Kids need to know a lot of adults play vmk

So then I guess all adults who go to Disney and don't have kids with them are creeps, huh?:rolleyes:

I was already in my thirties the first time I was taken to Magic Kingdom and went there with a boyfriend and no kids with us. At no time did we get weird looks like we were too old and creepy for being in that park.

I dont think they took him out of context at all.

It seems like the majority is reading it the same way.

Well, there is no possible way to go on vmk and say "Hi, I'm a grown-up" and obviously players don't do that.

Agreed. I would raise my eyebrows if anybody did. And I don't know how many 8 years olds talk about drinking coffee, doing the wash, and driving. Those are things I see adults bringing up in conversation without crossing the line of giving out personal information. Just like I've never seen VMK have a problem and consider it personal info when a kid says they have to go do their homework.

So are the hosts considered creepy or do most kids actually think they're kids, too? I think most do realize they are adults.

I don't understand how it would be creepy for a kid to know suddenly that a person is an adult.
I remember when I was young. I didn't find most adult creepy unless they acted really creepy.

I had adult friends when I was a child. I didn't think it was creepy and neither did my parents who knew them. As long as they and I didn't cross certain boundaries. :)

Announcing that someone is a child or adult really is not crossing a dangerous boundary.

I agree. I remember growing up and looking up to the adults in 4-H. They served as great mentors and we had many fun moments together. Should I also give up the activities I did as a kid because now I'm older?

Face it we are the gamer generation. Born with games that were subpar, but still kept us addicted. Games grew and became better because of our generation. We were picky, wanted it better and better each time we played.

So true, Aengus.

And one last thing, although I disagree with Cardinal, this has not been some kind of attack on him and I'm sure he knows it. He knows I'm a big fan of his singing and his threads he starts. It's almost a guarantee Cardinal will bring a smile or a giggle to me when he starts one of his threads. It's just we don't see eye to eye on this subject.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought Cardinal's point was merely that that it's not unusual for kids to get upset if they find out another player is an adult, because (a) they assume only kids would want to play VMK and (b) they have gotten spooked by what they hear on the news or from their parents and teachers.
The target age of VMK is 8-14. Although it is obvious that people outside of this range play the game, I think that it is perfectly normal in this day and age to think that a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep.
Read "perfectly normal" as "not unexpected, considering the times". "Creep" is, in this instance, a matter of perception on the part of the kid, and has nothing to do with whether the adult player deserves that label. ;)

I have seen numerous kids who are surprised to learn of adult players, although they are usually more perplexed than anything.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought Cardinal's point was merely that that it's not unusual for kids to get upset if they find out another player is an adult, because (a) they assume only kids would want to play VMK and (b) they have gotten spooked by what they hear on the news or from their parents and teachers.Read "perfectly normal" as "not unexpected, considering the times". "Creep" is, in this instance, a matter of perception on the part of the kid, and has nothing to do with whether the adult player deserves that label. ;)

I have seen numerous kids who are surprised to learn of adult players, although they are usually more perplexed than anything.

Cardinal knows I <3 him. I just dont believe for a second it didnt reflect his opinion. Anyways you want to hear about creepy? What about a 14 year old that calls your voicemail like 80 times a week and prank calls it . Thats pretty creepy ROFL

I would have reported the 'girl' who said that. Honestly, I think, Children need parental supervision to play all this games. Well, that's me..
Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought Cardinal's point was merely that that it's not unusual for kids to get upset if they find out another player is an adult, because (a) they assume only kids would want to play VMK and (b) they have gotten spooked by what they hear on the news or from their parents and teachers.Read "perfectly normal" as "not unexpected, considering the times". "Creep" is, in this instance, a matter of perception on the part of the kid, and has nothing to do with whether the adult player deserves that label. ;)

I have seen numerous kids who are surprised to learn of adult players, although they are usually more perplexed than anything.

That's how I read the post but I seem to have a reading comprehension problem based on the reactions to some of my posts in a different topic. :rolleyes1

I think it's not unusual for kids to be shocked to discover the person driving the avatar is an adult or doesn't match the sex of the avatar. I've experienced both. I took those opportunities to let the other player(s) know that anyone could be behind an avatar - like 'maybe it could a really ancient guy who doesn't wash and is just in his under wear asking if they are taken.' Yes, I've used those words in VMK. Of course they get all grossed out at the thought! Hopefully it's an example that makes them think a bit as they peruse any area of the internet.

