until I got into college because it's just too hard to know until you actually get there. But somehow it'll work out - don't worry about it too much! It'll fall into place!
And no I haven't but I have heard of that place! That's awesome!! I would love to go there someday!

Aww, Jess you are too sweet. You deserve all the best as well, you are seriously one of the nicest people I have EVER met in my life and I know things will work out for you. I'm proud of you too, for sticking with your dreams and trusting your instincts. Not an easy thing to do! :hug:

Aww thanks Lia :hug: You are too! I know we'll both be okay - we are pretty cool girls :thumbsup2 haha I'm so glad I have support from my friends - it makes my hectic life a little more manageable!

Hey Jess!
This is my very 1st post ever! :) Well, I just love reading your trips reports... I feel like I'm seeing Disney through my own eyes - ok, I know they're yours!
I'm from Brazil (I know, flag groups... Sorry 'bout that :guilty:) and I did my ICP (International College Program) on Hollywood Studios (back when it was still Disney's MGM). I was a custodial from dec/2005 to feb/2006 - and although it was a bit eeeew, I had a blast! It was my one and only time on WDW. Although I've been to Disneyland Paris a few times, well, it's not the same. Maybe next year I'm taking my family to finally enjoy the wonders of the World!
I felt very touched by your college situation - I feel I should've done the same back then. Anyway, I think dreams are a big part of what we - and Walt Disney himself - believe. Follow them!

Oh my gosh I'm so honored to have your first post on my trip report! I'm so glad you enjoy the trip reports!
Hahaha I hope I don't offend you with any brazilian tour group comments :rotfl: Except I don't really have any stories about them this time. Maybe I will in July though :laughing:
That's AWESOME that you got to do that. If you're gonna do custodial work, disney is the place to do it! That would be so fun! I hope you get to go!
Aww thank you! Don't worry - everything happens for a reason! I'm sure what you did was a good choice! And I agree! Dreams and happiness are what make the world go round! (at least in my world :laughing:)
Timmy is hereeee!
Thank you!
God, I wish that was the case hahaha. I WANT TO DO THE COLLEGE PROGRAM NOWWWW. Wahh. But yes, it'll be one big ol' trip report!
And yes, Pluto has been one of my top favorites since 7th grade!

Yes, I know you are just totally awed by my present lol Probably not :)

No problem :teeth:

Oh, I want to do the college program right now too. Why can't their be a High School program, seriously?

OH wow... you've liked him longer than me. I think those were my Goofy days :thumbsup2
Hahaha I know, right?! Imagine how it is having to actually experience it. :lmao: That's why my Christmas trip fell at the perfect time.
Aww thank you. I know, everyone keeps telling me it's such a good decision to just do it now. Because I know if I didn't, I would regret sticking it out in a place where I really wasn't enjoying myself or doing what I wanted.
I can't wait to write about everything!

Oh... so you didn't go to auditions? Lemme put on my reading glasses O-O lol But I'm guessing you got to see it at least, still that's pretty cool :)

That makes so much sense. If you were as miserable as you said with your major and classes, I can't even imagine how you would be acting now, but that doesn't matter now, you are doing what you want to do. I'm sure you'll do great too :thumbsup2

I can't wait to read it party:
I'm in on this one!! So excited to read you're Christmas TR!! Picking the right college is soooo important!! I was lucky and picked an awesome college that was a good fit for me the first time, but I had several friends that transferred after their first semester and first years. I'm happy that you found a college and major that you're excited to pursue! That is the most important thing!! I'm two years out of college and so happy I picked teaching as my major because I love it--and you have to LOVE what you do!! ((plus I get months off to visit Disney--PERFECT!!:woohoo:)) :)

Anyways, excited to read the TR and good luck with this semester!!
Subbed in :) I seriously love all your trip reports and any updates are the first thing I check when I log into the disboards (y)

I totally understand your college dilema. The same occurred with me. I'm 19 and just finished my first year of university, I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (I think it's referred to as Liberal Arts in America?) because I had NO idea what I wanted to study after high school. So I'm basically doing subjects that interest me, but I really cannot see how this will help me once I've finished! I haven't even picked my major yet because I have no idea! I think sociology and geography/environmental science but it could also change to include English. But I had no friends at my university (I've made a few, but you know, old friends are the best. Mine have all moved on :( ) And I felt really lost. But something just clicked and now I just make the best of it and keep working towards possibly being able to go to an American college on exchange.

