Beth's WDW Countdown Weight Loss Journal, Goal: Lose 50 lbs by Feb 2016 with My Fitness Pal & Fitbit

Week 5 Weigh-In Results

Lost 1.4 lbs this week
Down to 243.4

I'm pleased to see a loss this week, I wasn't sure I would since I had a bigger loss last week. I usually have a plan for the coming week but this week I'm not sure other than I plan to continue walking 10,000 steps a day. I like that goal, the challenge & accomplishment, the way it physically and mentally makes me feel afterwards and I feel like I have more control over exercise than eating. As far as eating goes, I might shake that up this week. I'm definitely planning a cheat meal for today (Saturday). And I'm also planning on more carby foods throughout the week. I don't usually pay attention to stuff like that but after thinking over what I ate this past week compared to previous weeks I think I've been eating less carbs and maybe? that's why I'm feeling so hungry (it doesn't feel like true hunger but more like dissatisfaction) even right after I eat a big meal. Anyway I hope to lose about the same this coming week.

14.4/50.8 pounds lost

191 days til Disney!!
Congratulations on the weight loss thus far! Very exciting to see that your clothes are looser! Can you add healthy carbs rather than the simple junky carbs so that cravings don't increase? Maybe the hunger is just the normal hunger that comes with monthly hormonal changes? So glad you are seeing some positive changes in your weight! Just think of what that will do for overall health!
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Congratulations on the weight loss thus far! Very exciting to see that your clothes are looser! Can you add healthy carbs rather than the simple junky carbs so that cravings don't increase? Maybe the hunger is just the normal hunger that comes with monthly hormonal changes? So glad you are seeing some positive changes in your weight! Just think of what that will do for overall health!

Welcome back from vacation Kriii. Not sure where you went, but I hope you had a wonderful time. Thanks for the congrats on the weight loss so far. I love the looser clothes but I want more. I am very impatient. :) I wish I could blame the weird hunger/dissatisfaction I've been feeling this past week on monthly hormonal changes, unfortunately I don't think I can. I knew I would have some tougher times so I'm just going to try to get through it one day at a time best I can. Glad you're back.
Day 34 of 224, Sat 7/25

Today was a planned high-calorie day and I definitely succeeded on that front. I ate whatever I wanted which happened to be half a dozen donuts, a box of shells & cheese and a big salad with the works. Logged everything in MFP the next day and total calories were 2,776, 954 calories over. Kind of makes me wince to see it in black and white, but honestly, I just needed a day off where I didn't think too much about calories.

I briefly thought about skipping my walk with no real reason why, I seriously think I have an all or nothing mentality which is a very bad behavior to have. I guess because I was eating bad part of me was like why exercise? But I quickly dismissed that naughty voice and went for my walk and it was done in no time at all and I'm glad I did it. I walked the usual 60 minutes outside around the neighborhood and then later on 25 minutes around the house to reach my step goal. Ended the day with 10,218 steps.

I did feel better today but I was also majorly carbed up from my junk food fest. Honestly I think I am getting too uptight about this weight loss thing (which is kind of sucking the joy out of it) and I think it's because I set a specific number in a certain amount of time and I'm putting too much pressure on myself. I really just need to relax and listen to the rational side of myself instead of the irrational side (it speaks louder for some reason).
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If you are looking to balance overall caloric intake this week, then shaving a few hundred calories or so off the the remaining weekly meals should be doable if you don't go under the minimum you need for your height and frame. If you don't want to worry about it just move on and forget about it. Smart to make recognize the all or nothing mentality and fight back! Congrats on walking!
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Day 35 of 224, Sun 7/26

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate frequently throughout the day going 13 calories over my exercise calories earned, ending the day at 1860. I went to bed hungry because I was out of calories but I questioned whether it was even true hunger anyway and I was right, not long after I laid down I didn't feel hungry at all, not until the next day about an hour or so after I got up. Guess I just gotta push through moments like that.

Took 10,304 steps today. DH has been offering to take longer walks so that I don't have as much to do on my own later in the evening (such a sweet man I married) so I took him up on his offer and we walked for 80 minutes outside around the neighborhood leaving me only 10 minutes of walking around the house later (instead of 20-30) to meet my step goal.
Took 10,304 steps today. DH has been offering to take longer walks so that I don't have as much to do on my own later in the evening (such a sweet man I married) so I took him up on his offer and we walked for 80 minutes outside around the neighborhood leaving me only 10 minutes of walking around the house later (instead of 20-30) to meet my step goal.

That's a long walk! I bet it feels good to have the steps mostly out of the way early!

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate frequently throughout the day going 13 calories over my exercise calories earned, ending the day at 1860. I went to bed hungry because I was out of calories but I questioned whether it was even true hunger anyway and I was right, not long after I laid down I didn't feel hungry at all, not until the next day about an hour or so after I got up. Guess I just gotta push through moments like that.

