Every Adventure Requires a First Step.

Yeah well I had to buy another huge luggage to take it all home including all that coffee and soap!

I haven't had to do this yet but there's been a few times when it's been close!

Wowza do those things MOVE! they are so fast!!!

They do move at quite a clip but it's so smooth you don't even really notice. The only time I got a little frightened was coming into the stations.
We could have met each other ahead of times when you were with the boys but it was a very short window of overlap. Plus, I didn't check your trip report in time. But I did manage to do something based solely on your recommendation. I was able to buy a Vera Bradley backpack at a small business location in our community at a 50% discount. That was a win-win-win all around. I used it for our last trip and you were right - it holds tons of stuff. :) And it is cute, too.

we thought it was ok. we only like the Brownie Creme Brulee I wouldn't order it again.. i would rather another plate of food!!! LOL this may have turned into my favorite restaurant ever we can get a dessert anywhere..
I'm glad to hear that you had a great menu at the Wave, except for dessert. There always seems to be available ADR's for that restaurant so we won't be afraid to go there on our next trip.
Whos child is that?? It certainly is NOT my peanut
She looks all grown up - and beautiful, too. :)
It wasn't our favorite. Wouldn't do it again. It's just SO DARK!!! I loved the animals nothing can beat that Nothing..
the pool was ok the store was lacking
We did it once and I am grateful for the opportunity. i am SO glad we were able to stay here but it's not us.
I love BRIGHT and happy -
I agree 100%. I have never felt any desire to stay there but we like to go there for dinner at Boma.
I've only done breakfast here back when it was a buffet and I really enjoyed it.

HIGHLY recommend it.. not a bad thing there! i want to go back for breakfast..

This one is definitely on my bucket list but I will need someone to share it with for sure.

As you can see I am all about helping others with this drink! I will gladly share.. LOL!!

Well, it's blue, so you know I'm in!!! :)

I know you'll love it!!!

Um, your Peanut is a KNOCKOUT!!! princess: Yeah, she will only be single as long as SHE chooses to be! Oh, man, what I wouldn't give for a dose of Disney magic these days. BUT, I know you have waited longer for this than I did. So, since I cannot figure out how to post a ticker on here any more....

:boat:::MickeyMopirate::sail:359 days til we cruise with Mickey!!!! :sail:pirate:::MickeyMo:boat:

ok this "ticker" is amazing! and it's fun that you have to come and change it daily!!! WHOOP!
i haven't had a real ticker in so long..
Thank you! Peanut really matured didn't she? i hate it. As for a Boyfriend i have stories... I will have to share them especially with my Mom's with daughter friends you will understand my craziness!
We have not been in Disney in 6 years. i needed this more then you know,
makes me want to live here even more!

Eww, kinda yucky how they sort of tossed you from the resort. I've never stayed there, but often thought it looked too dark and serious for us, too. Of course being so close to the animals is the obvious perk though!!

Yeah! Totally wasn't what i think of with DVC... Or they did treat us like real family??? HA HA
You nailed it! It's too serious we are NOT a serious family for sure!! yes the animals are well worth it!

Oh, when did Meghan go from the cutie with the unnecessary head tilt to this grown up girl!?! She's absolutely lovely!

HA HA HA HA HA the unnecessary head tilt!


my favorite picture ever-

thank you she did mature...
I hate it!!!

We really loved the Skyliner!! SUCH a timesaver from Pop to Epcot and DHS. I honestly don't mind the buses, but we LOVED having this as an option!

I am going to have to come back to this.. since at this time we hadn't rode it!

I haven't had to do this yet but there's been a few times when it's been close!

seriously? i would have guessed you did!
the simba popcorn bucket alone needed it's own! LOL

They do move at quite a clip but it's so smooth you don't even really notice. The only time I got a little frightened was coming into the stations.

i cannot comment just yet... 😉

We could have met each other ahead of times when you were with the boys but it was a very short window of overlap. Plus, I didn't check your trip report in time. But I did manage to do something based solely on your recommendation. I was able to buy a Vera Bradley backpack at a small business location in our community at a 50% discount. That was a win-win-win all around. I used it for our last trip and you were right - it holds tons of stuff. :) And it is cute, too.

dang! that's a miss for sure I blame myself I wanted to get this trip over before I got into the planning with the boys.. IF I did what I planned we could have!
Next time.. There will be a next time..
OH! I am so glad you got the backpack! and it's comfortable to wear! which design did you get?

