(NEW TR LINK) Mickey MMMouse,McDonald Duck& Memo: 12 Days & 13.1 Miles. Nov 2013 TR

Moving along with our day.. it was time to sell Grandma to the pirates.

As her last wish before the hand-off she requested a picture of her family.

We, of course, obliged.

We moved into the queue to negotiate- it required a boat ride into the Caribbean.

As you can see, Charlie is very scared on what is going to happen to Grandma.

The other grandkids are not as worried....

Off we went.. braving battleships & skeletons driving phantom pirate boats...to the arranged upon meeting place. When suddenly the pirate that appeared was Captain Jack and I tried to jump off the boat in my mother's place.

Oh Captain Jack. I'll go!

I missed the landing- fell in the water & Captain Jack rushed away- completely embarrassed by what just unfolded. And just like that, Grandma got to stay with us. And was not sold to any pirates.

We were OK with this considering she bought us those ponchos the day before.

And just like every encounter of selling your mother to pirates- the adventure ended in a gift shop.

Which we just happen to love!

Charlie, take the scallywag away...

Yhea, he probably deserves after making me get up EVERY SINGLE DAY to deal with the early rising child.... go ahead Sarah.......

What do you see young lass? Is it Captain Jack?

Or is a gigantic eyeball of your big sister?

Hold it right there!!!

Just like her cousin!

And we also had to check out the pin boards to see if there was an "I almost sold my Grandma to the Pirates at Disneyworld" Pin. Sadly there was not.

Soon afterwards, we all decided a lunch was in order to celebrate the fact that Grandma was still with us. We were so grateful we tried to get her to pay. But that didn't work. We tried....... Over to Peco Bills we went.

Someone INSISTED his mother go get him a gigantic turkey leg. Of which, he had 2 bites......... before declaring himself done!

He certainly looks fierce eating it...

After lunch we walked this way.......towards our next scary encounter...

But first this.. I show this because it was something I learned in my Keys to the Kingdom Tour...do you know what the brown is on the pavement?

Poop my friends. It is supposed to represent Poop. Disney wanted to be authentic & in the Revolutionary Days the streets had these built in for people to dispose their sewer waste.....

So next time you are there- take a picture in the Poop. Or look for the "I stood in poop at Disneyworld" pin (<---does not really exist).

Finally at one of my favorites...home of the Happy Haunts....

Five more ready to join you!

This was the first time we went through the new interactive line & it was great fun!

See the hidden mickey?

(there really is one in that picture- it's not a psych like the Jungle Cruise one!).

As always, we love our Haunted Mansion doom buggy rides. Such an awesome ride!!!

And from there we headed over into Fantasyland and back on to Kurt's happiest Cruise on the Earth. Yes, that's right... Kurt's favorite ride....

Small World.

I think he actually might have waited outside for us.

Aww, cousins bonding over pins.

Soon enough we are on the YELLOW RIDE that was Charlie's favorite. Small World!!

I notice my niece eyeing me suspiciously in the above picture. Perhaps she is worried I have made arrangements to sell her into the Small World ride and that would truly be a fate worse than Pirates in most people's book. Least in pirateland you have Captain Jack. (who here can tell I might/possibly/most definitely have a small/gigantic crush on Johnny Depp?)

ANYWAYS- no one got sold. Everyone came off singing & we headed over to one of my all time favorites- Philharmonic. Awesomest show in the parks if you ask me. I LOVE this attraction.

Plus my kids are cute in 3D glasses.


And, fun in the gift shops.

Here's a picture of my nephew getting lice.

I should have taken a picture of the pissed off faces of my children when I forbid them to try on hats too. It's my number one rule in the parks!! All the sweaty possibly bug infested heads those hats have been on.. Ugg.. Shudder.

They can try on hats when they are grown and mommy doesn't have to pick nits out of their hair. Ha!

