Where are you from? and where do you listen to the pod?

I live in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. Orangeville is about an hour north of Toronto. I listen on my iPod while driving to work. The drive is about an hour one way so the DIS Unplugged is the perfect length for the round trip. Sometimes the work day seem to last forever as I anxious wait for the day to end so I can hear the end of the show.
This thread is very humbling.

I cant speak for the other podcasters, but when we are recording the show, it's not really in the front part of my brain that y'all are out there listening. I'm involved in the conversation and these are people that I know very well so it's just like sitting and talking to friends. I mean I know you're out there, we get the emails, but it's not something I ever really thought about.

As I was reading this thread last night, it became a bit overwhelming.

To hear where you are all from is amazing but finding out how you carve time out of your day to listen was incredible. This made it all very real and it hit like a ton of bricks. as I said...it's not that I thought no one was listening but this drove the point home that y'all are really out there.

All I can say is wow and a huge thank you for the compliments, encouragement and for listening to what we have to say each week.

And you are right....what at times seems like a HUGE world out there can also at times seem like very small indeed. (no singing I promise....stop thinking about that song...think about something else quick....agghhhh!!!!.....oh no....now I'm going to be hummming it for days)

Thank you again for this thread.


This is what I love about this forum in particular, on this forum, you can talk to all the podcast gang as if they are your friends on the DIS, instead of like them being some superhuman (although, you can be one if you want to be, kinda like a power ranger). Don't know if that made any sense, I'm not very good with words, I'll just go back to singing that song......"Es ist eine kleine Welt, es ist eine kleine Welt"
I live in Warren County, NJ and work in Clifton (Passaic County), NJ. I record the podcasts onto a cd and listen in the car on the way to work. When Kevin has a GOOD restaurant review, I am SO tempted to pull over on Route 80 and immediately make an ADR! Portabello's or the Yachtsman Steak House!! They both sounded terrific!!

Needless to say, every week I so look forward to Tuesdays so I can make another CD to listen to on the way to (and from) work.:thumbsup2
I'll just go back to singing that song......"Es ist eine kleine Welt, es ist eine kleine Welt"

"zeh olam katan meod..
zeh olam katan meod
zeh olam katan meod
ha-o-lam ka-tan"
sung to the tune of.........i'm not going to say the words, lest someone accuse me of another earworm
geez, we could start a whole new thread....and someone could add music to it....sort of a small world round the world kareoke...
Hi, my name is Jess and I live in Sydney Australia. I listen either while exercising or at night, i like to listen before i go to bed. I am only new so i am working my way backwards through the year.

I love the disunplugged, in Australia there is no real talk or information about disney available. It has helped so much with the planning and the waiting for my january trip to finally come around.

Only 89 days and counting:yay: :yay: :yay:
I am from Boston MA and listen to the Pod cast at work.... It makes me get up amd come in on Tuesdays!!

Thanks guys.. and Julie!!
I'm in Buffalo New York.

On Tuesday nights, we take grab a Starbucks beverage, and go for a ride to listen to the podcast.
I'm in the Indianapolis, Indiana area. I usually listen to part of the podcast while on my way to work and then finish it up on the way home! The next morning, i'll listen to the e-mail segment. I like stretching it out over my morning and afternoon commutes. The podcasts last longer that way! :)

Heck, I was even listening while I was in the middle of the Caribbean sea in August! I had gotten behind in a few of the podcasts so I downloaded them to my iPod and got caught up while drifting away on the Caribbean Princess! Now that was the life...listening to my favorite podcast while watching the sea go by...

Thanks again to the podcast team for putting on great shows each week! You guys are fabulous!
I live in Kitchener, Ontario. Just outside of Toronto. I love listening to the podcast on my Tuesday night run. It is usually the perfect length and keeps my mind occupied.
I'm from New York City, and I either listen at the gym or on the subway. Sometimes I'm listening so intently I miss my stop!
This thread is very humbling.

I cant speak for the other podcasters, but when we are recording the show, it's not really in the front part of my brain that y'all are out there listening. I'm involved in the conversation and these are people that I know very well so it's just like sitting and talking to friends. I mean I know you're out there, we get the emails, but it's not something I ever really thought about.

As I was reading this thread last night, it became a bit overwhelming.

To hear where you are all from is amazing but finding out how you carve time out of your day to listen was incredible. This made it all very real and it hit like a ton of bricks. as I said...it's not that I thought no one was listening but this drove the point home that y'all are really out there.

All I can say is wow and a huge thank you for the compliments, encouragement and for listening to what we have to say each week.

And you are right....what at times seems like a HUGE world out there can also at times seem like very small indeed. (no singing I promise....stop thinking about that song...think about something else quick....agghhhh!!!!.....oh no....now I'm going to be hummming it for days)

Thank you again for this thread.


Aw, what a cool - and sweet - post. :goodvibes
I live in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. I listen to the podcasts on my computer. I record them to cd's and play them when I am in planning mode for my next trip. Helps keep my mind(whats left of it) focussed on the task at hand.:surfweb:
This Unplugged Fan is from San Lorenzo, CA and my wife and I listen to the Podcast primarily during our commute to work. If we get too far behind we will listen on our laptops [while cooking], home stereo, cell phone [while hiking] or any of these combinations to stay caught up.

Thanks to the Unplugged team for all your hard work.
Since I am so challenged I can't seem to get the podcast on my MP3 player-:confused3 and so far have refused to spend the bucks for an ipod, I sit by the computer on Wednesday nights in East Granby Connecticut, with my feet up after dinner and listen on my computer and laugh.
I'm in Illinois... 45 miles NW of Chicago.

I listen on my iPod at night when all the kids are sleeping... it's part of my "me" time.
Sutton, New Hampshire
picking up the kids at the bus stop.....
and at night when the kids are asleep :cloud9:
New Brunswick, Canada.... I listen in the morning on my computer after the kids get on the school bus. I look forward to it each week.:surfweb:
Sometimes I replay some excerpts thru the computer for my hubby to listen to.
I do this too!!!! He gives me strange looks but at least he "gets" it!

I listen from Newtown CT. I usually listen while I'm exercising, but I have been sidelined for awhile because of Lyme Disease.

It's a great podcast and I look forward to it with much anticipation. It makes me feel like I'm in Disneyworld between my trips.

By the way, this is my first post.

I hope it goes well.


:welcome: Martyb! Here's hoping you are on the road to recovery!!!
I am from right outside of Washington DC and I listen on my Ipod while running and on the Metro on the way to and from work (I've listened to all of the episodes in less than two months). Obviously I love the podcast.

This is actually my first post, not only here but on any discussion board anywhere. This is the first time that I have joined any online community - still not entirely sure what I am doing - but I enjoy listening to the podcast and when I realized that there was a podcast specific discussion board on the DIS, I figured, why not?
:welcome: Cynthia Cindy from a local!!! :wave2:You've picked a great discussion forum to start with - welcome to our "family"!

I have always thought the same, Kevin...we all are really, really "out there".;)
:lmao: How very true!!!

Okay - I am from Smithsburg, MD - about 1 1/2 hours from Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC and listen on my Ipod during my 45 minute commute to/from work. If the podcast goes long :rolleyes1 (here's hoping they all go long!) then I listen during my lunch break walk. Love it!


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