Chatterbox Thread-Cmon in and Jabber! Everyone is Welcome!

I've gone on gay days weekend before..more packed on Saturday (picks up in the afternoon and is uber busy until the fireworks, most of the crowd leaves right after fireworks.) Go early, stay late :thumbsup2 Very light crowds on Sunday, a happier day with families in rainbow and red shirts. :goodvibes

We probably won't get there until late Saturday. The annual side walk sale at the motocycle shop we go to is that morning.

We usually get a GAC for my DBF because of his knees so even if it is crowded we should be okay. I did see that there are a lot of activited planned out side of the parks.

I got a room on Priceline for $35 for Saturday night. :thumbsup2 It's about a mile up Harbor but it has a free continential breakfast with freshly made waffles. :)

I hope to see you at the park Sarah :) Even if it's just a quick hi :) I will be there because the DJ I kidnapped must be returned to ElecTRONica. lol. jk. ;) Maybe ;) lol

DS11 asked me before dinner if he could play the wii, because he finished all his homework. I said he could, after dinner, after his shower. So he took his shower while I made dinner, wolfed down some food and then when we were done eating, asked "Now?" I said yes.

DS7 takes a bit longer to lead to water (or more the bar of soap), but he did better tonight than normal. Until a few minutes ago he was singing away in the bath. I forgot how adorable that is... :lovestruc

Now he's done and getting out, still all chipper and cute as a bug. :rotfl:
Hello, it's summer again! What? You didn't get the memo that we are to have only a few days of fall this year? We just thought summer was so awesome, let's do it again in October. Now isn't that "special"... no, its not special and I don't like it very much. I want to turn off my ac, I want to bake and make yummy goodness. Hello? Mr Fall? Can you come back please?
OOOOOOhhh... Our fall has hit. and its lovely! We have about 20lbs of apples and pears left. AFTER I made about 25 jars of pearsauce.. I was going for pear butter, but thats not how it turned out. LOL!!
Hello, it's summer again! What? You didn't get the memo that we are to have only a few days of fall this year? We just thought summer was so awesome, let's do it again in October. Now isn't that "special"... no, its not special and I don't like it very much. I want to turn off my ac, I want to bake and make yummy goodness. Hello? Mr Fall? Can you come back please?

Try living in Tucson, summer last 6 months (or more) here and winter never arrives... The last two years, we've gone pumpkin picking in 95+ degree weather. I decided we're not going to to it this year, no need even pretending it's fall here.
Hey Ladies,

Just droppin by to say hi :) I posted on the other thread this morning. Hope you guys are having a good day. I have my fun hip hop class tonight and am stoked! My teacher wants us to hit the club tomorrow night and test out our moves :eek: I am thinking of going and honestly think it will be really fun! One of my friends is down for it and will let me know if she wants to go or not. Excited!
Hey Ladies,

Just droppin by to say hi :) I posted on the other thread this morning. Hope you guys are having a good day. I have my fun hip hop class tonight and am stoked! My teacher wants us to hit the club tomorrow night and test out our moves :eek: I am thinking of going and honestly think it will be really fun! One of my friends is down for it and will let me know if she wants to go or not. Excited!

DO IT!!! How FUN!! I love going out dancing! Its my favorite "grown up" thing to do. Not that I get to do it ever... Even when we do go out, ny husband is a horrid dancer, so he just kinda stares at me all night. :lmao:
DO IT!!! How FUN!! I love going out dancing! Its my favorite "grown up" thing to do. Not that I get to do it ever... Even when we do go out, ny husband is a horrid dancer, so he just kinda stares at me all night. :lmao:

:rotfl: Yes! I plan to! I met some cool people in class and they encouraged me to go. I think it will be fun. One of my friends might go with me as well. It should be a lot of fun! :)

Happy Friday!

I got in for the AP party on the 12th! It's from 8pm-midnight but I'm thinking we wll go for the whole day. :)
Happy Friday!

I got in for the AP party on the 12th! It's from 8pm-midnight but I'm thinking we wll go for the whole day. :)

Cool! I didn't even know what that was or anything. My friend just texted me awhile ago and asked if I wanted to go with her so I said yes :) I will be there the same day. Hope to see you!
Hey I saw Rochelle's post on the Diva thread.. proud of you going out and having some fun :yay:

Try an ameretto coke, it tastes just like a cherry coke and you can sip it without going to your head too fast. :drinking1 That's my drink of choice when we go out. At home we buy the good stuff (Disaronno), it's so smoooooooooooth you can drink it straight with a bit of ice and pretend you are in Italy. :goodvibes Amazing how good quality liqueur tastes so different than the cheap stuff.

hmm, though if it was a free drink... that usually doesn't include ameretto.. hmm, try a rum coke instead. Or a cranberry cosmo or long island tea (mmmmm yum)... but skip the Jaggermeister - that will kick your booty! :eek:

You would think I am a total lush, so not true! :laughing: Once a year or so for going out and every few months at home we indulge in yumminess. slurrrrrrrrrrp.

