Wk Of Oct 21 - WISH Walking/Running Club


I just remembered that deadline to sign up with AT is I think tomorrow and I don't know what it is for other charities so if that is even an option for you I would check into it quick. Good luck

Orlando Weather for Running Report As Promised

I was there this weekend for a conference, and the weather was, shall I say, none too promising for the Tower of Terror. Here are the gory details.

Thursday night

I arrive at my hotel, the Swan, at 11:30 p.m. and it is 80 degrees and easily 100% humidity. On the drive from the airport i actually had to run my windshield wipers, as it was so humid that the outside air on the cold windshield created condensation. The best word for the conditions was stifling. Similar to the Jan 6 and 7 2007 WDW half and full. If it is like this on Saturday evening, someone please stop and scrape me up off the course.


I'm up early and out for a 5K. A loop of crescent lake, then out and back to the Disney Studios boat dock is 2.33 miles. Throw in another lake loop and I have 3.1. It is really humid, but seems a bit cooler, but I as sweating like a dog.

I leave for the conference hotel at 9 and by the time I've walked 100 meters to the car perspiration is running off my forehead. As the day goes on it seems to dry out a bit. Still hot as hades, but not killer humidity. Friday night isn't as bad as the last night, but still no fun.


Opens with a downpour, which conveniently finishes at 8:40 as I step out of my car in the EPCOT parking lot. The temperature stays in the 70's and in spite of clouds it is less humid. I think it's now or never, so at 4 pm I start a 12.5 mile run on my crescent lake and studios loop and out and back. I run by a wedding in the white patio/gazeebo by the ESPN club several times, and wonder if this qualifies me as a Wedding Crasher. The run is fine, but man is that concrete hard. I wanted 14 but figured another step wouldn't be good for my legs.

Through the run it really wasn't too bad. I was sweating pretty good, and did warm up, but never felt the nuclear head inside my body which happens in really miserable humidity. If it's like this for TOT I'll be able to cope.


Is a near replay of Thursday. I step outside into brutal humidity aroung 8:30 am, then run back to my air conditioned room. I head out to the Magic Kingdom at 10:30 and it's pretty awful. The thermometer in the rental car shows 90 and the humidity is way up there.

Also monster thunderstorms come in as I'm driving to the airport and the temp on the car's thermometer drops to 79 in 2 minutes. At least I know the temperature of the rain.

I had planned to air it out at the TOT, but if it doesn't cool down I'll try to show some intelligence. Try does not equal will, so we'll see.


Morning all - well all I can is it's lucky it was Bill being apprehended not WWDave or Big Vic, otherwise the WISH shirt printing fund would have been going on the bail money.

This weekend I did 7 miles and 10 miles - had to swap my weeks round as I have a half back in New Zealand next week. They went well, I'd updated my shuffle and new music makes all the difference.

Mind you, I say I ran 7/10 -I'm actually not measuring distance as it's too hard to do where I run (no roads to drive down and I don't do Garmins) but I know I've run all my Disney races at a 12 minute mile (although I run all my other races at a 10.30 or less!) so I'm just figuring so long as I run for 12 minutes per mile, I've done at least my distance. It'll be interesting to see when I go back to NZ on Wednesday and run all my old training runs (where I know the mileage backwards, how fast/far I am actually running).

Sunday's run was interesting, for some reason I woke up at 4.30am so, as it's getting hot here, I decided I'd head out at 6.45am - just as the rugby finished. It's very odd going out for a two hour run, when lots of other poeple are coming home from all night drinking and sport watching.

I also made an interesting discovery - do not put Sunkist in your fuel belt bottle. Despite it being relatively flat to drink as soon as you start running, it will fizz up and spray everywhere leaving you with a wet leg and nothing to drink!!!! Thankfully I'd guzzled most of the can outside the store (it was all they had that I fancied!!) so all was not lost

Hope everyone else is good. Helen
Hey team...

I got in 16 miles yesterday in Philly. I did something a little different this time. Before I ran my normal 8.5-mile loop around the Schuylkill River I decided to run along a trail that's called "Forbidden Drive". It's an old horse trail/road along the Wissahickon Creek that is forbidden to cars.

It was an incredible running experience. The trail is like running in a Hallmark Card with waterfalls and old bridges. It gave my knees somewhat of a break to road on mud/stones but the hills were rough. The Garmin said I climbed 1500+ feet in the first 4 miles! I'm used to running in flat NJ so this was hard.

After doing 8 miles along Forbidden Drive I hit my normal loop which was packed with 15,000 people doing an AIDS walk. I finished the 16 miles in 2:36 for a 9:36 pace which was just okay. My knees and feet hurt the last 6 miles in spite of the 1000 mg of Tylenol I took when i woke up and 500mg during the run.

