"40 By 40"

My girlfriend sent me this and I thought that I might send it on:

I am only as strong as the caffeine I drink, the hair spray I use and the girlfriends I have.
Here's to you!
Why do we only have parties for each other when one of us gets married,
pregnant, has a birthday, or retires?
What would most of us do without our sisters, confidants, and shopping, lunching and traveling girlfriends?
Let's celebrate each other for each other's sake!

Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter.
Their house will be bigger. They will drive a better car.
Their children will do better in school. And their husband will fix more things around the house.

So let it go, Be Happy! And love yourself and your circumstances. Think about it.

The prettiest woman in the world can have trouble in her heart. And the most highly favored woman on your job may be unable to have children. And the richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes....might be lonely. And the word says if "I have not Love, I have nothing."

So, again, love you. Love who you are. Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say:

"I am too blessed to be stressed and too anointed to be disappointed!
Winners make things happen. Losers let things happen"
Be Blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage another woman.
"To the world you might be one person, But to one person you just might be the world".

Sabine, great job on hitting the gym. I sort of think if I don't exercise, the scale won't move at all the next day. It keeps me motivated. It's still not moving, but I keep having to hike up my jeans. Yea! I didn't do any workouts the past few days, but will get back into it today. I just read where Katie Holmes got back to her pre-pregnancy weight by running and having a trainer. It said the weight training got her metabolism going again. My stomach is just still so not the same as it was. Like if I suck it in, one side goes in first, then the other. It's not simultaneous. They say when you are preg. the muscles divide in half straight down the middle to expand. Mine still haven't gotten back to normal yet. If I would've had the baby back in my 20's it probably would've been easier, but old age makes that trickier!! :goodvibes
YEAH... my scale moved only 1/2 lb but it moved. I did the september exercise challenge and made my 900 min goal and sign up for October so it will keep me motivated.

I solved my treadmill problem and bought an elliptical it should be delivered next week. That should keep me moving :banana:
JRoglitz said:
I'm counting points. So far, so good. I'm participating in Relay for Life tonight so I will be getting my exercise by walking the track. :tiptoe: My DD said she is staying up all night. We shall see!

I love the pts... I think I eat to much with core. popcorn::
Ok Jen, I am anxiously awaiting as I live vicariously through you. No pressure or anything.

I've decided to step back a little bit. I'm doing my regular thing of thinking about what I'm going to eat. That in turn always brings the rebel out in me. I end up eating more than I normally do. I sit and stare at the pantry. I'm finally exercising regularly and for now that needs to be enough. I have to stop thinking about my "diet". It completely makes me obsessive. Don't we always want what we don't have?

Tuesday I was in too much pain to exercise, but Yesterday I really pushed myself in Spin. At noon I'll go back to Spin today. My Triceps were even achier yesterday. Can you believe it hurt just to scratch my nose or pull my hair behind my ear? :crazy:

All Right. I may be a bad example for food, but I hope you can all join me in the exercise. How much is everyone else putting in. Should we have a goal. Maybe if someone's a good eater and bad exerciser we can team up!

Well have a good Thursday all! Sabine :sunny:
Unfortunately I didn't get to weigh in on Tuesday. I had a meeting come up at the last minute. But I'm really sticking to it this week so hopefully there will be a nice loss next Tuesday.

Sabine...you are my exercise hero. I just can't seem to motivate myself to get back on the tredmill. I say everyday that I'm going to but never seem to get there. Hopefully soon!
Ooohhh... speaking of bad eating. Yesterday for lunch I had a Rallyburger w/ cheese and a couple of french fries, then for dinner, mom and dad were here and we went to a local restaurant. Turned out to be 1/2 off burger night, so once again, hamburger w/bacon and bluecheese, and more fries, and a beer! Ouch! Hmmm...why can't I shake these lbs.?? Duh?? I usually avoid fast food like the plague, but we were out and about and I thought I could get dd a hotdog on the run.

