BW making me move my reservation to another Resort for 12/1 due to construction delays???

Bear with me for this long winded story but it is semi-relevant! Back in May my sister and I booked a last minute 1-bdr Savanna view at Kidani and unfortunately when we arrived the room had a really intense and horrible burnt plastic and bacon smell throughout. We opened both balconies and just sat out there for over an hour hoping the smell would dissipate, but it never did.

It started making me really nauseous and we decided to call down to mousekeeping to see if they could at least come give the space another cleaning, maybe that would help but when we got on the phone the front desk apologized profusely and said they’d call us back with a solution. About 10 mins later a lovely woman who introduced herself as one of the managers at AKL again, apologized and offered to move us to a Jambo studio hotel-side since that was all they had for the night if we didn’t want to stay in that room. There was no argument, no pushback, no “let’s try this first before taking other measures” just a sincere apology and let me fix this the best way I can.

We didn’t really mind since it was only 1 night and just the two of us but I mentioned that our room cost us X pts (I don’t remember how much off the top of my head right now) and if it was possible to get some of our points back since we were technically “downgrading” (although the hotel-side rooms are so much nicer than the current state of the villas I’m not sure if it’s fair to call it a downgrade but I digress!)

She said she’d have to get back to me and again called 10 mins later and said she couldn’t cover the whole value but could offer us 25 points back for the inconvenience, of course we accepted- we were expecting less tbh.

All this to say, they can definitely return points if they down grade you and/or if they put you in a non-DVC hotel/rooms. And further, they absolutely should return your share of points I can’t even believe they’re out right refusing. We got some points back and we weren’t half as inconvenienced as you are currently.

I will say speaking to the manager might have helped. I’m not sure if you’ve been able to speak to one at BW but she had the power to make decisions the regular castmates at the front desk couldn’t. And I know we only had 1 night for them to contend so maybe we got lucky but that shouldn’t matter. Like others have said, keeping calling them and demanding to speak to the higher up’s!

Good luck and I hope you get the best solution for your situation as possible!
The difference between your situation & OP’s is that Kidani is all DVC & the manager there is thus very experienced w/ DVC. Managers at the YC rarely deal w/ DVC bookings & probably know little to nothing about point stays.
I book 1 bedrooms because I travel w/ my adult child or w/ my adult child & their partner, I bought DVC to stay in 1 br.s or larger so that we each had a separate room to sleep in - a hotel room w/ 2 beds would not work for us due to the lack of privacy. The YC is a lovely resort - but the closest equivalent would be a suite IMO, if OP had wanted the space of one room they would have booked a studio and saved points - OP booked a 1 bedroom because they valued/wanted the extra space in a 1 br.. IMO the only equivalent would be a YC or BC 1 br. suite. OP’s request of a refund of the point differential between a studio & a 1 br. is very reasonable IMO.
The difference between your situation & OP’s is that Kidani is all DVC & the manager there is thus very experienced w/ DVC. Managers at the YC rarely deal w/ DVC bookings & probably know little to nothing about point stays.
I book 1 bedrooms because I travel w/ my adult child or w/ my adult child & their partner, I bought DVC to stay in 1 br.s or larger so that we each had a separate room to sleep in - a hotel room w/ 2 beds would not work for us due to the lack of privacy. The YC is a lovely resort - but the closest equivalent would be a suite IMO, if OP had wanted the space of one room they would have booked a studio and saved points - OP booked a 1 bedroom because they valued/wanted the extra space in a 1 br.. IMO the only equivalent would be a YC or BC 1 br. suite. OP’s request of a refund of the point differential between a studio & a 1 br. is very reasonable IMO.
Good point! DVC could have arranged for 2 non DVC rooms, still no kitchen, but at least 2 separate sleeping areas.
I agree. If this was one night I would be less upset. We are staying 3 nights and had planned on using the kitchen as we often do. I understand things can happen to a room and with the resort at full capacity it’s unavoidable. As of today still no resolution on the point issue. All I’m asking is for the difference from a 1 bed to a studio. Not trying to get it for free. I think that’s fair.
Agreed, it’s definitely more upsetting that it’s a multi-day stay and of course you planned a 1 bdr for specific reason. As annoying as it is, I do believe if you keep calling they will eventually give you something. So definitely keep pushing!
The difference between your situation & OP’s is that Kidani is all DVC & the manager there is thus very experienced w/ DVC. Managers at the YC rarely deal w/ DVC bookings & probably know little to nothing about point stays.
I book 1 bedrooms because I travel w/ my adult child or w/ my adult child & their partner, I bought DVC to stay in 1 br.s or larger so that we each had a separate room to sleep in - a hotel room w/ 2 beds would not work for us due to the lack of privacy. The YC is a lovely resort - but the closest equivalent would be a suite IMO, if OP had wanted the space of one room they would have booked a studio and saved points - OP booked a 1 bedroom because they valued/wanted the extra space in a 1 br.. IMO the only equivalent would be a YC or BC 1 br. suite. OP’s request of a refund of the point differential between a studio & a 1 br. is very reasonable IMO.
Ahhh that makes a lot of sense. The AKL manager mentioned she was over at Jambo but either way she definitely has experience with the cash-side and DVC so likely has run into situation before.

