M&Ms PJ~April 10, 2008~YCG/Italy Plaza*Photographer Photos are up!*

Yay, Another April Wedding... I am April 5th. I will actually be at the World for your wedding. If we see any people in wedding gear, I will think of you. That is so cool. The pics are so pretty. I am excited I have never been to WDW and love hearing from your experiences. I hope your planning session goes well. O... that fact that you have the same planner as your sister is to cute! (Hehehe, you have something to compare to so they will know that everything needs to be perfect...:rotfl: :rotfl: )

Wow yours is right before mine! How fun. April is good month in FL so we should be in luck weather wise :) You're going to love WDW! It'll be a fun place for your honeymoon. Thanks for taking the time to read my PJ. I have updated it lately but hopefully I'll have more wedding details in a few weeks!
Ok well I finally had my planning session with Carol. It went really well. I feel like there were so many decisions to make in such a short time! But I'm glad to have most of the wedding details planned :) Mert, my mom, my niece and I all went to the planning session. I forgot to take pictures!! But I'll tell you some of the details....

Rose from Disney Floral was pretty easy to work with. She had some really nice ideas. She also had read the info I put on the wishbook which was nice b/c she knew right off the bat what I did and did not like in terms of flowers. I'm pretty sure we spent way too much on floral but I can always knock some things off after we get the estimate. My bouquet will be hot pink and orange tulips with some lighter pink spray roses. The BMs will have a similar bouquet but they'll only have hot pink tulips and then orange and light pink roses. I did not do much in terms of floral at the ceremony site since it's so pretty to begin with. My centerpieces for the dinner will be simple rectangular glass vases filled with hot pink and orange tulips. They will have a wide orange grosgrain ribbon around the vase with a thin hot pink satin ribbon on top of that. It will look just like my invitations which I will write about in my next post with pictures. Rose will also be using the wider ribbon I showed earlier in my report to wrap the bouquets (the ribbon is seen on post #17 of this thread). The centerpieces will also include 3 battery operated votives. I chose hot pink and orange satin napkins. The hot pink napkins will be tied with an orange ribbon and the orange will be tied with a hot pink ribbon. Each place setting will be alternating napkin colors.

For the pre-reception and dessert party at Italy West Wing, we will have simple clear glass cylinders with a hot pink glow ice cube in the bottom surrounded by clear marbles. It will be filled with water and an orange rose will float on top. The description does not sound pretty but the picture of it was awesome. I'm sure this is going to cost too much but I dont care bc I know it will look great! We are going to keep the tables decorated the same from the pre-recep to the DP.

The same ribbon used for my centerpieces will be used around each layer of my cake. The cake will be 3 square layers with the ribbon and fresh floral. We chose a bottom layer of yellow cake and chocolate filling and bavarian creme filling. The middle layer will be marble cake with pb cup filling. The top layer is truly for Mert...chocolate cake with bailey's filling. He loved it! We all ate so much cake! It was yummy.

We chose a violin for the ceremony music. We are still up in the air over the music for the Italy courtyard though. The DJ cannot play while day guests are in the park so I'm not sure if its worth the money only to have him play from like 10:30pm to 11pm. But we'll see.

Lets see what else....I'm going to have guests throw rose petals. I initially wasnt into the idea but everyone else seemed to like it for the picture opportunity so I had them add that in. We are going to have a photographer for 8 hours. We also talked about transportation. I'll be using the charter busses for my guests and the wedding party:) It will be fun to have pics of me and my fiance all dressed up and on the bus I think.

We havent decided anything about food just yet. We have the menu tasting tomorrow so I'll know more after that.

I'm also still undecided about favors but I hope to figure that out soon. Any suggestions are welcome!

Oh! I also changed my BM dresses again. The girls will be wearing this dress http://www.ariadress.com/Desciptions/Desc188KA.htm# in Fuschia.

