To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

How fun!

Well if you saw a crazy girl running around like she was on fire, that's my wife. :D She's in charge of all the clothing and register people and also is the assistant buyer.

A Baby Badger! You'll have to ask her if she's taking Biology 151/152 next year. The 152 class is the one you do a research project (either library based or mentored research based) in which is a really cool experience. I've mentored about 4 Bio 152 projects and 4 Senior Thesis projects.

My DD will probably have to take the 151/152 sequence next year instead of the 101/102 sequence because she wants to become a Physical Therapist and many PT schools require 2 semesters of biology. The Kines degree only requires 101/102 but that won't satisfy a number of PT schools. I bet she would love the mentored based project since she works better one on one rather than in a library. I'll make sure to encourage her to look into the mentored side of things!

My DD will probably have to take the 151/152 sequence next year instead of the 101/102 sequence because she wants to become a Physical Therapist and many PT schools require 2 semesters of biology. The Kines degree only requires 101/102 but that won't satisfy a number of PT schools. I bet she would love the mentored based project since she works better one on one rather than in a library. I'll make sure to encourage her to look into the mentored side of things!

My advice is look for a lab job sooner rather than later and let the job know she wants to do mentored research. Gets the foot in the door and builds a base of knowledge going into the project. Super helpful when it gets down to the nitty gritty. Even better if she could find a kinesiology lab job!
I haven't been around much because work has been crazy and I'm at the end of training for Wine and Dine, but I want to echo what others have said and say that what you've accomplished is amazing. It's inspired me and clearly many others. And you absolutely can BQ. Forget those who say otherwise.
Wanted to pop in and say how excited I was to go for a run on Saturday. I thought I would have no pain because of the cortisone shot. Well I was wrong. Am not sure if it was the hill I went up at the beginning or what but it was definitely off, did not feel right, hurt wierd. It was not right and I knew it. I walked, stretched, met the third person of the running group and I said let's just run on Peachtree, I will ditch if it is bad. Plus I slowed more than my 10 minute pace. I got through it. It was only 3 miles. I was worried if I did ,ore harm then good but figured I would see how I felt as the day went on. The hip was stiff.

I still wanted to run today but knew I needed a new plan. I decided TM it would be. I noticed yesterday my hip hurt more on hills, so I thought with the TM I can be flat and have some cushion. Also if it did hurt I could easily jump off and ride the bike. Bonus it was 30 some degrees this morning and I am a baby and did not want to run in the cold. The good news the TM helped a lot. I started with a warm up just walking and slow jog, then I did my 4 miles. The hip felt a little wierd sometimes but actually felt better than yesterday. After my run I jumped on the recumbent bike and then did exercises from therapy.

Think for the next few days will stick to TM just to eliminate the hills for now. I go back to therapy on Friday. Friday will be more fun it will be actual work, my last therapy appointment was the evaluation, I still got exercises to do but the work will start now.
I haven't been around much because work has been crazy and I'm at the end of training for Wine and Dine, but I want to echo what others have said and say that what you've accomplished is amazing. It's inspired me and clearly many others. And you absolutely can BQ. Forget those who say otherwise.


Wanted to pop in and say how excited I was to go for a run on Saturday. I thought I would have no pain because of the cortisone shot. Well I was wrong. Am not sure if it was the hill I went up at the beginning or what but it was definitely off, did not feel right, hurt wierd. It was not right and I knew it. I walked, stretched, met the third person of the running group and I said let's just run on Peachtree, I will ditch if it is bad. Plus I slowed more than my 10 minute pace. I got through it. It was only 3 miles. I was worried if I did ,ore harm then good but figured I would see how I felt as the day went on. The hip was stiff.

I still wanted to run today but knew I needed a new plan. I decided TM it would be. I noticed yesterday my hip hurt more on hills, so I thought with the TM I can be flat and have some cushion. Also if it did hurt I could easily jump off and ride the bike. Bonus it was 30 some degrees this morning and I am a baby and did not want to run in the cold. The good news the TM helped a lot. I started with a warm up just walking and slow jog, then I did my 4 miles. The hip felt a little wierd sometimes but actually felt better than yesterday. After my run I jumped on the recumbent bike and then did exercises from therapy.

Think for the next few days will stick to TM just to eliminate the hills for now. I go back to therapy on Friday. Friday will be more fun it will be actual work, my last therapy appointment was the evaluation, I still got exercises to do but the work will start now.

