"40 By 40"

I am doing good so far with my weekly challenge... down to 1 soda a day, more green tea... woke up everyday at 5:30 to exercise (grrrr...hate it, but i do it)... and I have done my ab tape (I can't cough or sneeze without pain but I have stuck to it)

Now if I could take a nap, it is dark and rainy here... great nap day, but that isn't going to happen.

:wave: Have a great day.
Rainy here as well, but I did just get back from a spinning class. I'm feeling very weak. Could end up being a bad food day, So far its been ok. I'm craving something yummy. And when I feel that way I eat until I finally find what I want.

This morning I was 184. I said 183 by Wednesday, argh! Maybe a glass of Metamucil before bed would do the trick :rotfl2: .

Welcome back Jennifer! Glad you had a great time. How did you resist temptation in such a great food town? I love those fresh giant bagels that 1 could feed a family. I hope your weigh in encourages you. Stepping on the scale is always so unpredictable. I bounce between 5 lbs from morning to night. Good Luck!

Good for you r3angels and Dawn. Glad you both are succeeding at cutting out the pop. Can't say I've been the best about going to bed early. My husband has recently been doing some gaming on the internet (shoot em up Army kind of stuff). I thought it was creepy in the beginning but now I'm really into it. I'm probably the only wife encouraging it. He plays with a bunch of around 40 year olds and they're just average men from around the globe.They have rules about language and fairplay and they're really fun to listen to and watch. I feel like I know these guys. I want to play now but I would end up killing everyone on my own team. I figure I'd be the last person interested in that.

Tara, I feel for you. They say the best way to get over the hump is to step it up. Not anything you'ld probably want to hear. I personally can't wait to get to your point. Then you can tell me to step it up. You can do it!!!

I'm getting excited about my trip to Universal in 9 days :woohoo:. I feel like packing already but I'll wait until the weekend. Maybe that will stop me from eating. Wish me luck.

Sabine, yep, I don't just have to step it up, I need to get started again. I used to work out 5 days a week. Spinning 2 days, and aerobics the other 3. This was also before the baby, when I wasn't pre-occupied and it was all about me!! :goodvibes I also was working out before my cruise in Aug., and haven't done anything since. I applaud all of you for hitting the gym and exercise tapes. The biggest thing is, that I was doing my workouts as soon as DD went down for her nap, but now I'm trying to get all my other work done. We also have a treadmill, but she likes to play on it when we have it pulled down. Excuses, excuses. I also like to be pretty buff, so this flabbiness is killing me. My thighs are just icky. All my pre-baby clothes fit me, but I just don't like the flab. I guess I didn't do too bad today so far. Smart Start cereal for breakfast. A grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bread, and I just had a bowl of tomatoes w/ garbanzo beans. B-i-l called for us to come over to order something to eat. This is the one that is addicted to pizza, so chances are, it'll be pizza. That's why I ate the tomatoes, so that I will just have 1 or 2 pieces. I also dab it w/ a paper towel to get the grease off. I know it irritates them.

I'm in a band w/ DH and we do the Halloweekends at Cedar Point for 6 weekends. We've done it for 5 years now. We will also be on the Fox 8 morning news on Halloween. We've done that 6 times now. We will also be on the Big Chuck and Little John show, which are local hosts that have a show that plays movies. The camera definitely does add 10 lbs. So, I want to lose for that. Although last year, I burned pretty many calories walking back and forth at the park, and performing on stage. We act like nuts! So Dawn, if you are looking for something to do...Fri. and Sat. nights at Cedar Point. Here's a link to our site. www.kingdappercombo.com Enjoy the idiocy.

YIPEE!!! :banana: I weighed in yesterday and lost 4.8 lbs. Now to just keep it up!! Wish I could write more but I am soooo busy. Hope everyone is staying on track!

Jennifer, What an inspiration. I guess that WW may actually work. You even went to NY and lost. Good for you.