I think thats about it for now. I'll post again soon hopefully with some pictures. I'll try to remember to take some at the menu tasting. Overall, I thought the planning session was really fun! It was nice to see things start to come together. I'm very excited for April to come!!
Glad to hear your session went well with Rose. Sounds like you've got some beautiful plans!
Well we got our BEO about a week after our planning session. It did not include the floral yet. We are still waiting on that. Overall, I wasnt surprised with the total. It was actually less than I calculated. However, I know the floral will be a lot! But we have time to trim it down before the wedding.

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have posted about fees and prices. I think I wasnt shocked by the BEO because I knew what to expect after reading about all of the fees on here. So thanks :)
I went to try on my dress today. I havent had my first fitting yet but luckily the dress fits pretty well and wont need many alterations. I'm a little concerned that my hips look a little too curvy, but I'm not sure. Other than that I like it a lot.

I originally didnt post pictures of my dress b/c I didnt want DF to see but he never looks on here anymore. Sooo here it is..... Please excuse any silly looks on my face. She didnt tell me when she was actually taking the pics :)




OH and here are my invitations and programs. I dont think I have put them on my PJ yet.

Other things...I keep changing my mind about table decor and favors!! I'm rethinking overlays and colored napkins. And I'm not sure I want to do the M&M favors anymore. I think having my planning session so early was good and bad. I'm glad to have it done, however, now I have way too much time to rethink EVERYTHING! :) I'll keep you posted on any definite changes!
One more detail(caryndisneydiva's thread reminded me of it)....my guestbook. I'm ordering one from the guestbookstore.com. They are so cute and it's something fun for my guests to do.

This is the one I'm ordering

I feel like there is a lot left to do, but I also still have a while. Some things like the favors have to wait until we get closer to the wedding, although I wish I could just do it all now! :)
Ok I thought I’d give a quick recap since the details of my wedding are all over the place in my PJ and some things have changed!

April 10, 2008
Ceremony: Yacht Club Gazebo- 5pm
Pre-Reception: Italy West Plaza- 6pm
Dinner: Italy Plaza- 7pm
Illuminations Dessert Party: Italy West Plaza- 8:30pm
Cake & Dancing: Italy Plaza- 9:30pm

My wedding party now consists of 5 bridesmaids, 1 jr bridesmaid, and 1 flower girl. Here are their dresses:



The older girls will be in all fuchsia. My Jr BM will be in fuchsia with a peony colored sash. And the youngest will be in a peony colored dress with a fuchsia sash. I think we are also going to get some extra peony fabric and have a small dress made for my sister’s 2nd baby who is not here yet! She’ll be arriving in November :yay:

We decided to have a private rehearsal dinner party on Shipwreck Beach at the Yacht Club at 5pm on Wednesday, April 9, 2008. I read about it in sunsh1ne’s PJ for her welcome party plus a while back someone mentioned having done an event at this location and it sounds great. It will be more private for my guests plus it is super easy to get to since we will already be at the YC gazebo for rehearsal. Right now, I’m still figuring out the pricing to see if it’s plausible or not. I still have reservations for ‘Ohana for that evening in case I change my mind!

Like I said before, I got my BEO. I’m still trying to cut a few things out, but I’m not getting very far. I also got my flower estimate. I will post the main things here so you girls can get an idea of what to expect.
DISCLAIMER---I just want to add that prices CAN and DO change quite often especially with flowers. I’m lucky that I’m getting married in April when many, many things are in season. Other times of the year, though, these same flowers could be a lot more expensive or even cheaper. So this is just a guide, but is by no means a standard or anything like that!!! Also, keep in mind that things change at Disney frequently. So please make sure you talk to your planner about all costs for your event! :)

Bride’s bouquet- $200- Hand tied French bouquet designed with fuchsia and orange tulips accented with light pink spray roses. Wrap the stems 75% with Bride’s grosgrain ribbon. (You can see the ribbon on the 2nd page of my PJ. We are using the thicker ribbon for the flowers and cake.)