Anyway I'm so happy that you've sorted it all out! And can't wait to read the rest of your TR :)
Yay, I'm glad you started a new TR! I thought I had seen some Disney pics on Instagram way before your Christmas trip was supposed to take place. :rotfl:
I know I don't know you in real life, but I feel like I do from the TRs and Instagram. Anyways don't think it's weird when I say I'm sooo proud of you for making the decision to transfer! I have several friends who stayed all through Freshman and Sophomore years at schools they weren't happy at before they worked up the courage to transfer. I'm glad you followed your heart. :)
YAY! Im so happy you started this TR:goodvibes I cant believe I didnt get here until page 5 though, you're just too popular;)

I was down there the same time as you in the beginning of December! Wasn't that a great time to be there? The weather was so perfect and the crowds weren't bad at all ( Im sure they were non exsistent compared to your trip 15 days later:laughing:)

Im sorry that you've had some rough times with the whole college thing:hug: Im so glad its working out for you though and you're deciding to follow your dreams:goodvibes Its so important to follow your dreams in life, disney teaches us that right?:thumbsup2 (Funny story, when I was down there in December I brought my friends necklaces for Christmas that said "follow your dreams")

Ok, Im going to stop going on now:laughing: Can't wait for more!
Yes, I know you are just totally awed by my present lol Probably not :)

No problem :teeth:

Oh, I want to do the college program right now too. Why can't their be a High School program, seriously?

OH wow... you've liked him longer than me. I think those were my Goofy days :thumbsup2

I don't know. My Mom always wanted there to be a high school program because I always wanted to go there so bad. :rotfl: Now I'm in college and I feel like I should just be there.
Haha my love for pluto developed back in the VMK days. God, I miss that game.

Oh... so you didn't go to auditions? Lemme put on my reading glasses O-O lol But I'm guessing you got to see it at least, still that's pretty cool :)

That makes so much sense. If you were as miserable as you said with your major and classes, I can't even imagine how you would be acting now, but that doesn't matter now, you are doing what you want to do. I'm sure you'll do great too :thumbsup2

I can't wait to read it party:

No I did go to the auditions! It was a Character Look Alike audition.
Exactly! I just couldn't handle it anymore. I hate being miserable... so a change needed to take place. Bottom line. I'm glad I just did it. I was a little scared at the time, but now more than a month has passed since I decided and I still feel really good about it! And thank you! I hope it all works out!
Thank you! I can't wait to start it. Once I get home from Kristen's on Sunday I will try to do an update either here or on the other TR. Or both if I have time. :rotfl:

I'm in on this one!! So excited to read you're Christmas TR!! Picking the right college is soooo important!! I was lucky and picked an awesome college that was a good fit for me the first time, but I had several friends that transferred after their first semester and first years. I'm happy that you found a college and major that you're excited to pursue! That is the most important thing!! I'm two years out of college and so happy I picked teaching as my major because I love it--and you have to LOVE what you do!! ((plus I get months off to visit Disney--PERFECT!!:woohoo:)) :)

Anyways, excited to read the TR and good luck with this semester!!

Hooray! Thank you for being here! I'm so excited to write it!
I agree! That's why I knew if I stayed there I would be wasting my college experience. It just was NOT clicking.
You're so lucky you picked a college that was right for you! I think it's either a hit or miss with people. But at least the ones who transfer act upon their unhappiness instead of wasting time.
I am excited too! I think it'll be a lot of fun!
And teaching would be a great major! My Mom taught before she had me and my brother and she always remembered it fondly! Plus the time off is a big plus! Teaching would be a major that I would consider doing, but I think if I don't do theatre now I would regret it. Maybe one day I can work in a school or go back and get a teaching degree! We will see.

Subbed in :) I seriously love all your trip reports and any updates are the first thing I check when I log into the disboards (y)

I totally understand your college dilema. The same occurred with me. I'm 19 and just finished my first year of university, I'm doing a Bachelor of Arts (I think it's referred to as Liberal Arts in America?) because I had NO idea what I wanted to study after high school. So I'm basically doing subjects that interest me, but I really cannot see how this will help me once I've finished! I haven't even picked my major yet because I have no idea! I think sociology and geography/environmental science but it could also change to include English. But I had no friends at my university (I've made a few, but you know, old friends are the best. Mine have all moved on :( ) And I felt really lost. But something just clicked and now I just make the best of it and keep working towards possibly being able to go to an American college on exchange.