I'm glad to hear that you had a great menu at the Wave, except for dessert. There always seems to be available ADR's for that restaurant so we won't be afraid to go there on our next trip.

It really is amazing. I cannot wait tot try the breakfast next time!

She looks all grown up - and beautiful, too. :)

Thank you!!! :hug:

I agree 100%. I have never felt any desire to stay there but we like to go there for dinner at Boma.

How is Boma?? It's a great place to visit!
Not our style..
Beach club? Yes please!!!

ok let me get on the next update! WHOOP!!!
Cannot wait to hear more. I also want to get a Vera Bradley backpack. They came out with a new design. Wondering if it is too pink for me.
Cannot wait to hear more. I also want to get a Vera Bradley backpack. They came out with a new design. Wondering if it is too pink for me.

I saw the new designs.. I am not a huge Minnie fan
or pink.. LOL But i am a fan of that backpack! check them out? Maybe i am hyping them up but they are the same size as other backpacks??I don't know but i truly love mine...
I admit i have a bag addiction too..

Sorry no update yesterday my computer was a jerk. So i am at work today i have a few meeting and giving a few classes - so let me at least start this! LOL

OH! I am so glad you got the backpack! and it's comfortable to wear! which design did you get?
It is an XL Collegiate backpack that was on clearance. It has a padded laptop section and the strap on the back which enables me to slide the bag over the handle of my suitcase. And it fits under the seat of the airplane. :) This was a great purchase and better than my old Eddie Bauer backpack.

How is Boma??
The food at Boma is really good. I am not a very adventurous eater, but I found the odd flavors in some of the dishes to be really good. :)
Beach club? Yes please!!!
We stay at the Beach Club more than any other resort. But we also found that the Yacht Club is great, too. I like the room layout better at the Yacht Club. :)
Working Our Way Around the World

I left off at our entrance into Epcot- International Gateway side
make a right and wander down to jump start our IMAGINATIONS!
No lines to speak of to accompany the no pictures on my phone-- So as we are jump start our imaginations i need you to do the same.. Remember pictures are stuck in a hard drive still---
we rode my favorite ride!
It was a sad state to walk through the little play area that was closed.. no sights or sounds of children laughter.
It was a bit depressing..
into the store and found NOTHING. I was on a mission to find the Spirit Jersey for:


Festival of the Arts!!! I have never been and was SO excited to get a FIGMENT JERSEY!
Surprising it was NOT in the store.
Frolicking in the grass was JOY who waved and sent off kisses.
Not my picture:

She was super cute.

after figment we went straight over to The Land for Soarin' and living with the land.
This was also new. we hadn't rode the refurb! I LOVED IT! i loved the smells! I see the dot is still there and i laughed to myself.
then of course we rode the land.- having the plastic barrier makes it very difficult to see.. Thankfully peanut and i got the front and were able to see all the fun..
After learning all i need and ideas for a garden we moved on to find a lost fish!
Thieving some pictures--

Moving right along
We were going for the most amazing ball of them all!


oh how i love thee
Kathy went to find a seat and wait for Larry (hubby)


I just cannot take enough pictures of this glorious geometrical goodness



Phoenicians just don't get enough love in our everyday lives...



then it was time to build our future... Which deserves a costume change -




Clearly it didn't like my mask??



Kathy was still waiting for Larry so we jumped over to:


traversing through the weird lines now and not able to construct a vehicle to our liking we just got on for a wild crazy ride.



Before i overload this with pictures-- Carry on--

Epcot 2

Chapter Link
It is an XL Collegiate backpack that was on clearance. It has a padded laptop section and the strap on the back which enables me to slide the bag over the handle of my suitcase. And it fits under the seat of the airplane. :) This was a great purchase and better than my old Eddie Bauer backpack.

I LOVE the colors!!!
Yes that's the same size as the one i have!
Love love it! Isn't it perfect?!?!

