Wk Of Oct 21 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Thanks to everyone giving me encouragement. I know I will be fine but even before my local 5k's I get nervous.

Poor Eeyore - he always gets a bad rap!! He was my first favorite (well actually Piglet was but that was when I was really little) I liked him because he was cute. But now my favorite is that mischievious but loveable Stitch. He tries so hard to be good but has a little bit of that mischievious streak - I've always liked the bad boy!! LOL

Today I went out for a 3 mile walk/run. For some reason its taking me longer now then it use to. But I know I push myself harder at races then in training so I probably walked alot more than I ran so I am good. When I first started out this morning I was walking over the Intracoastal bridge and I looked in the sky and saw a Mickey head cloud. I took that as a good sign!

Tomorrow will be only 2 miles and Thursday if I am up for it 2 miles. Then rest Friday and the big day on Saturday. I still can't believe its almost here!!!

Good luck with training for everyone and hope all who are sick get better real soon!!!
Hey gang! To account for the ToT race this weekend (yahooo! 3 more days!!) replacing my scheduled 12 miler, I moved that long run up to this past Saturday...ended up going 14.5 by accident! :scared1: It turned out really great though, and gave me a lot of confidence that I've been feeling shaky on lately.

Last night I went out for 8 miles...was going to be 3 because it was so dark and I didn't want to be running out by myself, but then a big group of runners showed up so I was able to tag along with them for a while and not feel too unsafe. I practiced my "Kenyan drills" lol, where I try to imagine that I'm running like one of the amazing marathoners who finish in 2 hours or something. Pretty sure I'm not anywhere near that pace, but I do know that I *felt* like I was going faster, so that's something ;)

Good job to everyone getting their runs in, and stay strong everybody! Those of you who I'll be seeing this weekend at ToT, here's to hoping we can beat the heat!
Moon - Isn't it awesome when a run goes that well. It is definately a confidence builder. I like your idea of Kenyan drills. Maybe I need to try that out!!

I wanted to say thank you so much for all of you that have taken your time to donate for Michael and myself to run the 5k. Michael has been so excited seeing that little red line go up and keeps coming in and asking me how much he has so far. Right now (thanks solely to our WISH friends) he has $135.00. :banana: He also says he can't wait to meet everyone for TOT this weekend, because he really wants to thank everyone in person.:love: I am giong to steal an idea from Angie and talk to the principal at Michael's school and see if we can pass out a letter to all of the teachers at his school also asking for donations. Hopefully, since it is such a small town school it won't be a problem.

Last night we had Monday Night Football here in Jacksonville. Unfortunately, we lost "BADLY". This morning I am still unsure of wether I drank too much or not enough. Truthfully, I only had 2 beers, but I feel really dehydrated and may bail on running today. I mean seriously, I ran 18 on Saturday and I have a race this weekend, I should be tapering, right?! ;)

Well, off to get my house clean and to start getting some stuff packed and ready for this weekend. I can't wait to see everyone there!!

Hi, everyone! Missing you all, but work has seriously taken over my life. With Howard trying to keep his head above water with midterms, projects, clients & papers, life is taking over as well.

I haven't run at all since the Komen 5k on 10/14 and have been taken completely by surprise by how much my back hurts and how little progress PT is making. It seems like a huge investment of time and effort with no obvious benefit so far. I have been going for 3x/week (about an hour each time) and doing an additional 30 minutes of PT exercises every day. The PT says if my ribs hadn't been involved (alignment compromised) the injury would require 6 weeks for rehab, but the rib complication and the deterioration in some discs in the thoracic region means something longer than that. UGH! I am NOT a patient person. Interestingly, the back pain is outrageous when I am sitting and taking deep breaths -- not so bad when walking, so I am hopeful about the ToT race. I am back on the anti-inflammatory and may have to relent and use pain meds this weekend. I've looked forward to this too long! ;) My hip is much better than last week, too. Thank God!