I'm embarassed to say that I only lost 2. I haven't shaved my legs in a while but I don't think I can shed a whole pound. It's that hand to mouth illness I have. Gotta get that under control.

Did another spin class this morning, so the exercise is going quite well. I'll take the 2 lbs. Just think in 20 weeks that multiplies to 40!

I'm so impressed by the almost 5 lbs and I'm sure the 40 by 40 crew is proud of you.

I hope everyone is getting a little downward action on the scale.

Keep in touch Sabine
Great job on the 4.8 loss! Don't you love those digital scales. When I went on the cruise, I gained 3.4 lbs!! Fortunately it was gone in 13 days though.

I've discovered Fit TV or whatever it's called on our cable. It's awesome. We have a DVR so I record whatever shows I want and do them when Ava is napping. 2 days in a row now. Sabine, you inspired me by saying I needed to step it up. I really do enjoy working out, and as I was working out, I'm thinking to myself, "wow, now I feel like tackling the basement!" (I didn't because DD woke up...yea, that's the excuse!) But I did have more energy. I've also been eating pretty much South Beach. I bought a fresh pineapple the other day and cut it up and have been eating that, apples and green grapes. (I got a HUGE bag at the flea market the other day). I had butternut squash (2 for $1), and fresh green beans w/ salmon patties last night for dinner and I'll have the leftovers today for dinner. I've set my timer for 10 minutes on the computer, so I won't be sitting on my butt all day on this damn thing!! Anyhow, yes, 2 lbs a week will definitely add up, and spinning is the absolute best for that. Just think whenever you start to eat something naughty how long you will have to go in spinning class just to get rid of it. Ahhh...it's not worth it. Grab a handful of almonds instead. Ooops. the timer just went off. Better start cleaning or doing some real estate related stuff!!

I have 7 Days until I leave for 5 days at Universal, Wet n Wild too! I'm so excited! We did Disney and Seaworld last year. I have to step it up this week because I suspect I will not be that good on my trip.

I've done both a Pilates and a Spin class today. I like the classes because I give up control and am forced to go forward. If it's left up to me on the machines I don't know how long I would last. Luckily they have individual TVs on the machines at the gym.

Of course my food is not where it should be. I have a WW points chart from my SIL maybe I should take a good look at that. I know what I need to do. I'm just a rebel at heart. I like the forbidden. Maybe I should allow myself the crap and forbid the good. As if that would fool me.

I hope everyones having a good week

Sabine :smooth:
Hey Tara we were posting at the same time. I'm glad you're feeling energized. I'll be the exercize guru and you the food police.

And as the self designated trainer what is everyone else doing to to get moving?

Yes, it is alot of spinning to get rid of that peanut butter cookie. A handful of almonds sounds very sensible (but it doesn't sound all that interesting to me). Now if you turned those almonds into Marzipan. YUMMMMMM. BAD

I need to clean my basement too!

Okay lets not talk about basements.... we moved in March and the girls tried to unpack the boxes in August, some of the boxes that didn't need to be unpacked like halloween decorations, extra kitchen stuff etc... are all over my basement, they said they were trying to "help" I want to wring their cute necks for all the help. I think we need clean basement challenge... just kidding that would be no fun. ;)

As far as this challenge, I am doing good not losing a lot but I am down 1.5 lbs... I thought it would be a little more but I'll take it. :teacher:

Tomorrow I start Tennis lessons, never ever have played but friends of mine wanted to try (none of them play either) so we thought we would give it a shot... wish me luck :wizard: I told DH I hope I don't suck. I don't care if I am GOOD I just don't want to suck.

