WDW COVID-19 Operational Changes- Reservation System-Rope Drop Procedures

We’re headed to WDW Sunday and aren’t considering cancelling. I do think it’s going to get worse before it gets better, but in FL they just don’t have enough cases to even make us think twice- and none that can be tracked to have originated at WDW.

We aren’t flying and we’ll be extra cautious in the parks, but I refuse to let this put a damper on our trip.
This is kind of where I am. We *are* flying, but you'd better believe we'll be wiping down EVERYTHING and washing hands as soon as we disembark from the plane. Basically, my thinking is that I can stay home and possibly get it here, or I can go on vacation and possibly get it there. Either way we'd have to self-quarantine. It's just me and my daughter, so I can be extra-vigilant about reminders and making sure she doesn't touch (or lick, eww...) things and that she washes hands. If I had a larger family I suppose I might reconsider, but like someone posted way up there in this thread, it kind of boils down to personal accountability. I know there's a likelihood that we'll have to self-quarantine when we get back, but I can live with that. I've already told my elderly parents that we probably won't see them for a couple of weeks after we get back, Easter dinner is a maybe at this point.
I'm headed to AK and MK After Hours on 3/30 and 4/1, staying at Coranado Springs where the conference that week has been cancelled. I have no park visits scheduled during the daytime hours other than the early entry FPs. I have a car rented since we'll be spending some time on the gulf so I'm not worried about being stranded but does anyone know if Disney ever refunds AH tickets?? Very little info is available on their site and I gave up waiting for a representative. We are generally healthy people but it's almost silly to risk it? It's even more challenging as I am connecting on the way home in ATL as I had Final Four tickets which are no longer valid.
You may already have your answer, but a buddy of mine at work told me that his two elderly parents backed out of a planned trip and he was able to work with Disney to exchange their two AH tickets for AH tickets on another night for himself. So, he didn't get a refund, but he did get to move the tickets to another date. Your mileage may vary.
AM update on the HUB (CM only website)
COVID-19 Update – March 12
Thursday, March 12, 2020

As you may have heard, the State of California issued guidance to limit large gatherings based on COVID-19. Disneyland Resort Cast Members are reporting to work today. We have a dedicated team from across our resort planning and activating to manage our operation and will share more as information becomes available. Walt Disney World Resort remains open today and scheduled Cast Members should report to work
Just jumping in here. We're all booked and settled for 4/26 trip, flying from VA. Right now we're looking to probably drive (we've done it before and it would hurt the least financially if all we cancel is airfare) and as PP pointed out would be a nice safety net to have car- hadn't even considered the germs on buses.

We rented DVC points, I know all the non-refundable stuff blah blah, but what if (worst-cast scenario) WDW shuts down? Curious how that would play out, as I'm assuming the DVC Members would be reimbursed for those dates? I don't know, just wishful thinking if things get super bad that I won't lose out on all that money. Our last trip to Disney in 2013 was a literal wash out/family drama, I was ready to go back with a fresh slate and take my little guy (almost 3) for the first time. Maybe Disney and I are meant to be :sad:
AM update on the HUB (CM only website)
COVID-19 Update – March 12
Thursday, March 12, 2020

As you may have heard, the State of California issued guidance to limit large gatherings based on COVID-19. Disneyland Resort Cast Members are reporting to work today. We have a dedicated team from across our resort planning and activating to manage our operation and will share more as information becomes available. Walt Disney World Resort remains open today and scheduled Cast Members should report to work

this is more stressful than trying to get a boarding group
Is anyone worried about DW going into lockdown mode and quarantining? Of course no one wants to go on vacation and then be on lock-down and stuck in your room with no where tog o, but wondering what the likelihood is of that even happening would be? I keep telling DH to stop thinking that way but he's a known worrier and its starting to rub off on me --and I'm generally the complete opposite and I'm a go for the adventure and whatever happens, happens person.

Not trying to get anyone stirred up or create panic/pandemonium, but I'm generally curious what the feedback is of people there or locals who are around the area if this is even a possibility.
We also have a room only reservation. I have an AP, gf has a 10 day hopper through the Canadian resident offer last fall.