Sounds like it's going to be a process to get it back to where it was, but you're doing the right thing in listening to your body.
66 Days to Go (Wheel of Fortune!)


Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace)

10/23/17 - M - MBW
10/24/17 - T - 2 mile WU + 4 x 1 mile @ HM Tempo w/ 0.25 mile RI + 2 mile CD (4/4)
10/25/17 - W - 7 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile
10/26/17 - R - 3 mile WU + 6 miles @ M Tempo + 3 mile CD (6/6)
10/27/17 - F - 7 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile
10/28/17 - Sat - 9 miles @ 7:54-8:28 min/mile + MBW
10/29/17 - Sun - 10 miles @ 7:35 min/mile (9/9)
10/30/17 - M - MBW

Total (training) mileage = 53.9 miles
Number of SOS intervals within pace = 9/11 (82%)


Getting back on the medicine ball workout routine! Can really start to feel the effects of it.


2 mile WU + 4 x 1 mile @ HM Tempo w/ 0.25 mile RI + 2 mile CD

T+D of 77, wind chill of 37, wind was 15 mph, cloudy/night

I decided with the first real real training run back I'd ease into it. I decided to start out with a 4x1 at HM Tempo. After this week, the pace drops on Tuesday down to Daniels Threshold (6:33) with shorter RI of 1 min per consecutive mile. So, bottom line, after this one it gets tough. So better make sure I'm ready for the tough with a medium difficultly workout.

HM Tempo = 6:41
HM Tempo Window = +/- 10 seconds (6:31-6:51)

Little weather shocked as it was 80s on Saturday and today's run was a wind chill of 37. I decided to dress a little warmer than end of Spring because I wasn't yet acclimated to cold weather running yet. So shorts, gloves, beanie, and very light thermal long sleeve. Ended up being spot on.

HM Tempo = 6:39, 6:40, 6:41, 6:39

BOOM! I questioned whether my legs were back. Boy howdy, they were there for me today. The first interval was tough and was about settling in. The second interval was tougher. The breathing was noticeable and the effort was rough. But I powered through it. The third interval started to be tough as well. But something changed in the last 0.1 miles of it. Suddenly, not as tough. Suddenly, I got a taste of really relaxed in the groove running. Then came the fourth and final interval... Completely smooth in the groove and completely comfortable. I barely even had to breathe or really push. I was just completely relaxed and flying. Very solid run overall.

The HR was interesting as well. Interval 1 - 155, #2 - 157, #3 - 155, #4 - 153. I truly felt this run. Medium, Hard, Medium, Easy is what I felt and the HR reflected that. It's interesting because in the past it's taken 42 days before the HR returned to pre-marathon levels. But a 153 on a HM Tempo run is fringe marathon pace (as HM Tempo is 156-160). I'm sure the cold night as quite a bit to do with it, but I'll certainly take it!

Happy with the results and ready to attack next week's Daniel's T pace!


T+D of 78, cloudy and no wind. Avg pace of 8:39 with HR of 132.


3 mile WU + 6 miles @ M Tempo + 3 mile CD

T+D of 97, little wind, cloud/night

M Tempo = 6:58 min/mile
M Tempo window = +/- 10 second (6:48-7:08)

Solid run. Not quite where I want to be, but that's ok because it's early. Final average pace was 7:00. final average GAP was 6:52, and average HR was 154 (historical 148-152). Predicted TRIMP was 192 and actual TRIMP was 187. Right on target.

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WC of 27, cloudy, 10-24 mph wind. Avg pace of 8:25 with HR of 138.

Wheel of Fortune!!!

So Steph and I took time off from work to try and audition for the Wheel of Fortune! It was in Oak Creek, WI at a furniture store. When we arrived there were probably 75 people in line and by the time of the first show (4pm), there was a full house (maybe 500 people?). Everyone received a single form to fill out with your name and information on it and then each show would have randomly pulled auditions. They pulled 5 names at a time to talk with the host and then play a speed round (like the end of the show before the Final Spin 1 person winner game, where each person gets one letter and a guess). Based on how the show was setup, the real "audition" was the interview on stage with the host. They were truly testing your stage presence and ability to talk clearly and comfortably. The host was very quick witted. So if a person slipped up for a second, he was quick to point it out in a funny manner. He was really engaging and quite funny. So in the first show they probably called 30-40 people. The person in front of us in line was called. The last person in the first show called was "William... something else". It was a gut-wrencher because I really thought it was going to be me. After the second show was done, then we got back in line and were able to make it in the second show (5:30pm). No luck again! The second show had both the people in front and behind us in line being called as well as the people who sat on our left and right during the first show. Then back in line for the third show (7:00pm). Less people in the third show (which makes sense since 30-40 in the first show and 20-30 in the second). Looking around, all the people we were sitting by were previous contestants so we were in good company.... And still no luck... We never got called up. :(