GREAT job questioning your hunger feelings!
Day 36 of 224, Mon 7/27

Logged all my food in MFP. Hunger was a bit more in check today. I've been eating more sandwiches like the first few weeks and I think they stick with me longer. Ate nearly all my exercise calories save 67, ending the day at 1780 calories.

Took 10,160 steps today. Went for usual walk outside but had an upset stomach so cut it short after 40 minutes. Took a short break until I felt better and DH encouraged us to go out again and we walked an additional 45 minutes. I thought that would be enough to reach my step goal but I was still a few short at the end so a quick 5 minute walk around the house pushed me over 10k. That's 20 days in a row of walking 10,000 steps a day. I looked up my previous record from Dec 2014/Jan 2015 and it was 47 days. I'd like to see if I can beat that.
Wow, 20 days of meeting your step goal is fantastic! So proud of you for finishing up that walk! What a wonderful and supportive DH you have :) Keep up the great job!
Day 37 of 224, Tues 7/28

Logged all my food in MFP. Hunger not too bad today other than just wanting to eat bad stuff because I don't know why, I guess because that's what I've done for so long and it tastes yummy and comforts me. Oh well, I'm trying to balance it all out so I have *some* bad food but mostly good so that I can be slimmer - best of both worlds. Ate about half of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1599. I felt like I ate more than that today, I really hope I'm not forgetting to write stuff down. I don't think I am though, I'm pretty good about 'write before you bite'.

Took 10,328 steps today. Just the usual walk outside today, 60 minutes around the neighborhood and while we usually see lots of people walking their dogs in the evenings, tonight we saw lots and lots and lots of dogs. Almost like we were in a parade at some point then it cleared out and we were mostly by ourselves again. I have no idea how people walk two or three, or even sometimes four dogs. I can barely walk one. It takes about all the patience I have while she smells and marks every 30 seconds (slight exaggeration). :dog2::rolleyes: Later, walked around the house for 25 minutes to get all my steps which was kind of a bummer to have that much left to do but then I listened/watched a WDW trip video while walking where they go to Blizzard Beach and I was entertained and it helped to pass the time. I've never been to either WDW water park but would like to go, it looks fun. Maybe not this next trip but the trip after.
I've always heard that it's best to follow the 80/20 rule - eat 80% healthy foods and 20% treats that way you don't feel deprived which can lead to giving up and binging. I think you're doing great! You've definitely inspired me! I've lost 1.5 pounds this week and have started walking more. I have a fitbit but can't figure out how to get it to work - can't even get it to turn on right now and it's fairly new. :confused3

I know what you mean about walking the dog. My dog weighs over 90 pounds so it's a challenge just with her! I don't really count our walks as much exercise for me since she has to stop and sniff something about every 5 feet or so! :rotfl:
Sounds like you are really doing well Beth! Keep up the good work! You have a sensible attitude!
I've always heard that it's best to follow the 80/20 rule - eat 80% healthy foods and 20% treats that way you don't feel deprived which can lead to giving up and binging.

I love the 80/20 rule. If I didn't have my treats every day I'd never make it a week, let alone the months and months needed to reach my goal.

I think you're doing great! You've definitely inspired me! I've lost 1.5 pounds this week and have started walking more.

Aww, thanks so much. And congrats on your weight loss! That's great!!

I have a fitbit but can't figure out how to get it to work - can't even get it to turn on right now and it's fairly new. :confused3

I love my Fitbit, I'm definitely much more active since getting one. I have the oldest one I think, the Zip, it's pretty basic, just clip it to my bra and go.

I know what you mean about walking the dog. My dog weighs over 90 pounds so it's a challenge just with her! I don't really count our walks as much exercise for me since she has to stop and sniff something about every 5 feet or so! :rotfl:

90 pounds! That's crazy. My beagle is 28 pounds and she can really pull me if she wants too, her little legs shooting out to the side like a motor. I can't imagine what a bigger, stronger dog could do, probably fly me like a kite. I really love my dog (even though she can be a handful) and like to see the joy she gets from our long walks but sometimes, every once in a while, it's nice to go without her and not have to stop, like you said, every 5 feet or so. :)

Sounds like you are really doing well Beth! Keep up the good work! You have a sensible attitude!

Thanks Kriii. I've been maxing out my calories every day lately and not liking what I'm seeing on the scale each morning, so I don't expect a loss this week, maybe even a gain, but still I'm gonna keep going, as long as it takes, to reach my goal.
Day 38 of 224, Wed 7/29

Logged all my food in MFP. I've been pretty much maxing out my calories lately which has taken care of the insatiable hunger I was feeling but I'm not liking what I've been seeing on the scale this week. Oh well, I'll wait and see what happens and make adjustments as needed. Ate the majority of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1737.