Did a lot of icing last night and I feel slightly better today. 20 miles awaits next weekend and then its on to the Philly Marathon.

I am in desperate need of some help or advice here if anyone can give it!! I screwed up.... BIG TIME!! I waited until the last minute to register for the 5k, and when I went to register this evening I find that it is CLOSED!! I have promised DS this race since last year's marathon, and he has worked SOOOO hard to get where he can run a 5k. I am devestated that I screwed this up for him, and I don't know how I can fix it!! I checked a week or so ago and saw that it was 85% and figured I at least had a little while longer, or that I would see something here if it started filling faster, and now I don't know what to do. If anyone has any advice or suggestions, or anything that might be able to help me out it would be greatly appreciated.


Oh dear!!!

I honestly wish I knew but I have no idea. :(

The only thing I can think of is that maybe Anthony Travel could help out, but I am not sure how. :(
Bill - Go Sox! As a Phillies fan I guess the best I can hope for is that your Sox will finally beat those Rockies.

Angie - Your Bulls got a raw deal on the rankings. That was a tough game on the road to a good team. Oh well it could be worse...you could be a Philadelphia Eagles fan.

Dana - I agree with Angie...look for charities.

Big Vic - Nice job on the 12 miles!

wfloyd - Awesome story!

Cindy - Welcome!!!

Kristin - Nice job on the 16 miles. I may have to try that indoor/outdoor stragey soon. I used to take Motrin during LR's but switched to Tylenol. There are some studies claiming dehydration from ibuprofen and I don't need to lose any more water than I have to.
Orlando Weather for Running Report As Promised

I was there this weekend for a conference, and the weather was, shall I say, none too promising for the Tower of Terror. Here are the gory details.

Thursday night

I arrive at my hotel, the Swan, at 11:30 p.m. and it is 80 degrees and easily 100% humidity. On the drive from the airport i actually had to run my windshield wipers, as it was so humid that the outside air on the cold windshield created condensation. The best word for the conditions was stifling. Similar to the Jan 6 and 7 2007 WDW half and full. If it is like this on Saturday evening, someone please stop and scrape me up off the course.


I'm up early and out for a 5K. A loop of crescent lake, then out and back to the Disney Studios boat dock is 2.33 miles. Throw in another lake loop and I have 3.1. It is really humid, but seems a bit cooler, but I as sweating like a dog.

I leave for the conference hotel at 9 and by the time I've walked 100 meters to the car perspiration is running off my forehead. As the day goes on it seems to dry out a bit. Still hot as hades, but not killer humidity. Friday night isn't as bad as the last night, but still no fun.


Opens with a downpour, which conveniently finishes at 8:40 as I step out of my car in the EPCOT parking lot. The temperature stays in the 70's and in spite of clouds it is less humid. I think it's now or never, so at 4 pm I start a 12.5 mile run on my crescent lake and studios loop and out and back. I run by a wedding in the white patio/gazeebo by the ESPN club several times, and wonder if this qualifies me as a Wedding Crasher. The run is fine, but man is that concrete hard. I wanted 14 but figured another step wouldn't be good for my legs.

Through the run it really wasn't too bad. I was sweating pretty good, and did warm up, but never felt the nuclear head inside my body which happens in really miserable humidity. If it's like this for TOT I'll be able to cope.


Is a near replay of Thursday. I step outside into brutal humidity aroung 8:30 am, then run back to my air conditioned room. I head out to the Magic Kingdom at 10:30 and it's pretty awful. The thermometer in the rental car shows 90 and the humidity is way up there.

Also monster thunderstorms come in as I'm driving to the airport and the temp on the car's thermometer drops to 79 in 2 minutes. At least I know the temperature of the rain.

I had planned to air it out at the TOT, but if it doesn't cool down I'll try to show some intelligence. Try does not equal will, so we'll see.



Okay folks--I know you guys aren't around here...but you are seriously cracking me up with this "humidity" talk!

Kind of reminds me when I go up north in the wintertime shivering in 40 degree weather and the locals laughing at the cute little Florida girl who thinks it is cold.

I really mean no disrespect...but it is kind of funny. Right around October 1--we can smell fall in the air..enjoying the humidity lightening up.

Well--I am going for my walk midday today (thanks to the hubby! :mad: ) so we will see if I am still laughing or :headache: .

In any case--the humidity (to me) feels different in the fall even if the numbers suggest it is high.

Stay safe everyone! At least with the sun not being out, it should be a good ToT event for you! And what's a race without sweat anyway?