The food at Boma is really good. I am not a very adventurous eater, but I found the odd flavors in some of the dishes to be really good. :)

I will keep this in my thoughts for next time!!! THANK YOU! anything you recommend?

We stay at the Beach Club more than any other resort. But we also found that the Yacht Club is great, too. I like the room layout better at the Yacht Club. :)

I didn't know there was a difference? Not going to lie.. I really am thinking about becoming DVC... Beach club is just so pretty!!!! and inviting!!! and the POOL!
needless to say i have so many things to think on!!!


Finishing up our testing of the track---we found walls...
Lots and LOTS of walls

like the guardians of the galaxy new wall:

But they made the walls fun! Only has Disney would do-


we went to find Kathy and Larry to continue on our World travels!


we stopped in Mouse Gears.. Because that is what you need to do- thought i was lost.
This cannot be Mouse gears.. No way-
it was the size of my living room! What!!


Where everything?!?! Construction... Loads of it.. For as far as the eye can see.. I was on the hunt for my spirit jersey- for gifts back home and a new dog collar and leash.

Nope. Not here.. Nothing.. like a cheap store. Not Mouse gears we all know and love.
I was angry and now needed a drink and food.

Of course my mood would change in a blink of an eye -crossing over into Showcase were the most beautiful sidewalk chalk art!


lovely!!! just lovely!!!

I know i stopped for a margarita- isn't it law??? I believe it is.
Feeling a LOT better we thought we would Fiesta in the grandest of tours!
Until we saw the line! HOLY guacamole! No way Jose! <-- see what i did here?? Pretty awesome espanol right???

well we kept on walking. but not too far - we did want to go on the new Frozen Ever After!!!
It's no Maelstrom.. We love our Maelstrom.. I'll never forget the last ride and we went on it with the CM's ~Magical~

Well those days are over and we need to embrace the new- Which was trying to find the end of the line!
PHEW! it was all the way in CHINA!


We looped and lopped and turned and frolicked-


laughed and had a great time-


it reminds me of Tangled


I was getting sleepy!! it's dark and cozy in there

It's time to shop! Since there is a BIG SUMMER BLOWOUT!




But they weren't selling the Figment Spirit Jersey either!

Peanut and i hopped into the first line so we can see around the plastic barriers,.


Blurry phone pictures-



It's a cute ride! but i prefer Maelstrom...
dumped into the store looked for a jacket for Kathy since she was cold.
Not the Figment spirit Jersey or her size jacket....

But it's OK.. Everything is OK
Germany is up next!!! That's why!


and they sell this beauty-



say it how you want but it is the most refreshing fantastic beer
by this time Haley met up with us- we ordered some shot thing.. I don't remember nor can i find the name! LOL but it was clear and good. warmed the soul..


Feeling no pain.. but still on the hunt for - spirit jersey - dog leash - gifts.
I left Peanut in charge..


beautiful shot with the choco taco
ya know the new water firework barge thing?

they are HUGE..


It was time to skeedaddle we were exhausted i had about 5 Schofferhofer and who knows shots...
I had forgotten to check in for the flight the next day!
while i did that Peanut grabbed this-

we did wander in but nothing was really up. hit every store EVERY STORE looking for the leash collar and jersey!!
We found our hosts and next thing i knew our party was not quite over -if you saw we really didn't eat and we were hungry!
Off to the Polynesian we went! Apparently my darling daughter never had a dole whip!!! WHAT!! She said every time we went they never got one -they all thought there was alcohol in it!

and Kathy said it needed to be rectified
who am I to argue?
Once there we we went to Bou Tiki! while Kathy and Larry went to grab a table at Tambu
Guess what I found

Spending spree-- we got the boys shirts - tom a hat --- i have no idea what else.. I swear i was buying like i had won the lottery... I blame it on the fact we hadn't been there IN 6 YEARS!!!
back upstairs and i threw on my new fancy dancy spirit jersey -
We ordered long awaited yumm-os
I got a longboard and a water
Peanut a Water
Peanut ordered- Sushi
I ordered Flat bread
we both shared Nachos.
and we scarfed it down like we hadn't eaten in a month.. Bellies FULL feeling Fine we were on our way back to Casa de la kathy and fam!
guess what we forgot?
Dole Whip.

