"40 By 40"

It always is hard to see your children struggle with change, but it seems she's doing better and I bet every day will become easier as she makes new friends.

I'm hungry and normally I would reach for something but I won't, big step for me.

Did a weightlifting type class today. All the repetitions will probably be felt in the morning. I felt like Jello after the class.

One Day at a time. The only thing is that they creep up so quickly and next thing you know it will be Happy 40th!

We can do it!

Did I say Blue team, I meant Red! Go Red :cheer2:
I did great today... my brother gave me and itunes gift card for my birthday so I have great new workout songs... very upbeat got in an extra workout in, a little sore now though ;)
R3ngels what Kind of music do you listen to? What motivates you, or soothes you?

I didn't snack last night and I'm hoping for the same tonight. My thighs hurt from all the squats we did yesterday and I did a Pilates class this morning which adds to my aching legs. Climbing stairs is fine, going down is another story. I guess its just a friendly reminder to stay on track. Did eat a few chips today but all in all a good food day as well.

Jennifer I hope your daughter is adjusting more to her new school and you don't feel any more stress.

In 2 weeks we leave for 5 days at Universal, our first time. Has anyone been there?
I can't wait. I went to Disney last year for the first time since 1976 with my family and in-laws. I certainly caught the bug. We weren't planning to go down to Florida again but I found a steal of a deal for universal that I couldn't pass it up. I want to go back to Disney but its so expensive. Some day!

Keep moving you can do it!!!!!!!

Can I join..Please!! My name is Dawn and I just turned 39 on August 12th. 40lbs would be great. I am 5'9" and 220lbs. If I lost forty lbs I would be comfortable in my own skin again.

:welcome: Hi Dawn! The more the merrier! Just keep moving and avoiding all those temptations that drive us all mad, but they do taste good. Keep in touch so we can all support you and in turn inspire us.

:cheer2: You go girl, you CAN do it!

Hey everyone, my husband is laughing at me because he can't believe that I've started a "40 by 40" thread and actually have people on board. He's very supportive though, in fact he's joining us as well.

I don't want to say that 40 is the prime of our lives because I believe it gets even better after. Remember that we are strong, sexy, confident women(at least we should believe we are). Now its time to act like it. It's our time to fly. :dumbo:

Good luck Sabine
My DH always makes fun of me for my "friends" online but he doesn't want to talk about WDW or dieting so I got you guys.... :goodvibes

As for my music I got a bunch of different music... this is what I remember.

Rihanna: Pon de Replay and SOS
Shikirra: Hips don't lie
Sugarland: You can't go home
Outkast: Hey Ya
Pink: Get this Party Started
Shaggy: It wasnt me
Ricky Martin: La Vida Loca
Faith Hill: This kiss
Cheap Trick: I want you to want me
Smash Mouth: All Star
Taylor Hicks: Takin it to the streets
Dexy's Midnight Runner: Come on

Others that I don't remember who sang them:

Bang on your drum all day, I'm too sexy, Mr. Vain, Jump around, and some 80's stuff thrown in there too. :cheer2:
Thank you so much for the great Welcomes and wonderful oppportunity. :cheer2:

First off I want to tell you that I did my official weigh in this morning, UGHH, my actual starting weight is 224. I thought I was going to cry, when I said 220 yesterday I actually thought I was overestimating. :sad2: Oh Well, time to dust myself off and get moving.

About 7 years ago my weight had topped off at 255 and I started walking 2 miles a day. I would eat very light during the day then at dinner time I would have grilled something (chicken, pork, steak, etc.) I started in April and by November I had lost 75 lbs. Needless to say in the past four years I have managed to pile 44 lbs back on and now my dd has put on at least 30 extra lbs. It upsets me to see her so unhappy with herself. About two weeks ago we decided to start living healthier. We started eating more salads and cut
out the fast food. I am already seeing an improvement in my dd. She started school on the 5th and everday she packs a granola bar, yogurt, and a pc of fruit for lunch. I am so proud of her.

We are trying to plan a trip to WDW in January and we would both like to go alot lighter. I told her that if we meet our goal it will be our celebration trip.

I look forward to giving and receiving support from all of you here.
BTW Tarabra,

We are practically neighbors!! I live in Kent, OH and I work in Green. Portage Lakes is right down the road!!
Well it sounds like your on a great start, Dawn. And doing it with your daughter may help the 2 of you. But of couse, you know there are alot of hurdles and thats where we hopefully can help, or vice versa.

Hey you guys, Do you want to start having weekly goals? And it doesn't have to be a weight goal. I am vowing to go to bed earlier, lights out at 11:00. Yes that is early for me. I'm part owl. Unfortunately I started at 186 but by next Wednesday I want to be 183. You may hold me accountable.

I'm watching my friends kids for a couple of days so I won't be at the gym. What a relief. Yesterday it was my thighs, today my shoulders from pushups and planks. OUCH!! I guess I can still go on the treadmill though...no excuses!

Now what is everyone else going to be held accountable for?

