Dizzy World here we come!! March 2010 PTR with pictures!

Just ran into a small snag in our plans. On March 7th we were going to take a break from the parks and go to the Beach. Our plan was to go to Daytona Beach, but I just got on their website and discovered that they're having "BIKE WEEK" that weekend, and there is NOOOOO way we're taking small kids to that. So, I was wondering what would be the next best option for "beach day"? Any suggestions?:confused3
March 7th

Going to the Beach.

Have NO idea which one as of now. My vote was to go Honeymoon Island, but everyone else wants to go somewhere where there’s a little more action? Going to research some of the local beaches tomorrow to see if I can come up with something everyone can agree on.

For the evening we will hang out at DTD.
** Need to buy our annual Christmas ornament
** Reya saved up a bunch of Change throughout the year, so we’ll cash it in this weekend and that will be her shopping money for our DTD shopping day.
** Buy some fun bath items for my Jacuzzi tub in the condo and basin. ((Love those fizzy bath balls))
** Might go see Alice in Wonderland at the theatre if we’re up for it
** Shop, Shop, Shop

7:00 PM: Dinner ADR at Planet Hollywood

Back to the hotel for swimming and relaxation.
Joining in! Your baby boy is too precious!!! Congrats on that new baby!!! I miss Shelby being that little already!

Your daughter is alot like Shelby hair-wise lol...now off to play catch up!
Thought I would pop over and read your report....seems I'm just in time for you to be going! :laughing: Your family is precious and I can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes

Just had a few minutes to read through your whole report, and WOW are your kids cute!! :lovestruc You'll have to let me know how it goes with such a young baby. I can't imagine! My kids never sleep through the night until at least 9 months so I would just be so tired for the parks during the days if we went with a baby that young. That's great your baby is already headed there! Mine still got up at least twice at that age.

As for parking, we were just there in January and it was $14 per day. Isn't that insane?!? We thought so! Be sure to save your ticket if you leave the lot because it's good for the whole day.

Also, for T-Rex we had no problem getting in at lunch time. I tried to make a dinner ADR months before our trip and there was never any availability for any of the days I checked. We got there around 11:30 to try for lunch one day and the place was practically empty. Just one word of warning - it's incredibly lound in there. My kids loved it though.

I've also heard good things about Cocoa Beach. We want to spend a day there on a future trip.

I love your countdown! I feel like a bad mommy now - I just printed out pictures of Mickey in black and white on a regular piece of computer paper and had my kids color one in every day. Next time I'm making one like yours!

Can you tell me how pin trading works when you have a chance? We didn't do it this time but those pins sure are pretty!

Your trip is so close! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!
I'm so glad I found your PTR! We are going to be there while you are (me, DH, and our 1.5 year old DD). Well, not so many days, but we'll be there the 8th-12th. Yay! Can't wait! Your kids are precious. I love all the pictures. We've had lunch at CRT (October 2009) and we all LOVED it! We are going to do dinner this trip. Can't wait to read more and see your TR after your trip!
March 8th

Animal Kingdom

7:00 AM: Wake up
** Have Breakfast at Condo

8:30 AM: Leave

9:00 AM: Opening

1:15 PM: Lunch ADR at Rainforest Café’

2:30 PM: Festival of the Lion King

3:00 PM: Find seats for Parade

3:45 PM: Mickey Jammin Jungle Parade

5:00 PM: Park Closes

Undecided on what we’ll do after 5:00 …. We might go to another park for a few hours or we might go back to the hotel to swim and relax. It’s open as of now.


1. Expedition Everest
2. Dinosaur
3. It’s tough to be a bug
4. Affection Section
5. Kilimajaro Safaris
6. Tricera Top Spin
7. Finding Nemo
8. Pin trading
9. Character greetings

Joining in! Your baby boy is too precious!!! Congrats on that new baby!!! I miss Shelby being that little already!

Your daughter is alot like Shelby hair-wise lol...now off to play catch up!

