Kids need to know a lot of adults play vmk

I disagree, aengus. Cardinal's actual quote was "I think that it is perfectly normal in this day and age to think that a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep." He then asked us to put ourselves in the place of a kid who had an adult walk up to them in-game and say "Hi, I'm a grownup." That is a little creepy.

The very next post began 'You stated that a "grown adult playing a kids game is a creep."' Is that what he said? No. That's part of what he said, leaving out a few very important words that change the meaning of the entire statement. That's what 'out of context' means.
that is obviously his opinon right? its in the first person.
Even so, I'm not sure that saying you are a grown up alone is creepy. Asking for personal information or otherwise engaging a child is different. Telling me that saying I'm a grown up is creepy is absolutely insinuating that all grown ups on vmk are weirdos. So basically it's okay to say you are a kid or you just got home from school or whatever but it's creepy to say that I'm a mom or going to pick up my kids. A lot of double standard there.
Oh, Card, my friend...look at the pretty hole you dug for yourself...LOL! So, I'm a creep now, eh? Dude, I hope you've got a better explanation coming that will clarify your post's intent.

Off topic...
Context: The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.

Nobody here took any part of his post 'out of context'. It was taken literally as it was written.
aengus said:
that is obviously his opinon right? its in the first person.
That's not what it sounds like to me. He stated that there are stories every day about child predators tracking down children online, which can mean that some kids will be a little frightened by the thought of adults playing the game with thim. But several other people in this thread seemed to take his comments personally, as if he were saying that they personally were creepy. And that does not appear to be what he was saying at all.
pixiewytch said:
Even so, I'm not sure that saying you are a grown up alone is creepy. Asking for personal information or otherwise engaging a child is different. Telling me that saying I'm a grown up is creepy is absolutely insinuating that all grown ups on vmk are weirdos. So basically it's okay to say you are a kid or you just got home from school or whatever but it's creepy to say that I'm a mom or going to pick up my kids. A lot of double standard there.
An adult walking up to a random player who happens to be a kid and saying 'Hi, i'm a grownup' could be creepy for the kid. That was the example given. Do you disagree that a kid might find that unnerving?

And yes, if you're playing a game with a group of actual children, and then announce that you have to leave to go pick up your kids, that may be creepy for the kids you were playing with. That does not make you, personally, a creepy person, of course, but it does mean that you, through no fault or intent of your own, may have made some children uncomfortable. And that's understandable and even healthy: we're talking about kids as young as eight here, or even younger, some of whom have just finished learning about online safety. They've been taught that some adults who might mean them harm might pose as kids online, which is why it's never safe to tell personal information to anyone, no matter what you think their age is. And sure enough, here they are learning abruptly that someone they thought was their age isn't. Ew.

That doesn't mean that it's bad or dangerous for adults to play vmk, but it does mean that the adults who play the game do need to be responsible and conscious of the feelings of the players the game is intended for, and need to accept that some kids are just going to find adult players creepy. That's natural, and understandable, and not something that you should try to change. You're an adult. It doesn't hurt you. Rise above it.

Goofy05 said:
Context: The part of a text or statement that surrounds a particular word or passage and determines its meaning.

Nobody here took any part of his post 'out of context'. It was taken literally as it was written.
Literally, as it was written, minus a few very important words that change the post's meaning. It would be rather like me saying "You said 'I'm a creep'. I'm glad you finally admit it."
Well, there is no possible way to go on vmk and say "Hi, I'm a grown-up" and obviously players don't do that. I would say that it may come up in a back and forth context of a conversation, maybe even one where an adult is concerned about the child's safety. At any rate, I think we are getting a little nitpicky at this point. ;)

Ultimately you are right. The child's safety is first and foremost. I am the adult and yes, I can rise above it.

I'm sure all of us can be just a little jilted being perceived as a bunch of creeps for playing. Then again, I know adults who think we are nuts for playing vmk as well. You just can't win, can you? :laughing:

I guess it's time to start the weirdo creepo grownup club. If you actually remember the 80's and how to play old fashioned checkers you already meet the criteria. :rotfl:
That's not what it sounds like to me. He stated that there are stories every day about child predators tracking down children online, which can mean that some kids will be a little frightened by the thought of adults playing the game with thim. But several other people in this thread seemed to take his comments personally, as if he were saying that they personally were creepy. And that does not appear to be what he was saying at all.

he went on to do what you are describing. His sentence begins with "I think" therefore, everything that follows in that sentence are his opinions. The other paragraph he uses to support his theory why others may also think it. Or he mistyped, which is very possible. I have known card a pretty long time, I think he just chose the wrong words to express himself.