I'm waiting to hear Sabine

PS The Tag Fairy got me, I hear thats a good thing. I didn't even know one existed.
I have major issues when it comes to "Diet Coke". I am an addict. My goal is to give it up and drink homebrewed Ice Tea (which I love). It just always seems like a diet coke is easier than actually making a pitcher of Ice Tea. When I lost all the weight the last time I gave up the diet coke. So here we go again.

My Goal is to be Diet Coke free by next Friday the 15th.

Lord help those I live with. You may want to say a prayer for them. :rotfl2:
Hi everyone, I'm back! Wow! I can't believe it's Sat. already. My weight went up 3 lbs., then back down 3 lbs. Weird. After having my baby, I really retain, "stuff". It's not pleasant. Not sure if it had to do w/ the c-section or not. When I did South BEach a few years ago, I would drink 8 glasses of water a day and take a fiber supplement at night. It worked miracles. When I tried that after having the baby, I gained 10 lbs, and my stomach blew up like I was 6 months preg. I took 3 preg. tests, 2 in the dr.'s office, 1 at home, and he even ordered an ultrasound to see if everything was o.k. He then said, "are you constipated? I didn't think I was, but he gave me citrate magnesium (I believe that's what it's called, you get it at the drug store) and it seemed to clear up and my stomach went down. Gross! Sorry to be so gross, but this is what my problem is now. I can't do the water/fiber thing, but that is what worked before. Although I was eating an apple w/ peanut butter or almonds every day at 3 and then at 9. I was following it like I should be. Why can't I just do it again? My goal for the week is to follow South Beach. I'm also eating lots of garden veggies, so that's good. I'm still doing pretty good w/ the salt. Although I have had some on corn on the cob recently, but not on EVERYTHING like I used to. My brother -in - law also gave us a big bag of Doritos. (He knows a salesperson and the bags were OVER filled, so they had to pull them) GREAT!! So, what happens? I eat them. I told DH, that's why we can't have them in the house. We haven't had pop in the house for over 2 years. We were just drinking way too much of it. I strictly drink water and green tea. Who ever mentioned the fresh brewed, that's the way to go, then add Splenda if you need to. I actually got used to the taste w/ out anything. Green tea is very good for you and does help w/ weight loss. If there are any coffee drinkers out there, green tea is a good switch. There are so many calories in coffee w/ the cream. DH is a Dunkin' Donuts coffee addict and I think he is consuming 200 calories a day w/ each coffee by drinking the cream. Today for breakfast, I had scrambled eggs, w/ cheese and turkey bacon and 1 piece of whole wheat toast. For lunch, I think I will have tuna w/ red wine vinegar. Oohhh, doesn't that sound icky? It isn't really. I get a tuna sandwich at Subway, and they put red wine vinegar on it, so I've tried it at home and it's yummy. Also some good things to eat that will fill you up, 3 bean salad, green olives, black olives, garbanzo beans, just be careful not to eat too much of it because they are high in calories, but it is a good fat that will keep you full instead of chips that just keep you satisfied for a very short time.

Dawn, I can't believe you work in Green. Where at? I live in Coventry Twsp., but 2 streets over from Green. I graduated from Kent. Small world.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Isn't there something in the south beach book that you should have some sort of acid like vinegar with your meals, that it aids in digestion. I love things with vinegar. I have to avoid salt and vinegar chips, could sit and eat the whole bag.

Luckily no problems here with pop. My husband had a thing with reg coke. Higher fizz content than pepsi. Then discovered Miller Lite - less carbs. Now there's a great substitute. ( We live in a a very social neighborhood.) Again alot of fizz. Well that has been replaced by Perrier. He can't get enough of it. Again a higher fizz factor than other sparkling waters. Yes it is a splurge but he's not the type that spends alot. It's more of an investment in his health. He also enjoys Iced Green Tea with Earl Grey. I've always been a water girl. And Milk. Unfortunately milk is not as good for you as the dairy industry would like us to believe. It stuffs me up.

My husband had a very long day at work yesterday and I stayed up late with him, bad girl. But it was a Friday night. And yes, I stayed up so I noshed. I am in so much trouble. :rolleyes1 And after hours of kids soccer this morning, I ate Pizza. Shoot me now. NO WILLPOWER!!!!!

Time to move these buns. Later Sabine

Tues-thurs were good, Fri and Sat. bad. My Wednesday weigh in will suffer if I don't shape up. HELP!!!!!!!
Sabine, yes, South Beach does mention lemon or vinegar, but not necessarily at every meal. I'm starting to put lemon in my water, and I usually do eat vinegar on my salads. Balsamic vinegar and olive oil is great.

As far as the pizza, well, that happens. You just have to watch because the calories are huge! My b-i-l and sis-in-law can eat pizza every night of the week. B-I-L is on his feet all day and did a step counter once and takes 17,000 steps a day, so he burns it right off, but S-i-l is gaining and gaining, so is DNephew. Back in the day when we were kids, pizza was a real treat, and then you only got 1 pizza. Now it is so convenient and the deals are so good that you get 2 w/ lots of leftovers. I always end up eating 3 or 4 pieces. So if you do get pizza, eat a salad first, then the pizza. It will really make a difference. Well, we're off to dinner. DH just said Let's go to Swenson's. Which is a drive-in type of place where they serve you in your car. It is very yummy, but only fast food. Ah, come on!! We can't go there. I'm going to try to find something in our Entertainment Book that is a little healthier.