Thank you, and thanks for joining! I'm glad you decided to drop by. ;)

Thought I would pop over and read your report....seems I'm just in time for you to be going! :laughing: Your family is precious and I can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes


Thank you and WELCOME!! :goodvibes

Just had a few minutes to read through your whole report, and WOW are your kids cute!! :lovestruc You'll have to let me know how it goes with such a young baby. I can't imagine! My kids never sleep through the night until at least 9 months so I would just be so tired for the parks during the days if we went with a baby that young. That's great your baby is already headed there! Mine still got up at least twice at that age.

As for parking, we were just there in January and it was $14 per day. Isn't that insane?!? We thought so! Be sure to save your ticket if you leave the lot because it's good for the whole day.

Also, for T-Rex we had no problem getting in at lunch time. I tried to make a dinner ADR months before our trip and there was never any availability for any of the days I checked. We got there around 11:30 to try for lunch one day and the place was practically empty. Just one word of warning - it's incredibly lound in there. My kids loved it though.

I've also heard good things about Cocoa Beach. We want to spend a day there on a future trip.

I love your countdown! I feel like a bad mommy now - I just printed out pictures of Mickey in black and white on a regular piece of computer paper and had my kids color one in every day. Next time I'm making one like yours!

Can you tell me how pin trading works when you have a chance? We didn't do it this time but those pins sure are pretty!

Your trip is so close! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!

Well there is NO way we would be able to go on this trip with a 10 week old if it weren't for the help of my SIL and her husband. But since there will be 4 sets of adult hands to help out, I don't see it being too much of a problem. We took DD to DLR when she was 6 months old and it was easy peasy.. ((So we'll see)) ~~ Jayden slept from 9 PM to 3 Am last night, so I'm thinking that he's officially "starting" to sleep through the night. I'm getting a LOT more sleep now then I did when I was pregnant though, so I'm really thankful for that. I'll be sure to take notes on how great or NOT so great things go.

Thanks for the advice on TREX and parking. :thumbsup2

Putting the calendar together was fun.... I've seen some that are REALLY creative, but I think ours was still pretty cool. :cool2:

Pin trading is really fun... There's a great website you can check out that will give you all the information you need. http://eventservices.disney.go.com/pintrading/page?id=getStarted

We just do it for fun though, we don't get too serious about it. I think it's a fun way for DD to meet new people and to find new pins that she REALLY likes. I just go on Ebay and find sellers to sell them in bulk.... If you buy the pins in the park they usually start at around $5.00 each, but on ebay I buy them for about a $1.00 each.

She mostly trades with the cast members, who are required to trade a Pin NO matter what..... If you ask random traders, they of course can opt out of trading a certain pin if they want.

I think it's a fun activity for the kids to do.... I highly recommend it .

I'm so glad I found your PTR! We are going to be there while you are (me, DH, and our 1.5 year old DD). Well, not so many days, but we'll be there the 8th-12th. Yay! Can't wait! Your kids are precious. I love all the pictures. We've had lunch at CRT (October 2009) and we all LOVED it! We are going to do dinner this trip. Can't wait to read more and see your TR after your trip!

Welcome. :goodvibes

Thanks for the lovely comments. :)

I just noticed you have a ptr, I'll have to go check it out.

We took DD to WDW when she was 1.5 and had a blast. Is this your DD's 1st trip?
We took DD to WDW when she was 1.5 and had a blast. Is this your DD's 1st trip?

Actually, it will be her 3rd. :laughing: We live overseas and have had to fly to Florida to see an pediatric orthopedic doctor because DD has very mild hip displasia. They have orthopedic doctors on island, but none specializing in kids. She's perfectly fine, but we have had to go quite a few times. One of those trips, while she was 2 months old, we went ahead and took the short drive down to spend the day at Disney. Then we went in October just a month after she turned 1.
ONLY 8 days to go!!!!!

After I post todays pictures I'm OFF to do some last minute vacation shopping!!! It's always so much fun to shop with a infant and pre-schooler all by myself!!!! NOT!!!!!!!! I'll post more stuff when I get home this evening!.... Happy hump day everyone!














