Which actors can you not stand?

OK I tried to trudge through the posts but couldn't get past one more "actors should just shut up and entertain".

Mayim Bialik has a PhD in Neuroscience
Danica McKellar (Winnie from The Wonder Years) is a mathematician who authored a theorem with two other mathematicians
Graham Chapman (of Monty Python fame) had his MD
Ken Jeong also has his MD
Shaquille O'Neal has a PhD in Education
James Franco has a masters degree from Columbia U and is currently working on a PhD
Natalie Portman has a degree in Psychology
Carrie Underwood graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northeastern U, degree in Mass Communcations
Rebel Wilson has a law degree
Lisa Kudrow has a degree in Biology
David Duchovny has a masters in English Lit
Ashton Kutcher studied Biochem
Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) has a degree in Criminology\

These aren't honorary degrees. A good number of these folks are smarter than 75% of the people on this board. To assume that because they choose to be performers, they aren't smart enough/worthy of political opinions or expertise outside of acting is ludicrous.

Off topic but fun fact: Ron Jeremy has a Masters degree in Special Education. Who woulda thunk, right?
I pondered this one for a few and I can't think of any actor or actress that bothers me enough to notice.
Matthew McConaughey, but only when playing himself in Lincoln commercials.

I would rather be tased in the eyeballs rather then watch one of those commercials.
One of my favs.... alright, alright, alright. ♥

Least favorite is Julia Roberts due to her reptile and repugnant comment. There are a few others but she is on the top.
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A lot of actors and actresses publicly support candidates because so many people look up to them as role models and to publicly support a candidate helps people who don’t care about politics get interested.
If they have a platform to help why is it an issue?
It would be nice if folks voted the issues NOT who their favorite celeb supports. They likely have very different lifestyles and needs. Just my thoughts.:flower3:
Not to single you out specifically, but it is interesting to me that I see this opinion constantly. 'No one cares what you think! Yet, I will be very angry about it and let my opinion of your opinion be known every chance I get!'

If their opinion is not needed and useless, can't you just ignore it?

The reality is, anyone that has this opinion is really just angry because they disagree with the opinion and hide behind 'I just don't want politics involved'. No, you just don't want to hear an opposing view on a subject. No one is saying this when someone states an opinion they agree with, they just say 'see, this celebrity gets it!'

Not true.

I am for helping protect our environment. But, remember the good ole Google Summit? Let's gather our elite to help fight climate change -- by flocking to Italy in 114 private jets and dozens of mega yachts. :sad2: That was my tipping point with it all. YMMV and that is cool, but it isn't necessarily because the view is opposing. It is because I saw the hypocrisy in their actions.
I agree that they are entitled to their opinions. However, I have no interest in their opinions unless it is about the roles they are playing or projects they are involved with. If they are an expert in a particular field, such as those you listed, and they are discussing their specialty, then it would depend on whether I had an interest in that particular field as well. Those discussions would tend to be more factual than just an opinion. My opinion is no more or less important than the opinion of any celebrity, whether it’s politics, fashion, health, or any other subject. We are all equal when it comes to opinions. Facts are another story . . .

This is one of my favorite stories that runs counter to your argument.

Tom Morello is the guitarist for Rage against the Machine. Someone you would likely dismiss their opinion on politics. Who also happens to have a poly sci degree from Harvard. You can put artists into a box if you want, but it doesn't make you right.
OK I tried to trudge through the posts but couldn't get past one more "actors should just shut up and entertain".

Mayim Bialik has a PhD in Neuroscience
Danica McKellar (Winnie from The Wonder Years) is a mathematician who authored a theorem with two other mathematicians
Graham Chapman (of Monty Python fame) had his MD
Ken Jeong also has his MD
Shaquille O'Neal has a PhD in Education
James Franco has a masters degree from Columbia U and is currently working on a PhD
Natalie Portman has a degree in Psychology
Carrie Underwood graduated Magna Cum Laude from Northeastern U, degree in Mass Communcations
Rebel Wilson has a law degree
Lisa Kudrow has a degree in Biology
David Duchovny has a masters in English Lit
Ashton Kutcher studied Biochem
Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) has a degree in Criminology\

These aren't honorary degrees. A good number of these folks are smarter than 75% of the people on this board. To assume that because they choose to be performers, they aren't smart enough/worthy of political opinions or expertise outside of acting is ludicrous.

Define smart. Most of these people that you listed have severe character flaws. In my opinion, anyone can get a degree. ANYONE. Doesn't make you smart.
Ok, someone I can't stand who happens to have done a number of Disney films:
Josh Gad👎

I don't even know why, but I see him in films and he irks me. It's as if Disney needed a go-to Jonah Hill/Seth Rogan actor on contract.

Now a polar opposite, another actor with a Disney background only everyone they work with say is a great guy all around: Kurt Russel. 👍
Define smart. Most of these people that you listed have severe character flaws. In my opinion, anyone can get a degree. ANYONE. Doesn't make you smart.
Don't most people have character flaws? That makes them people. And no not just anyone can get a degree particularly a few of those listed.

That doesn't matter though. Everyone I know states their opinions about things whether degreed or not. Celebrities seem to be the only group that isn't supposed to.
I'm not a fan of Nicholas Cage movies -- just not my style.

a previous poster mentioned several educated actors. Jody Foster started reading at age three so I guess it was natural for her to get her degree in Literature -- from Yale, where she graduated magna cum laude. Yale did give her an honorary doctorate later on.

When Martin Sheen was in West Wing he expected us to agree with every political statement he made in real life.

Not a fan of Tom Cruise, and especially not Borat.
Nicholas Cage. Probably because the first movie I saw with him in it was Raising Arizona, which I hated. I should probably give him another try, as he has shown a lot of range (unlike the above two).

I've never been a big fan of his, but I do enjoy him in Guarding Tess. It's currently on Prime, if you have access to that. I'm also okay with him in the National Treasure movies and Sorceror's Apprentice, but I won't watch him in anything else.
The reality is, anyone that has this opinion is really just angry because they disagree with the opinion and hide behind 'I just don't want politics involved'. No, you just don't want to hear an opposing view on a subject. No one is saying this when someone states an opinion they agree with, they just say 'see, this celebrity gets it!'
This may be true for some, but not everyone. I get annoyed with the ones I agree with. Some are just too vocal or opinionated for my liking, so while I might share their opinion, I don’t want to hear them go on and on ad nauseum.
Don't most people have character flaws? That makes them people. And no not just anyone can get a degree particularly a few of those listed.

That doesn't matter though. Everyone I know states their opinions about things whether degreed or not. Celebrities seem to be the only group that isn't supposed to.
Oh. I wasn't commenting on actors stating their opinions. I was commenting on the false narrative that these actors are "smarter than 75% of the people on the Disboards" just because they have a degree.


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