Guess that'll have to wait until next time!

Back at the house we started to pack up and clean up a bit then we hit the hay!
Funny story. They have a pull out for guests in the guest bedroom- peanut decided to curl up and as she did -the bed started to rise - unbeknownst to her the bed was vertical..
I had to get up and lay down with my head at the end of the bed to even it out!!! I was laughing ---kinda hard to sleep again when I am chuckling like I was!!! Exhaustion took over and back to la la land!

Next up
Chicago bound.
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I LOVE the colors!!!
Yes that's the same size as the one i have!
Love love it! Isn't it perfect?!?!
I love the colors and was very happy that this small store, which only had a few VB backpacks, had the one I loved the most on sale for 50% off. :)
It is perfect and I wish I had found it years ago. ::yes::

I know i stopped for a margarita- isn't it law??? I believe it is.
Feeling a LOT better we thought we would Fiesta in the grandest of tours!
Until we saw the line! HOLY guacamole! No way Jose! <-- see what i did here?? Pretty awesome espanol right???
The long line for the Mexican pavilion has stopped us from going in there. I have been dying for a margarita but no way am I waiting in that line when better options were nearby.
well we kept on walking. but not too far - we did want to go on the new Frozen Ever After!!!
It's no Maelstrom.. We love our Maelstrom..
I think the Frozen ride is very boring now. It feels unfinished with all that emptiness that needs filling.

say it how you want but it is the most refreshing fantastic beer
I just discovered this beer in October and now I have to have it every trip. I also found it at the local liquor store in both bottles and cans. :)
Off to the Polynesian we went! Apparently my darling daughter never had a dole whip!!! WHAT!! She said ever time they never got one since they all thought there was alcohol in it!
Well, they were pretty young the last time you were there. Pineapple is not a kid's flavor, is it?
we both shared Nachos.
Love these nachos!
We have not been in Disney in 6 years. i needed this more then you know,
6 years is a long time to not go to Disney. I would be going through withdrawal.
Beach club? Yes please!!!
I think my favorite resort is Boardwalk. I think it is a nicer walk to Hollywood studios and Epcot compared to Beach Club. Only issue is WDW/DVC doesn't want me to stay there. In 2018, they bumped our one night to GF but charged us to park which is free for DVC. In 2019, we decided last minute to stay after a cruise for one night to see ROTR. We got our room view downgraded, which was fine- but less points than what we booked. Had to deal with getting DVC fixing points that went to holding.

Worst was the trip booked for 2020. We were going in March for my birthday ( okay for my girls spring break) but due to COVID-19, WDW shut down. We had decided to cancel due to COVID-19 but that evening WDW announced they were closing.
What a great Epcot Day!!! Yeah, Epcot only ended up being a half day park for us....and that was even with F&W. There is just so much construction, and not much to see right now. We got there right at "rope drop", and went on TT, Soarin', and SE within AN HOUR! pixiedust:Seriously, it was crazy! So, then we did F&W for lunch, went back to Pop for a nappy nap, had pool time, and got take-out from the QS there for dinner, which we ate in bed while we watched TV. It really was a nice day for us, since we had not scheduled any days off from the parks.

Choco Taco! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

So glad you FINALLY found your Figment jersey!!! And poor Mo-kids, never having a Dole Whip. :oops: I hope you were able to remedy that with the boys, at least! Man, it's been a LONG time since I have suffered the Disney blues...but this TR sure is giving it to me bad! :sad:
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I love the colors and was very happy that this small store, which only had a few VB backpacks, had the one I loved the most on sale for 50% off. :)
It is perfect and I wish I had found it years ago. ::yes::

AWESOME find! that's a huge discount!! yes the colors are really pretty too.
So happy you like it!
I agree wish i had it all my life too! LOL

The long line for the Mexican pavilion has stopped us from going in there. I have been dying for a margarita but no way am I waiting in that line when better options were nearby.

crazy long! Margarita are just as important as the grapefruit beer! mmmmmm how I wish I had one now..