We’re going to monitor the situation but I am not feeling good about it this morning. The local news in NYC this morning has been all over the story of a JetBlue passenger from NY who flew to West Palm FL and they tested positive. I have to urge calm as a matter of course but it’s not me I’m worried about, it’s my partner, who has a chronic medical condition. My rationale thus far has been that we can get it just as easily at home, but is taking on extra unnecessary risk really worth it?

Right now I’m not so sure. We are going to have a long talk after consulting with doctors and our TA, but at this point I’m leaning on the side of postponing until 2021. It sucks and I hate it but I’m at a loss. As an aside, it’s been terrible for my mental health, as someone with anxiety and ptsd. If I didn’t have a new hire class right now I would have called out today. I nearly had a panic attack getting ready. But it is what it is.
Hang in there friend
Got up this morning and booked our FP's. Kind of bitter sweet. It's a daddy and daughter trip. My wife even asked why I am even bothering. I just don't see my work conference at WDW still happening.

Now the big question is going to be for September. It is my daughter's 21st birthday and she wanted to go to WDW for it. We have a hotel only reservation so far. Hoping things get under control by then. I bought an AP pass back in January when we were there knowing that I would be back at least 2 or 3 more times this year. Now it's looking to be a bad idea.
Is anyone worried about DW going into lockdown mode and quarantining? Of course no one wants to go on vacation and then be on lock-down and stuck in your room with no where tog o, but wondering what the likelihood is of that even happening would be? I keep telling DH to stop thinking that way but he's a known worrier and its starting to rub off on me --and I'm generally the complete opposite and I'm a go for the adventure and whatever happens, happens person.

Not trying to get anyone stirred up or create panic/pandemonium, but I'm generally curious what the feedback is of people there or locals who are around the area if this is even a possibility.
Think of what has to happen
You are at WDW and start showing symptoms, you go to the hospital or emergency care where they will test you. Until testing you won't be allowed to leave the hospital/emergency room, they're not going to discharge you and send you back to your hotel
At least that's how I understand it
After a long night of anxiety, I called this morning to postpone my 3/14-3/21 trip to August. My mom is in an at risk group so it made sense for us to push the trip back. I was nervous how it would go with Disney, but I have to say they were absolutely fantastic about it, got my same room at CR moved to the summer AND it’s 700 dollars less! Turned a very sad morning into a happy one.

Sidenote: I just dropped some pretty fire fastpasses for next week; 7DMT for Sunday, MMRR for Monday, FoP for Wednesday.
Is anyone worried about DW going into lockdown mode and quarantining? Of course no one wants to go on vacation and then be on lock-down and stuck in your room with no where tog o, but wondering what the likelihood is of that even happening would be? I keep telling DH to stop thinking that way but he's a known worrier and its starting to rub off on me --and I'm generally the complete opposite and I'm a go for the adventure and whatever happens, happens person.

Not trying to get anyone stirred up or create panic/pandemonium, but I'm generally curious what the feedback is of people there or locals who are around the area if this is even a possibility.
My husband and I were talking about this exact thing this morning. So many “what if” scenarios, but unfortunately scenarios we need to think of. Curious to see what people think.
Think of what has to happen
You are at WDW and start showing symptoms, you go to the hospital or emergency care where they will test you. Until testing you won't be allowed to leave the hospital/emergency room, they're not going to discharge you and send you back to your hotel
At least that's how I understand it
What I'm more concerned about is that they decide to close the parks/resorts while I'm there and I don't have the virus. At that point, I'm locked into a very pricey resort with not a lot to do. If I knew what their plan was in that situation, I could evaluate it, but I'm about 24 hours from my cancellation deadline and I'm not sure how to handle it.
What I'm more concerned about is that they decide to close the parks/resorts while I'm there and I don't have the virus. At that point, I'm locked into a very pricey resort with not a lot to do. If I knew what their plan was in that situation, I could evaluate it, but I'm about 24 hours from my cancellation deadline and I'm not sure how to handle it.
what they have done in the past when the parks have shutdown is give everyone a full refund even within the cancellation period. Again, not saying they will do that again if it comes to it, but they have done so in the past. As of right now you can modify within your cancellation period for a later date, before Dec 31st and they are waving that fee as well
They can't say: we will close the parks by xx date because there's no direct threat right now here. In that this is not like a hurricane where we can sort of predict when it will hit, we simply don't know


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