Anyway I'm so happy that you've sorted it all out! And can't wait to read the rest of your TR :)

Aww I'm so glad! I'm happy you're enjoying them - it's always great to hear that!
I'm glad I'm not the only one! College is kind of ridiculous. They put so much pressure on us when we're like 17 to pick something, so then we get into college and a lot of people still don't know what they want to do!
I hope everything works out for you, and as long as you follow your heart and do what you love it'll al fall into place!
Thanks for reading!

Yay, I'm glad you started a new TR! I thought I had seen some Disney pics on Instagram way before your Christmas trip was supposed to take place. :rotfl:
I know I don't know you in real life, but I feel like I do from the TRs and Instagram. Anyways don't think it's weird when I say I'm sooo proud of you for making the decision to transfer! I have several friends who stayed all through Freshman and Sophomore years at schools they weren't happy at before they worked up the courage to transfer. I'm glad you followed your heart. :)

Hahaha yup ;) Those were from the first trip. I'm a sneaky one.
Aww thank you so much! That's really nice. I know if I would have stayed I would have been SO unhappy and having a lot of regrets, so I'm really glad I'm doing this. I feel a lot better already!

YAY! Im so happy you started this TR:goodvibes I cant believe I didnt get here until page 5 though, you're just too popular;)

I was down there the same time as you in the beginning of December! Wasn't that a great time to be there? The weather was so perfect and the crowds weren't bad at all ( Im sure they were non exsistent compared to your trip 15 days later:laughing:)

Im sorry that you've had some rough times with the whole college thing:hug: Im so glad its working out for you though and you're deciding to follow your dreams:goodvibes Its so important to follow your dreams in life, disney teaches us that right?:thumbsup2 (Funny story, when I was down there in December I brought my friends necklaces for Christmas that said "follow your dreams")

Ok, Im going to stop going on now:laughing: Can't wait for more!

Hahaha I can't believe I'm on page 5 either :rotfl: Thank you everybody! That's awesome.
Were you really? That's awesome! It was an AMAZING time to be there! There was no one and the weather was great and it was so christmasy! Loved it.
Aww thanks. I'm glad it is too! And EXACTLY! Disney is such an inspiration haha it helps get me through the struggles! And that sounds like a cute necklace!
Thanks for reading!​
Wow, I'm dumb for having missed the 'UPDATE x2' thing for 2 days...

...but wow! I mean, I know you and I have only been 'internet' friends for a couple months but I had no idea you were so unhappy. (I maybe would have if I had discovered that half of the DIS was on twitter a little sooner...) But anyways.

I can totally relate. I had a mid-college crisis like, this past January. I just left. I still don't know what I'm doing, but the good thing is that I do have support from friends and family, and I know that you do too.

I just want to hug you, because I know exactly how you were feeling! :hug:
Honestly that was SO BRAVE of you to transfer and just get your life going in the right direction! And you seem like you're happier already, and you're totally right, HAPPINESS is the most important thing! :goodvibes

You're awesome, and I'm glad I (kinda sorta) know you, and I just know that your life is gonna be awesome because you are following your dreams! :dance3:
Wow, I'm dumb for having missed the 'UPDATE x2' thing for 2 days...

...but wow! I mean, I know you and I have only been 'internet' friends for a couple months but I had no idea you were so unhappy. (I maybe would have if I had discovered that half of the DIS was on twitter a little sooner...) But anyways.

I can totally relate. I had a mid-college crisis like, this past January. I just left. I still don't know what I'm doing, but the good thing is that I do have support from friends and family, and I know that you do too.

I just want to hug you, because I know exactly how you were feeling! :hug:
Honestly that was SO BRAVE of you to transfer and just get your life going in the right direction! And you seem like you're happier already, and you're totally right, HAPPINESS is the most important thing! :goodvibes

You're awesome, and I'm glad I (kinda sorta) know you, and I just know that your life is gonna be awesome because you are following your dreams! :dance3:

Hahaha it's okay :laughing: I hope everyone got that!
LOL don't worry... I didn't really mention anything on the trip report. I was trying to figure everything out and it was really complicated. So I figured I'd let you all know once I figured it out.
I'm sorry you experienced the same thing :( It really sucks, doesn't it? But you'll figure out what you want to do - don't worry. It'll all work out eventually!
Aww thank you! And yes that's exactly it!
Thank you! And you too! And I sure hope so! Thanks for all of the kind words :goodvibes
YAY! So glad you have another TR in the works! Reading them is the next best thing to being at Disney.

