Over the River and Through the Woods to Mickey's House We Go! And Grandma is in Tow!

Yay! I made it! :cool1:

First, prayers have been sent for your daughter's friends. I hope all turns out ok. :hug:

Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! It's so neat you can get DGM to come with you all. :goodvibes

I'm glad we're not the only ones who drive from Louisiana to Florida. People look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'd rather drive than fly even if driving takes 2 days & I could be there in 2 hours with flying. Oh, well, to us it's all part of the trip experience!

Looking forward to more!
Prayers for your daughters friends on the way! I've finally come out of lurkdom Lisa! :thumbsup2 I can't wait to hear more about your family's adventures. I'm sure your mom is gonna love this trip!popcorn::
Prayers are going up Lisa. It is such a horrible tragedy unfolding down there. I pray that God keeps everyone safe and gives some peace to all those who have lost family or friends or still haven't heard from their loved ones.
Good Morning, Lisa. I will say a prayer for them. God is Good. He is watching over them, I know.

I won't be on much today, so please don't feel like I'm ignoring you. I'm having work issues - you remember my very lovely supervisor I've told you about right? More on that later.

Love ya! Will be in touch soon.
I can't believe it took me until page 3 to make it over here :scared1:. I'm so glad you started your PTR :banana: NOW LETS PARTY, OH I MEAN PLAN :woohoo:

Oh I am so excited that you are staying at the CBR. I was talking to John and Hunter about ya'll last night and they are excited too!

you got it!
Hope all is well!

Thanks so very much!

Every little prayer is appreciated!

Yay! I made it! :cool1:

First, prayers have been sent for your daughter's friends. I hope all turns out ok. :hug:

Your trip sounds like a lot of fun! It's so neat you can get DGM to come with you all. :goodvibes

I'm glad we're not the only ones who drive from Louisiana to Florida. People look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'd rather drive than fly even if driving takes 2 days & I could be there in 2 hours with flying. Oh, well, to us it's all part of the trip experience!

Looking forward to more!

Howdy! I'm so glad that you came over and it's so good to hear from you again.

I appreciate you praying for Lacey's friends.

I think we are more excited about Mama going with us than she is.

I actually like driving to Disney. We break it down into two days and it doesn't feel so bad.
Prayers for your daughters friends on the way! I've finally come out of lurkdom Lisa! :thumbsup2 I can't wait to hear more about your family's adventures. I'm sure your mom is gonna love this trip!popcorn::

Hey there! I'm glad that you decided to join my report. Mama IS going to have a great time. We are going to wear that 75 year old woman out!

Prayers are going up Lisa. It is such a horrible tragedy unfolding down there. I pray that God keeps everyone safe and gives some peace to all those who have lost family or friends or still haven't heard from their loved ones.

Thank you Dana! You know that prayer is powerful!

Good Morning, Lisa. I will say a prayer for them. God is Good. He is watching over them, I know.

I won't be on much today, so please don't feel like I'm ignoring you. I'm having work issues - you remember my very lovely supervisor I've told you about right? More on that later.

Love ya! Will be in touch soon.

Oh goodness Mel, it sounds like we need to do a little praying for you too. I hope it's not too bad of a day for you.

Lacey's pastor received an email yesterday from one of the people on the mission trip and he forwarded it to Lacey. I was going to copy and paste it here but AOL is down right now.

I'll try and remember what it said...apparently, they were working at an orphanage as part of their mission trip. The orphanage wasn't in the town that was hit the worst. A few people on the trip are from California and are used to earthquakes. They were out on the beach when the earthquake hit. The waves started coming in and just as they were commenting on it, the tremors started. Their car and the buildings started shaking extremely bad and they could see rock slides on the nearby mountains.

Everyone there was okay but some of the volunteers at the orphanage lived in the town hit the worst and lost family members.

The last bad shake they felt was around 12:15 a.m. yesterday morning.

They were supposed to try and fly home tomorrow but they aren't sure if they will be able to do so.

Of course, communication is limited. They have heard nothing else from the group since yesterday's communication.


Lacey's pastor received an email yesterday from one of the people on the mission trip and he forwarded it to Lacey. I was going to copy and paste it here but AOL is down right now.

I'll try and remember what it said...apparently, they were working at an orphanage as part of their mission trip. The orphanage wasn't in the town that was hit the worst. A few people on the trip are from California and are used to earthquakes. They were out on the beach when the earthquake hit. The waves started coming in and just as they were commenting on it, the tremors started. Their car and the buildings started shaking extremely bad and they could see rock slides on the nearby mountains.

Everyone there was okay but some of the volunteers at the orphanage lived in the town hit the worst and lost family members.

The last bad shake they felt was around 12:15 a.m. yesterday morning.

They were supposed to try and fly home tomorrow but they aren't sure if they will be able to do so.

Of course, communication is limited. They have heard nothing else from the group since yesterday's communication.

I'm so glad she's heard from them & that they're ok. I'm so sorry to hear about the people who've lost family.:sad1: It's so tragic when these things happen. I continue to keep them & everyone in Haiti in my prayers.

I'm originally from California & am no stranger to quakes, but I'll tell you, they scare me every time! Very disconcerting when your whole world is literally shaking & tumbling down around you.

Keep us posted!
I'm so glad she's heard from them & that they're ok. I'm so sorry to hear about the people who've lost family.:sad1: It's so tragic when these things happen. I continue to keep them & everyone in Haiti in my prayers.