For my own kids, I painted a very grim picture of who they should assume is on the other side of any email, messaging system, game, avatar or whatever. I happened to choose a harmless but unkempt family member for the visual. We have always had age appropriate (for my kids given their level of exposure to the rotten aspects of the world) discussions about why someone would pretend to be someone they aren't in order to gain the trust of potential victims and what they might be hoping to do to those potential victims. It seems to have been successful.
I wonder if they could come out with a pin for "adults". You could chose to wear it or not wear it. That way you are identified as being a "grup", but it's not mandatory that you display it. It could help to bring about some order when "kids" get out of line with comments, etc. Kinda like a chaparone...but not really! Just thinking out loud...

Ok - I admit it, I just want a new, special pin!
I wonder if they could come out with a pin for "adults". You could chose to wear it or not wear it. That way you are identified as being a "grup", but it's not mandatory that you display it. It could help to bring about some order when "kids" get out of line with comments, etc. Kinda like a chaparone...but not really! Just thinking out loud...

Ok - I admit it, I just want a new, special pin!

And then the kids will have something else to be resentful for....

It's a Catch-22 situation.
I wonder if they could come out with a pin for "adults". You could chose to wear it or not wear it. That way you are identified as being a "grup", but it's not mandatory that you display it. It could help to bring about some order when "kids" get out of line with comments, etc. Kinda like a chaparone...but not really! Just thinking out loud...

Ok - I admit it, I just want a new, special pin!

But again, defeats the entire "you don't know who is a kid" safety factor.
I think you both missed the point, he really just wanted a pin ROFL

LOL Point taken! :wizard:

Here you go, this might be the closest VMK would ever get to this one, but it's a pin! (or a concept for one anywho...)

Aengus, I didn't think about reporting them but that's a good idea. These girls were giving out their height, their ages, what color hair they had. I was really surprised vmk didn't do anything about it but I guess they can't catch everything.

It is frustrating though to not be able to explain that you are an adult to someone who assumes you are another kid. It's too bad vmk doesn't allow some way for you to do this without getting personal.

I agree that parents need to be watching their kids but obviously they can't be next to them on the computer every second either.

That is shocking that they were giving out information like that! ppl who give out personal information need to be banned, for their safety and others.
You are all shallow and ignorant. If I for once thought that you were creeps would I continue to come here... for over TWO YEARS?!? (For that matter, I said it was normal for a young kid to think that an adult in a kid's game is kinda creepy. Does anything about me strike you guys as normal? :rotfl: ) You can't approach a kid within that age range without prior acquaintance and tell him/her that you're an adult.

It can be interpreted, by the kid, to be the equivalent of talking to a stranger on the street.
It can be interpreted, by the kid, as the equivalent of cyberstalking.
It can be interpreted, by anyone, as creepy.

You said that you thought it was wrong for kids to give out their ages in front of an adult. The scenario should be reciprocal.
My post was hypothetical. I will repeat that I think none of you are creeps and I am extremely angry that you think I meant that!

Thank you SO MUCH Vary for standing up for me! Seriously, I would not get by without your help.

It's time for me to extract my revenge on Aengus and the rest of you. I am going to write a satire.
You are all shallow and ignorant. If I for once thought that you were creeps would I continue to come here... for over TWO YEARS?!? (For that matter, I said it was normal for a young kid to think that an adult in a kid's game is kinda creepy. Does anything about me strike you guys as normal? :rotfl: ) You can't approach a kid within that age range without prior acquaintance and tell him/her that you're an adult.

It can be interpreted, by the kid, to be the equivalent of talking to a stranger on the street.
It can be interpreted, by the kid, as the equivalent of cyberstalking.
It can be interpreted, by anyone, as creepy.

You said that you thought it was wrong for kids to give out their ages in front of an adult. The scenario should be reciprocal.
My post was hypothetical. I will repeat that I think none of you are creeps and I am extremely angry that you think I meant that!

Thank you SO MUCH Vary for standing up for me! Seriously, I would not get by without your help.

It's time for me to extract my revenge on Aengus and the rest of you. I am going to write a satire.