I can't wait to hear how things go at your new school! I really feel for you for what you went through this fall...I had a really rough transition from hs to college as well. It is very hard when you feel like you should be enjoying everything and it's just not happening. I loved high school and was involved in lots of activities (like it seems like you were too!) so I expected to LOVE college too...and I just wasn't clicking with the people I met. I am so glad that you were able to use that experience constructively and figure out where your passion is! hope you love your new school and get to shine!

Whew that was a bit long winded but just wanted to let you know that Im sorry it was a bad experience but I'm glad you're on to bigger and better things! :goodvibes

So looking forward to the rest of your trip report!
I've checked out a few of your other TRs and loved them so I'm excited for this one! I'm deciding if I want to go to Disney this Halloween or this Christmas (although I'm leaning towards late September so it'll be less busy) so I'm looking forward to seeing some info on Disney at Christmas. I also can't wait to see some first hand pictures of Bay Lake Towers! And good luck with school when you start up in a few weeks!
Glad to see the new report. I just love disney at Christmas. Great job on following your dream. Life is to short to be unhappy with things you can change.
Wow! So much to say; first...we were in Disney at the same time! I went from the 7th to the 11th of December! No tryouts for me though! I'm definitely not talented in theater...wish I was though! :lmao:

Second, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that with college. It's tough but it had to happen, ya know? That way you could discover what you really want to do. It happened for a reason! I'm lucky like you; we both have very supportive mothers. I am very close to my mom; she's one of my best friends. And that seems the same for you and your mom! It really helps to have someone like that when you're going through a tough time. I am glad you are doing better though!

Third, I'm so excited to hear all about the audition process and your Christmas trip! :goodvibes

Okay...enough commenting for now. :)
YAY! So glad you have another TR in the works! Reading them is the next best thing to being at Disney.

I can't wait to hear how things go at your new school! I really feel for you for what you went through this fall...I had a really rough transition from hs to college as well. It is very hard when you feel like you should be enjoying everything and it's just not happening. I loved high school and was involved in lots of activities (like it seems like you were too!) so I expected to LOVE college too...and I just wasn't clicking with the people I met. I am so glad that you were able to use that experience constructively and figure out where your passion is! hope you love your new school and get to shine!

Whew that was a bit long winded but just wanted to let you know that Im sorry it was a bad experience but I'm glad you're on to bigger and better things! :goodvibes

So looking forward to the rest of your trip report!

Aww thank you! :)
I will keep you all updated! And EXACTLY! That's how I felt. Like too the tee of that description. I'm sorry you had to experience that too :( Thanks for the good wishes, and I hope everything works out for you too!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're here!

I've checked out a few of your other TRs and loved them so I'm excited for this one! I'm deciding if I want to go to Disney this Halloween or this Christmas (although I'm leaning towards late September so it'll be less busy) so I'm looking forward to seeing some info on Disney at Christmas. I also can't wait to see some first hand pictures of Bay Lake Towers! And good luck with school when you start up in a few weeks!

Thank you! Hmm... either way you really can't go wrong. I LOVE Disney at Halloween time. The MNSSHP is SO fun. But Christmas is magical too. You'll decide, I'm sure. I have TONS of info coming up for you... so I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much!

Glad to see the new report. I just love disney at Christmas. Great job on following your dream. Life is to short to be unhappy with things you can change.

Thank you! So do I, it's amazing. And aww thank you! Exactly! That's why I'm so glad I am making a change for the better!

Wow! So much to say; first...we were in Disney at the same time! I went from the 7th to the 11th of December! No tryouts for me though! I'm definitely not talented in theater...wish I was though! :lmao:

Second, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that with college. It's tough but it had to happen, ya know? That way you could discover what you really want to do. It happened for a reason! I'm lucky like you; we both have very supportive mothers. I am very close to my mom; she's one of my best friends. And that seems the same for you and your mom! It really helps to have someone like that when you're going through a tough time. I am glad you are doing better though!