(in case anyone wonders and has read the book Divergent- my daughter just asked me a few days ago what would be in my fear landscape. I told her.. sharks & lice.. no joke!)

Ok. Well, Grandma LOVES the chippies. Loves, loves, LOVES them. And she found this hat she had not seen before. And decided to buy it. We took one from the WAY back.


and Dale...

And now I have reached my 25 image limit..and therefore, it's time to say goodbye.....

Plus, I'm super sick and want to go to bed. Have a great week everyone!
great update! (sorry you're not feeling well--get in bed and feel better!)

I almost choked on my dinner laughing at the picture of your nephew getting lice--my feelings exactly, but we always seem to try hats on anyway.....:confused3

oh captain jack.....sigh! :love:

it doesn't bother me to miss a ride on IASW either, but my DH and the girls actually do love it. that song just gets stuck in your head for the whole day!

i LOVE mickey's philharmagic too! donalds tushie at the end is the best!
great update! (sorry you're not feeling well--get in bed and feel better!)

I almost choked on my dinner laughing at the picture of your nephew getting lice--my feelings exactly, but we always seem to try hats on anyway.....:confused3

oh captain jack.....sigh! :love:

it doesn't bother me to miss a ride on IASW either, but my DH and the girls actually do love it. that song just gets stuck in your head for the whole day!

i LOVE mickey's philharmagic too! donalds tushie at the end is the best!

Donald's one of my favorite characters. I just love cranky ducks. They remind me of.. well.. me! Hahahahaha!!

I actually don't mind IASW but my hubby HATES it with a passion!

Don't be making eyeballs at my pirate man...... ;)
ARgh! Pirates and Ghosts...and lice! ;)

Yeah, I'm not big on the hat trying either. I tell anyone and everyone about the poop trail when we are there. My family doesn't understand why I keep telling them each time about it...but it's a poop sidewalk! Get with the program people, that's cool. :rolleyes:

IASW is something we go on to torture people in our family. :laughing:

Oh and your mom is so stinkin' CUTE!!!!
What a FUN update!! You guys got a lot done. That gift shop outside of POR is such an attraction in-and-of-itself, huh?! :rotfl:
ARgh! Pirates and Ghosts...and lice! ;)

Yeah, I'm not big on the hat trying either. I tell anyone and everyone about the poop trail when we are there. My family doesn't understand why I keep telling them each time about it...but it's a poop sidewalk! Get with the program people, that's cool. :rolleyes:

IASW is something we go on to torture people in our family. :laughing:

Oh and your mom is so stinkin' CUTE!!!!

That is what I should have titled the update... "Pirates, Ghosts & lice..oh my"

Yhea, my family could have cared less about my announcement of what it was. And no one would stop and take a picture in it..... they were too anxious to get on Haunted Mansion!

What a FUN update!! You guys got a lot done. That gift shop outside of POR is such an attraction in-and-of-itself, huh?! :rotfl:

I love that gift shop- we always seem to spend a lot of time in it!
Great update! I am glad you decided to keep your family intact, it's probably for the best;)
I totally agrees about the hats! It really grosses me out:scared1: I feel like when you want to buy one, they should have them wrapped in the back room, so you are sure to get a lice free one!:rotfl:
Great update! I am glad you decided to keep your family intact, it's probably for the best;)
I totally agrees about the hats! It really grosses me out:scared1: I feel like when you want to buy one, they should have them wrapped in the back room, so you are sure to get a lice free one!:rotfl:

Yes, I suppose it is- considering she just made me dinner tonight! :) And it was good!

Oooh, that's a good idea next time we buy a hat- I'll ask for one from the back! Hahahahaha!!!
So. I found two pictures I forgot to post from my last update.

We obviously did a stint at Splash Mountain somewhere between Operation Selling Grandma to Pirates & Haunted Mansion.

I saw this picture & forgot how much I like it.... Especially my niece screaming her head off. And my mom & step-sister's faces. Priceless.......