You make a great point about booking 1bdr specially for private spaces. @snappy said offering 2 studios could be a fairer comparison, I think I agree.
It’s not their fault, but it is their responsibility.

Of course it is as we hire them to manage things for us and arrange these things.

I am sure that they had planned that the rooms would be more than ready in time when they opened them for bookings.

But, you can’t blame them when things happen outside of their control and it sounds like this is what happened.

All they can do is help owners find alternative accommodations based on what is open, which they did…within the point limit the owners was using.

Where I differ is that DVC is responsible for giving the owner more. Definitely can’t charge them for a 1 bedroom for a hotel room…but beyond that?

No because we all know things can happen.
I received a call from member services last night that my 1 bedroom reservation at BW arriving 12/1 (4 days) was not finished due to the construction. They said the room I had is not going to be finished with the rehab by Friday. I had a choice to move to the Tree House (SSR) or to a studio at Yacht Club. I have never had this happen to me in 27 years as a DVC member. BW is my home resort and probably stayed there over 100 times. What's worse is member services will not reimburse me for the difference from the 1 bedroom points (106) to the studio (50). I understand that the rooms are not done, I'm not happy about it but I get it. But to make me move to Yacht club to a studio when I had a reservation for a 1 bedroom with being reimbursed for the difference in points does not seem right. I requested to speak to a sr. manager and today they called and told me the same thing. Either take one of the other resorts with no refund for the point differential or cancel my reservation. Is this allowed in the by-laws? Has any other members ever had this happen to them???
Keep checking the availability of suites and other DVC options. We can’t talk availability here but, every day there are more rooms that open. There’s more today than yesterday.
I received a call from member services last night that my 1 bedroom reservation at BW arriving 12/1 (4 days) was not finished due to the construction. They said the room I had is not going to be finished with the rehab by Friday. I had a choice to move to the Tree House (SSR) or to a studio at Yacht Club. I have never had this happen to me in 27 years as a DVC member. BW is my home resort and probably stayed there over 100 times. What's worse is member services will not reimburse me for the difference from the 1 bedroom points (106) to the studio (50). I understand that the rooms are not done, I'm not happy about it but I get it. But to make me move to Yacht club to a studio when I had a reservation for a 1 bedroom with being reimbursed for the difference in points does not seem right. I requested to speak to a sr. manager and today they called and told me the same thing. Either take one of the other resorts with no refund for the point differential or cancel my reservation. Is this allowed in the by-laws? Has any other members ever had this happen to them???
Keep checking the availability of suites and other DVC options. we can’t talk availability here but, every day there are more rooms that open. There’s more today on cash side than yesterday.
Fewer rooms out at one time makes it less likely rooms won't be back in inventory when projected.