Okay, I have been thinking of a goal for this week...

I don't have much Diet Coke but I love it I really need to get more tea in but I agree with Dawn, it sometimes is a pain to make. So I will drink only one Diet Coke and the rest water and tea and coffee (with fat free creamer).

I want to still wake up early to get my excercise in, it really worked great last week, I did it all week.

And my MAJOR goal is to do my ab tape... the roll on my stomach is out of control :crazy: and if I do my tape it really does work to flatten my abs. I need to do it at least every other day.

3 goals but I think I can do it.
Thank god it will be Monday. Who's ever said that? Weekends are rough on me. I'm looking forward to being at the gym and eating sensibly. That's something I do better during the week. Weekends just Bite when it comes to Diets.

I may have killed my 183 weigh in on Wednesday. I'll have to be completely vigilant Monday and Tuesday. I was 184.5 this morning. I think alot of fiber will be in order.

I was looking at pictures of myself (something I rarely do because everything is digital now, never see them). From the front I'm ok. But my profile boggles the mind. I need to print some up and hang them on the fridge. Talk about motivation.

Sometimes its good to sit down and remember the last year or two in photos. I was searching for a family photo (of course on the computer) for my daughter's class, and I couldn't stop. I came across our first trip to Disney last November and a trip last summer to visit family in New York. I also ran across Photos of our cat that had passed and the last photos taken of my brother before he was suddenly taken a year and a half ago. It shows me that in the humdrum everydays of our lives, we all have a story to tell. We all matter.

Have a wonderful healthy week everyone. I'll check in intermittently. I'd like to hear how you are all doing.

Hello Everyone and WELCOME new members! I'm back from my weekend trip to New York City with my daughter. We had a fabulous time. On Friday we saw the Broadway show Tarzan and it was soooo good. Did pretty good with watching what I ate over the weekend. Did a large amount of walking so hopefully that will help. I have my first official Weight Watchers weekly weigh in here at work tomorrow. Wish me luck! Hope everyone else is keeping on track.

Hi Dawn...We are going to Disney in January too! ::MinnieMo ::MickeyMo
OK, I was bad. Friends of mine took me out to dinner to a Mexican Restaurant Saturday night. All I can say is that I have a weakness for all things cheesy and Margaritas. Other than that I did pretty good, ate light the rest of the weekend. Sat. morning I had weighed myself and I lost 2 lbs but I am almost positive I found it Sat. night. I am going to weigh in on Saturday mornings.

However, on the flip side, I did cut down on my diet coke EXTREMELY. I started making ice tea at work and this is helping alot. I am going to buy a beverage cooler to make it a little easier and more accessible so I am not tempted by the pop machine.

I quit ordering out for lunch a few weeks ago in order to try to save some money for WDW. So I eat a PB&J everday for lunch. Works out great because then I do not crave something sweet after lunch and it fills me up. I do not get hungry again until I get home. Not sure about the calorie content though, will need to research that one.

I went shopping this weekend and purchased yogurt, granola bars, and fruit for my dd lunches. She takes one of each in her lunch along with a bottle of water. She has been doing so good. (alot better than me) I am so proud of her.

Well thats basically how my weekend went. I will try to check in daily.

JRoglitz- Great to meet you, My daughter and I are suppose to go to NY with some friends soon it's great to here you had a great time. What days are you going to WDW. We have not yet settle on an exact date.

Tarabra - Did you have to mention Swenson's. YUUUMMM!!
OMG, don't even tell me you went to Mariachi Loco's Sat. night on Arlington in Green? We went there and there was a group of girls there. Wouldn't that be bizarre? Yes, the weekend wasn't too good for me either. Whenever my m-i-l is involved, it usually involves eating. I guess I didn't do too bad though. I still just can't get past a certain weight. I've hit it twice since having the baby, then it just pops back up the next day. Grrr. I'm holding steady, but can't shake it. Well off to the store.

I recommend everyone get this month's Prevention. Lots of great articles and even one on the downfalls of drinking too much pop. (soda)

Tarabra said:
OMG, don't even tell me you went to Mariachi Loco's Sat. night on Arlington in Green? We went there and there was a group of girls there. Wouldn't that be bizarre? Yes, the weekend wasn't too good for me either. Whenever my m-i-l is involved, it usually involves eating. I guess I didn't do too bad though. I still just can't get past a certain weight. I've hit it twice since having the baby, then it just pops back up the next day. Grrr. I'm holding steady, but can't shake it. Well off to the store.

I recommend everyone get this month's Prevention. Lots of great articles and even one on the downfalls of drinking too much pop. (soda)


Nope, We went to Azteca on Market St. The best Margaritas in town. WDW has the best otherwise.


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