Kristin - Nice job on the 16 miles. I may have to try that indoor/outdoor stragey soon. I used to take Motrin during LR's but switched to Tylenol. There are some studies claiming dehydration from ibuprofen and I don't need to lose any more water than I have to.

Actually--it isn't dehydration..it's the hyponatremia b/c it causes the body to extrete too much sodium (and thus in essence...you become overhydrated in laymen's terms). Symptoms are similar to dehydration which is why in races if you show those signs, the first course of action isn't to give you water right away. Basically do not take any NSAIDS during a run/walk which include Advil, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, naproxin, and aspirin. (I googled to get the precise details--I am shocked that about.com suggests trying it on a training run to see how your body reacts.:eek: The racing world has pretty much come to agreement to avoid those products during a run. Studies also suggest that it is ineffective as a medication to avoid any of the pain that it is meant to help with.)

When you get your marathon materials in the mail, they will have a section that states all this information as well (Though not sure they get into the why you shouldn't take it.) And though it SEEMS they do this since the sponsor is tylenol---they aren't in cahoots to have you take their med over NSAIDs to make money or anything. And even during the race..they will mark your bib if they give you tylenol as they will only give it to you once.

But it is the opposite of what you are reading. You don't lose water..you lose sodium. And though water is wonderful and necessary during an endurance event--too much can be a bad thing. That is also why they have sports drinks and why it is suggested to consume a salt packet at about mile 18-20..in order to replenish sodium in your body that is lost while you are doing that activity.

Sorry for all the details--but it is the ever important annual reminder. :)
Hi everybody!

Just a quick drive by, here! It is cold here and windy so I will concentrate on cross training and packing. I will be leaving early Wednesday morning :scared1: All of a sudden there is so much to do and so little time in which to do it!!! See you all at ToT!

Love the stories!!
Okay folks--I know you guys aren't around here...but you are seriously cracking me up with this "humidity" talk!

I really mean no disrespect...but it is kind of funny. Right around October 1--we can smell fall in the air..enjoying the humidity lightening up.

I am a born and raised Florida girl and the humidity might be "fall like" where you are, but I can tell you that is very "summer" like over here. When I ran yesterday that is the worse it has been in my neck of the woods for a couple of months.

Just as you said, no disrespect but the humidity and heat over here is DEFINATELY summertime weather and I personally think that those coming down for TOT should prepare themselves "just in case"

I am a born and raised Florida girl and the humidity might be "fall like" where you are, but I can tell you that is very "summer" like over here. When I ran yesterday that is the worse it has been in my neck of the woods for a couple of months.

Just as you said, no disrespect but the humidity and heat over here is DEFINATELY summertime weather and I personally think that those coming down for TOT should prepare themselves "just in case"


Going out right now to check it out.


(I did say stay safe.:guilty: )
Morning teammates. Well, as luck would have it, DS has woken up sick this morning!:sad2: Are you freakin' kidding me!!!!! At least we don't leave town until Thursday. I'm gonna call his Dr. as soon as they open up this morning and hope they give me some good advice--not just the "wait it out" approach--anyone ever fly with an unhappy sick 2 year old--:eek: is all I'll say!

And to all ya'll Sox fans--Congrats and Thanks!--now I don't have to worry about DH disappearing this weekend trying to find the game on TV.

Dana--Oh no! I hope you can find a way to enter the race:grouphug:

Kristi--OH NO on the license and the GPS! Good thing we won't ask for ID when you drop Zach off!;) :rotfl: Oh, and talked to SIL yesterday and she's still a go for Sat. night--but she says that you can't pay her. I told her that ya'll could fight it out.;)

Angie--thanks for the weather report. We checked the 10 day forecast and the temps, at least, don't look that bad--maybe the cool front coming through here today will make it's way toward FL by the weekend!

Okay, gonna go find that dr.s number. Have a great Monday all.
Color me confused....

not sure which day ToT is...

but max humidity on Saturday night is 73%. High that day is only 82. (This is Kissimmee...lake buena vista doesn't come up for me.)

Friday night is the same expected humidity--high of only 81 though.

As I said--I am royally confused and that sounds like good weather considering there will be no sun out. (Isn't it after sunset?)

I'm all for being prepared--but I'm also for not freaking folks out as it seemed weather was much worse for Chicago--and the distance was more than twice as long and the sun was out and the course officials were not prepared.

I wish I had the weather report from my long day last Saturday (in FL not SC)---not sure what the stats were, but it was a great day.

Going out now to check things out. (humidity is presently 88%)
Color me confused....

not sure which day ToT is...

but max humidity on Saturday night is 73%. High that day is only 82. (This is Kissimmee...lake buena vista doesn't come up for me.)

