A Daily Lesson in Parenting and Manners: A TR by a real life Wicked Stepmom!

coming out of lurkdom!! loving your trip report your style of writing is fantastic.:thumbsup2

You sound like a fantastic step-mom and im so glad Sally and Teddy are having a trip of a lifetime (i welled up at the story about minnie remembering her). You have all been through so much from what i can a gather but still are a strong loving family.:hug:

Look forward to reading more.
Teddy responded with,

"I like babies. They smell like toast..."


I swear, that is what the child said.

That's it. I'm going home to sniff my godson's head to see.

The MEANEST lady in Disney was nowhere to be seen...perhaps she got wet and...melted...or something...

Did you happen to pick up a pair of glittery red heels? ;)

"BABE..." and then he proceeded to give me a VERY loud zerbert...right there in the middle of the bridge to Adventureland!

This is a guy thing. Whenever I'm in my unhappy pants or having a pity party for myself and we're out and about, he'll do something ridiculously loud or lovingly harrassing to get me to laugh, smile and often, squeal. They also tease because they love.

oh my how we THRIVE on routine.

So, Miss Cammie and her fun fam live in MY world too!

Sally chimed in to the conversation with "MissCammie lets us carry our autograph book bags with our autograph books and pens and wallets...and sometimes toys if we want to...like I got to carry Princess Pluto...even though our wallets don't have all our money in them...so we can be responsible and safe...right MissCammie?"

Precisely! I am NOT controlling. I am ORGANIZED.

okay I am controlling...but in a good way...


This made me laugh. Hard. I took my best friend to Disney for her birthday about 4 or 5 years ago. Mind you, we were both in our mid-20's. I did most of the planning as she'd only been once before and also because she knows I'm a control-freak and she indulges me. When we were at the airport and ready to leave she said, "Here, will you hold all my money? You're the organized one." Then we both laughed because we knew how ridiculous it looked. And how right it was. I controlled the money that week.

It was a lovely ride home to the Lodge. We all soaked in the sounds of the water, and felt the night and thanked the Good Lord that we'd made it safely-ish through another day!!

We're about to book our September trip to the Lodge this week and this put a smile on my face just thinking about it!

Thanks, as always, for sharing.

Miss Cammie,

I will come out of lurkdom also to say I've really enjoyed your trip report! I'm really amazed how you remember all these details since it has been several months since your trip! We stayed at WL last November and loved the boat ride also! Looking forward to more! :surfweb:
Great TR installment. :) Your style of writing keeps me wanting more. Sally and Teddy are so cute and so well behaved. You and Jay are doing a great job:cheer2: Sally and Teddy are going to look back on these times/trips with you and realize what great parents you are. :flower3:
I'm just going to jump in and also say that I am just lovin your report too! Those two kids are just so precious! That mean ole witch! UGH! Don't know how you kept your calm as much as you did. Thank goodness for the nice people!

Can't wait to read more!
Hi Miss Cammie :wave2: ! I've been lurking for quite some time but finally decided to drop you a line and tell you that this is probably one of the best if not the best TR I've ever read. Your writing style is absolutely engaging for me as a reader and I think a lot will agree. This is so different then most of the "I did this and I did that" TR's. It's been an absolute pleasure sharing your memories of this wonderful vacation. Keep cranking out those installments. I need something to do while I'm at work. :lmao:
Please Miss Cammie, come out and play and give us the next installment!

And when you are done with your TR - I would really just love it if you could post a weekly "regular life report". I want to know how Sally and Teddy are going and what is happening! You write so well!:thumbsup2
I just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone for your incredibly kind comments!

It's so great to see so many coming out of lurkdom to say howdy!!!

I want to respond to each and every comment but I only have a second.

The next chapter is nearly done. I am cranking these things out like MAD!

Thanks for reading everyone. I appreciate everyone's comments and I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the trip so far!!!

:goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

I love reading your trip report. I can't wait to read your next chapter, even though I cry every time I read it!
I have been reading your trip report for a few days and I have loved all of it. I cannot believe how much of the details you remember. I feel like I am on vacation with you and your family. Your kids are too cute for words. Thanks for all of the time you have been putting in and hurry up with the next installment, please. There, I said please MissCammie.:thumbsup2
Yay, I'm finally all caught up!