BM’s bouquet- $100- Hand tied French bouquet designed with fuchsia tulips accented with light pink and orange spray roses. Wrap the stems 75% with Bride’s grosgrain ribbon.

Flower girl- $47.50- White rose petals in chiffon Mickey drawstring purse. ****I am not going to go with this but I thought some might like to see the price for reference. I am going to order a little purse in the same color as the BMs dresses for the FG to carry. Here is a picture of it….

Groom- $15.00- Fuchsia rose with orange spray rose accent with Italian ruscus

Groomsmen- $10.50- Orange rose with Italian ruscus

Mothers- $26.00- Orange spray roses with filler, greens and sheer azalea ribbon

Unity candle set- $15.00 (Hurricane globes with Bride’s grosgrain ribbon around bottom)

Centerpieces- $85- 4x6x6 glass vase filled with fuchsia and orange tulips with green leaves left on the stems. Vase will be tied with orange grosgrain ribbon with a thinner hot pink satin ribbon tied on top of it in a bow. (PS- this will look a lot like my invitations so I’m pretty excited about that!)

Battery operated votives- $135- 3 set out on each table ($4.50/votive)

Chiavari chairs-$1,068.75- Black chairs for the reception ($14.25/chair) plus $180 delivery fee (yikes)

Hot pink satin napkins tied with orange satin ribbon and Orange satin napkins tied with hot pink satin ribbon- $300- They will be set out at each place setting in alternating colors. Napkins are $4/napkin.

Fresh floral for the cake- $50

Dessert Party centerpieces- $75- 5 9” cylinders with clear marbles and a pink LED light in the base of each cylinder. Fill with water and float an Orange rose on top.

Overall our floral is at about $3,500. I’d like to get it lower if possible! :goodvibes

I’m still undecided about my favors. I’m either doing the personalized M&Ms in clear boxes with fuchsia and orange ribbon. Or I’m making Martha Stewart’s sugar cookie cakes that will be put in clear boxes also with fuchsia and orange ribbon. I’m trying to figure out how much time it will take me to make the cookie favors and if it’s worth stressing out about right before my wedding ;)

I’m currently working on a newsletter to be sent out in November. I will probably send another one right before the wedding too. I would post a picture of it but I don’t really know how. Any suggestions? Haha.

We have changed our hotel plans too. Mert and I will be staying in a deluxe club level room at the Beach Club the two nights before the wedding. We will move to one of Grand Floridian’s honeymoon suites the night of the wedding and for two nights after that. I’m considering shortening that stay to just two nights. We may leave for the honeymoon (if we have one) on Saturday rather than Sunday. Which brings me to my next point…the honeymoon. We still have no idea what to do. I don’t want to spend a lot after spending so much for the wedding. Since we live in Orlando, it’s fairly easy to just drive down to the Keys which we might do. Or we are still thinking about possibly doing a Disney cruise since I can get good cast member discounts. Anyone else have any ideas for a less expensive honeymoon trip?? :)

That’s about it for now. Thanks for reading!
I know exactly how you feel trying to cut down the BEO. I managed to slice a good chunk off mine by going with an outside vendor for the wedding party, but your prices are considerably lower than mine. My bouquet was $275 and my bridesmaids were $145. It could be because I'm in January, but my outside vendor charges the same price year round.

I'm doing a Carnival Cruise, we got a nice Florida Resident discount :) You shouldnt have a problem getting a good deal even if you dont go thru Disney.
I know exactly how you feel trying to cut down the BEO. I managed to slice a good chunk off mine by going with an outside vendor for the wedding party, but your prices are considerably lower than mine. My bouquet was $275 and my bridesmaids were $145. It could be because I'm in January, but my outside vendor charges the same price year round.

I'm doing a Carnival Cruise, we got a nice Florida Resident discount :) You shouldnt have a problem getting a good deal even if you dont go thru Disney.