An adult walking up to a random player who happens to be a kid and saying 'Hi, i'm a grownup' could be creepy for the kid. That was the example given. Do you disagree that a kid might find that unnerving?

yes I do, but this is a separate issue. He is using that to support his first statement. While I find this to be accurate I disagree that it supports his other train of thought.

ETA: and Pete I am not in denial, I am well aware how creepy I am ROFL
he went on to do what you are describing. His sentance begins with "I think" therefore, everything that follows in that sentence are his opinions. The other paragraph he uses to support his theory why others may also think it. Or he mistyped, which is very possible. I have known card a pretty long time, I think he just chose the wrong words to express himself.
Yeah, he began the sentance with 'I think.' So yes, everything that follows is his opinion. And what were the words that followed? The full sentance:

Although it is obvious that people outside of this range play the game, I think that it is perfectly normal in this day and age to think that a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep.

He thinks that it's understandable to think that adult players are creepy. How can that possibly be construed to mean the same thing as "a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep"? Or even "I think a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep"? I loathe bananas, but I know some people love them, so I think it's understandable to think they're delicious. Does that mean I actually like bananas?

Maybe he could have expressed himself better, but I think his intent is perfectly clear. I see no way that his actual quote could possibly be boiled down to the statement quoted unless the quoter didn't read the post very carefully.
Ultimately you are right. The child's safety is first and foremost. I am the adult and yes, I can rise above it.

I'm sure all of us can be just a little jilted being perceived as a bunch of creeps for playing. Then again, I know adults who think we are nuts for playing vmk as well. You just can't win, can you? :laughing:
You're completely right there. It's a very difficult topic, and there's really no perfect way to handle it. I personally try to avoid interacting too much with players I don't know, and I avoid the age topic entirely, but that's not always possible and it definitely feels just as odd lying through omission about my age as it would putting it right in my signature. (Anyone ever seen a sig that begins 'I'm ancient'?)

I'm hoping that this forum automerges double posts. If it doesn't, sorry, and I'll fix it in a minute.

Edit: Hey, look, not only does the forum not automerge, but I don't see any way to delete the previous one, either, so I can't even fix it. Sigh. Sorry!
I remember when VMK first started. My b-day (and age) were displayed in the - today's birthdays area of dis. Only of the kids actually came up to me in the game and said. "Happy be day MouseTyme. Boy your ancient" lol

He is obviously a kid, judging from our conversations. (I may be wrong though) But we are still friends in the game. He didn't find it creepy. He rather found it cool that a person approaching 60 was playing the game.
Yeah, he began the sentance with 'I think.' So yes, everything that follows is his opinion. And what were the words that followed? The full sentance:

He thinks that it's understandable to think that adult players are creepy. How can that possibly be construed to mean the same thing as "a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep"? Or even "I think a grown adult playing a kids game is a creep"? I loathe bananas, but I know some people love them, so I think it's understandable to think they're delicious. Does that mean I actually like bananas?

Maybe he could have expressed himself better, but I think his intent is perfectly clear. I see no way that his actual quote could possibly be boiled down to the statement quoted unless the quoter didn't read the post very carefully.

heh, Sorry I still disagree. We will have to agree to disagree on that. Pointless to express it any other way.

I will say I am in complete agreement with the other points you previously made. I would be creeped out even as an adult if someone walked up to me and said hi i am an adult.
That's not what it sounds like to me. He stated that there are stories every day about child predators tracking down children online, which can mean that some kids will be a little frightened by the thought of adults playing the game with thim. But several other people in this thread seemed to take his comments personally, as if he were saying that they personally were creepy. And that does not appear to be what he was saying at all.An adult walking up to a random player who happens to be a kid and saying 'Hi, i'm a grownup' could be creepy for the kid. That was the example given. Do you disagree that a kid might find that unnerving?

And yes, if you're playing a game with a group of actual children, and then announce that you have to leave to go pick up your kids, that may be creepy for the kids you were playing with. That does not make you, personally, a creepy person, of course, but it does mean that you, through no fault or intent of your own, may have made some children uncomfortable. And that's understandable and even healthy: we're talking about kids as young as eight here, or even younger, some of whom have just finished learning about online safety. They've been taught that some adults who might mean them harm might pose as kids online, which is why it's never safe to tell personal information to anyone, no matter what you think their age is. And sure enough, here they are learning abruptly that someone they thought was their age isn't. Ew.