Sidetracked for a while. My dog was going crazy and I looked out the window and there was a very old man in his pajamas and slippers w/ a cane standing in my yard. I went out to see if he needed help and he said he was lost. He was walking in the woods behind my house and couldn't figure out where he was. I was about to call the police to try to help him, but he knew what street he lived on, so I was able to take him home. Poor thing. It was only a street over, but across a busy road. I recently read about Alzheimer's victims getting lost at least once. His wife wasn't home when I took him home, so I hope he stays put.

Anyhow, DD is down for her nap now, so I'll do an episode of FitTv. The ones I usually do have lots of squats and lunges, so I am definitely firming up. Sabine, all those spinning classes will definitely make a difference. You may not be eating ENOUGH as odd as that sounds. That's why you are picking at junk food. Like today, mom and dad were here this morning and all my mom had for breakfast was white toast. The sugars in the white bread just burns right off and then causes cravings later on in the day. You really need to (as I've mentioned before), eat like a king for breakfast, a queen for lunch and a pauper for dinner. Eating the most in the morning gives you energy throughout the day. Eat a big breakfast, but make sure it's not overloaded in bad calories. If you don't have time in the morning, you can always scramble up some eggs the night before, then just put them in the microwave in the morning. You can also have a high fiber, low sugar cereal or oatmeal w/ a piece of fruit, or yogurt, and tomato juice. If you have sweet juice, that will keep up your sugar cravings later in the day once you come down off that rush. (ala South Beach Diet) O.k. time to get a little real estate work done, then do Fit Tv.

Yum Burrrgerrrs!!! I love food. I love trendy, hooty snooty, exotic or ethnic food. But there's nothing like a good burger. Greasy, cheesy, juicey with all the fixings, mmmmmmmm.

The one meal I don't usually enjoy is breakfast. Don't get me wrong I love breakfast foods but I can't always have them. After having my son I became allergic to eggs. I never knew how much I liked them until I couldn't have them anymore (Rebel). They close or should I say clog up my throat. It's gotten better over time, I can actually have some but it feels uncomfortable so I generally avoid them. I'm developing that problem with beans and avacado now. Evidently it's some type of protein thing. Milk makes me sneeze, doesn't mean I completely avoid it though. I notice that if I forget to eat breakfast I tend to not feel hungry most of the day. I know that negates everything in the books, but for me it generally holds true. The past few weeks I've consciously been eating breakfast and I can't stop eating in the day. Yesterday I literally did forget to feed myself and I was OK. I know thats not how it's supposed to work but I have always been a fluke in all I do. I even had a professor tell me that in a positive way.

I love fall. The colors are always so beautiful. It is stressful though because there are so many birthdays. I have to go and plan my daughters now. She fell in love with Ariel last year at Disney so I think we'll have an under the sea theme.

Hang in there!! Sabine :sunny:
Yep, I've heard other people say that about breakfast and that they don't feel hungry, BUT your body shifts into famine mode and starts to store the fat because it thinks it won't get fed. I on the other hand become lightheaded and VERY cranky if I don't eat breakfast. I just had scrambled eggs, w/ cheese, turkey bacon, tomato juice, green tea and a glass of water. Oh yea! My mom (I keep referring to her because she has gained a considerable amount of weight over the past few years), always said, "I don't know why I'm gaining weight, I don't eat breakfast, I just have something little for lunch, etc. I tell her OVER and OVER again that she is not getting enough calories, and that she needs to eat more. Her metabolism has come to a grinding halt and nothing burns itself off anymore. My mom also always has some sort of snack at night, ie. ice cream, cheez its, it's always after my dad goes to sleep. She's sneaky.

That's weird about the egg allergy. You wonder what causes it. Talk to you soon. Off to Cedar Point to play tonight, and run around like a nut. I think DD and I are staying up for the weekend. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice and we get a free place to stay and get into the park for free. DH has to work, plus we have a dog. He's bummed.
Here's a copy of today and tomorrow's menus from the South Beach Site. Lots of food!!