I know I'm late, but the part about the perfume in France must have been awful! There is nothing that freaks me out more than not being able to breathe! And people never seem to understand that everyone staring at you and asking if you're ok is really not helping! I'm amazed someone didn't catch the CM sooner- besides asthma, I would have been sneezing all day if someone perfumed me!

I feel so bad for that little girl on the boat- people tend to live up to what you say about them, and if her parents keep calling her "the bad one", I'm sad to think of where it may lead!

Loving your report! I know how hard it is to find time to write one, but you're doing awesome!
Whew!!! I read all the post in two days! It's a great TR! :thumbsup2
I can't believe I didn't see this one before. It makes me cringe when I hear about all of the horrible behavior by people. It makes me worried for our up coming generations but then I feel better when decent people step up to the plate and show what we're supposed to be like. popcorn::
I can't wait to hear more and am praying for all of you on the custody issues.

Our troop from boat to room was fairly quick and uneventful. Both kids were tubbed and scrubbed and in their PJ's in record time. I braided Sally's hair so it wouldn't tangle, everyone was hugged and kissed and tucked in to bed. Both kids were OUT in under five minutes.


I was really glad that we had gone for bunkbeds instead of an adjoining room. We had been worried about the kids being able to sleep in the evening due to Jay's inability to sleep without the television on in the background. What a WASTE of money that extra room would have been. Our plan to run them RAGGED during the day was going delightfully well!!


Jay let me go first for the shower. :love: He loves me...or he was trying to tell me something...either way, I appreciated the gesture!

I jumped into the shower and got into MY pj's in record time. My body was SCREAMING for sleep!! Then I laid out everyone's clothes...including Jay's...and hopped into bed. I sleep much better when I know that everything is organized...and I'm in charge of what everyone is wearing...and if you don't lay clothes out the night before, people get ideas...think they can make choices...

silly family.


I'm pretty sure I was down for the count before Jay even got out of the shower.

It wasn't TWO seconds before the phone was ringing and Mickey and Stitch were telling us to GET MOVING!! Once again I'd had to climb over Jay to get to the phone. That kind of ringing in the morning is WAY too much for an un-caffeinated brain!! It was unfortunate that I had to climb OVER and ON Jay...to GET to the phone...but I believe it made my point about his being CLOSER to the phone... :flower3:

(who am I kidding? He didn't wake up AT ALL!)

Sally peeked out at me from under her blankets.

"MissCamie I do NOT like Stitch. He's RUDE..."

I gave her a confused look...

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you...this is my bad ear...try that again..."

I'm fairly certain Sally was cussing me in her head, but she came back with,

"Good Morning MissCammie...I do NOT like Stitch. He's RUDE...and LOUD!"

I bid her good morning and told her to take it up with Walt...as I'd told her the morning before...rules are rules.


Teddy VERY carefully sat up in his bed, remembering the forehead smack from the morning before.

"Good Morning MISSCAMMIE!!!! It's ANIMAL DAY!!!!" *bouncebouncebounce*

The boy is WIRED from the get GO! He was SO excited for the Animal Kingdom. He'd been talking about it for MONTHS!!

"Good Morning Mugwumpus O'Reilly!"

I once told Teddy that his given name was Mugwumpus O'Reilly.

He told his nursery school class this.


Teddy finds the name Mugwumpus O'Reilly VERY funny...and he proceeded to snort laugh himself right out of bed.

Miss Merry Sunshine was not amused from her top bunk.

"STOP shouting PLEASE...it hurts my HEAD in the morning...TEDDY..."

ahh family togetherness.

What was I saying about NOT wanting those adjoining rooms?


We accidentally tickled Jay's feet and he woke up...



NOW that we were all awake, it was time to shake a tail feather!

I had decided to dress the kids in water friendly clothing. I had done the research and computed the data on the statistical likelihood of our getting wet on this day. With Kali River Rapids in our future I was NOT about to take any chances on wet whiny kids...or a wet whiny ME!

After thoroughly sunscreening the babies, they hopped into their clothes.

Sally was wearing her bathing suit bottoms, with a pair of pink quick dry shorts that I had gotten from lands end. Those things DID dry in a flash! I had gotten her a cute little brown rashguard shirt with pink stitching to match the shorts. Pink and Brown is Sally's favorite color combination these days. She was STYLIN and ready to go. I pulled her hair half up and declared her DONE!