I think the Frozen ride is very boring now. It feels unfinished with all that emptiness that needs filling.

You are right! that's exactly how it feels unfinished or hurried not complete.

I just discovered this beer in October and now I have to have it every trip. I also found it at the local liquor store in both bottles and cans. :)

LOL i but doesn't it taste better in Epcot? I don't know why but it really does!

Well, they were pretty young the last time you were there. Pineapple is not a kid's flavor, is it?

they were young. My kids have "mature" taste? so they would love a dole whip!
Meg and Zack always loved sushi they all love brussel sprouts and other stuff other kids think are gross.. Raised them with the mentality try it don't like it don't eat it. Don't knock it until you've tried it. with the no pressure of having to eat things they were more open and trusting to try stuff. but what do i know they might just like food

Love these nachos!

How about it.. aren't they delicious?

6 years is a long time to not go to Disney. I would be going through withdrawal.

entirely too long.. Thankfully we are a busy tribe so keep the mind off of it
Until now i got the Disney bite now i need to go 100 times in a year to make up for lost time

I think my favorite resort is Boardwalk. I think it is a nicer walk to Hollywood studios and Epcot compared to Beach Club. Only issue is WDW/DVC doesn't want me to stay there. In 2018, they bumped our one night to GF but charged us to park which is free for DVC. In 2019, we decided last minute to stay after a cruise for one night to see ROTR. We got our room view downgraded, which was fine- but less points than what we booked. Had to deal with getting DVC fixing points that went to holding.

oh boy this doesn't not sound fun!!!
I really am looking into DVC.... even if we live right there - i still would want the immersive Disney bubble.. i need to stay there!

Worst was the trip booked for 2020. We were going in March for my birthday ( okay for my girls spring break) but due to COVID-19, WDW shut down. We had decided to cancel due to COVID-19 but that evening WDW announced they were closing.

This makes me so sad, I understand your pain! a canceled trip is the worst! I have to cancel more then I care to remember

What a great Epcot Day!!! Yeah, Epcot only ended up being a half day park for us....and that was even with F&W. There is just so much construction, and not much to see right now. We got there right at "rope drop", and went on TT, Soarin', and SE within AN HOUR! pixiedust:Seriously, it was crazy! So, then we did F&W for lunch, went back to Pop for a nappy nap, had pool time, and got take-out from the QS there for dinner, which we ate in bed while we watched TV. It really was a nice day for us, since we had not scheduled any days off from the parks.

Epcot went for our favorite park to the last right now.. We do have high hopes for when it opens totally! I mean AK was out least favorite now moved up that line pretty quick! especially with the Disney+ show! it became more personal..
Being able to get all that in the short time you had is insane! a day off is so important you must have at least one day off.. just to enjoy the resort or to rest your weary feet/legs!

Choco Taco! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

well? am i right???

So glad you FINALLY found your Figment jersey!!! And poor Mo-kids, never having a Dole Whip. :oops: I hope you were able to remedy that with the boys, at least! Man, it's been a LONG time since I have suffered the Disney blues...but this TR sure is giving it to me bad! :sad:

I did find that dang jersey! it was like a hunt and i was the victor! FINALLY!!
Yeah what's up with the kids never having one! pretty funny they thought it was a alcohol based drink.. Tom probably told them that..
I am sorry you have the blues thankfully you do have the cruise!! and when i move there you can visit every weekend! LOL finally can have one of those awesome Disney movie nights.

Sorry for the disappear. My glasses have been giving me a terrible headache i wish my new ones would show up!!!

OK let me get in an update so we can move on to the boys trip
then the November trip!
I mean our 3 am planning party is going to start this weekend!
Chicago Bound!

Today i have a twitch in my eye and a headache im blaming my glasses ONWARD we write!

The next morning we were so sluggish- peanut was awakened by the furry crew


Kona -Kai- and Kilani- see a theme here? they love the poly life!!

After bounteous amounts of coffee I got up to finish packing especially when i have the extra luggage to pack it ALL up!
Like this little gem .

