09/16/06 Double Scoop Group- see ya real soon!!

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Beaker1967 said:
Hey I didnt want to hurt Amandas feelings to tell her she makes me sick.....But I did end up in the hospital..LOL... The Dr's asked me if I smoked and I said I had 2 packs of second hand smoke on the cruise does that count???? LMAO...Hahahahahahaha... Actually you guys were awesome to smoke away from me but smoke doesnt bother me and yet you always tried to keep the smoke away from me the whole time Or it was your way of excuseing yourself or hint to get away from me???? LMAO

Dang I thought I was so subtle on that hint! I am soooo glad to see you back and posting with your regular flair! I miss your humor buddy! I told everyone at work how much fun I had with you, because I had someone who was just as quick if not quicker then me with words!!!! LOL
Beaker1967 said:
They think it was the first signs of pneumonia and thats why im on Meds... Hey I need your help... Bell south is giveing me such a hard time...LOL... Long story but hey can you make some long distance charges go away????? LOL chat soon...


Whada I look like a Soprano??? Yeesh..... (ps I wish I could but I dont work in customer sevice, I make the dial tone )

You guys were so much fun. I really only saw those of you that hung out in the pool.


Thea say hi to Cindy for me. Her and I had breakfast one morning, that was nice.

I better get to work, everyone have a great Wednesday, Last wednesday was much more fun.

I am glad you think we were fun...I thought maybe we were too much for you:-) BUt when you didnt run away screaming everytime you saw us, then I figured we were all right:-) LOL
Dont sweat the weight gain! You did it before so it is just a matter of getting back on program! I am still super proud of you!
I too spent some time with Cindy, and Tha I can see why you all are such good friends. She is such a nice lady. I am glad I got to meet her.

I agree last weds was better with the exception of being ripped off!
I am super busy at work. WHenever I go on vacation, a mess is made because a. it is busy not everyhting gets done (there are 2 of us for a reason) b. because not everything gets done, some stuff gets lost in the shuffle causing phone calls thus taking time away from work... c. some people dont call to check they just change what needs to be done there fore creating MORE work! LOL
We have a conference call every morning to discuss our numbers (boo hiss) and on Monday morning when I said good morning, my boss said...Is that Amanda? Quick somebody slap the ball and chian on her and dont let her get away again! Remember I was off 0828 thru 0905 and then 0914 thru 0923! So we were not caught up from the first vacation before I had to leave for the 2nd one! LOL
ericamanda01 said:
Good morning all! Well I think Eric Loves DCL more than he let on. Yesterday after work I asked him how his day was. He said he was having a hard time getting back into it. I thought he meant waking up, but he meant being off the ship. He said when he went to lunch it just wasn't the same to not eat at the pool or the Cove. He even said those dreaded words, "This time last week on the ship..." Then he asked me when the dates for the 2008 cruise come out! :banana: I knew I would bring him to the Disney side! :banana:

Yeah ! Anyways like we need their permission! The Amanda DH's already said we could go in 08 and they cant take it back! ANd PS what date did you use for your ticker? I need a ticker it just doesnt feel right not having one!
skoi said:
Just make sure NOT to cruise during Jersey week. No offense to the New Jersey people out there, but our second cruise was during Jersey week and it was really not as pleasant. The ship was packed. There were kids running amok and belligerant parents everywhere. I told a few of the story about the guy who got in my face when he heard me say something-- he recognized the Philadelphia accent-- about how the Giants were going to kick the Eagles' @sses that year, and it wasn't a friendly comment, more of a "if you don't agree I'm going to punch you out" kind of comment.

We're waiting for prices from a few TAs on a 4 day, just me and the kids, and looking into late August 2008 because I'll hopefully be in nursing school by then an unable to miss the time.


Why dont you wait until sept 08 and then you can book the rooms the way you want because we will all be sailing and you could use one of our names on your ressie? Or we could put your extra kid in our room and only pay his/her fee instead of a whole other room? DCL doesnt not care where you actually sleep. We did that, when we sailed in 03 we got 2 rooms. Steve and I and 2 kids in one room and my parents and 2 kids in the other, on paper. But in all reality the kids stayed in or cabin...CLEAR as mud?That way you dont have to get that expensive cat 4? Not saying that you pay for us, mind you, but for example
Well guys, I made one huge mistake on the cruise. I should have rebooked while on board to get the extra because we've got to go. DD is still talking about the cruise and asking when I will rebook. I missed out there.

I asked and I don't think anyone responded, when will I receive something showing that I am a Castaway Club Member? Will I get any discounts or anything from that?
Dont hold your breath for the CC info. We have been clubbers since 1998 and have never gotten anything. I just make sure and let the person taking my ressie know that I am a repeat gues. Sadly no disc for Castaway club. Only whatever gift they are giving out when you sail.
My number one piece of advue is rebook onboard if there is ANY chance you will sail again you can always cancel. I am sending you a PM
Thanks Princess Amanda-

But the main reason we're doing the 4 day in 2007 is as a treat if Steve gets deployed. I figure it'll be about the halfway point until he gets back. If he doesn't get deployed- we're cancelling it. If I finish up all my classes on time- I'll be in nursing school (nights and weekends) in 2008 and only able to go on school vacations, in the high season. :furious:

We did get a castaway club card after much badgering. However, our number was invalid and we couldn't book advance reservations this cruise so I was unhappy. No tea for me. We also never got a discount. My in-laws get great Florida resident discounts though.

Glad you guys had such a great time.
Jeff- you're a photographic genius! I don't look like a heroin addict in either of those shots.

Excuse me, but how do you eat like that and look like you do Missy?
Sheesh...someone got the good genes...brat!
Beaker1967 said:

Yummmmmmy good time.... wooo hooooooo....

Im feeling so much better I get to work tomorrow cause its a sit down location......then Im off on friday....


can we burn this picutre please?? I hate the way I look in ninety nine point nine percent of pictures
dzneprincess said:
can we burn this picutre please?? I hate the way I look in ninety nine point nine percent of pictures

No we can't burn this. You look so cute....

I'll take a picture of the pendant soon, I still haven't unpacked all the luggage! :guilty: It's not really a big thing, but it's cool that it was free! ::yes:: Too much to do and no time to do it all. The artwork won't be here for a few weeks...the artist is Anatole Krasnyansky, you can google him and see his work...just amazing. One of his pictures was hanging outside Animator's Palate...it was $24,000.00 so needless to say, that's not one of the ones I bought. I was almost late to dinner the second night because I was standing outside AP just in awe of the piece, so when the art auction came up on day three or four and I saw his work in there, I flipped out! There were four pieces, I could only afford two. :sad2: I can't find my Driver's License...I think I left it with a merchant in Mexico... I have my passport so no biggie in replacing it, but what a drag. I am going to wait until I am fully unpacked before I make a trip down to the DMV.

Asha - I brought rum, beer and schnapps to the cove...where were you? I had enough alcohol to buy drinks for 30 of my closest friends! I ended up pouring at least a fifth of rum down the drain Friday night in my cabin! I got the luggage out at one in the morning on Saturday, and when I woke up at 04:30 (almost rolled out of bed) I checked outside the stateroom door and it was all gone! Whew! Did Ya'll feel the rocking Saturday? Crazy.
This was a good picture! You can't see the tattoo on my face! It's a keeper.
That's a good picture of you and your "girls" look ginormous! :thumbsup2
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