This is how I was as a child:
My parents would constantly see me walking down the street with strangers. Adult strangers.
They'd bring me in the house and talk to me about not talking to strangers. They would then ask if I understood. I would always say yes. Then they would send me back outside to play.

Ten minutes later they'd see me walking down the street talking to some stranger.
You are all shallow and ignorant. If I for once thought that you were creeps would I continue to come here... for over TWO YEARS?!? (For that matter, I said it was normal for a young kid to think that an adult in a kid's game is kinda creepy. Does anything about me strike you guys as normal? :rotfl: ) You can't approach a kid within that age range without prior acquaintance and tell him/her that you're an adult.

It can be interpreted, by the kid, to be the equivalent of talking to a stranger on the street.
It can be interpreted, by the kid, as the equivalent of cyberstalking.
It can be interpreted, by anyone, as creepy.

You said that you thought it was wrong for kids to give out their ages in front of an adult. The scenario should be reciprocal.
My post was hypothetical. I will repeat that I think none of you are creeps and I am extremely angry that you think I meant that!

Thank you SO MUCH Vary for standing up for me! Seriously, I would not get by without your help.

It's time for me to extract my revenge on Aengus and the rest of you. I am going to write a satire.

This changes nothing.. YOU ARE A CREEP! and I still have your prize so I suggest you take that into account while writing your satire.
Awww, Card.... All of us creepy adults love you! :hug:

Please don't write a satire!!! :scared1:
Yes, but if we're dealing with internet boundaries only, then I think it's probably creepier for adult to pretend to be a kid than to outright let it be known that he/she is an adult. I'm sure many of us have seen the TV newsmagazine specials like "Dateline" that show how predators operate.

So in this case, I can understand Cardinal's gut reaction.

I'd like to put something into perspective, to show you how things can be perceived to be creepy in today's society, using a Disney film!

Here goes:

Imagine if you will, a little girl receives an invitation to a party at the house across the way. She arrives to find herself the only guest at the party, with a grown man as the host. He performs a ventriloquist act with his dummies. The one dummy offers her cake, candy or a cigar (in jest).

How many of you would think this movie was about a predator luring a little girl to assault her? I know I definitely would. But the scene is really from the movie, "Fun and Fancy Free", released back in 1947. The ventriloquist is probably the most famous of them all....Edgar Bergen.

Back then, it would never have occurred to anyone to see the dark undertones of a predator. Unfortunately, in today's society, we're more aware of depravity, and it's a sad truth.

It's no wonder to me that kids who feel adults are encroaching on a "kids" game would be highly suspicious of their motives. They don't think that adults who play could be parents who play the game with their kids. Nor would they think we could just simply be adults who grew up loving Disney.

You are all shallow and ignorant. If I for once thought that you were creeps would I continue to come here... for over TWO YEARS?!? (For that matter, I said it was normal for a young kid to think that an adult in a kid's game is kinda creepy. Does anything about me strike you guys as normal? :rotfl: ) You can't approach a kid within that age range without prior acquaintance and tell him/her that you're an adult.

It can be interpreted, by the kid, to be the equivalent of talking to a stranger on the street.
It can be interpreted, by the kid, as the equivalent of cyberstalking.
It can be interpreted, by anyone, as creepy.

You said that you thought it was wrong for kids to give out their ages in front of an adult. The scenario should be reciprocal.
My post was hypothetical. I will repeat that I think none of you are creeps and I am extremely angry that you think I meant that!

Thank you SO MUCH Vary for standing up for me! Seriously, I would not get by without your help.

It's time for me to extract my revenge on Aengus and the rest of you. I am going to write a satire.

I bolded a couple of things. One was where I defended your reaction and provided some perspective. And the other was where you sarcastically "thanked" everyone for standing up for you. And you think I'm always on the other side of the discussion! Sheesh.

Remind me never to stand up for you again. :rolleyes:
(I'm pretty sure you're kidding if you want to write a satire. But the tone of your response sounds pretty awful, like you mean it.)
I bolded a couple of things. One was where I defended your reaction and provided some perspective. And the other was where you sarcastically "thanked" everyone for standing up for you. And you think I'm always on the other side of the discussion! Sheesh.

Remind me never to stand up for you again. :rolleyes:
(I'm pretty sure you're kidding if you want to write a satire. But the tone of your response sounds pretty awful, like you mean it.)

his repsonse is as bad as his original post where he called us all creepy :rotfl:


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