I was hearing about the terrible weather that was about to hit Chicago. My GF Lori was also in Orlando for work and her flight was canceled she was the flight right before us.
She called to say she changed to our flight then called again to say she was worried and got an even earlier flight.
this isn't something i was looking forward too, So Checking the app over and over to see if the flight would be canceled --which truly wasn't such a horrible thing to be stuck IN FLORIDA while Chicago was going to be hit hard with the white crap. Yet i did miss the family and furry guys..
family or Florida? I text tom told him to pack up and start driving..
He didn't
so gave him our flight information
Lori text said she was fine and got home without a problem
On our way to the airport I was taking in all the bright blue and beautiful green

We said all our goodbyes and they would be on call in case our flight was going to be delayed - I was getting more and more nervous about the flight itself and how ugly it was going to be.. flying in a snowstorm.. ugh.

It was a breeze getting into the airport through security and on -



Peanut was cheating on our beloved Dunlin for some starbucks
Why don't they have a Dunkin?

caffeine - I'll take it .

A very empty MCO

We were hungry so of course we went to
Jersey Mike's

Do you all have a go to at MCO? Mine is Jersey Mike's I have no idea why It's light and filling.

After our meal and relaxing people watching
We made it over to the gate

Drank our coffee watched the weather that was coming Prayed for it to be OK prayer for the Pilot to be strong be guide us all to safety.

MCO was better then Midway- they actually made people board by numbers which was way better and organized

We got our favorite spot-
Up front. Some crazy woman wanted to sit between us --- because we had masks on she couldn't understand /hear me say i was going to move the bags and sit next to Meg - She turned and sat in the middle of the people next to our row.. Sorry NOT sorry get away from me and my peanut. Bags in the upper compartment and we were off-

I wanted the rest of the winx saga drinking my caffeine.
the flight was smooth as butter! NO issues no bumps nothing!!!

If you have never flown into Midway--
consider yourself lucky. It is small - like no runway for the planes to speak of.

I hope you all can see this video-

If not please let me know- this must be seen by all-

watch me

Otherwise this will not make any sense-

this was waiting for us at the terminal


and also disgusting because --- snow.

We cheered. we made it safely home on the ground with a snow storm.. Talk about relief!
off the plane quickly and on to baggage pick up. we were the first to arrive and last to get our luggage. :rotfl2::confused3

I was just ready to see the boys and get home to see the puppies!

Our AWFUL drive home

it was awful.. no plow trucks in sight -Not ONE- it took us forever to get home

Once we got there the dogs were happy to see us


we unloaded all the gifts the boys have yet to wear their shirts..
ugh.. I miss the days they would wear Disney shirts-

I worked from home so i can be good and do the 10 day quarantine. Or so i could get back to reality and bring the house back to normalcy HA
Monday it snowed.. I don't remember it being so bad but the principal gave them a virtual learning day

Tuesday-- Tuesday was BAD

and solidified my decision to move to FLORIDA-
this is what i woke up to

it was awful. I let Murphy and piper out in the morning- I hard a hard time opening the back door! The snow had it barricaded closed. Piper plopped out and the snow was as tall as she was. poor thing just stood there.
The trio woke up got ready for snow removal!


one of their teachers gave them

this was horrible and it just kept snowing more and more I was so angry!
I hate snow..

This is when i thought to dive into editing my pictures so i sat down and had a helper


That's when my external took the dive.

Well that was the end of Peanut and the Mom trip. What i learned is-
I cannot breath in a mask and need to find a solution
Florida can get cold!
being a Disney nerd i sure am a newbie all over again so much has changed
Drink lots more water.
quit buying stuff
time to plan the boys trip.
and i booked we were leaving in two weeks

Or were we??

Chapter Link-

The In-between
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Do you all have a go to at MCO? Mine is Jersey Mike's I have no idea why It's light and filling.
We like to get the "make your own" salad which is right next to Jersey Mike's. Disney does not have good salads and we are dying for something different by the time we get to MCO.
f you have never flown into Midway--
consider yourself lucky. It is small - like no runway for the planes to speak of.
It is like landing in a parking lot. I always get nervous when landing at Midway. It looks like you are going to land on houses and warehouses. It was snowing when we landed and I was afraid we were going to slide into Central Avenue.
this was horrible and it just kept snowing more and more
That was the heaviest snowfall in years. We had about 30 inches in our yard.
We like to get the "make your own" salad which is right next to Jersey Mike's. Disney does not have good salads and we are dying for something different by the time we get to MCO.

