Pfizer vaccine authorized for 12-15yo in US

My DD14 got her first dose yesterday afternoon at a clinic run through her pediatrician's office. There were tons of kids there and it was very quick and efficient. It was nice to bring her someplace that she was familiar since she hates needles and shots in general, so she could ask questions and such. The only hiccup was that I had scheduled it for a day that she didn't have any activities or games, just in case she experienced any minor side effects, but then when I picked her up she said that a lacrosse game was scheduled last minute, so best laid plans and all...Anyway, there were several kids at the game with bandaids on their arms so she wasn't the only one! Pretty much all her dance team has either had their first dose or scheduled for next week.

She hasn't really had any side effects except some arm soreness, but drinking lots of water and taking it easy today anyway! :flower1:
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?

My 16 year old had nothing worse than a slightly sore arm. He is a small kid...5'5" and only about 125lb.
About 12 mins into our 15 min wait DD said she was dizzy and needed to sit down and said she had rushing in her ears. I do not think it was a reaction but more of an adrenaline come down after being worked up about getting a shot and suddenly being around a bunch of people. We waited around for a few extra minutes just in case and she is fine.
Quoting myself here because after the kids went to bed I was skimming through the side effects sheet and being dizzy/feeling like you’re going to pass out is listed as a “possible severe allergic reaction.” My gut instinct was that it was an anxiety/adrenaline thing after the fact. It lasted maybe a minute and a half. Once she sat down for a few minutes she was fine. It’s so hard to tell with this kid. Everything is a “thing” and then I worry because I don’t know if it’s actually a “thing.” Wish I had them check her out but it didn’t seem like a “thing” at the time. I think I’ll run her by the ped just to be on the safe side for shot #2.

Other than that minute and half and sore arms both kids are so far side effect free and sick of me asking how they’re feeling.
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?

None at all, just the soreness in her arm. I worried a bit about her having the shot Thursday because DD19 & I both had some fatigue after the first shot and DD12's long-awaited (because last year's was cancelled due to covid) NJHS induction was yesterday, but she's been fine. Other than some ibuprofen before bed so rolling over on the sore arm doesn't wake her and making sure she drinks lots of water and keeps moving to help the soreness ease, it hasn't disrupted her normal routines at all.
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?
So both of mine just woke up, so I’ll say fatigue, since DS12 is my earlier riser. He says no arm pain. DD15 says she’s tired and her arm is sore (but it was sore going in from dance).
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?
My boys haven’t had anything really. They’re spreading mulch today for a Boy Scout fundraiser so working hard the day after the first dose. We will see what the second dose brings.
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?
DD18 is getting her 2nd one as I type this, but her best friend had her 2nd shot on Wednesday afternoon and was too tired to come to school on Thursday.
Fatigue and sore arm are what I keep hearing from that age group.
Just skimming these posts, but for those of you who have had your 12-15 year olds vaccinated, did they have any side effects other than a sore arm? My 18 year old did not have any side effects with Pfizer (either shot), but because of some things coming up, I want to do my best to time it right for my 14 year old. From what I think I've read on here, no one has really had any side effects, correct?

MY DD15 had a sore arm--- its better today (she received shot Thurs)-- and shes been a bit tired, but thats normal, (and a healthy reaction from what Ive been told)
Quoting myself here because after the kids went to bed I was skimming through the side effects sheet and being dizzy/feeling like you’re going to pass out is listed as a “possible severe allergic reaction.” My gut instinct was that it was an anxiety/adrenaline thing after the fact. It lasted maybe a minute and a half. Once she sat down for a few minutes she was fine. It’s so hard to tell with this kid. Everything is a “thing” and then I worry because I don’t know if it’s actually a “thing.” Wish I had them check her out but it didn’t seem like a “thing” at the time. I think I’ll run her by the ped just to be on the safe side for shot #2.

Other than that minute and half and sore arms both kids are so far side effect free and sick of me asking how they’re feeling.