Posters said they are doing half the resort. Work should be able to be done at night without impacting other guests.

All the BW rooms had to be taken out at the same time because they had to close the hallway off as you can’t have guests in a construction area.

It is why some pool/garden view are also being done.

But, it was not half the resort. SV rooms coming offline in January.

And, they took those rooms out for booking for close to 3 months…based on other timelines for renovations, that seems a reasonable amount of time.

Owners fund renovations from capital reserves so there is no benefit to not paying overtime..which you hafe no idea if that even hapepewnd.

IIRC, there may even be some laws in FL that limit when construction work can occur, which could impact the times as well.

We really have nothing to suggest that DVC didn’t organize and plan this in good faith and delays on the contractors or materials part forced it to not be done.
Not for nothing but when airlines have to bump someone they not only get them on another flight as soon as they can but also pay them handsomely for it. Last I checked Disney had a few bucks to do stuff like that.

Sorry, but this isn’t Disney. This is a timeshare owned by owners who are responsible to pay for these things.

Any costs for delays would be on owners. The costs of those rooms at YC are offered will be charged against the program, which is how it’s written in the contracts.

Now, because DVD pays shortfalls for dues, owners won’t see it, but Disney isn’t giving those rooms for free.

It would be the same if a fire happened and rooms get taken out of commission. Owners at that resort are entitled to the remedies in the contract…
Every time my phone rings now, I get worried because I am booked to stay in a Boardwalk view studio from Monday, 12/4 to Wednesday, 12/13 :sad2: It took a lot of effort to get this room booked at the 11 month mark so I will be so upset and disappointed if I receive a similar call :headache:
I'm a little concerned myself about how long this delay is going to be. Given how difficult these rooms are to book, it's terrible to be told that you're being moved at the last minute.
I've got a 2 bedroom BWV booked for January. I walked it at 11 months, and spent almost 2 years points on it specifically to have 3 sleeping spaces. A hotel room just won't be an adequate substitute.
I hope all of you have a better experience than the OP. Watching to hear about any more delays.
Of course it is as we hire them to manage things for us and arrange these things.

I am sure that they had planned that the rooms would be more than ready in time when they opened them for bookings.

But, you can’t blame them when things happen outside of their control and it sounds like this is what happened.

All they can do is help owners find alternative accommodations based on what is open, which they did…within the point limit the owners was using.

Where I differ is that DVC is responsible for giving the owner more. Definitely can’t charge them for a 1 bedroom for a hotel room…but beyond that?

No because we all know things can happen.
If it were happening to me I would indeed blame them. That’s what taking responsibility is.
I'm a little concerned myself about how long this delay is going to be. Given how difficult these rooms are to book, it's terrible to be told that you're being moved at the last minute.
I've got a 2 bedroom BWV booked for January. I walked it at 11 months, and spent almost 2 years points on it specifically to have 3 sleeping spaces. A hotel room just won't be an adequate substitute.
I hope all of you have a better experience than the OP. Watching to hear about any more delays.
Hopefully things will be available for you in January. Although after I received the dreaded call I checked the disney site (not DVC) and there were no boardwalk rooms of any size available for cash during several different short time periods in January. There were some in early and later in February. I wish you luck. I spent a lot of time trying to get my boardwalk view studios every day during the first week of January 2023. I used a whole year of points for this long early December stay. To me, it is a waste of points to not get the boardwalk view, but since we have plans to meet 2 groups of friends, we were not willing to cancel the trip. I did consider cancelling the DVC stay and just stay cash with an AP discount but for a long stay, I am not willing to spend it in a regular hotel room unless they put me up in club level, which they refused to do.
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While I agree that the OP should have points refunded, I do not blame DVC for the delay.