Decaffeinated Coffee or Tea with Nonfat Milk and Sugar Substitute

Berry Smoothie

Midmorning Snack Print This Meal | Change Meal

Hard-boiled Egg

Lunch Print This Meal | Change Meal

Zesty Grilled Zucchini

Chicken with Black Bean Sauce

Midafternoon Snack Print This Meal | Change Meal

Mozzarella Cheese with Tomatoes

Dinner Print This Meal | Change Meal

Arugula Salad

Steak Provençal

Dessert Print This Meal | Change Meal

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

Print Today's Meals
Print Today's Meals with Recipes

Tomorrow's Meals

Breakfast Print This Meal | Change Meal

Decaffeinated Coffee or Tea with Nonfat Milk and Sugar Substitute

High-fiber Cereal with nonfat Milk

Sliced Peach

Midmorning Snack Print This Meal | Change Meal

Hard-boiled Egg

Lunch Print This Meal | Change Meal

Luscious Lime Shrimp Salad

Midafternoon Snack Print This Meal | Change Meal

Yogurt Snack

Dinner Print This Meal | Change Meal

Sweet and Sour Chicken

Cucumber Salad

Fresh Pear

Dessert Print This Meal | Change Meal

Pear with Ricotta Cheese and Walnuts
Yeah... my elliptical is being delivered today. :banana:

Can't stay but I just wanted to say Hi :wave:

Have a great weekend.
It's always fun to get something new. Especially something big.

I just spent the last 5 hours in soccer activities. Calgon take me away.

No wonder I don't get any exercise on Saturdays. I'm exhausted just being a spectator. At least the weather was beautiful. I've done the soccer thing in the pouring rain and that really sucks! I love baseball in the Spring and summer. We've always had such wonderful teams that we connected to. I'm not too thrilled with our soccer group.

I'm a white, blond woman in the suburbs driving a minivan to soccer. I am the epitome of the soccer mom demographic. Have you heard of the new phrase "security mom"? I don't get it. It sounds like a soccer mom thats republican. Guess thats not me!

I want to take a nap. I've been up way too late the last few nights watching the last season of "Six Feet Under" on video. Thank god I'm almost done. Gotta run and play chauffeur again.....

Sabine :sunny:
Great job Jen! Keep going, I'm really impressed.

How's that elliptical coming? Keep moving.

I'm bummed. I was just about to leave for the gym and my '91 Odyssey is Completely dead. :furious: I never have problems with this car. Its definitely electrical. The clock doesn't even work. Well I'll get some exercise walking my daughter to and from Kindergarten. 1.3 miles each way and it lloks like rain. I have AAA but my husband doesn't trust anyone touching the car. I recently joined for the travel benefits but it may come in handy now for other things.

Are you still performing Tara? I know when I used to perform I would burn alot of calories and it wasn't as crazy as you do.

I do have a treadmill within feet of my computer but its so uninviting.

Life can be very cruel. My sister in laws boyfriend owns a restaurant and gave my husband a 5 lb box of good quality frozen gyro meat for his 40th birthday. A big vat of sauce as well. YUMMMMMM

Hope everyone is doing great Sabine :sunny:
Hey all! It's been a busy week so far. Still catching up from the weekend. We are still playing at Cedar Point. We spent half the day Sat. riding rides. Well actually DD rode the rides. She had a ball. So we walked quite a bit that day. I also got to act like a nut again while we are playing. I intentionally jump up and down and one song we do is called "haunted house polka." So of course we run around doing the polka. The crowd loves it. My weight is on the cusp of getting under the mark that I've only been under twice since the baby. Did Fit Tv today? I'm noticing my face getting thinner, which is good, now it just needs to work it's way down to the belly and thighs. I really and truly just want to firm up, but w/out hitting the gym 5 days a week it's not happening as fast as I'd like. Oh well, it will happen.

Sabine, I hope you got your vehicle up and running. After this month's car payment, both of our cars will be paid off. That's usually when something big happens that costs a lot of money. It'll be nice having an extra $300/month. Now if I can just hold out on buying a new car for a year, that'll be awesome.