Teddy was wearing his swim trunks and a red and blue rash guard with a "hang ten" hand graphic on the front of it. He LOVED this rash guard. He flashed the Hang Ten sign ALL DAY! He had no idea what that meant mind you, but he thought it was cool!

As I was finishing up with Teddy's sunscreen, I asked Sally how much she loved me...

Wordlessly she got up from the bed where she had been watching Stacy, went to our little fridge and got me a Diet Coke.


She loves me A LOT!!

Is that wrong of me? To attach love to Diet Coke delivery?

don't judge. It's a wicked step mother thing...


I gave Sally her payment of a smooch on the cheek and she went back to the bed to watch Stacy.

We were all ready to go.

We were just waiting for Jay...who was on the PHONE...

I allowed him one work call a day without fussing at him.

Normally he LIVES on the phone so I was very proud of his restraint during this trip!

As we waited I gave the kiddies cheerios to munch. Teddy was sitting out on the patio as he ate. A delighted little squeal escaped him when he saw a duck approaching.


Sally joined him and watched as one duck became two...and two became...like SEVEN...those ducks probably KNOW the sound of cheerios and they came a RUNNIN...or a waddlin...cuz they're ducks.

They are friendly little ducks...gluttonous as well...no shame...they waddled RIGHT up to the deck and begged.

I ran to get the camera, admonishing the kids as I went not to feed the ducks b/c I people food isn't always good for ducks and...

CLEARLY...the children did NOT hear me...

As I was taking the picture I realized that the ducks were being treated to a Cheerios breakfast!

So I repeated my direction to NOT feed the ducks.

Sally gave me a reproachful look...

"Awwww...poor them. Poor ducks...they're HUNGRY MissCammie..."


"Sally, these ducks are NOT hungry...they are Disney ducks...probably the best fed ducks in the WORLD...lots of other people have probably already fed them THEIR breakfasts. And we don't want the ducks to get sick do we?"

Both kids thought I was full of it. I could tell...because EVERYBODY knows that the purpose of ducks in this world is to eat stale bread fed to them by children...


Mostly I wanted the KIDS to eat the cheerios, not the ducks...


"MissCammie, can we just give them these dirty cheerios on the deck already...I mean we can't eat them anyway...and ducks like dirty cheerios...and we don't want these cheerios to go WASTE...so can we?"


Sally KNOWS that I hate to waste food.

When I'm beat, I'm beat.

"Fine...feed the ducks the dirty Cheerios...and then get your hiney's in here so we can get moving! Daddy's ALMOST off the phone!"

I aimed that last comment right at Jay's head.

which totally worked...cuz he wrapped it up pretty quickly!

I reminded Jay that he at LEAST needed to eat a nutri-grain bar as we were going to the park that was host to our very FIRST married fight...and we didn't want a repeat of that...

Jay is SUCH a pootsnorkel about eating breakfast.


He "yes dear'd" me. I eye brow arched him. And that was that. (He actually ate a pastry something or other...that came from the secret drawer of BAD for you but totally acceptable to eat while on vacation foods!)

YAY it was time to go!

I did a quick check of my park bag to make sure I had everything I might need...most importantly snacks that would surely be necessary thanks to the Ducks eating the kids cheerios...my inhaler...and other odds and ends one might possibly need...in case of flood...or famine...or fire...y'know...all the things that could happen while trekking through the wilds of Florida!


The kids came in and got into their crocs and we were ready FREDDY for Animal Kingdom!

On our way out Sally looked down at my feet.

"MissCammie, are those new? Super CUTE flips!"


our little fashionista!!

Sally and I love clothes...as you may be able to tell from descriptions of what we wore each day...y'all may be thinking "WHO in the holy HECK cares what all y'all wore each dang day..."

well...WE care. Sally and I are always interested in what people wear.

we're girlie that way.

Thankfully nobody was smoking on our way to the bus stop. Which was good b/c SallyRally had her persnickety pants on this morning. I could tell.

Woofty, it was a hot...SUPER muggy...the air felt velvety...if that makes any sense. It felt like it was fixin to rain on us.

There weren't really any clouds of any consequence though. Yay for that!

Teddy ran straight to the Diet Coke machine, hand out, ready for the coin-age. Such a good, well trained child.:teacher:

There was another family there, waiting for the Animal Kingdom bus too. Very Ralph Lauren ad looking family...y'all know what I mean...very put together...Their little girl was probably about two. She had a head full of platinum ringlets that bounced when she walked. Cutest little thing.