Third, I'm so excited to hear all about the audition process and your Christmas trip! :goodvibes

Okay...enough commenting for now. :)

Were we really!? That's awesome!
Aww thanks. Yeah, I think it did too. I really don't think I was in the right place, and all of these little things kept adding up. So, making the switch has to be the right thing to do.
And aw that's wonderful that you and your Mom are best friends too! Seriously, thank GOD for my Mom. I don't know what I would ever do without her!
Thank you! I can't wait to share!​
Ok, just found out this was up! I gotta go back and get caught up.

*I'm Baaccckkk! I wasn't as far outta the loop as I thought! WHew!

Anyway, Spending almost half a month in Disney is awesome! I can't wait to hear all about both trips!

I'm sorry you felt so out of it with your college, it was the right decsion for you to withdraw and go where you're going to be happy. That will make you excel in what you choose!

p.s Kadence wants to work at Disney too, so right now you are her role model for that! She thinks you look like Jasmine, she wants to be Sleeping Beauty.
I'm here - I've followed along on your previous TRs, here and there... I am really excited to follow along on this one and hear about all the Ultimate Survival Guide... :)

Ok, just found out this was up! I gotta go back and get caught up.

*I'm Baaccckkk! I wasn't as far outta the loop as I thought! WHew!

Anyway, Spending almost half a month in Disney is awesome! I can't wait to hear all about both trips!

I'm sorry you felt so out of it with your college, it was the right decsion for you to withdraw and go where you're going to be happy. That will make you excel in what you choose!

p.s Kadence wants to work at Disney too, so right now you are her role model for that! She thinks you look like Jasmine, she wants to be Sleeping Beauty.

Welcome welcome! I'm so glad you're here to follow along again!
I am very excited to tell you all about everything!
Aww thank you! I am very excited because I'm just ready to enjoy being there. It just wasn't clicking. I'll let you all know how the new one goes!
And aww Kadence I'm right there with ya! Aw thanks! I would LOVE to be a princess. But really, any job would make me happy. I just need to be there haha.

I'm here - I've followed along on your previous TRs, here and there... I am really excited to follow along on this one and hear about all the Ultimate Survival Guide... :)


Aww thank you for reading again! It's great to have you with us! I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1: "...Do You Hear A Cat?"
December 6th, 2011

So, just to refresh all of our memories, my Mom and I were the only two people going on this little beginning of December trip. The rest of the family joined us for the next one.

Mother and I are Disney nuts. We UNDERSTAND Disney. Thank God for my Mom. She just gets me.

And if you have not read my trip reports before, here is a picture of us:


Welcome (officially) to the show!


It felt like only minutes since I had fallen asleep. How could my alarm be going off already!?

Oh yeah, it was kind of 4:45 am. The earliest I have ever woken up in my LIFE.

And yet, I jumped right out of bed. Don't ask me how I did it because I have no idea. I give credit to the magic of Disney. Seriously.

I went upstairs and my Mom was still in bed. My parents were quite impressed that I was up. Usually I would not be able to get up at that time of morning without a fight!

I jumped in the shower, got ready, and packed all of my last minute toiletries, technological items, etc.

Soon enough, my Mom was ready. We said goodbye to Dad and we were out the door! WOOOOHOOOO DISNEY!

It was PITCH black outside while we loaded the car. We took my car, turned on the Disney music, and started driving! We left at 6:10 am.

The Magic, Memories, and You song began playing and it made me tear up. I don't know what it is with that song, but it gets me EVERY TIME. I was just so happy we were going!!

You could potentially think that me going to WDW so many times would dull down my Disney obsession and love.

However, if you think that, you would be proven wrong. The result is the polar opposite. Disney makes me more emotional and more happy than it ever has in my life! This is one of those peak times where I'm just in my Disney glory. And I don't know if that will every fade away.

We stopped at got some Tim Horton's for breakfast. We split a Cinnamon Raisin Bagel with light cream cheese. Saving room for Disney food was a necessity, so there was no need to stuff ourselves at 6 in the morning.

Our drive to the airport went by extremely quick even though it's about 40-45 minutes.

We went in the preferred parking lot and looked for a spot. There were barely any!! After weaving through lanes of parked cars for about 10 minutes, we finally found one WAY in the back of section P19. (Sorry about these random specific details, I write down the most random stuff LOL)

We got out our luggage, I was jumping for joy, and we walked in the airport. We went in the door we usually exit, which felt a little weird. However, I didn't care. DISNEY!