I signed up and won yet ANOTHER set of tickets. We are going on Tuesday night to a local well known club/concert venue called First Ave (it's where Prince started out and would try new songs/styles before recording.. in the 80's...long before he emerged as that weird love sxy symbol thingie) to see Ziggy Marley. :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay: We're not big fans, but we have listened to a few songs on his latest album.. much better sound than his older stuff. Think about it, takes years to step out of his father's shadow and become known for his own music. Should be a fun night!
grrrrr... IM hating my family right now. Okay. I went away for the weekend. Not even the weekend really. I was gone for 24 hours. The house was reasonably clean when I left. My husband was going to go over to friends house Saturday night, no big deal, we have a sitter. I asked him to come home early, because its just going to be him with the kids. Did he? No. there are are Huge piles of garbage on my counter, they ate ALL the snacks in house. which was about a weeks worth, because no one could figure out how to make an actual meal.

He didnt get home til 3am, and was tired and grumpy all day with the kids. There were piles of dishes all ove rthe kitchen..

I just dont get how it can be that hard to see what needs to be done, and DO what needs to be done. Its called being a responsible adult. he just wont FOCUS. and its beyond pissing me off.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Hi, all!

We're back from our trip (and caught up on sleep finally!) Our first real vacation since ex-DH and I broke up 2+ years ago, and we went back to DL. I was hoping it would be a lot of fun, but also prepared that it might be a little sad for the boys to be there without Daddy. And it was, but just for a moment.

We had some ups and downs, and were all exhausted by the time we got home. DS7 was not ill, but for some reason barfed several times (in public) on the trip, which freaked me out. The first time I didn't know what the heck was going on, and he wouldn't stand still and talk to me, just kept begging for water and saying he needed to leave and walking away from me. I finally got him calmed down enough to talk to me, and it sounded like he was still queasy (though wanted to go on Splash Mountain! :scared1:) so I insisted we go to First Aid and had him lay down for awhile. He seemed fine, he had no fever, so at that point (post-dinner) we just headed back to the hotel.

He got queasy several times throughout the stay, often when we were on a ride he was unfamiliar with or a bit scared of. We tried to ride ToT twice, but both times he got queasy (thank goodness BEFORE we were on an elevator) and we bailed... quickly! He did anoint the queue in Star Tours, unfortunately. UGH, single file line so no way to move up or back, it was awful! Took forever to get some help and get out of there. He managed to ride Space Mountain but was freaked out by the ghosts, so any mention of that ride after made him turn green. Other times he got queasy during/after a meal, especially when DS11 reminded him about not eating too much "so you don't get sick again." (DOH! Stop talking about it to him!) :headache:

Anyway... The weather pooped out last Tuesday (rain), and Wednesday it was just like being at home, with colder temps, and a downpour blowing sideways from the wind. I'd packed ponchos but hadn't expected the temps to drop so much, so all we had were shorts to wear. We did a bit of shopping in DTD and spent the rest of Wed. in our room, reading and watching TV, and the boys played with lightsabers they'd purchased.

Friday was my birthday, so we had a nice dinner at Ariel's (until DS7 lost it in the bathroom, that is) and then had tickets to the first World of Color show. Lots of standing and we were all bored, but once the show got started it was SO BEAUTIFUL! I had neglected to recharge my camera battery, but had charged DS11's, so he got some cool shots. :thumbsup2

All in all a stressful, squabbling, exhausting trip, but I'm glad we did it. Now we know what to expect for the next trip, and hopefully it will be better.

And it so SO MAKING ME APPRECIATE a solo trip! :lmao:
Im glad you had a decently good trip. :thumbsup2

My husband has been sick for the past few days.. So I took advantage of him being home to actually get some stuff done out side of the house that needs to be done during the week.. That I cant to do because we only have the one car, and I have the twins who make leaving the house next to impossible right now. I went to DSHS and got us on food stamps.. I could get Julie on because shes 18 now, and we dont get any child support for Alex anymore. So we get $388 a month in food stamps. Thats a ton. I got a crapton of food at WINCO for less then $200. Plus we can use the food stamps at the meat market, so I have an order in there the we are going to pick up tomorrow. I think I can stretch the $388 and make it last us the whole month.

Im really bleepin tired right now. I think I am going to start sleeping on the couch or something because my husband seems to have some major issue with me actually sleeping. He keeps waking me up, and I am just getting grumpier and grumpier during the day. GRRRRR.
Oh man Staley! What is up with men who can't figure out how to put together a meal, clean it up and know not to disrupt a busy mom's sleep? :sad2:

Go sharpen those sporks!!