Sorry this was all about me. I seem to rush from one commitment to another and the stuff I want to do for fun goes by the wayside! :sad1:

Oh, and for those who asked about what to use pre and post-race, my doctor who is a sports medicine specialist, recommended aleve for me before a race and afterwards within the recommended dosage.
Quick drive-by--

Did 4 miles on TM. Went pretty fast (for me of course!). Glad to be getting back on schedule, although I don't know if I'll run my 9 miles on Sunday after ToT or not. I'll take the stroller and see, since DS will be up around 6:00- might as well get him out of the room so I don't have a riot on my hands! Trying to run after being out until 1 a.m. or so doesn't seem real likely- taking the stroller to go buy some sort of sugary breakfast might be the more obvious choice...;)

Cam- when I hurt my shoulder and ended up at a chiropractor, she made me go 3 times/week. It took a good 3-4 weeks to feel any improvement. Maybe 6 weeks after I started, I just noticed it didn't hurt anymore (weird I didn't notice when it stopped since it had become all-consuming). It's so hard to be patient, but hopefully they know what they are doing! Congrats on running your 5k by the way- I forgot to post, but I was very impressed! :cool1:

Got to get through this pile on my desk so I'm not thinking about it at ToT!!

Jen in GA
OK, like I don't have enough catching up to do at work, I'm gonna try to catch up on this thread already.

Mel - I'm usually sore/stiff after a LR, moreso the day after, even though I do the ice bath. I've been able to go the 1/2 marathon w/o hitting the bathroom, after that it gets touchy. That's why I'll usually try to hit the bathroom in MK during the full. Then I feel I can usually make it to the finish.

Laurie - Let me know how Mary Poppins is. I so want to see that. I'm going to see the Lion King on Dec. 22nd.

Dana - way to go on the 18 miles!:thumbsup2

Cindy -Welcome!

Lisa - great job on the 9 miles!

Angie - good luck with surgery!

Lou - Part of Forbidden Drive is about a mile from my house. I walk down there sometimes. I don't run it much, because I always seem to get shin splints when I try to run there. It is very pretty though. Congrats on the 16 miles!

Stephanie - hope ds feels better

Jen117 - bummer about the cold. I know I had one that lasted almost 3 weeks, all in my chest.:sad2:

Jen (in GA) - great job on the weekend runs!:banana:

Moon - congrats on a great run!

Cam - so sorry to hear your still in pain. Sending :wizard: your way. I hope you're feeling better soon.

I finished the Nike 1/2 marathon on Sunday (mini event report on separate thread). Times were posted today. My chip time was 3:26:42. Given the 4 miles of incline walking, I'm happy.

My splits were:
5K 45:06
10K 1:34:27
15K 2:28:52
Finish 3:26:42

Lou - Part of Forbidden Drive is about a mile from my house. I walk down there sometimes. I don't run it much, because I always seem to get shin splints when I try to run there. It is very pretty though. Congrats on the 16 miles!
Terri - That's a great place to live. I used to work for the City and years ago I did some surveying work back along Forbidden Drive in the winter. That day it started snowing and we stumbled upon a waterfall. Later that day we were also passed by a horse drawn sleigh. It was like a living Hallmark card back there.

I think I am going to run there again tomorrow afternoon because I have some business in town and I think I'll bail out early and get in a run.