Here are the highlights:
-During a contestant's audition they were discussing with the host the things they like to do. Then all of the sudden a really old woman (like 90+) in the front row of the audience just blurts out "SEX!". The host just looks at her stunned and says "You do realize this is a family show?!?!" Like not in a mean way, but in a funny way. It was so weird that she just blurted that out and she was clearly embarrassed because she just started laughing and covering her face.
-Everyone's favorite actives were camping, fishing and hunting.
-There was a Larper.
-There was a voice cartoon actor.
-There was a singer.
-There was a fantasy wrestling guy (like not high school wrestling, but like TV wrestling (but wants to be on)).
-There was a granny uber driver. Because she drove around her grandkids.
-There was a woman who said she always does something unique on her birthday (like sky diving, traveling to somewhere, hiking a mountain). The host asked her what she did for this year's birthday and she said she didn't know it already happened. Huh?!?!
-Don't bring up dancing in any way or shape unless you truly want to dance on stage. Several people were like, "oh I could never dance" and then once the music came on they were like totally busting a move shaking their body all over the place.
-There was an award-winning triathlete. Then she discussed other things she did and then the host got back to the award-winning part. He pressed her on what award she won and she said, "well the medal we get at the end. Thus, I'm aware winning."
-Several people that ran race distances then became award winning athletes.
-Highly recommend that if anyone fancies themselves as a "people watcher" go to a Wheel of Fortune audition. You will not be disappointed. SO many interesting characters.
-Someone guessed an "X" as the second/third letter off the board. Clearly not going to be asked back for another audition...
-One woman during the interview session was asked what she enjoyed doing. She said in a quiet voice, "Walking in the woods." The host asked her what she like about walking the woods, and she just stood there for a few seconds saying nothing and then said "animals". The whole crowd was chuckling because it was just so weird.
-A woman guessed "4". Not the word "four". Like actually guessed the number "4". Not to solve the puzzle, just a "letter" guess. In a letter based Wheel of Fortune game.... That was the same woman as "walking in the woods".





WC of 27, cloudy, 10-24 mph wind. Avg pace of 7:57 with HR of 137.


WC of 27, low wind, sunny

Long Run pace = 7:35 min/mile
Long Run window = +/- 10 seconds (7:25-7:45)

Another solid outing! Not quite there yet. I could tell I wouldn't have wanted to go much further than 10 miles today. With the weather today, I went with shorts, light long sleeve, and gloves. Still working my way back, but a solid 100% interval hit rate for the week. Next Tuesday will be a good barometer test as I enter the Daniels Threshold training with a 4x1 mile with 1 minute RI.

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Predicted TRIMP on the left and Actual TRIMP on the right. For the hard runs, it was 139 vs 137 and 192 vs 187 and 142 vs 142. So, I think I've got the predictive power of the TRIMP based on previous workouts. This will aid in helping me make training plans for optimizing the Form in the "optimal zone".

Weight check-in! I was at 167-170 the week after the marathon (the 170 was with 3 pounds of apple fritter stuck to my ribs apparently). Down to 164.0 Sunday morning.
66 Days to Go (Wheel of Fortune!)

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-There was an award-winning triathlete. Then she discussed other things she did and then the host got back to the award-winning part. He pressed her on what award she won and she said, "well the medal we get at the end. Thus, I'm aware winning."
-Several people that ran race distances then became award winning athletes.
-Highly recommend that if anyone fancies themselves as a "people watcher" go to a Wheel of Fortune audition. You will not be disappointed. SO many interesting characters.
That gif just needs 'running' added to the wheel and it would be an accurate presentation of my day to day life.

It's sad that you didn't get on Wheel of Fortune but it sounds like you at least got a day of free entertainment. I think it's hilarious that she presented it as 'award winning' because most winners who actually won age group awards or whatever would probably not phrase it as award winning.
That gif just needs 'running' added to the wheel and it would be an accurate presentation of my day to day life.