Sally was immediately enamored. It's that blond hair thing again. The little girl was just as interested in Sally. She marched right up and patted Sally's knee sweetly and blinked her mile long lashes. Sally squatted down and the two girls blinked and grinned at each other. Brown eyes shining at blue eyes. It was too sweet for words. Sally SO wants a little sister. She tells me so constantly. And sometimes I think about getting her another dog...A GIRL dog...

that counts...right?


The little girl's mom was very friendly and we chit chatted about Disney in general...the Wilderness Lodge...where we were from...they were from Connecticut...this was their first trip without Angelica, their nanny, who was unable to come last minute. The mom said she did not know HOW people did it all on their own! She asked about where we were from, and the kids ages...it was all very nice "waiting for the bus" conversation. Very civilized.

During our very nice, civilized Disney chitty chat, the woman kept glancing at her husband and taking deep, annoyed breaths...he was on the PHONE...apparently she hadn't had the ONE phone call a day conversation with HER husband...or she wasn't as bossy as I was...


The bus pulled up not too long afterward.

We all climbed aboard!

Sally headed straight to the back and the hiney warming heaven of the back seats!

We took a seat and sighed with happiness. A warm body is a happy body!

Jay and Teddy took up seats in front of us. The Connecticut family weren't too far away...sort of kitty corner to Sally and me.

We sat back and chilled for a bit...just enjoying the heat and the rocking motion of the bus.

The tranquility of the bus was disturbed when Sally took a sharp intake of breath and gripped my arm rather tightly.

"MISSCAMMIE..." this came out in a very urgent whisper.

"WHAT?" I was a little alarmed...Sally seemed to be very distressed.

She put her mouth up to my ear and whispered,

"MissCammie I just saw that little girl's SUSIE"



oh my goodness...okay for those of you who may be wondering what all the alarm is about...and just WHO Susie may be...


This is really rather distressing...

When Sally was very small, someone...*coughhergrandmothercough* told Sally the proper name for a girl's private parts is "Susie".

I was really rather mortified when I found this out. Mostly b/c I happen to HAVE an AUNT Susie...and it was going to be VERY difficult to ever think about Aunt Susie again without the connotation of Sally...

ick...y'all get what i'm saying here.

:sad2: I realize that I was rather stifled as a child...but seriously,we didn't TALK about our private parts...didn't discuss them with each other...it just wasn't polite...and we CERTAINLY did not give them first names...know what I mean?

I find myself SHOCKED at what children and parents are discussing with each other these days. I mean REALLY! Makes a girl blush!

anyhow...back to the issue at hand...

Sally had just told me that she had seen more of that little girl than was appropriate.

I looked over at the little girl. She was sitting on the seat, a few seats down from her parents...who were now BOTH on the phone. It seems they were trying frantically to make last minute plans with family members...something like that...

The little girl had on a denim skirt. When she readjusted her legs to slide down off the seat...


yep...Sally did see...what she said she saw.

That little girl was NOT wearing any underpants.

The bus wasn't terribly full...but Jay and Teddy were facing the little girl and I REALLY did NOT want Teddy to see this...b/c he would LOUDLY announce his surprise. Luckily Jay and Teddy were playing a game of "I-Spy" as they looked out the window. I was hoping to keep that game rated G...if you know what I mean!

I was sitting near the window and blocked in by the other seats in front of me and Sally at my side. The situation was getting a little urgent as this child was fixin to flash again. Based on the snickering from some boys not sitting to far away, they had seen more than they should have too.

Sally had a death grip on my arm.

"MissCammie, DO SOMETHING!!!" She heard the boys laughing too and we were both desperate to keep this child from being violated further b/c of a lack of awareness of what was happening from her parents! I didn't want to SHOUT across the bus to them...as I was pretty sure I'd have to do it more than once which would only draw more attention to the situation.

So...here it was. I was going to have to butt in...pardon the pun. As much as I may "mentally" parent other people's children, I tend to mind my own beeswax as much as possible!


The second the bus stopped for a light, I looked at Sally and said "GO!"

She jumped up and went over to the little girl. Sally crouched down in front of her and held her little knees together.

The child was DELIGHTED to see Sally in front of her.