Took 10,248 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk around the neighborhood and then later 30 minutes around the house to reach my step goal. I don't like it when I have that much left at the end of the day, but one foot in front of the other gets it done and I'm always happy when I meet my goal. It's hot!! again. I like all kinds of weather but I don't really like it when it affects when I can workout. So it's early mornings or late evenings for me and as much as I'd like to be, I'm not a morning person and never have been. But there are perks to evening walking: the sunset, singing crickets and seeing the changes in the moon each night.

I realized that My Fitness Pal hasn't prompted me to recalculate my calories since I started. I thought it used to prompt me after a 10 pound loss but anyways I was poking around in the settings and did it myself. So based on my stats, goals and current weight, it deducted 90 calories from my daily allowance, from 1350 to 1260. Thank goodness for exercise calories because pretty much 99/100 times, 1260 isn't enough calories for me.
You are really getting into the fitness mindset I think! I love your comment about being happy to meet your walking goal and the fact that you find perks in the evening walking. Such a good mindset to find the positives in your exercise routine! 1260 calories is pretty low, so you must have a really petite frame. I'm 5"3 and small framed and can eat that low on some days, but definitely cannot sustain several days of such low calorie intake. If you exercise and boost that metabolism you will probably get away with eating more. I'm really impressed by your determination.
Day 39 of 224, Thurs 7/30

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate all my regular calories and exercise calories, going 9 calories over. Ended the day at 1683 calories.

Took 10,183 steps today. Usual 60 minute walk outside around the neighborhood, 15 minute walk around the house, plus a store run pushed me over 10k.


Day 40 of 224, Fri 7/31

Logged all my food in MFP. Ate all my regular calories but only a few of my exercise calories, ending the day at 1286. I feel like I ate more but maybe it's because volume-wise I did eat a lot. I've been eating a lot of fruit the past couple days, honeydew, strawberries, cherries. I'm not usually much of a fruit person, I think it's the heat.

Took 10,221 steps today. I really thought I would not make my step goal today and I was having a bad attitude so I didn't really care. I procrastinated more than usual and settled in with my Kindle not really planning on moving off the sofa but DH initiated the usual walk around the neighborhood. I'm really proud of him for helping to keep us on track. It was pretty dark by then but there was a full moon so that was nice and thankfully it was a bit cooler than last night. Took a short break when I got home and then finished off my steps walking around the house for a little over 20 minutes to reach 10k steps, since I was so close.
That's 20 days in a row of walking 10,000 steps a day.


It takes about all the patience I have while she smells and marks every 30 seconds (slight exaggeration). :dog2::rolleyes:


I realized that My Fitness Pal hasn't prompted me to recalculate my calories since I started. I thought it used to prompt me after a 10 pound loss but anyways I was poking around in the settings and did it myself. So based on my stats, goals and current weight, it deducted 90 calories from my daily allowance, from 1350 to 1260. Thank goodness for exercise calories because pretty much 99/100 times, 1260 isn't enough calories for me.

I hadn't even THOUGHT about recalculating calories for this. New item for to do list!
Sounds like you are doing terrific! Your posts are sounding more and more confident about your healthy eating and exercise changes!
Week 6 Weigh In Results

Lost 0.8 lbs this week
Down to 242.6

Hmm...not much but completely unexpected since I'm a daily-weigher and I've been up all week except one day. My takeaway...I don't know, my thoughts are really all over the place. First I'm realizing that it's going to take as long as it's going to take. I think that's a good realization for me. I was very upset that I wasn't losing during this past week, in fact I was showing a gain and while I wasn't perfect, I wasn't eating 3500+ calories to gain a pound or more. I was meeting my exercise goals and doing okay with my calories, although I did have a cheat day and I was eating the higher end of my calories. The biggest reason I was upset though (besides showing a gain) was because I was starting to think the only way I could lose weight was to eat closer to the minimum calories everyday and I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT want to feel like I had to do that. I want to lose weight by eating not starving or depriving myself. This past week I have been eating more than the week before and that took care of the insatiable hunger I was feeling.

I'm interested in seeing what this next week holds for me. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, trying to get 10k steps and eating my calories. I don't know if it was because of the heat, but I know I was retaining water and um, other stuff. I'm not drinking enough for my size and how much I'm walking, but especially not enough for the heat. I have to make a better plan/effort to drink more water. And the other thing I'm planning to do differently is not to weigh daily, at least for this week, maybe longer, we'll see. It affects my moods too much, so the scale is now tucked away in the closet until next Saturday. So the plan is to continue doing what I'm doing, eating my calories, walking and increase my water, and only weigh weekly. I know that I really need to ease up on my expectations to lose X per week and realize that if I keep on doing what I'm doing, I WILL lose the weight. It might take longer than I'd like, but I will lose it.

15.2/50.8 pounds lost

184 days til Disney!!


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