Your ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE to Disney World at Christmas Time! UPDATE x2 10/21

Subscribing to this one, I am thinking on adding on to my DVC so I can do christmas/new year and miss all the family fun too!
This is going to be the best trip report ever, I can already tell. At least, until July. :banana:

Also, you little sneak, I can't believe you kept it a secret that you were there earlier in December! I didn't think it was possible to get even more excited to read this TR, but you've managed to find a way =)

Aww thank you! :goodvibes SO EXCITED!

And hahaha :) I didn't tell ANYONE I was going. My Mom and I just booked it out of town. I didn't even tell Kristen until my last night of the trip, and that's because she figured it out. :rotfl:

Jumping on board for another fun filled trip by Ms. Jess. YAY.

YAY Thanks for being here!

Hey. Normally I'm a lurker on trip reports but decided to say hi! Im Rachel and im also the same age as you! In my first year of university as we call it over in northern ireland
Looking forward to reading this trip report! I've only been to WDW 3 times so it would be great to see how it is at Christmas!!

Aww thank you for coming out of lurkdom! It's great to hear that you've been reading along!
And yay for being the same age as me! I'm glad I'm not the only Disney crazy 18 year old out there. :laughing:
I will tell you all about it! I hope you enjoy the TR!

Cant wait to hear!!! My wife and I are Disney nuts too!!! No one in our family gets it so we are glad to hear there are more of us out there

Thank you! That's awesome - I completely understand!! I'm hope one day my husband and I will be the same way :rotfl: There are definitely Disney people out here! :wave: Disboards is the right place to be!

Awesome you got to go 2 disney twice in december! I love christmas in Disney

Also, your hair looks so cute in the picture you posted.

Hope that both of your trips were amazing :)

I can't wait for more :)

Thank you! So do I!
Thanks! Yeah I actually straightened it because there wasn't really much humidity on this trip! (rare occurrence in Florida haha)
They were!
Can't wait to share!

MY 8 year old daughter just loves all your trip reports and even though the last one is not done she put this one in fav folder so i guss we will read more of what you have to say. Thanks for being silly i think that is what she loves.

Aww that's so cute! Thank you both for reading along - I'm so glad you are enjoying! Hahaha I hope there's enough silliness for her in the upcoming report! :laughing:

I found one of your reports awhile back and i've read each one now, I'm so addicted. You girls crack me up and remind me of myself when I was your age, so fun. I'm very excited for your next trip report so I'm subbing early. Your pictures are amazing and I love hearing about your "frumpy adventures", makes me long for my next trip. :dance3:

Aww thank you for reading! That's great! I'm very excited to share with you guys! You're too sweet - thank you! I hope you enjoy the upcoming report!




::snort:: I <3 you.

You guys are frumps. hahaha :p

I'm in!! oohh, I love your reports. Your disney excitement comes through them and they are contagious!!! Can't wait to read more

Yay thank you so much! Aww that's so nice - thanks! I'm so glad! I can't wait to write it!

I came on the Dis today because I knew you were going for Christmas and wanted to see if you started your report and :pixiedust: there it was!! I've read the rest of your reports and can't wait to read this one!

Here it is!!! I wasn't going to start it until I finished August... but I figured I better get a move on - I only have so many days of winter break! I am excited to share the next story with you all! Thanks for being here again!

subbing! i was there at the same time (well, a little before) but IT WAS WONDERFUL! can't wait to read more!!

Isn't it beautiful at Christmas time!? Love it. I can't wait to write more!

And so it begins....

Here we go.

Hey Jess! I am so sorry that I have been totally awol from your TR lately but unforunately this last semester was so demanding I had practically no free time.

I was finally able to get caught up on your other one last night, and just wanted you to know that I am definitely going to try and follow this one as well.

Can't wait to hear all about your two Christmas vacations:goodvibes

Don't worry! Take your time catching up! The TR's will always be here for your reading enjoyment :)
I can't wait to tell you all about them! Thanks for reading!

Yay! Yet another TR I opened thinking I'd try it out & then realizing it was one I was keeping an eye out for!

So jealous you were there twice in a month! I also did an audition trip in Dec (for character performers, look alikes and show/parade performers). I'm definitely on the fence about getting an annual pass, mainly as flight prices have increased so much for me recently. Also when I talked to a cm last trip, they said that you couldn't get the dining plan with the annual pass, and I was confused on how I would go abouts booking a package trip for me & friends if I had an annual pass already :confused3

Excited to hear about your double trip!!

Hahaha perfect! Here it is!
Ahh did you do an audition trip? How did it go for you?
I have gotten the Dining Plan with the Annual Pass before. I did that in August. So I don't know about that! But yeah flight prices could be an issue.
Thanks for being here!