I went over to the seat next to the little girl and pulled her next to my side. Then Sally sat down on the other side of her. We were able to keep her little legs together and keep her ON the seat. I threw an eyebrow arch/death glare at those snickering little hooligans.

It worked. They had the decency to look ashamed of themselves!

Jay was looking at Sally and me like we had gone a little crazy.

I gave him my "I'll explain when I can" look.

The mom finally turned around and said "Oh HELLO...Ellie, you have company!!"

I found that I really did not want to tell this woman that her daughter was going commando this morning. It just seemed a little...well...TACKY.

Try as I might, I simply could NOT recall a manners lesson on "Revealing the Absence of Underpants on a Small Child to the Mother..."

So I had to wing it.

I decided to get straight to the point.

I smiled at the mom and said in low but audible voice,

"Your little girl seems to have forgotten to put on her underpants this morning ..."

I was going to say more, try to clairfy...but I didn't need to.

Understanding came quickly.

Her eyes got large and then she turned and whacked her husband on the back of the shoulder.


Richard turned and looked indignantly at his wife.

"I DID. She's dressed."

Richard was smacked with a death glare.

"Did you FORGET something?"

I could see the wheels turning frantically in his head.

Ellie's mom didn't wait for him to figure it out.

She fiercely whispered,

"SHE is NOT wearing any UNDERWEAR!"

Richard looked confused.

"I put her clothes out on the bed and told her to get dressed...she's 3...she dresses herself sometimes right?...and I had to take a work call...when I came back she had her clothes on...how was I supposed to know she didn't put on everything?!"

yikes...not the best answer...

"Our daughter is TWO...NOT three. You can't tell her to get dressed and walk away. I'm AMAZED that she's DRESSED at all...I'll bet you didn't put the extra pair of panties in the bag either..."

She checked...nope...he didn't.

"GREAT! AND just WHAT are we supposed to do now? We are supposed to meet Jeanie and Sam and their kids in less than an HOUR. NOW we have to go back to the resort, which will just waste everyone's time and this is the ONLY day we could get together because they leave tonight and NOW we are going to miss breakfast..."

wow...I felt like this was somehow my fault.

hmmmm...my need to "fix it" was making me twitch.

(I KNOW...I have issues...)

My brain saved the day by giving my memory a kick!

On the day we left for Disney I had put a Pull-Up IN my park bag...which I had carried on to the plane. I was trying to make a point to Teddy...who had been having an issue with purposeful bed wetting...that I had the pull-ups WITH ME and I wouldn't hesitate to slap one on him and make him wear it all DAY if he didn't turn that little problem around ASAP.

I know. I'm mean. It's my job.



I didn't recall taking it out of the bag and I figured it was still there.

I checked.

It was.

SO I pulled the Pull-Up out of the bag.

Sally said "Oh Good ONE MissCammie!!"


Teddy saw me with the pull-up and he said in his most INSULTED voice,

"I didn't WET MY PANTS!"


Jason cracked up laughing...I think more at the scene in front of him, than at Teddy, but he quickly explained to Teddy that the pull-up was NOT for him.

I hated to interrupt the tirade between mom and Richard, but I feared it was going to get violent!

So I said "excuse me ma'am." She turned and I held up the Pull-Up.

She let out a big breath.

"Thank GAWD! Oh thank you. I don't know WHAT we would have done...thank you thank you..."

I held the pull-up out to her as I thought she was going to want take it, but she turned back towards her husband and started dialing her phone.


I don't know about y'all...but if my little girl is bare cheeked on a public bus, Disney or NOT, I'd want her covered ASAP.

Sally seemed to share my feelings on this. She took charge.

She moved my bag so it was sort of in front of little Ellie. Then she looked at me expectantly.

"I'll guard MissCammie. Put em on her..."

See...I told you...persnickety pants ON.

Sally was NOT happy that this little girl had a bare bum in public. It was against the RULES!

I waited a bit more to see if the mom was going to take care of it herself, but she was talking to someone on the phone. She seemed REALLY upset. Meanwhile, Ellie wanted to jump off the seat again. So I asked Ellie's mom if she would like me to get the the pull-up on to Ellie for her.

Maybe I was being a bit presumptuous, but I was getting more distressed by the minute. Y'all KNOW how I feel about public nekkidness! It disturbs me!

The mom turned to me and said "Oh my gosh, where is my HEAD? I keep forgetting Angelica isn't here! Would you? Thanks!" Then turned back to her phone.