And... I found this and laughed even harder. Kurt DID ride Small World with us. His "Flight, Fight or Freeze" response kicked in due to this stress.....

Why yes, yes he is sleeping.

Ok back to the afternoon as we finish out Fantasyland.

After watching the nephew get lice... we headed for an afternoon refreshment. Our goal was to try Lefou's Brew at Gaston's...

Money goes into the keg. Brew comes out.

We checked out the décor around the registers as well. Oh. Hi Little Deer.

Nice Rack.

So the girl got the Brew.

As did the niece and then nephew.

Verdict. Eh. It's no butterbeer.

I wouldn't order it again. Neither would Becca.

But it's fun POSING with it....

Meanwhile. Gram jaunted over to the Poppin' Machine.

Next thing she knew.. 5 grubby hands were reachin' in eating her corn. We heard about it. Of course.

But no time for Gram tantrums. Time to head under the sea.

And wow. Photopass lady. Thanks for not being at places like with characters and instead being posted here for this oh' so' Disney picture.

Only the borders I added & the Mickey bar gives away the fact that we are at Disney. Excellent photopass Station. All that's missing is the "Kodak Moment" sign.

So speaking of.. clearly Becca got a Mickey bar at the Poppin' Stand. Since it's in this picture.

So where were we? Oh right.. Under the Sea. Well not quite yet. We were at Prince Eric's Castle.

I want to find Ariel and tell her she can do better. I mean really.. why settle for the man that dropped you faster than hot coals when the hotter, seductive woman came waltzing into his life? Pfffpf on Price Eric. She should wander next door and seek out the Beast. Better guy.

Now that I've dissected the leading men of 1990 Disney animation.... MOVING ON....

To... the teacups!

Becca and Sarah sought out their own to 'go fast'

I rode in the 'slow spinning cup' with Charlie and my niece. This allowed me to get some cute spinning pictures. Not Perfect.... but I still like them. Like. A Lot. (said in my best Jim Carey voice from Dumb and Dumber).

Unsure of what's about to happen.

Starting to spin...

Getting the hang of it...

And having fun!!

Such joy. I love it.

After spinning around we headed out of Fantasyland finally and over to here:

This ride makes my bottom three list of least favorite attractions. I really don't like it. But the kids do & the hub is always willing to take them. So I always stand at the overpass and take pictures instead.

I just realized looking at these pictures that clearly Disney has some ENGLISH cars on this track. The steering wheel is on the wrong side!!!

And once again, I've reached my picture limit.

Not even dinner yet!! Ha!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those teacup photos!!!!!! I have some just like it that I adore. I think we should go on the teacups and take selfies on our trip...except I won't be smiling, I'll have a pukeyface b/c I hate spinning.

and then I'll make you go on the Speedway b/c I'm greatly disappointed that you don't see the MASSIVE CHEESE FACTOR in this "ride". For serious, how much cooler could we be, with some sunglasses and matching tweedle tshirts, CRAMMED in one of those puppies?!? I can't believe you don't see the potential. :bitelip:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those teacup photos!!!!!! I have some just like it that I adore. I think we should go on the teacups and take selfies on our trip...except I won't be smiling, I'll have a pukeyface b/c I hate spinning.

and then I'll make you go on the Speedway b/c I'm greatly disappointed that you don't see the MASSIVE CHEESE FACTOR in this "ride". For serious, how much cooler could we be, with some sunglasses and matching tweedle tshirts, CRAMMED in one of those puppies?!? I can't believe you don't see the potential. :bitelip:

Well now.. you will have to practice spinning around in a circle at high speeds while taking a selfie. If you can do it on a bike. You can handle this. And just like the bike one, make sure your son is in the background and I can see his W T F is my mother doing face!

You can start this weekend at the sip & savor. The alcohol will encourage the impulse to spin.

And when you put the speedway in that light... with the awesome tweedleness slant... we have no choice but to cram into a car. But ONLY if we go in the Brittish cars since I have a love of all things Brittish.