Tonight will not be pretty... it is DH's birthday so dinner out and cake and ice cream ( I have been dreaming about ice cream all day :cloud9: )

I hope everyone has a great night :wave2:
Operamom said:
Yes, it is alot of spinning to get rid of that peanut butter cookie. A handful of almonds sounds very sensible (but it doesn't sound all that interesting to me). Now if you turned those almonds into Marzipan. YUMMMMMM. BAD

It's funny you mention peanut butter cookies. Our farmer's market sells the best cookies, and now DD knows that when we go there, she says "cookies" Well, I bought her some peanut butter cookies yesterday. She's very small for her age, so she can afford some extra calories. She's almost 2 (in Nov.) and right now has on 12mos pants. I'm pretty good about not eating them. I just honestly can say, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, thank God. Yea, the almonds are not your yummy kind of snack, but VERY beneficial. I gave my mom a handful once when she was visiting, she has a SERIOUS sweet tooth, she had one or two, then later on, I found the rest under the newspaper she was reading. Hmmmm...I don't think it was by accident either. You really should read the South Beach Diet book if you haven't already. It all makes so much sense and after not having sugary things after awhile, it just doesn't matter any more. Once you eat something sweet, your body starts to crave it and it's just a viscious cycle.

Yea, I feel pretty good about doing aerobics again, and I hear ya on being part of an organized class. I do MUCH better at the gym. I'm very competitive. A little pointer...ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, stand at the front of the class!! That way you won't slack off. I know I do much better at the front of the class then at the back. Time to make dinner.

Went to Chinese this afternoon with my husband and get a load of his fortune cookie: "Traveling to the south will bring unexpected happiness". Considering that we are leaving for Florida in 6 days, I find it serendipitous. Of course my girlfriend told me I'll get pregnant. After all it was my husbands fortune not mine! EEEEEK!!! My 2 are plenty.

Allright.....Yes I went for Chinese, but I didn't overeat. I have alot of leftovers. No eggroll, white rice not fried. My favorite dish is mongolian beef which is basically a meat dish. I had them substitute half the meat for vegetables, which is something I always wanted to do anyway. It was delicious!

I did go to a Step class this morning. Here's my daily whine...I hate Step. Never liked it. All that bouncing. Step up, step down, left, right, "A" step, lunge, knee up, side, la la la la la. You can never just zone out a bit. Thats what I like about Spin. You can plan your dinner or a grocery list, or replay a conversation or just daydream. You can do it all and still follow the instructor and keep your heart rate up. Next thing you know 5 minutes have past and you have no recollection of it. That's zoning out. But of course I'll be back at Step next Friday because its at a good time for me. Too bad we have a soccer game during tomorrows Step class . I love Pilates too, not an easy class though. I used to be pretty good at it and NO JUMPING.

What's everyone else's favorite exercise? I wish my gym would hurry up and get done installing a pool. Deep water exercise always is a nice workout.

Hope all is well with you. Looking forward to your posts!

The above I copied from my red team thread I just posted in. Please don't be offended if you run across it over there. It said exactly what I want to post here.

Tara because of traffic I was in the back of the class. Thank god! It's been a long time since my last Step class (I tend to avoid them) and I would get confused by the directions, they keep changing. Luckily I wasn't alone. Pilates I tend to go toward the front.

R3Angels, Tennis lessons what fun. My husband always wants to play-he's recently on a tennis kick and joined a league at work. As I get fitter I think I'll take up the challenge. But of course then my excuse will be that it's too cold.

Does anyone watch "Dancing with the Stars"? I love ballroom dancing especially Latin. I grew up in a family of good dancers. My parents always are being watched on the dancefloor. My brother was in waltzing and country dancing groups before illness made him weak. And my sister met her Mexican husband in a Latin club. She taught him how to Salsa!

I think I need to get up and start dancing, literally and metaphorically. Who else is on the dancefloor with me. I don't care what your beat is, just get up and dance.

Dawn and Jennifer, you too! :dance3:

Gotta Tango, Sabine
Boy does time fly when life is busy! It has been 10 days since I posted here, but thanks to Sabine I have popped over for a few. She teased me saying someone lost almost 5 pounds in one week, had to come see who.

JRoglitz , congratulations!!! 4.8 pounds is awesome!!!! Keep up the great work!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I weighed in on Tuesday and I was up .6, not too much of a gain, but a gain none the less. Have had a hard time eating the last week or two, seems like I am hungry more than I am not. Not sure what gives with that, but I am still committed and trying to work my way down.