I looked at Jay, who raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him. This sort of situation was not out of our every day comfort zone...we BOTH work with kids, a lot of them very little, and we've been in lots of unexpected "Wet Pants" situations and had to deal with it.

This wasn't that far of a stretch. And maybe I looked a little bit like the nanny...:confused3

Besides...I ASKED. Because I need to be the boss of everything.


Sally looked at Jay and Teddy and said,

"Don't LOOK. This is PRIVACY!"


I kept Ellie sitting and I scooted the pull up up her little legs. Then I stood her up and while Sally held the skirt down, I pulled the pull-up up the rest of the way. It was a bit big on her...so I rolled down the top a little. Then I positioned the elastic waistband of her denim skirt over the top of the pull up. It seemed to be holding okay.

Ellie was pleased. She clapped her hands and said "PANTIES!!"

When I remember this scene now I have to laugh. It was funny and odd at the same time. Which is pretty much my life. I am also very proud of Sally. She is just exactly like her dad. She may be personally timid and a bit of a worry wart...like her dad...but when the situation calls, she is no nonsense. She isn't worried about anything but getting the person in need taken care of. Particularly children. I think one of the things I love most about Sally is that she trusts that Jay and I will take care of things...whatever they may be. She expects us to.

It is a wonderful thing to have someone believe so much in your ability to "fix it".

What Sally doesn't realize is that she often has as much power to fix things as we do.

She'll get there. I hope. I want her to believe in herself for the times that Jay and I can't be there.

we're working on it.

As we pulled in to the Animal Kingdom parking lot...FINALLY...sheesh that felt like a LONG ride...Teddy was bouncing around in complete glee!

Ellie's mom finally got off the phone. She picked up her daughter and thanked Sally and me profusely. She told us the pull-up would work out fine b/c her sister was able to come later in the afternoon and bring an extra pair of undies.

Richard was STILL on the phone. I think he was just avoiding talking to his wife!!

Ellie's mom looked at Sally and said,

"You sure are a good girl! Your mommy is doing a good job!"

I thought sure Sally would correct her and say "STEP mom".

But she didn't.

She said,

"Yep. She's a good mom!"


Sally looked up at me and said

"And I'm a good DAUGHTER right MissCammie?"

Yep SallyRally...the BEST.

And THAT was the start to our Animal Kingdom day!!!

up next: Safari's and Rapids!
Oh that Sally just made me cry with that last statement. What a wonderful way to start your day!
That is such a sad but funny story. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

How can it be both? :confused3

Miss Cammie you are a great story teller. Sally is a sweetheart.
How the hell do you not check your 2 year old to make sure she's fully dressed? My DD is 8 and if she wears a skirt I still check to make sure you can't see her hoo ha. Don't worry, I did teach her the proper wording, LOL.
I just bubbled over to my DH about your story of the little girl on the bus to AK! Wow....unbelievable...:confused3 and I agree very sad cause you know that was just the tip of the ice berg. Glad you and Sally came to her aid! You make a great team! Can't wait to hear about your day! :goodvibes
I don't know whether to laugh or be disturbed that woman let a stranger (nothing personal) put a pullup on her kid. Nice going, either way.
How the hell do you not check your 2 year old to make sure she's fully dressed? My DD is 8 and if she wears a skirt I still check to make sure you can't see her hoo ha. Don't worry, I did teach her the proper wording, LOL.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

My mother STILL asks my sisters and me if we are "wearing a slip" when we wear dresses or skirts!:rotfl2:

And just so people don't think I'm being judgmental...I know that LOTS of kids have their own words in regards to their bodies...I just objected to the use of a proper name...that was the same name of someone I was related to!

My grandmother referred to that particular part as a "good girl"...:rotfl2:

HER mother thought it was called a "sissy"...which is what I called my older sister for years...

y'all see how I managed to get as nutty as I am?!
I don't know whether to laugh or be disturbed that woman let a stranger (nothing personal) put a pullup on her kid. Nice going, either way.

I was rather horrified myself on one level. Jay and I would NEVER have allowed such a thing...but it was pretty clear this mommy didn't have a lot of hands on time with her daughter. She didn't really know what to do. She actually called the nanny while we were getting off the bus and asked if she couldn't please fly out to Florida.

I just couldn't stand for that child to remain half naked for one minute longer than necessary!


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