I'll have to look into the carnival cruise idea! That would be good. Thanks :)
i'm doing the martha cookies as well...i'm going to start them this week (hopefully...), i'm going to freeze them un-iced until the wedding, then i'll ice them, put them together and pack them to ship to my sister in tampa...too much drama for a cookie, but those things are fantastic and you'd pay so much to buy them...
Hi there. I was just wondering, if you don't mind me asking.. for the centerpeices for your desert party, was at $75 for all 5 of them or $75 each? I absolutely love the idea and think it would be so beautiful at a DP! Did they have other color lights available? That's so cool. :)
Your dress is gorgeous! Congratulations and happy planning! Can't wait to hear more .....

Thank you so much :)

i'm doing the martha cookies as well...i'm going to start them this week (hopefully...), i'm going to freeze them un-iced until the wedding, then i'll ice them, put them together and pack them to ship to my sister in tampa...too much drama for a cookie, but those things are fantastic and you'd pay so much to buy them...

Ok I'm glad you said that b/c I was thinking about baking then freezing them. Do you think they'll still be good when you unfreeze them? I'm going to have my sister make some since she lives in Tallahassee and can just drive them down for the wedding and I'll make the other half. Are you going to use the same size cookie cutters that Martha Stewart does? I was considering trying to go a little smaller since I can't seem to find clear boxes big enough for her size cookies!

Hi there. I was just wondering, if you don't mind me asking.. for the centerpeices for your desert party, was at $75 for all 5 of them or $75 each? I absolutely love the idea and think it would be so beautiful at a DP! Did they have other color lights available? That's so cool. :)

Sorry I didnt make that clear...It's $75 for all of them. It's $10/centerpiece plus the $5/cylinder which is a rental fee...so $15 total for the centerpiece. I'm having 5 cocktail tables set up so I'll have 5 of these centerpieces. I do believe they have other colors available. I know for sure there is blue and red. I saw a picture of it at my PS and it looks so neat! Hope that helps!

I love your dress you look stunning in it :)

Thank you for the compliment :)
Sorry I didnt make that clear...It's $75 for all of them. It's $10/centerpiece plus the $5/cylinder which is a rental fee...so $15 total for the centerpiece. I'm having 5 cocktail tables set up so I'll have 5 of these centerpieces. I do believe they have other colors available. I know for sure there is blue and red. I saw a picture of it at my PS and it looks so neat! Hope that helps!

No worries :) Thanks for even breaking down the prices, it definitely helps! It sounds really cool, I'm definitely going to look into it! And I forgot to mention earlier, you look great in your dress and all of your other plans sound wonderful so far! :thumbsup2
No worries :) Thanks for even breaking down the prices, it definitely helps! It sounds really cool, I'm definitely going to look into it! And I forgot to mention earlier, you look great in your dress and all of your other plans sound wonderful so far! :thumbsup2

Thank you very much :) Good luck with your plans!
Ok I'm glad you said that b/c I was thinking about baking then freezing them. Do you think they'll still be good when you unfreeze them? I'm going to have my sister make some since she lives in Tallahassee and can just drive them down for the wedding and I'll make the other half. Are you going to use the same size cookie cutters that Martha Stewart does? I was considering trying to go a little smaller since I can't seem to find clear boxes big enough for her size cookies!

i bought fondant cut outs at michaels, i got a round set and a square set, i haven't tested them yet though...so mine will be significantly smaller than hers. disneysweetie posted this site on my pj, http://www.papermart.com/templates/83-0-80.htm#GO_83082, it looks like they have several types of boxes to choose from...i just haven't measured the cookie to know how big it'll be...what type of icing are you going to use? i was thinking of using fondant, because it'll look smooth and neat, then i thought about using colored white chocolate, but i think that might be too rich...though, you could freeze the cookies with the chocolate on them and it would be fine...i ALSO might make some of them out of gingerbread...sorry for rambling!!! happy halloween pirate: princess: !!!


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