There were not a lot of people inside, which is to be expected at 7 am I suppose.

We got through security without a problem, which is always a blessing.

While I was putting all of my stuff together afterwords, the guy who was across the table from me looks at me and goes:

" you hear a cat?"

I was like "...uh, what? No, sir, I don't hear a cat...."

and then I heard "meow! meow! meow!"

This family was bringing their cat with them and they were actually on our flight to Orlando. The guy was like "oh thank God, I thought I was going crazy." He must not have slept much the night before hahaha he seemed a bit frazzled!

Mom stopped and got a chocolate raspberry flavored coffee and we went to Gate 8 to sit down.

We started chatting with the family sitting across from us and it was their first time going to Disney!!! YAY! You know what that means... my mother and I went into the "we-go-to-disney-all-the-time, let-us-give-you-a-crash-course" mode and overwhelmed them with information.

They were staying at Wilderness Lodge (lucky!) and we told them all about fastpasses, what rides the kids would like, we discussed their restaurant choices (the mom did a very good job!), etc.

We probably came off as total nuts, but that is to be expected.

The Mom was the researcher. She was studying all of her books, made the ADR's, and had their plan. The Dad was a little reluctant about the whole thing, but I hope he enjoyed it in the end!

Soon enough it was already time to board! We were flight #667 on Jet Blue. Our flight left at 8:15 am and we were in Row 2!


We were up in the air in no time! We had extra leg room and nobody was sitting next to us! SCORE! I took a nice nap. I also wrote in my journal, ate some animal crackers, and went over my monologue for my college auditions that were occurring after I got home.

The stewardess chatted with us for a while. She saw my Little Mermaid shirt and went on and on about how she LOVES mermaids. Apparently there's this "mermaid camp" in Tampa and she told me I should work there because I have mermaid hair. LOL if only my heart wasn't set on Disney... but thanks, lady!

Before we knew it, we were landing! YAYYYY! DISNEY!!! That was literally one of the quickest and painless flights of my entire life. Thank God.



We were the first ones off the plane and we went straight to baggage claim 11A. But not before riding the mini monorail!

Please stand clear of.... eh never mind. It's not worth it. NOT QUITE YET, BE PATIENT.


Yay for christmas decorations!




We got our bags and it was time to get goin'!


Now, we did something EXTREMELY unusual for us. Something that we have never done before.


People, I don't even think you understand that I have NEVER done this at Disney before. In the 20+ times I have been there, I have ONLY taken the busses. Including the Magical Express, which is always my favorite part of the entire trip. Sadly, that was not to be this time around. *sigh*



Okay, actually renting a car was not that bad. It was actually SUPER easy. My Mom found this discount code online for us to join National's Emerald Club basically for free. So all we had to do was go to the National Parking Garage, pick out a car, and drive away!


They're trying to bribe me for my love of car rentals with a fountain. Nice try.


We walked down the aisle and picked us out a silver jeep. That's right, these cool ladies are going to be cruisin' in this baby for the next few days!


Christmas in Disney Tip #1:
If you're renting a car, think about joining National's Emerald Club. This is the EASIEST way to rent a car. By joining, you don’t have to wait in line at the rental car check-in desk. You go to the garage, pick your car, go through the little gate, and leave! Very convenient if the airport is crowded with fellow Christmastime travelers!

I plugged in all of the addresses for Disney places in my GPS the night before, so I selected our destination and off we went! It's nice to have those Disney addresses accessible at all times in my own GPS, ya know?

And here comes my plethora of road sign pictures because I don't have the opportunity of taking them on a bus because I am so mesmerized by the movie.





A PLANE! I am sorry, but you are probably leaving Disney. I feel bad for you all.


CENTRAL FLORIDA! My favorite place to be!!


Foreshadowing!!! Teehee :-)


I wish I could see signs like this when I drove around at home:


I'm convinced that this was for me:








Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.


CAN YOU SEE IT!? "Are you dizzy yet!?!?!"




*Dies of Happiness*


It only took about 20-30 minutes to get to our first destination of the trip! HOORAY!


Continued in Next Post
Subscribed! Wow, there's so much going on--good thing you ended up with an extra long break to recover. Hope everything is working out exactly as planned. As the mom of a 15 year old girl, it's so great to see how much you appreciate your mom, hope your mom reads your trip reports.


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