You know the party don't start 'till I walk in...

Yeah, you know I'm here! Totally in! Can't wait to read all about it, Jess! :mickeyjum

And wow, I was wrong about the surprise... I thought it was that you are going to the DCP soon, but I was close since you did say "Character Look-A-Like Audition", but that's awesome we get two TRs in one :thumbsup2 And I'm just loving how your list of favorite characters includes PLUTO now, pretty awesome ::yes:: ;)

Timmy is hereeee!
Thank you!
God, I wish that was the case hahaha. I WANT TO DO THE COLLEGE PROGRAM NOWWWW. Wahh. But yes, it'll be one big ol' trip report!
And yes, Pluto has been one of my top favorites since 7th grade!

party: YAY!!!! So excited for this one! I can't wait to read every detail!!!

I'm so sad our trips are over though. How badly do you wish you could go back one month in time? Oh man. This time last month I was about to go to 'Ohana!!!!!!!! CRY. Flower gleam and glow... let your power shine... make the clock reverse... PLEASE!!! Sheesh, why don't I have magic hair that glows when I sing?!?!

P.S. You have to send me that pic your mom took of us! That was so much fun!!!

YAYYY I'm glad you're here!! :hug:
I know right?! Ugh I'm sad it's hard not having the trip to look forward to.
Very nice tangled reference ;) You are making me want to watch that movie so bad. I need to!!!
And P.S. YES I DO!! Where should I send it? And you probably don't want me to include it in the trip report, correct? Just checking haha

Subscribing to this one, I am thinking on adding on to my DVC so I can do christmas/new year and miss all the family fun too!

Yay thanks for being here! And VERY good idea! I think you should do it. :thumbsup2
Girl! You are on a roll. I am still trying to catch up on your last report and 2 trips to disney in one month. I am jealous because i live in Georgia and i cannot even go down like that. ready for another one if your adventures.:goodvibes
YAY! I'm here! I'm here! This TR is basically going to be my life until I can go back to Disney...I CAN'T WAIT! :banana:
Girl! You are on a roll. I am still trying to catch up on your last report and 2 trips to disney in one month. I am jealous because i live in Georgia and i cannot even go down like that. ready for another one if your adventures.:goodvibes

Hahaha I gotta get as much done before I go back to college :laughing: And lol aww I'm sorry you don't get there as much as you would like! I like revolve my life around it so my mother understands. :rotfl: I'm excited to share with you!!

YAY! I'm here! I'm here! This TR is basically going to be my life until I can go back to Disney...I CAN'T WAIT! :banana:

HOORAY JONI'S HERE!!!! :goodvibes Thanks for reading yet another TR of mine! I hope the rest of your trip was great! And we need to be friends on facebook! I'll PM you my page haha​
Yayy You started!!! I am looking forward to this report! I love seeing somebody else around my age(19) who loves Disney just as much as I do! I also want to do the college program and I think I am going to apply for this fall! I can't believe you snuck down there at the beginning of December. I have been reading your last report and waiting for you to start this one especially since I missed you by one day:scared1: I got back to upstate NY on 12/20!!

YAYYY I'm glad you're here!! :hug:
I know right?! Ugh I'm sad it's hard not having the trip to look forward to.
Very nice tangled reference ;) You are making me want to watch that movie so bad. I need to!!!
And P.S. YES I DO!! Where should I send it? And you probably don't want me to include it in the trip report, correct? Just checking haha

I watch Tangled all. the. time. Like almost literally all the time. Sometimes I'll just have it on in the background if I'm busy and then I end up getting distracted by the flawlessness and getting nothing done. LOL.

You can e-mail it to me :) Thank youuu! And yeah you can post it, I don't care. I think I'm going to put my photos with Minnie on my TR because they are just so adorable, and I don't want to deprive the world of that. :laughing:
A Little Background Info Titled: My Life is a Whirlwind
Basically Since I Started Looking at College - December 5th, 2011

So, before I can really get to the Disney part of this trip report, I need to give a little bit of background info on why we took the first trip. This way, you can get the whole experience and see a little bit of how my life works.

So basically.... I'm in the middle of transferring colleges.

Why? It's a long story. But I'll give you the summarized version.

It all starts with my decision making the summer before my senior year of high school. I picked a college, visited it, and thought it was the right place. It seemed great and perfect for me. I still didn't know what I wanted to do, but I figured they had any major I would want to go into.


So, within the first few weeks I decided I wanted to study Graphic Design and Integrated Marketing.

Woohoo. I mean, I could have done it, and I had a relative interest in it. But... not really. I didn't care THAT MUCH about it. I had no dreams in that field. No passion. And no happiness.