My dh has no clue how to put a meal together, but dang he's better at keeping the apt clean than I am! I think I need to clone him. :laughing: He does the dishes and tidies the living room before I even wake up. :lovestruc

Granted the man can't sleep more than 5 to 6 hours (and my med knocks me out for 8 to 9 hrs ...sigh..), not much else to DO since we don't have TV reception and the big TV in the living room is trying to die (wow, I didn't know that game had neon colors, what's that green blob doing?).

He is a man of many talents, but cooking is not one of them. He makes food taste disgusting, too salty, too spicy, weird mix of flavors. No idea how to take a the assortment of ingredients and make it into an edible dish. If I don't make something; he buys junk food, goes out to eat or just doesn't eat at all. The last time I left for a weekend to my parent's house, they ate pizza for every meal. Lack of imagination?? :confused3

Before I go on my solo trips, I make sure to buy a bunch of "instant" foods. Frozen pizza, hot dogs, burritos... stock up on cheese, tortillas/bread.. cereal... Maybe not the best, but cheaper $$ than going out to eat everyday! :eek: And lots of PAPER PLATES! Nothing worse than coming home from a relaxing break to find every dish in the house needs washing! :headache: (oddly, hubby doesn't do dishes when I'm not home)

Good job on stretching that dollar!

I miss Winco. :guilty:

Cub is very similar layout but they took out the majority of the bulk bins. Rainbow has them, but the "nice" store is crazy busy.. I go to the "ghetto" store and NO way would I buy from their bulk bins! I need to check dates on everything I buy at that location, I'm sure they don't change out the bins to keep everything fresh. ewww.

Winco had staff in the bulk bin area cleaning up and refilling just about every time we walked in the store. Plus it's all CHEAP!! :yay:

Now we shop at Aldi's, doesn't take very long to shop since it's a very small store and no choices in brands makes it fuss free. Do you have an Aldi's near you?
I eliminated the feeding frenzy on the snacks, I just don't buy them. :lmao: Want a snack? Here's bread, there is the peanut butter and some bananas. Or make yourself useful, take a pan out and make popcorn.
Yes, it takes effort.. it's too much work? well you must not be that hungry then. :rolleyes1

This works well for teenagers and clueless husbands. Not so much for younger kids..hmmm, :idea: cereal, lots of cereal! ::yes::

Oh Alex, ewwww! A nervous puker! That sucks! or blows?? hmmmmm...
I had a set of triplets at preschool one year (Mon-Thurs class) , one would cry, one would quietly hold the crier's hand, and the other would puke. And this would happen EVERY week until Wednesday and the crying stopped, the puker was calm and the hand holder happily played. We would have two days of bliss, only to repeat again on Monday. The mom (from Bosnia) even told us: she cry, she quiet, she puke. Ok then, we won't send her home. :laughing: Eventually they all smiled and played happily without the crying and up chucking every week.

Glad you had a chance to take the boys and make some new memories. (minus the chunk blowing of course) :goodvibes

I've been winning lots of tickets to various events this month. The first event.. We went to a Ziggy Marley concert, it was awesome!!! :love: Not a huge Ziggy fan, but we do have a love for his dad's music. The very first CD we owned was a Bob Marley one of all of his hits. We used to sing the songs to Justin when he was a babe. Heck he listened to them in utero. :laughing: Anyway, Ziggy played his own music from a recent album, one song was a freebie on Itunes and I made sure to listen online to the rest of the album before we went to the concert. Great performer, he song a few of his dad's too.. and the whole crowd song along! Nice crowd mix of younger people and 40-60 yr olds. We hung out off to the side of the dance floor, there was a ledge to sit and gave me a perfect view over everyone's head to the stage. Nice to sit and conserve some energy too. Typically I get sore and tired out in the evenings, I was worried I wouldn't be able to stay the whole concert if we had to stand. We had a nice view of the little puffs of smoke from the one hitter pipes too... staff didn't interfere, considering who was performing. If we were closer we would have got a contact high!:lmao:
Fun night, we walked out.. checked the bus schedule.. crap! We missed the last one! Walked to a different line and figured we would walk the 2 miles to our car. ugh...Moment later, up pulled the bus we thought had stopped running hours before. YES! They had changed the routes because of crime issues at bar closing.. now all the "last bus of the night" lined up a few blocks away from the warehouse (bar) district.
Not last night.. No. I havent been feeling very well...:sick: I got a SCREAMIN headache.

We went car shopping for a second car the other day.. We want something small and sporty.. Do you know that most people seem to want their sports cars in an automatic??? LAME. If we are buying something like that it HAS to be a manual. We test drove a mitsubishi elcipse... HEHEHEHEHE. THe guy had totally modded it out, and I giggled like a SCHOOL GIRL driving that thing. :lovestruc It was awesome. zooooom... zoooooom... But we both loved the eclipse.. I guess when we have the money.. thats what we will get.


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