AH! I did look there! But i haven't tried it. Only because like i said- it's my go to. I never eat it any other time! HA!
You are correct i haven't had a good salad yet. But i accept the challenge and now on a quest! LOL

It is like landing in a parking lot. I always get nervous when landing at Midway. It looks like you are going to land on houses and warehouses. It was snowing when we landed and I was afraid we were going to slide into Central Avenue.

Omg RIGHT? it was terrifying.

That was the heaviest snowfall in years. We had about 30 inches in our yard.

YES! we had every bit of 3 feet
the drifts were above my head.
I hate snow!
I am currently getting ready for the first of our 3am planning party!!

We will be getting together tonight since Tom has the night off-- Can't wait to tell you how it goes!

until then
Here is Murphy being weird

The In-Between!


Going to enter all the stuff that happened in-between! As i was leaving FL with Peanut Kathy and I were talking about when we would be back with the boys.
So i booked- We would be back in two week.
Or so we thought--

With being quarantined gave my more time with my cricut. At Home Depot they have tile samples- which to me = crafting stuff!
I thought it would be cute to have the 4parks with the original D in the middle.
I tried new paints and the stencil i made
Learning lesson these are fantastic flooring


Well haven't found anything yet.
Epic FAIL..
So i have to get a pick me upper


How much is that puppy in the window--

I couldn't find him for like 30 minutes..

Aggravation was at it's peak... Everything was bothering me. Even my hair. all the dead ends UGH! terrible Meghan also said she needs a hair cut.
Ah! a solution! This will def make me feel better!
and i did it.


I cut off 7ish inches..
one way to get rid of the pink right??


Well getting there at least!
Do you love it?

No real pony tail!

Meg had about 3 or 4 inches and it doesn't look like anything!!

Well Hair done Time to get back to working out.
I mean I have to get back to non-aggravated me!
then this was my view at the GYM..


I truly hate all of this

But then....

Disney announce




Look at this! SO BEAUTIFUL! OK Life I get it no more grumblies.

As i said before I have this:


I was all excited to make the Eggrolls and steamed buns!
We had made the cheeseburger ones at home and i made matt help-



OMG so so good!!! Totally worth it!

I had mentioned how we were going back right?
and how I had an issue with eh feeling of suffocation and the mask?
this thing-

As my boys call it- a jock strap -

I needed to model it for you:


While laughing hysterically at myself in my office-

with the mask-


BINGO BABY! I am breathing just fine-

Continuing with the in-between

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So i have to get a pick me upper
Great idea!
Have you tried the Pomegranate version yet?
I cut off 7ish inches..
one way to get rid of the pink right??
It looks really nice. :)
NO I don't like SNOW!
I truly hate all of this
Is that the chair you use for dibs? I think that the most annoying thing about the mounds of snow was that you couldn't open the car door on the curb side of the car. The snow was in the way.
I had mentioned how we were going back right?
and how I had an issue with eh feeling of suffocation and the mask?
this thing-
That looks like it will help to keep your face cooler, too. The mask can feel very claustrophobic, which is why I don't like the flat masks like the one you have in the picture.
Okay, I may NEED one of those jock straps for the face mask!!! I detest wearing a mask. I am officially perimenopausal, and I go into hyperventilating in that thing when I get a hot flash. It is HORRIBLE!

Those egg rolls look DELISH!!! I am trying to do the low carb thing now. :sad: My A1C came back high on my annual bloodwork. UGH! I know you have been doing low carb for a few years now. Well, I'm on the wagon with you. Feel free to share any of your fave low-carb recipes. I went ahead and re-subscribed to E-Meals to get some help with the meal planning for this. Hey, I'm from the south. We do not know how to plan a meal that does not include rice, pasta, or taters. :rotfl2:

I may or may not have recently chopped my own hair off, too. I LOVE it! Hubby.....not so much. But, I put up with him growing a long-ish beard, so he can just deal. :rolleyes1


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