The beginning of freshman year occurred. I was overwhelmed. It was like being plucked out of my life and thrown into this random place with a bunch of people I didn't know. And the weirdest thing was that I wasn't clicking with people. I mean, I had friends, but I could tell I wasn't going to stay friends with them. My best friend that I had at college was actually transferring, too. I didn't know how I was going to survive because I would literally feel all alone when she left.

So... basically that went on from September through November. I was MISERABLE. And I am a happy person, so it was really throwing me off. I just couldn't take it anymore.

My first college was on the trimester system, which means they basically have 3 mini semesters in a year instead of 2. So, we got a two week break at Thanksgiving.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, I went to my high school's production of Grease, which Nat and Kristen were both in. I went ALL THREE NIGHTS.

I was absolutely obsessed with the musicals in high school. Like, next to Disney, they are my favorite things in the WORLD. Omg I just love them. I love people who do musicals, I love being a part of something, and it's just a ton of fun.

So that weekend basically changed my life. It reminded me that I needed to follow my heart.

The Monday after it was over, I experienced a mid-college crisis. I realized that giving up theatre was NOT an option.

My Mom knew how unhappy I was, so we looked into other schools. Thank God for my Mother. I would not have been able to do this all without her. I am SO THANKFUL I had someone to back me up through all of this.

Anyways, before college began, I didn't think I would ever want to major in theatre because it is a difficult field. But I realized, if I love something enough, I'm going to make it work. And happiness is the most important thing to me.

So we found a school in my area that had a theatre program and we went and visited.

I really loved it!! The program seemed to be exactly like what I was looking for. And the way everyone talked about the family atmosphere and the kind of work they do for the major made me love it even more.

So that was on a Tuesday. I had to make a decision by that next Monday.

But it didn't even take me that long to decide.

I knew I was NOT going back to my first school. There was literally nothing holding me back there. That was the first time I literally felt NOTHING telling me to stay somewhere and think it over

I take this as one of those things where God is telling you you need to make a change. It was THAT obvious.

I ceased enrollment, applied at my new school, and got accepted! WOOHOO!

I have been on break since November 16th, and I'm not going back until January... 13th is it? Around then. I had such a long break because the trimesters and semesters didn't really line up.

I don't have any regrets about switching schools, because I believe everything happens for a reason. So, for some reason I went there for a trimester. But now it's time to keep moving forward onto better things!

I will keep you all updated on the whole college situation. I hope everything goes well!

So basically during this whole time of waiting, my life became a WHIRLWIND. Oh my God. I had acting lessons, college visits, and voice lessons almost EVERY DAY. I had to prepare for the college auditions which were like December 11th-13th.

And I also had another mid-college crisis because working at Disney is one of my biggest dreams. I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on any opportunity there.

So, my Mom and I looked on the audition website and saw that they had auditions on December 8th.

Since I wasn't in school, we booked the trip exactly one week before. We used old jet blue credits for the flights, booked a hotel with this other timeshare we have called Interval International, (we had to use up weeks from that... so it was off property. LOL more on that decision later) and all we had to pay for was food!

So we booked the trip, I prepared all week, and we were on our way!

I didn't have my hopes very high because I knew how difficult it is to get a role as a Disney character, but I was SO curious about how the audition process went and I wanted to get the experience. So I was very glad I got to do this and made sure I wasn't missing out on any opportunities!

Oh and I didn't tell anyone about this trip. Like... anyone. I didn't tell Kristen until it was my last night. And she figured it out herself! :laughing: Nat and Vickie and all of my other friends didn't find out about it until I got home. And I think some of them still don't know. :rotfl:

My Mom and I were laughing at ourselves because we have a serious Disney addiction. It was like we were fleeing the country or something. I also have this guilt problem sometimes because I go so often. Plus I was going in 15 days for my Christmas trip. But oh well. I went anyway. No regrets.

SOOO yeah! The day before we left, I had an acting lesson and a voice lesson. Then before I knew it, it was nighttime and I had to pack!!

I watched Friends, packed, and went to bed around 12.


Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to let you all know what has been going on with me! WOO. Alright, let's get this party started! Next comes the fun stuff!

Continued in Next Post
Yayy You started!!! I am looking forward to this report! I love seeing somebody else around my age(19) who loves Disney just as much as I do! I also want to do the college program and I think I am going to apply for this fall! I can't believe you snuck down there at the beginning of December. I have been reading your last report and waiting for you to start this one especially since I missed you by one day:scared1: I got back to upstate NY on 12/20!!