Oh I'm sorry, is this YOUR trip report? I thought it was talk-about-selfies-with-me-time. again. :rotfl2:

There is little that is more important than arranging all perfect Tweedle moments... so all is good. Too bad we have so many awesome Tweedle moments planned I have already forgotten half of them.

But Not this one.

:crowded: Mockingbird.
oh my gosh--how much do I love the pic of DH napping on small world?!? maybe the best picture ever and now I totally know what to do when my family makes me ride! :rotfl:

love the tea cups pics! it's our most favorite ride ever! we went three times in a row last time and LOVED IT!!
oh my gosh--how much do I love the pic of DH napping on small world?!? maybe the best picture ever and now I totally know what to do when my family makes me ride! :rotfl:

love the tea cups pics! it's our most favorite ride ever! we went three times in a row last time and LOVED IT!!

I know- I can't believe I forgot to post it last time!!!

I don't love teacups because I get sick if I go too fast- but I like the pictures on them! :)
I can't believe I didn't respond before!
We loved the brew, but then again we never had butter beer! I do love gastons though, it's really cool!

Love the teacup photos! I love how everyone always looks like they are having so much fun on that ride!
I can't believe I didn't respond before!
We loved the brew, but then again we never had butter beer! I do love gastons though, it's really cool!

Love the teacup photos! I love how everyone always looks like they are having so much fun on that ride!

And I can't believe I missed you posted this! So sorry! :(

I think Gaston's had Mango in it? And I don't like Mango. Butterbeer is my :cloud9:

Teacup photos are so fun, always!!!

Okay, finally going to update again!
Man oh man- It's been a long time! I've been crazy busy and now here I am, ONE WEEK before my cruise- and my November trip is still not done! I gotta power through this in the next 7 days and finish it up!

Tonight is a good night because I currently have 10 girls in my living room for my daughter's 12th Birthday Party. I am glutton for punishment- but the party was awesome (Divergent) and the recap will be on my PTR on Sunday if anyone wants to see pictures!

Now back to the trip. We are still in Magic Kingdom with the cousins.

I just found these- still in Fantasyland. Right after Gram purchased them...

This hat is just so awesome. Front and Back...

We finished up Fantasyland with some throwing up on teacups...and finally we were in Tomorrowland....

First mission. Space Mountain!! As expected- Becca, Gram, Sis & Charlie sat out... Charlie purchased a Disney Small World Bath Toy and occupied herself with that-

"The Brave"

Sarah & her cousins LOVED it. I can only handle this ride once....

But ride pictures are fun regardless....


We sent the three back on it alone while we waited at the end....

We walked out to these cuties.. with the hat...again...

And one of my fave pics from the trip....

We meandered up to the people mover. No pictures. Probably because we were sleeping.......

Then to the dance party below...

And to Infinity and Beyond.....

And..the ride photos. (No wit today folks. It's 12:20am!!!)

It was soon dark & the park was closing....

Little was tired so daddy carried her...

The castle lit up just as we were walking out......

We headed out to Olive Garden for dinner (Gram paid since we didn't sell her to the pirate. Her way of saying thank you!). Said our goodbyes to FL cousins/sister... and headed back to the hotel.

One more full day left for us!
Wait, no wit? We're allowed to do that? Geez. I guess I can go update my TR too, here I've been waiting for days, putting it off, b/c I have no wit left. :lmao:

Those hats are ADORABLE and I see why it's one of your favorite shots! :lovestruc

Space Mtn is fun once for me, but that's about it too. I got stuck in the front one night and screamed my head off, the girls enjoyed making fun of me. :rolleyes2

It looks like your day ended up being fantastic, even with the poor start. I hope by the end of it you had totally forgotten about your morning!
wait.....you totally slipped "throw up" in there. did someone really get sick on the tea cups?!?

love the castle picture! so pretty....


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