I'm originally from California & am no stranger to quakes, but I'll tell you, they scare me every time! Very disconcerting when your whole world is literally shaking & tumbling down around you.

Keep us posted!

Thank God they are ok. It is so horrible what happened there. It is so sad.

We were relieved to hear that everybody was okay. Now, we just have to wait and see if they make it out tomorrow.
Day Two: Thursday, May 27, 2010:
As I said in my Day One plans, we want to make it to at least Pensacola but really hope to make it to Crestview.

If we stop in Pensacola, there's a Red Roof Inn that is 366.94 miles from our house. According to MapQuest, that will be a 6 hour 6 minute drive.

If we stop in Crestview, we like staying at the Jameson Inn. The drive from our house to Jameson Inn is 409.90 miles which is 6 hours and 45 minutes per MapQuest.

Both places have a continental breakfast which is great 'cause even though we aren't big breakfast eaters, we can eat something light. Hunter and I usually go down and get the items and bring them back up. That way, we can eat while we get ready.

I want to try to leave hotel at 8:30 a.m. or so. Maybe, even earlier. Depends on what time we stopped for the night and how tired we are.

Here are pics of us at the Crestview Jameson on our August, 2009 trip. this is Lacey turning a cartwheel in the hallway. We weren't being loud so don't fuss at us.


Outside the Jameson:



Hours/mileage from Red Roof Inn to Caribbean Beach Resort:
7 hrs. 4 minutes/452.96 miles

Hours/mileage from Jameson Inn to Caribbean Beach Resort:
6 hrs. 24 minutes/409.44 miles

If I am remembering correctly, the time will change somewhere around Tallahassee, Florida and we'll have to set our watches up by an hour. The drive along I-10 is boring. Thank goodness for PSPs, Nintendo DSis and portable DVD players.

Our plan is to pick up lunch somewhere that’s easy off and on I-10. Since Mama's with us, we'll probably go not get it to go and will eat inside. That way, she'll have a chance to get out and stretch her legs.

**I need to stop here. Gotta get something for the boss. Be back in a little while.
Your 2nd day plan sounds good! 6-7 hours of driving is a lot - especially at night! I totally agree about I-10 - BORING! And lopsided - the lanes dip down on each side so you ride crooked. This really bothers me! I guess they did this to speed rain digress, but Ack! I don't like riding along at an angle. My bum gets numb! :rotfl:

We used to stop in Pensacola, but last year I tried making it to Lake City instead (about a 3 hr difference). While it was a super long 1st day, boy was it nice to only have 2.5 hours left til we got to WDW the 2nd day!

We're shooting for that again this year. In fact, I've already reserved our room at the Comfort Suites where we stayed last year. Great breakfast, comfortable beds, and super nice staff. DD is a HUGE breakfast eater, so this is always a plus with us.
Oh goodness Mel, it sounds like we need to do a little praying for you too. I hope it's not too bad of a day for you.
Well, I can always use prayers! I appreciate them very much. The day is going fine, I'm just staying "under" the radar. She's made me angry one too many times and unfortunately I let it show. She called me out on it. We had words. I basically just told her that I didn't want to get personal, that all of our dealings from now on would be strictly professional. We haven't said anything to each other in two days. I kind of like it that way, actually. It is less stressful, though I hate it has come down to this...
Your 2nd day plan sounds good! 6-7 hours of driving is a lot - especially at night! I totally agree about I-10 - BORING! And lopsided - the lanes dip down on each side so you ride crooked. This really bothers me! I guess they did this to speed rain digress, but Ack! I don't like riding along at an angle. My bum gets numb! :rotfl:

We used to stop in Pensacola, but last year I tried making it to Lake City instead (about a 3 hr difference). While it was a super long 1st day, boy was it nice to only have 2.5 hours left til we got to WDW the 2nd day!

We're shooting for that again this year. In fact, I've already reserved our room at the Comfort Suites where we stayed last year. Great breakfast, comfortable beds, and super nice staff. DD is a HUGE breakfast eater, so this is always a plus with us.

You know exactly the route we drive 'cause ya'll take it too. Just plain ole downright boring! There's nothing to see and like you said, the road is lopsided.

I really really want to make it to Crestview but that'd put us stopping around midnight. I just have to see how Mama handles it.

I wish I could make it to Lake City. What I wouldn't give for just a 2.5 hour drive that second day!

Well, I can always use prayers! I appreciate them very much. The day is going fine, I'm just staying "under" the radar. She's made me angry one too many times and unfortunately I let it show. She called me out on it. We had words. I basically just told her that I didn't want to get personal, that all of our dealings from now on would be strictly professional. We haven't said anything to each other in two days. I kind of like it that way, actually. It is less stressful, though I hate it has come down to this...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're having "issues". Makes me happy that I work in a one man/one woman office.
sounds like u got a great plan going on, tis a good thing they invented the portable games systems/dvd players, if we never had them on our previous trips, i bee bored as heck, lol
Hi Lisa.

First, I'm so glad to hear that Lacey's friends were unharmed by the earthquake in Haiti. I went on a Mission trip to Haiti when I was a senior in High School and watching the news coverage yesterday just broke my heart. In a country where the people already have so little and struggle just to live day to day, a tragedy of this magnitude is that much more devastating.

Your Day 2 plans look great so far. I love the pic of Lacey doing a cartwheel in the hallway...I remember that one from your last TR!

Can't wait to hear more! Take care and let Lacey know that prayers are going up for her friends as well as for all the relief workers in Haiti.


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