Great job on the loss Jen! Keep going!

Isn't it great to get something paid off. I add a little to my mortgage every month to get it to 20 years instead of 30. Yes the car is going, my son left a back light on to read and it was on for 2 days. My husband laughed at me when he checked out the thread. I am so stuck in the 90's. My minivan is 5 years old not 15. I still haven't made it to this century yet. If anyone asked me what an Ipods or Blackberries are I'd say maybe a legume or fruit.

Exercise is great. Yesterday I missed the class but I went later and did a half hour on the elliptical and did two rounds on the machine circuit. I loved it and today Pilates.

My club has a separate area just for women attached to the locker room. I originally thought it was kind of stupid but I was completely wrong. I always seem to avoid alot of the machines because I'm not sure which to do, there are so many. And there will be these muscle clad guys. It's intimidating. This room is great. It has some treadmills and ellipticals (which I could easily do in the other room), but they have 10 different machines set up in a great circuit fashion. I'd have to compare it sort of to Curves. All the women there with me, 3 of them, were about my size so I didn't have to adjust anything except maybe the weight.

I'm not thinking about food obsessively anymore because I gave into it and you know I feel better. Personally I think the pounds will gradually come off with all this exercise.

Hope everyone is doing well Sabine :sunny:
I love curcuit training... it really toned me up when I used to do it. They ellipitical is doing great. It is harder than it looks. I am doing great with excercise... I have been averaging 30 mins a day but not really focused on eating. I am going to weigh myself again this weekend to see if it moved at all. Here's hoping. :wizard:

I am off to clean and cook dinner. I am a big Cardinals fan so the game is on in a few hours plus love :love: Greys anatomy and ER so I will be a coach potato tonight... if I get everything done now.

Have a great night... Go CARDS!!!
Go Cards? Oh Lisa ouch! Up until this year I've been a die hard Cub fan. This is the first summer I haven't even followed it. I couldn't even tell you who's in the playoffs. I'm taking a wild guess...the Cardinals. Well good for you.

The Elliptical is not as easy as it looks. I was surprised yesterday how hard it was. At least we have individual TV screens so my mind can be preoccupied with fluff.

Even though it hurts me to say this, for your sake I will........Go Cards! :cheer2:

Sabine :sunny:
Could I join your 40 by 40 plan?
I just found this thread, what a great idea!
I have a lot more than 40 to lose, and 40 is coming up fast- March '07, but if I can get started with all of you that would be great.
I belong to WW online- I haven't been following the plan, though. I went to my progress chart earlier today, followed it all the way back to 3/5/05, and since then I've lost a grand total of 5 pounds.

But I'm ready to get started again. :yay:
Hi Chris :wave2: Sure come on in and join us.

We each have some sort of success on this board. Whether it's eating better or getting more exercise or even being successful at losing pounds. Cannot say the last one is one of my successes but I have increased my exercise dramatically, from slothdom to 4-5 times a week.

I'm coming off a weekend again and I just couldn't get the exercise in on Sat and Sun. Hopefully when soccer is over I can add weekends to my routine. I went to spin this morning but I left after 30 minutes. I was feeling a little out of sorts, kind of dizzy and oogie(my technical phrase). I didn't give up though, I spent some time circuit training.

On a much lighter note. This weekend my neighbor threw a couples sex toy party. Kind of like a tupperware party but with oils and scary things that vibrate. We have a fun and crazy neighborhood. :crazy: What an absolute riot. My husband was afraid to go but he is so funny when he gets into it. Someone strapped a "strap on " onto their head and he exclaimed "Look a Teletubbie". Okay it was funny at the moment. I've been invited to a couple of these parties only with women but I must say the added testosterone certainly gave it a new twist. If you've never gone to one or hosted one, go. Even the shyest and most embarrassed types were crying with laughter

I hope everyones doing well and let us all cheer chris on as she attempts 40 by 40.

Good Luck! Sabine :sunny:


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