Friday night is the same expected humidity--high of only 81 though.

As I said--I am royally confused and that sounds like good weather considering there will be no sun out. (Isn't it after sunset?)

I'm all for being prepared--but I'm also for not freaking folks out as it seemed weather was much worse for Chicago--and the distance was more than twice as long and the sun was out and the course officials were not prepared.

I wish I had the weather report from my long day last Saturday (in FL not SC)---not sure what the stats were, but it was a great day.

Going out now to check things out. (humidity is presently 88%)

Really was not trying to freak anyone out I just know that a lot of people were caught off gaurd for marathon this year and wanted them to be prepared. I hope the forcast holds true and I am sorry I ever said anything. Good luck to everyone.

Please excuse my weather report.

It merely reflected my personal experiences running 15+ hard miles in the Disney Studios/EPCOT complex this past weekend. If I thought the conditions were less than ideal for training, running, or racing, I must have been mistaken.
Really was not trying to freak anyone out I just know that a lot of people were caught off gaurd for marathon this year and wanted them to be prepared. I hope the forcast holds true and I am sorry I ever said anything. Good luck to everyone.


Calcio Please excuse my weather report.

It merely reflected my personal experiences running 15+ hard miles in the Disney Studios/EPCOT complex this past weekend. If I thought the conditions were less than ideal for training, running, or racing, I must have been mistaken.

Oh no--I should apologize!!!

Just got back from my walk--and yes it was hot...but I don't think it was anything close to August hot.

I shouldn't have said anything in such a disrespectful manner to compromise anyone's safety.

I really need to think before I post and have been quite snappy lately and should not be and do apologize for taking it out on the WISH boards.

I don't think it will be so bad this weekend just based on the weather forecast--but as with all things related to Florida weather...wait 10 minutes and things could change.

It is going to feel muggy to those not from here b/c it isn't what you are used to.

I wasn't here this weekend so had no place to contradict the weather conditions experienced here over the weekend.

I am humbled and will be more careful to not be quick to jump to conclusions for something that I had no first hand experience over.

Again--I am sorry.

ETA: before my walk the forecast for Saturday was 82. It is now 85 for the same day. It seems the weather guessers are messing with the forecast again.
Hey all!
Hope all is well for everyone!

Whoever posted about the taking Advil, and other products like that....yeah, you are not supposed to take them.
But I have and still do....
not many...just 2 around mile 20. But do what I say, not what I do! ;)

Good luck to all the ToTers. I will be there but not running.:sad1: Is it Sunday or Saturday night?:confused3 I am supposed to do a 22 mile run while down there :rotfl: but I am letting you guys know....ain't gonna happen! May do it when I get back or something....trying to adjust the running schedule.

Ran around 5 EASY miles Sunday...will either run or bike today.

Hello, WISHers!

I was lazy lazy this weekend after my 16 miler and did not run at all. This morning I got back in the groove and did 5 miles. I figure I'll run everyday through Thursday and then count walking around Magic Kingdom on Friday as my xt before ToT!

Mel - Congrats on hitting the 14 mile mark! (And add the ice to the cold bath!)

Laurie - How was Mary Poppins?

Dana - WTG with the 18 miles!

Eva - Where is the haunted prison? When I was growing up near Cleveland we used to go to a haunted schoolhouse and the big one I remember was the Hudson Haunted House.

Vic - I'm so impressed with your 12 miles! WTG!

Bill - Glad you escaped! And you just got my DH in trouble. The only "chore" he had this weekend was to get down the big cooler for our trip and he didn't do it...

Cindy - Welcome and best of luck on the MCM!!

Lynnda - PD for the PF; glad your walk went well.

Lisa - Sounds like a great place to spend the weekend!

Stephanie - PD for DS! Hope he's better by Thursday.

Kristin - WTG with your 16 miles!

Angie - Glad you're able to get out there and hope that your surgery will go well!

Kristi - So sorry Chad lost his license - what a pain! Hope you're having fun!

Craig - Let's hope the weather is better than in was for marathon weekend!!

Helen - LOL with Sunkist in the fuel belt!

Lou - Sounds like a great run! I'm getting pretty bored with my routes.

Steffwalks - You'll beat me by a day - have a great trip!

Christa - I'll miss you at ToT, but I'm sure all I would see of you would be a glimpse of your back at the start before you tear away!

Happy training, all and let's play nice! :)
I also forgot to add, and with much thanks and condolences to Angie:

****GO EAGLES****

(That's Boston College Eagles, my alma mater.)


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