Yes I did!! :) And oh my gosh yeah I LOVE Disney - don't worry you're not the only one! Ahh you're so lucky you're going to apply for the fall. I was going to, but then with this whole transferring thing it just wasn't going to work out. I'm happy everyone is so anxious for this trip report :laughing: And aww yeah you missed me by one day! The crowds got crazy once you left!!

I watch Tangled all. the. time. Like almost literally all the time. Sometimes I'll just have it on in the background if I'm busy and then I end up getting distracted by the flawlessness and getting nothing done. LOL.

You can e-mail it to me :) Thank youuu! And yeah you can post it, I don't care. I think I'm going to put my photos with Minnie on my TR because they are just so adorable, and I don't want to deprive the world of that. :laughing:

Hahaha I love it. I do that with movies sometimes. Especially when I was little. I had to watch them every night or I couldn't fall asleep. :rotfl:
And okay I will do that! You're welcome! And oh yay sounds good! Yeah no need to deprive us from cute pictures!! :laughing: I'm excited. I LOVED your update today!! So great.​
I'm so excited for you!!! I've read your last few reports. I'm not good at posting but excited to read all about it!
Yay, so glad you started!

Wow, talk about life changes! I hope everything works out with your new school and I think you are every brave for making all these changes and pursuing your dreams. Heading to university right after high school can be tough when you aren't sure what you want to do. That happened to me and I "wasted" four years of my life getting a degree that I will not use although I did enjoy the classes and school. Now I am back in school getting another four year degree after finally figuring out what I want to do with my life! :laughing:
In in IN!:thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading all about it! I think it's awesome that you "snuck away" for a Disney trip with your mom and an audition. I really feel that just getting to see things "backstage" makes it worth it! (I sooo wish I had thought of that when I was in my early 20s!:rotfl2:)

Can't wait to read the rest, two trips for the price of one! (well, for us readers, at least...:goodvibes)
Jess!! More I read about your trips & life, the more I think we're alike! I'm just S big of a disney nut, and as much as I would love to work as a character, I'd totally be an international representative in Epcot. I also did A semester of uni before transferring to film school! I cant wait to fully get back into theatre! Guh! Love it. Have you thought about doing a vocal/dancer audition?
ugh, I'm beyond jealous about how many times you've been to Disney World....this year!

I was there in December too. It was the most amazing vacation I've ever been on!

Cant wait to see how your trip was. I've heard that is a crazy week!
Back!! LoL!!!

1. Your hair looks fabulous straight!! Absolutely loveee it!!
2. So glad you decided to follow your heart- I remember telling you to hang in there at the first school- but- it definitely seems like you made a wonderful decision! I did musicals in grade/high school .. I loved it.
4. So excited you started this report...can't wait can't wait can't wait :yay:
OH MAN, I meant to post on your trip report as soon as it started and we're already on page three! I've been lurking on all your past trip reports and loving them so I'll for sure jump in on this one.

I'm so sorry to hear how miserable those couple months were for you. I'll be hearing back from universities within the next three months and I'm so terrified I'll make the wrong choice. I'm really happy everything turned out okay, though!

It makes me laugh how you were like "Two weeks until my Disney trip? TOO LONG TO WAIT. BRB FOR A COUPLE DAYS." You are a true Disney fanatic, Jess.

I'm excited to hear about how your audition went! My best friend tried out this past October because she planned to go into the DCP. It didn't work out, but apparently it was a pretty fun experience.

ALRIGHT THAT WAS A LOT OF WORDS but what I meant to say was: I'm in/subscribed/let's do this!
I know I am 10 years older than you, but I LOVE reading your Trip Reports- I have read them all, and enjoy each one!

I learn so much- I've been to the World 10 times, but learn more each time I read a TR!

Anyway- I can't wait to read the whole thing, and it's so cool you got to meet Lia!

I hope you LOVE your new college. I also transferred after my freshman year, and it was the best decision I ever made!
I'M HERE!! I can't wait to hear about everything. Years from now, we will read this trip report aloud to our son Manny and tell him the story of how his four mothers settled upon his name. It's a beautiful thing.

I hope everything works out at your new school! Freshman year can be really rough. It was the exact opposite for me, but I know a lot of people who had a rough time. And now I'm supposed to be a senior and I still have no idea what the heck I'm doing and I'm going to be in college for at least 2 more years, so be glad that you recognized the problem sooner rather than later.

I'm really interested in hearing all about the audition process. You're so awesome for doing that. I'd give my right arm to dance at Disney (specifically in Festival of the Lion King), but professionally auditioning for things terrifies me. I could never do it. So basically you're just way cooler than I am LOL. I truly hope that everything works out for you, girl, because you totally deserve it. :hug:


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