I'm so excited to be reading this a week before you go! Your new son is SO gorgeous! Your daughter is beautiful and sounds so sweet. I'm so excited for you and your wonderful family! I hope everything goes perfect! :)
I'm so excited to be reading this a week before you go! Your new son is SO gorgeous! Your daughter is beautiful and sounds so sweet. I'm so excited for you and your wonderful family! I hope everything goes perfect! :)

Welcome, and thanks for all the sweet comments. :goodvibes

Gorgeous pictures today!

Happy shopping!

Thank you... I got a LOT done today .... But had a very, very fussy baby to deal with.... So wasn't too much fun. ( Still got a little more to do before we leave.)
March 9th

7:00 AM: Wake up
* Have Breakfast at hotel

8:30 AM: Leave

9:00 AM: Park Opens

6:00 PM: Park Closes

Have no idea what we’re going to do for Lunch or Dinner. Margaritaville sounds good for lunch. Mmmmmmm!!


1. Shrek 4-D
2. ET
3. Men in Black
4. Jaws
5. The Simpons Ride
6. Terminator 3-D
7. Jimmy Neutrons Cartoon Blast
8. Fear Factor Live
9. Horror Make up show
10. Curious George goes to Town
11. Rip Ride Rock it….((I might have to pass on this one, can’t handle these kinda rides like I could))

Night is Open after 6:00 PM ((Drinks by the pool sound pretty good)) :)

Gorgeous pictures as usual! Which camera do you use? I hope you had fun shopping!! I do treasure the time to go by myself and I only have one child! :rotfl2: I can only imagine what it is like to balance both.
Gorgeous pictures as usual! Which camera do you use? I hope you had fun shopping!! I do treasure the time to go by myself and I only have one child! :rotfl2: I can only imagine what it is like to balance both.

Thank you..... I use the digital rebel.

Shopping is NOT what it's cracked up to be anymore..... This saturday I'm going to get my hair cut and colored and enjoy a little shopping all by myself while the husband watches the kids. .. YAY!!! :woohoo:
Hi there- I just found you and I'm so happy I did... :goodvibes

I love all of your pictures, and of course your children are just adorable. ;)Despite having two little ones it sounds like you've done a great job staying organized and putting this trip together - my kudos definitely go out to you! :thumbsup2

I'm looking forward to reading all about your trip and seeing what you think about CP breakfast- we are going there our first day... anyway, I'm excited for you, only 1 more week- yay!! :banana:
Hi there- I just found you and I'm so happy I did... :goodvibes

I love all of your pictures, and of course your children are just adorable. ;)Despite having two little ones it sounds like you've done a great job staying organized and putting this trip together - my kudos definitely go out to you! :thumbsup2

I'm looking forward to reading all about your trip and seeing what you think about CP breakfast- we are going there our first day... anyway, I'm excited for you, only 1 more week- yay!! :banana:

Hello, and WELCOME! :goodvibes

Thanks for the sweet compliments. Planning this Trip with a preschooler and a newborn hasn't been easy. I'm usually REALLY detailed about my Disney planning but have come to the conclusion that this year is going to be different. Pretty much everything is going to revolve around the baby and what he can and can't handle. I'm going to have to learn to roll with the punches I guess. Right now Reya is sleeping and Jayden is just chillin' next to me on the couch watching the Today show... It's moments like these that I get to work on plans.. I also have to sneak in feedings, diapers, dishes, laundry, and house cleaning in there too... :laundy:

I'll be sure to report on my experience at CP .... I'm hoping Reya doesn't freak out and hide under the table the entire time, like she did the first time we ate at a character breakfast.
We've hit the 1 week mark!!! ONLY 7 DAYS to go!!!!

One of my all time favorite photos… I think we were waiting in line for Winnie the Pooh here.


Grandpa and Reya after riding POTC


My pumpkin




Waiting for the Magic Carpet ride….. Sure miss that monkey on her back!


Sweet dreams….. ((Isn’t she Jayden’s mini-me))


At the Rainforest café’


This picture always cracks me up... my poor DH can never find a pair of Mickey Ears to fit his HUGE head.





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