I think it's hilarious that she presented it as 'award winning' because most winners who actually won age group awards or whatever would probably not phrase it as award winning.

Just the way she presented it leads me to believe she didn't want to explain the award winning part. Because she sheepishly answered that later in the interview. An interesting twist for sure. I guess I'm an award winning 10k and HM runner (AG at 10k and HM distance).
I'm surprised you haven't changed your username yet to "Award-Winning Dopeybadger".

I'm sad you guys didn't get a chance to play the wheel but at least you and Steph looked very spiffy when you met Pat and Vanna. (That's really them right? They seem a little stiff.)
Is it weird that I get confused when I see any of the running thread posters wearing normal clothes? Like my brain expects you all to just wear race clothes all the time.

Non-wheel related....Dang you are doing some awesome running!! Kudos for all those training runs. Very speedy stuff!!
And let me know how y'all like Home Chef. I've been doing Blue apron but kind of getting tired of similar recipes popping back up.
Great training runs again!!

I'm bummed you didn't get called for the Wheel of Fortune auditions though. :( I love the picture of you in the cutout car with James Corden.
Wow! Solid training week, looks like you're entering in to some hefty workouts (by my standard) with relative comfort, which is great. Glad you're feeling the impact of the MBW, too, and that your weight loss efforts are already paying off. I have friends using Hello Fresh that really love it, hope you guys continue to enjoy!

Is it weird that I get confused when I see any of the running thread posters wearing normal clothes? Like my brain expects you all to just wear race clothes all the time.

YES. I also have a really hard time figuring out who is who in the Strava group because it is all real names and not DIS handles, and not all of the pics are the same. Womp womp.
Great training week!!!

I'm sorry you guys didn't get picked, but it sounded like an experience!
A woman guessed "4". Not the word "four". Like actually guessed the number "4". Not to solve the puzzle, just a "letter" guess. In a letter based Wheel of Fortune game.... That was the same woman as "walking in the woods".

Which song did you sing with James??!

Happy cooking! We tried Blue Apron for a little while which was fun! I keep getting coupons for Hello Fresh, so maybe will give it a go!
I'm surprised you haven't changed your username yet to "Award-Winning Dopeybadger".

Award-winning Pacer! And maybe Award-winning training plan maker (since someone out there might have AG on my plan).

I'm sad you guys didn't get a chance to play the wheel but at least you and Steph looked very spiffy when you met Pat and Vanna. (That's really them right? They seem a little stiff.)
Is it weird that I get confused when I see any of the running thread posters wearing normal clothes? Like my brain expects you all to just wear race clothes all the time.

Thanks! New outfit for me I bought for that wedding a couple months ago. I was wondering whether they're actually that tiny in real life? Normal clothes!

Non-wheel related....Dang you are doing some awesome running!! Kudos for all those training runs. Very speedy stuff!!


And let me know how y'all like Home Chef. I've been doing Blue apron but kind of getting tired of similar recipes popping back up.

Just the first week, but I'm liking the choices on some of the upcoming weeks. We'll see if the name matches the enjoyment.

Great training runs again!!


I'm bummed you didn't get called for the Wheel of Fortune auditions though. :( I love the picture of you in the cutout car with James Corden.

It was a bummer, but still a good time.

Wow! Solid training week, looks like you're entering in to some hefty workouts (by my standard) with relative comfort, which is great.

Thanks! The T pace will be the real testing threshold since I'll actually get pretty close to 5k PR level during it on 11/10.

Glad you're feeling the impact of the MBW, too, and that your weight loss efforts are already paying off.

It's been nice to bring the MBW back slowly and notice that I was missing it.

I have friends using Hello Fresh that really love it, hope you guys continue to enjoy!

Fingers crossed. At this time, Steph really likes the convenience of it.

YES. I also have a really hard time figuring out who is who in the Strava group because it is all real names and not DIS handles, and not all of the pics are the same. Womp womp.

LOL! New petition everyone must include DIS handle in Strava name! I sometimes put two and two together based on the Running Thread races and Strava races.

Great training week!!!


I'm sorry you guys didn't get picked, but it sounded like an experience!

Definitely an experience!

Which song did you sing with James??!

LOL, Born to Run. (Not really since I don't actually know any words to any Springsteen songs really).