That doesn't mean that it's bad or dangerous for adults to play vmk, but it does mean that the adults who play the game do need to be responsible and conscious of the feelings of the players the game is intended for, and need to accept that some kids are just going to find adult players creepy. That's natural, and understandable, and not something that you should try to change. You're an adult. It doesn't hurt you. Rise above it.

Literally, as it was written, minus a few very important words that change the post's meaning. It would be rather like me saying "You said 'I'm a creep'. I'm glad you finally admit it."

I don't understand how it would be creepy for a kid to know suddenly that a person is an adult.
I remember when I was young. I didn't find most adult creepy unless they acted really creepy.

But then, I was raised with the mentality of be cautious but not afraid.
We've been too busy teaching kids that they need to be afraid of the boogy man that may not even be there.

The fact is, most kids are not kidnapped/molested by people they meet on the internet. Most are assaulted by people close to them in real life.

Again, nothing creepy about adults playing a game that may have originally been geared towards children. I had adult friends when I was a child. I didn't think it was creepy and neither did my parents who knew them.
As long as they and I didn't cross certain boundaries. :)

Announcing that someone is a child or adult really is not crossing a dangerous boundary.
The fact is, most kids are not kidnapped/molested by people they meet on the internet. Most are assaulted by people close to them in real life.

Yes, but if we're dealing with internet boundaries only, then I think it's probably creepier for adult to pretend to be a kid than to outright let it be known that he/she is an adult. I'm sure many of us have seen the TV newsmagazine specials like "Dateline" that show how predators operate.

So in this case, I can understand Cardinal's gut reaction.

I'd like to put something into perspective, to show you how things can be perceived to be creepy in today's society, using a Disney film!

Here goes:

Imagine if you will, a little girl receives an invitation to a party at the house across the way. She arrives to find herself the only guest at the party, with a grown man as the host. He performs a ventriloquist act with his dummies. The one dummy offers her cake, candy or a cigar (in jest).

How many of you would think this movie was about a predator luring a little girl to assault her? I know I definitely would. But the scene is really from the movie, "Fun and Fancy Free", released back in 1947. The ventriloquist is probably the most famous of them all....Edgar Bergen.

Back then, it would never have occurred to anyone to see the dark undertones of a predator. Unfortunately, in today's society, we're more aware of depravity, and it's a sad truth.

It's no wonder to me that kids who feel adults are encroaching on a "kids" game would be highly suspicious of their motives. They don't think that adults who play could be parents who play the game with their kids. Nor would they think we could just simply be adults who grew up loving Disney.
This day and age, adults play video games. That wasnt always the case. I refuse to call VMK a kids game, *cough* green car quest * cough *
My kid MonkeyRulz tells all her friends that her mummy plays VMK. I have met many of them in game and have a few on my list as well. They know I am here if they ever have any trouble. Since Monkey does not like to do quests or make credits, I usually go on her account and do the quests for her. Many times I read her messages -- they're of course from her friends sounding excited that she's finally on. One time one of her "friends" messaged something inappropriate in the message (I can't remember what), and so I messaged her back saying this was Monkeys mummy -- I am doing a quest for her. Many times her friends are like, "Oh hi Days!" But this one girl messaged me back the rudest thing...something along the lines of if you are a big person that is just scary. I gave her the usual safety speech and told her that I was not the only big person playing VMK -- that VMK was a family game and she should be careful of what she says and who she says it to. She went on to get very angry and pretty much thought I was creepy, and then told me that she was reporting me. Ah well...I tried...

I told Monkey when she got home and she deleted her from her friends list (it wasn't just from what had happened this time -- there were previous issues that made her think about deleting her).
This day and age, adults play video games. That wasnt always the case. I refuse to call VMK a kids game, *cough* green car quest * cough *

If VMK was truly a kid's game, my kid would not have nearly as much since I do the majority of her quests, and get credits for her so she can get items. I imagine many kids would be in a similar situation. JMO~
Oh, no kidding. Many of these quests are way too hard for kids....the trivia, the games...then again, maybe I'm just not the most savvy vmk player.:teacher:
If it was not for us adults playing video games when we were kids, critiquing and wanted it better, pong would be your game of choice. :lmao:

Face it we are the gamer generation. Born with games that were subpar, but still kept us addicted. Games grew and became better because of our generation. We were picky, wanted it better and better each time we played.


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