Keep on keeping on gang, with persistance we can do this!!! :sunny:
I did great this week with my mini challenge, I excersised everyday, down to 1 soda a day, and did my ab tape more :banana:

Tennis was a ball :rotfl2: that is so corny I laugh everytime I say it. I had so much fun. I didn't think it would be such a workout when I was first learning but I was running constantly.

Well I am off... everyone have a great weekend , everyone is working so hard it really is such a support to have others in the same boat....

This is us-> :dance3: :dance3:
Ha! I just read one of my own posts a page back and I had put I DON'T need to step it up, when I actually meant to put I DO need to step it up. Sorry. I was out of town all day yest., so no workout, but when I got dressed DH said, you look like you are losing weight, and DM-I-L said, "I thought the same thing." That's encouraging, although I still haven't lost. I've been doing the FIT TV workout w/ Gilad and I am SO sore today still and I skipped yest. That is a good thing. I haven't been sore from working out in a long time. Just not working out hard enough before. Anyhow, I only did a little snippet of one of his shows after I already did the main workout. I had 2 10 lb. weights, and he was doing squats, right into over head lifts. Ouch! I have a different girl recorded to do today when DD naps. Her workouts look pretty intense from what I've seen. I can tell my weight is shifting around a little even though it's not showing on the scale. My bra isn't overflowing any more!! Yea! Also the collar bones are starting to show a little too.

Today has sucked so far. We are on a shared well, (we live in a lake community, so it's a weird situation) and there is a sink hole at the end of the street, so the water's been shut off all day. Aaaauuugggghhh! You don't realize how much you use water. Can't even flush the toilets. Yuck! So, I can't drink any water or wash off veggies for a salad, etc. I do have a few jugs of water, but all our bottled water is gone. Guess I need to get to the store, but I was hoping it would be back on soon.

For those of you that are saying you're hungry. You should NEVER be hungry, because that is what causes a drop in blood sugar and makes you splurge. Mini-meals every couple of hours. Like I mentioned, even if you don't want to do South Beach, it really helps to read about it and the theory behind it. There's also a diet called the Hallelujah Diet that is pretty intense, but it is very interesting to read about. It's basically a raw diet...yuck...but it basically just talks about eating the stuff that God put on the earth for us to eat, ie. fruits, veggies, nuts, berries, etc. It also makes sense, but would NEVER be able to stick to it. It just kinda makes you think. http://www.hacres.com/diet/10steps.asp#01

Well have a good weekend everyone!

Hi Ladies! Life is just is busy as usual. Soccer and now( who would have thought) my husband and I joined a bowling league. I guess thats not a big calorie burner especially since we did go out to eat afterwards. But I did split an entree with my husband. Who am I kidding, American restaurant portions are enough to serve several people.

I need to start getting things in order for our Universal trip leaving Thursday. I can't believe we'll be in Florida this week. Just in time, it should be getting cold here. Hopefully Orlando won't be affected by any brewing storms.

The food thing is obviously not doing that great. I'm grateful that my exercise is succussful. I guess it's baby steps for me. Ugh! Gotta run and pick up my son.

Be strong!!! Sabine
I have long since passed my 40th birthday. In fact, I was hoping to weigh 150 on my 50th birthday last April, but didn't make it. So - my 51st birthday is 31 weeks from today, and I'd love to lose 40 pounds by then. Heck...I'd be happy with 31 pounds in 31 weeks!
Welcome Nancy... :wave2:

we all have a different amount we want to lose and are different ages but we all have a common goal... to start movin :banana: and lose the lbs :teacher: and to eat better popcorn::
Hi Nancy! Hope we can give you some encouragement and in turn get some strength from you. I'm from the far west suburbs of CHICAGO. Grew up on the far north side of the city.

Just a quick note to welcome you :welcome:

Sabine :sunny:

Only 3 days until Universal. AAAAHHHHHH!


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