Happy cooking! We tried Blue Apron for a little while which was fun! I keep getting coupons for Hello Fresh, so maybe will give it a go!

I'll let you know how it is!
When you enter your next decade, you'll be super AG award-winning! :) It's one of my favorite things about getting older - getting AG awards is super fun. I've started checking race results for my new age group next year - so excited! :)

Speaking of which, we have a very happy @mateojr - first place in AG at the Pumpkin Run yesterday! He missed a PR by . . . a lot! But I guess that's what happens when you are tiny, up late at a Halloween party the night before, and sleeping on the way to the race and sleeping again all the way home after the race! :)
When you enter your next decade, you'll be super AG award-winning! :) It's one of my favorite things about getting older - getting AG awards is super fun. I've started checking race results for my new age group next year - so excited! :)
I used to think that this was true but as I have progressed through my running and triathlon journey I have come to realize that it never gets easier and the competition is always fierce. The guys I compete against as a 35-39 year old put up better results than the guys I competed against as a 30-34 year old, and scoping out the 40-44's that I'll be racing against next year I see plenty of guys that are better than my current 35-39's. In triathlon especially, but running as well, it seems like the most competitive age groups are from 35 up to 55. In running you can throw in the young 20-somethings as well, but they aren't a factor for tri (if they are good triathletes at that age they are likely racing as pros). The pointy end of the age groups are chocked full of talent, so never assume you will start winning because you are a touch younger than your competition...always respect those you are racing against because they will put you in your place if you don't!

Edited to add that I was referring to the 35-55 age range as top of the overall results...almost every age group is competitive within itself. One of the most competitive guys I know is in his 70's and he battles hard in every race. Racing into your 60's and 70's tends to bring out great competitors!
Speaking of which, we have a very happy @mateojr - first place in AG at the Pumpkin Run yesterday! He missed a PR by . . . a lot! But I guess that's what happens when you are tiny, up late at a Halloween party the night before, and sleeping on the way to the race and sleeping again all the way home after the race! :)

Way to go @mateojr!!!


When you enter your next decade, you'll be super AG award-winning! :) It's one of my favorite things about getting older - getting AG awards is super fun. I've started checking race results for my new age group next year - so excited! :)

I used to think that this was true but as I have progressed through my running and triathlon journey I have come to realize that it never gets easier and the competition is always fierce. The guys I compete against as a 35-39 year old put up better results than the guys I competed against as a 30-34 year old, and scoping out the 40-44's that I'll be racing against next year I see plenty of guys that are better than my current 35-39's. In triathlon especially, but running as well, it seems like the most competitive age groups are from 35 up to 55. In running you can throw in the young 20-somethings as well, but they aren't a factor for tri (if they are good triathletes at that age they are likely racing as pros). The pointy end of the age groups are chocked full of talent, so never assume you will start winning because you are a touch younger than your competition...always respect those you are racing against because they will put you in your place if you don't!

Edited to add that I was referring to the 35-55 age range as top of the overall results...almost every age group is competitive within itself. One of the most competitive guys I know is in his 70's and he battles hard in every race. Racing into your 60's and 70's tends to bring out great competitors!

We shall see. All I know is when I get older, so do the other local people. So, I'll still have to face off with them and some new even faster people some time. Guess I'll keep grinding so people can look at my results and wish I would just get older... :D
Until @DopeyBadger invents his sims-like racing dome where everyone's age is floating above them (or runners start marking themselves like triathletes with sharpies) I just pretend every woman within chomping distance is in my age group. My current 35-39 group is way more competitive than the previous group at least locally. So I gotta get faster cause they aren't getting slower!

Also I swear these runners in good can't tell who is 28 or 58!!
Yup, that's the bottom line. Work hard and the results will come. Don't worry about the people around you, just focus on what YOU can do.


Until @DopeyBadger invents his sims-like racing dome where everyone's age is floating above them (or runners start marking themselves like triathletes with sharpies) I just pretend every woman within chomping distance is in my age group. My current 35-39 group is way more competitive than the previous group at least locally. So I gotta get faster cause they aren't getting slower!

Also I swear these runners in good can't tell who is 28 or 58!!

I think the technology is closer than we think. Just convert Google glasses into Google contacts and we're there. Then just interface the racing system with the contacts and Bam!, we've got our race tech in our eyesight. You could even have runDisney pre-plan character stops and it'll tell you how close you are to them and how long the line is currently. The possibilities are endless...:scratchin


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