WP/LS/UK - 6/21/07 - removed

wow sounds like you all had so much fun!! Im interested in these horror space mountain stories you talk about. Ever since I saw what that ride looks like in the light ive decided I probobly wont go on it again. To be honest they should give a big warning at the beginning about raising your hands.... especially those with long arms. I think the ride is okay-- but its really jerky and needs some updating (as far as roller coaster, jerkiness goes). I might be the only one to think so but I feel strongly that its just way too much... it makes your head hurt and the jerks make you want to vomit more-so than in a regular flowing roller coaster.

I love Peter Pan too! Im so glad everyone enjoyed their time at the MK. Makes me want to experience it at night like you all did (esp the Jungle Cruise-- id be interested in riding that at night). What did your friends think about the people mover?

Cant wait for more!!popcorn::
sorry that you didn't get to do all of the things you wanted to at AK but it sounded as if you all had a great time.:thumbsup2

I just love reading your reports. :goodvibes
Love your TR so far! Your wedding looks gorgeous. Tell Mike to smile in his pictures!! Is he very shy?
Since we only live about two hours away now I made Mike promise we could go back sometime soon so we could go on what we missed. I was probably the most disappointed about missing certain rides and shows because we had so many first time visitors.

I'm really glad you are enjoying the TR! That's hard to tell and I've read so many great TR's that I was worried I'd end up writing a boring one.

no you don't have to worry about that at all this TR is great and I am so happy for both of you.
Awww it looks like you guys are having such a great time!!!!!
I makes me want to go NOW!!! I hope you don't mind, but I definately want to steal you 'edited' just married pins idea. I can't believe you only got a few congrats!!!!

Can't wait for more.

Your TR is so fun! I love reading it. I'm going to be sad when it's over :( I guess that means you have to go back to WDW for another trip to write about ;)
I'll try to stretch out the last day and a half for you :). I would love a good excuse to go back :goodvibes. It hasn't even been three weeks and I'm so ready for another vacation. It sounds like our next trip to Orlando might be to go to that park on the other side of town.

Although... instead of getting my friend Ana a gift for all of her help with the wedding I told her to pick out an activity to do together that I could come down for. She decided we need a spa day at the Grand Floridian. I'm hoping to go do that with her sometime this month and that trip could definitely result in a TR. Anyone have any suggestions of what we should do at the spa? I'm thinking maybe a manicure but neither of us have ever had a massage or facial :confused3

Ohhh get a massage. I personally would get one once a week if I had the money!! I LOVE THEM. Although I must admit they arent for everyone b/c some people dont like to be touched. Haha :) They really are great though.
We've been to both Universal's and we think Orlando's is better because of Islands of Adventure. For us, there's not much to do at Universal, ride wise, other than Men In Black (which is wonderful and beats Buzz by a mile and I LOVE Buzz). There is the Back to the Future ride, but most of the rest are shows. IOA has all the rides, the Hulk roller coaster, the Dueling Dragons, etc. We haven't been there in a few years, though. I can't seem to drag myself away from Disney to do anything else.
I've been reading along, and this makes me so sad to hear it all coming to an end :sad1:
I've loved your entire report though, I actually started reading your planning journal awhile ago and was SO SO impressed w/how creative and awesome all of your stuff was, I don't think I ever commented on it though. Reading your planning journal was the first time I started to question why I didn't really seriously think about having a Disney wedding, but oh well, I can just look at everyone elses pictures!
anyway, I can't wait to hear more! awesome report so far, I'm just sad for the end!
I REALLY enjoyed reading your TR

I cant believe your grandma made those dresses....what awesome talent!!

The little boys & the bubble guns are one of the greatest pictures ever....send that to kodak!!

The Grandma that was camera happy is hilarious!!

I love all the pictures...you all look like you had such a great time!!

You looked beautiful



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