Overtime - when would they be working overtime without disrupting guests? If they authorized overnight work, they’d have guests furious with them.

Estimated time - generally speaking, the contractor would be the one telling DVC how long the work will take. This also does not account for unforeseen circumstances. I would however, hope DVC has a liquidated damages clause written into their contract, with interim dates, to account for the extra costs associated with having to move people around.

Taking fewer rooms out wouldn’t have made a difference. You’d just be impacting fewer guests at a time, since those rooms are likely fully booked for the duration of the renovations.
How much more time do you think they should have scheduled? How do you know they didn’t?

Sorry, I know it sounds like I’m picking on you, which is not my intent. I just don’t think this is Disney’s (who isn’t even involved here) fault.

Working for a GC, I have a hard time faulting DVC for the delays. I do however think the options they gave the OP are unacceptable, and I’d be escalating the issue as much as necessary.
To add to all of that, Disney typically enters into AIA A102 Cost Plus Fixed Fee with Guaranteed Maximum Price contracts on refurbs (ask Validus how that worked out for them over at SSR). There is no "overtime:" to authorize. It's a fixed-fee contract with a guaranteed maximum amount, so the contractor is paid an agreed-upon fixed amount to perform the work, and the contract has a maximum total amount that construction can cost.

For non-contractors, that like going to get your car's water pump repaired and the mechanic telling you it will cost you $100 in labor, regardless of how long it takes to do the work, plus whatever the actual cost is for the parts needed to do the work (the only variable) but he won't charge you more than a total of $200 even if the parts cost him $125.

As you said, the contractor is contractually obligated to deliver the project on a specific date, at a cost that does not exceed the g-max, or be subject to liquidated damages.
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To add to all of that, Disney typically enters into AUA A102 Cost Plus Fixed Fee with Guaranteed Maximum Price contracts on refurbs (ask Validus how that worked out for them over at SSR). There is no "overtime:" to authorize. It's a fixed-fee contract with a guaranteed maximum amount. The contractor is contractually obligated to deliver the project on a specific date, at a cost that does not exceed the g-max, or be subject to liquidated damages.
Maybe so, but still absolutely no excuse in my opinion to call guests a couple of days prior to a stay to work out staying somewhere else.
Maybe so, but still absolutely no excuse in my opinion to call guests a couple of days prior to a stay to work out staying somewhere else.

I do agree with this aspect and should be giving owners as much notice as possible. It certainly does seem they would have known this a week ago.
All the BW rooms had to be taken out at the same time because they had to close the hallway off as you can’t have guests in a construction area.
Why is BWV any different from how they did BCV and BRV? Those were both done a floor at a time. Why couldn't BWV have been done the same way? I'm just curious of why you are saying they had to take them all offline at the same time.
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Why is BWV any different from how they did BCV and BRV? Those were both done a floor at a time. Why couldn't BWV been done the same way? I'm just curious of why you are saying they had to take them all offline at the same time.
This approach could have to do with plumbing issues at BWV? Maybe combined with exterior work and any other larger issues they decided this was best. BW is a pretty old, possibly this hard refurb went further than typical.
I'm a little concerned myself about how long this delay is going to be. Given how difficult these rooms are to book, it's terrible to be told that you're being moved at the last minute.
I've got a 2 bedroom BWV booked for January. I walked it at 11 months, and spent almost 2 years points on it specifically to have 3 sleeping spaces. A hotel room just won't be an adequate substitute.
I hope all of you have a better experience than the OP. Watching to hear about any more delays.

Same. Booked a 1BR BW view for Dopey for myself and 2 friends. Having a kitchen (for dietary limitations for me and our budget plans) as well as in room laundry and separate living room space is very important to our trip. So nervous now...
Maybe so, but still absolutely no excuse in my opinion to call guests a couple of days prior to a stay to work out staying somewhere else.
Never disagreed with that. Just adding some context to the whole “Something went wrong so it must be Disney’s fault” argument.


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