She's fine. What she experienced was adrenaline/anxiety. Totally normal, especially in teen girls.

Prolonged dizziness/lightheadedness would be a concern. An allergic reaction would have happened within the first 30 minutes.
She's fine. What she experienced was adrenaline/anxiety. Totally normal, especially in teen girls.

Prolonged dizziness/lightheadedness would be a concern. An allergic reaction would have happened within the first 30 minutes.
This happened 12 mins into our 15 min wait which I didn’t think much of until later when skimming the paperwork. At the same time I feel like if it were an allergic reaction more would have happened, it wouldn’t have stopped once she sat down and took a few deep breaths. I’ve experienced the exact same thing myself several times over the years and it was definitely anxiety driven. Anyway, thank you for responding it makes me feel much better. :flower3:
This happened 12 mins into our 15 min wait which I didn’t think much of until later when skimming the paperwork. At the same time I feel like if it were an allergic reaction more would have happened, it wouldn’t have stopped once she sat down and took a few deep breaths. I’ve experienced the exact same thing myself several times over the years and it was definitely anxiety driven. Anyway, thank you for responding it makes me feel much better. :flower3:

It happened to me about 7 minutes after getting my first shot. It was 100% anxiety related. Didn't happen after my second shot.
My son got his first dose yesterday! We went to a drive through one and it was filled with other teens all getting their shots. They were all cheering and whooping in line- such a happy vibe.

He was very excited about getting a sticker and put it immediately on his water bottle. 😂

So far no side effects at all, not even a sore arm. He'll have his second shot in time to have two full weeks after it before we leave for Disney World. I'm just so happy, feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders to not have to worry anymore. Even though the risk has always been minimal for him I never felt like I could fully relax. Things finally can be normal again.
She's fine. What she experienced was adrenaline/anxiety. Totally normal, especially in teen girls.

Prolonged dizziness/lightheadedness would be a concern. An allergic reaction would have happened within the first 30 minutes.

I had a bit of anxiety approx 25 min after the shot. By that time, I was already on my way home and had just gotten on the freeway. I recognized it for what it was and told myself to calm down as I really didn't want to freak out at 65mph. By the time I made it home, I was fine. No real side effects besides a sore arm and I was convinced I would be laid flat by it. There were a ton of sick calls by just about everyone else. Even the "strong" ones were laid low.

My 12yo, has only gotten a sore arm. She did much better than mom. :rotfl2:
I had a bit of anxiety approx 25 min after the shot. By that time, I was already on my way home and had just gotten on the freeway. I recognized it for what it was and told myself to calm down as I really didn't want to freak out at 65mph. By the time I made it home, I was fine. No real side effects besides a sore arm and I was convinced I would be laid flat by it. There were a ton of sick calls by just about everyone else. Even the "strong" ones were laid low.

My 12yo, has only gotten a sore arm. She did much better than mom. :rotfl2:
Yeah, I’m 99% sure that’s what it was. Takes after her Mama. 😂 When there’s a crisis I’m Johnny on the spot and I get stuff done. I tend to fall apart after it’s all over with. I’ve also had that happen while driving chanting to myself, “You’re not having a stroke, you’re not having a stroke.” It’s probably why I questioned her reaction later. Between DLgal and my older DD I’ve put away that fear. (for now 😂)
Our 16 yo received her first done at the end of February and second in mid-March. Her first dose was a breeze, second dose she was sick for ~24 hours (just like her dad was). Our 14yo received her first dose last Thursday. She said that it burned for a moment, but that was it, nothing more. We'll see how dose two does in a few weeks.

I saw on social media that a lot of my friends with 14yo took them to get vaccinated last week.
My 13 year old and 15 year olds got their vaccinations on Thursday right after school. They had a sore arm and fatigue. One has a shellfish allergy and the other has fainted in the past and neither one had any issues. I didn’t like that Walgreens had no where for them to sit after the vaccine.


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