LTO today! I was going to run inbtwn a show/picking up DDs from school/rehersal. But DD7 was sick. SO.....I had to take her with me and there was no time to run.
I told DH that I got no exercise today :sad1: and he looked at me like I was crazy. I asked him why he was looking at me like that...he said....and I quote..."Christa, darling, that is all you have done all day...shows, rehersals, and dealing with sick babies (she is 7 but still my baby)".
I normally, though, do not count shows, dancing, rehersal as exercise on my training log.....maybe I should start.;)
So, last night…

I headed out for a quick 3 mile run, it was already sprinkling when I left, and I was hoping to get it in before it poured…at about ½ mile in, I got stopped by one of my Scouts, she had a fundraiser question. I didn’t stop my timer, so my times were off by a minute or two, no biggie. By 1.5 I had gotten back on pace (which means I was actually FASTER than normal) and at 2 miles I was doing fine….but then…at 2.5, these 2 loose dogs came after me. They did not appear mean, but I don’t like dogs, especially when I think they might bite me. The big one kept jumping up on me, and slobbering all over me. Have I mentioned that I don’t like dogs? So, they took off, and I think I’m safe. NOT! I got on the highway and boom, they are after me again. Jumping up at me and running in the road. I am just about stopped now, ‘cause the faster I went, the more they jumped. Traffic is coming to a complete stop ‘cause they keep running in the road, and I’m sure they are gonna get smushed. Plus, several drivers are glaring at me to keep my dogs under control, HELLO, they are NOT my dogs! I didn’t know if I should turn around and get off the highway, or keep going (I ended up going) This was incredibly traumatic for me. Now I don’t know if I’ll be able to use that route anymore, and it was my favorite, picked for mileage and the fact that all the dogs were kept chained. Plus it totally killed my pace, and that frustrates me. I cried.

How do you deal with loose dogs? Should I carry one of those whistles that hurt dogs ears when you blow it? Would that even work?

And just for the record, it wasn't ALL bad, it didn't rain until I got home, and I got my miles in, just a bit slower than I had hoped.
Just wanted to mention that on Monday I did a very very very slow 35 minutes on the TM and yesterday I did 35 minutes on the bike. I think I am slowly getting better, tho my regular running pace is still a bit much for my lungs (which is sad because I am quite slow!!).

Angie - I get those dog problems frequently. It just blows my mind!!! But I did once witness a dog getting hit on the road while I was running. It wasn't running after me, it was just aimlessly wandering in the road as I was going by. If anyone has any suggestions to keep dogs away, I would love to hear it. When I run with my dog I usually have an even worse problem because they chase after us because of her.
Gee, it's not TOO obvious that just about everyone is either getting ready for their trip or has already left!!

2 other posts so far today!?!
I'm just keeping my head low so I don't get in trouble until the race. I have had enough police encounters this week so I figure I better stay good. :lmao:

I can bring multiples. I have a connection. :rotfl2:

Big Vic-I am seeing you in a whole new light. You collect die cast NASCAR and handcuffs. Oh wait ... that was "connection," not "collection.". Never mind.

With so few people around, its getting tough to lurk and making me work instead.

Oh well, I depart for the world in 68 hours.
I went out this afternoon for a 2 mile run. It was humid but overcast so at least it wasn't sunny. Tomorrow is either another 2 miles or rest. I am trying to get everything done at home before we leave Saturday morning.
I managed to get in a 10 mile run this afternoon in Philadelphia today. This was after spending 3 hours in the dentist office today.

Once again I tried trail running along Forbidden Drive and it was great. My knees and feet felt a lot better than running on asphalt. The total time (1:33:22) and pace (9:34) were not spectacular but I was running on some rough trails with a lot of hills. The cool part of the run was passing the only covered bridge in Philadelphia and rock carving of an American Indian that I never saw before (http://www.philart.net/art.php?id=381). If I could run here every day I would.
OK, I got home and went out to run 3 miles. I did it with minimal walking. Even tho I was slow, I take this as a good step towards recovery!!

Oh and we got another cat.... a fluffy white cat for DD7.... did I mention lots of hair???????????????????? :scared:
WooHoo, I actually got a run in this afternoon. 4 miles with varying speeds. Felt good--now I'm feeling better about getting my training for January jump-started. Now, off for some last minute packing! This time tomorrow I'll be finishing up some dinner at Kona!:cool1:

Good luck to all racing this weekend, especially our WISH contigent in DC!!:thumbsup2


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