A May 2010 PTR: I Got A Job....Let's Go See Mickey!*Update 4/15!!

THANK YOU!!!!! for all of that great advice! :worship: I have been reading the Photography section on The Pioneer Woman's website and she does a pretty good job of explaining the basics, but I think I'm going to get a book, too. I noticed that a lot of people on the Photography board recommend a book called "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson, so I will probably check that one out. I have heard a lot of people mention the 50mm lens - is that the one that is good for close-up shots? I will definitely be looking into a UV filter and hood.

It's funny you mention Understanding Exposure because that is the book I would recommend. But...it won't teach you to use your camera just understand photography in general. I bought "The Canon EOS Digital Rebel Companion" and it's like a more detailed version of the owner's manual. I have the 50mm f/1.8 and it is my least used lens. The 50mm f/1.4 is a much better lens from what I have heard. It is used for portraits mostly. I wouldn't recommend taking it somewhere like Disney because there is no zoom. The kit lens should work great for vacation photographs. Back to the prime lens, I wouldn't buy the 50mm f/1.8 if I could do it again. The 85mm is a far superior prime lens (for about 3 times the price). I tried to find an example. The first photo is taken with the 50mm and the last two with the 85mm :lovestruc




It really just depends on what you use your camera for. I rarely take portraits so I don't use the prime lens much. I use the 18-55mm that came with the camera a lot. I use the 75-300mm for DD's sports or anytime I am taking photos from a distance.

Remember, I'm not a photographer and everything I mentioned is just my opinion. I would get as much information and read as many reviews as you can before making a decision about lens. I'm sure the folks on the photography board could be a huge help.
It's funny you mention Understanding Exposure because that is the book I would recommend. But...it won't teach you to use your camera just understand photography in general. I bought "The Canon EOS Digital Rebel Companion" and it's like a more detailed version of the owner's manual. I have the 50mm f/1.8 and it is my least used lens. The 50mm f/1.4 is a much better lens from what I have heard. It is used for portraits mostly. I wouldn't recommend taking it somewhere like Disney because there is no zoom. The kit lens should work great for vacation photographs. Back to the prime lens, I wouldn't buy the 50mm f/1.8 if I could do it again. The 85mm is a far superior prime lens (for about 3 times the price). I tried to find an example. The first photo is taken with the 50mm and the last two with the 85mm :lovestruc




It really just depends on what you use your camera for. I rarely take portraits so I don't use the prime lens much. I use the 18-55mm that came with the camera a lot. I use the 75-300mm for DD's sports or anytime I am taking photos from a distance.

Remember, I'm not a photographer and everything I mentioned is just my opinion. I would get as much information and read as many reviews as you can before making a decision about lens. I'm sure the folks on the photography board could be a huge help.

Again, thank you SOOO MUCH for your advice!! I'm definitely putting the Companion book on my list.

I really enjoy taking portraits of my kids, so I might get some good usage out of a prime lens. So you would recommend the 85mm over the 50mm f/1.4, then? Once my kids start sports, I will probably go for the 75-300mm, for sure.
Julia :woohoo: on getting a new camera. I love my Cannon, but I have a lot to learn yet. It is just fun playing around with it.
Hi Julia! No issues with my camera. It's been to Disney 3 times now and no issues whatsoever, even in the monsoons. It's not usually in my bag though because I'm taking pics all the time. :) Like a PP, I also have the 75-300mm lens but I had purchased it years before when I bought my 35mm Rebel. It's great for Animal Kingdom Shots in addition to concerts and sports. :goodvibes
Julia :woohoo: on getting a new camera. I love my Cannon, but I have a lot to learn yet. It is just fun playing around with it.

I have been having a BLAST playing with it since it arrived 2 days ago! I'm already driving everyone in my family crazy (including the dogs :rotfl:) because I'm always snapping away. That clicking sound is like music to my ears! :love: There is definitely a lot to learn, though.

Hi Julia! No issues with my camera. It's been to Disney 3 times now and no issues whatsoever, even in the monsoons. It's not usually in my bag though because I'm taking pics all the time. :) Like a PP, I also have the 75-300mm lens but I had purchased it years before when I bought my 35mm Rebel. It's great for Animal Kingdom Shots in addition to concerts and sports. :goodvibes

I am sooo nervous, even when it is around my neck! I'm always afraid I'm going to hit it on something and break it. I'm a bit of a klutz. :lmao: I'm glad to hear that you haven't had any issues, though. That makes me feel a bit better. :goodvibes

I never thought to use the 75-300mm lens at AK, but that is a really good point! Maybe I should invest in it sooner than later.... :scratchin
Well, my camera came on Monday, and I am official in L.O.V.E!!!!!! :love: I have been studying up on all the different features and how to get the best pictures in different settings...my head is kind of spinning with all of the information, but I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've also been snapping away and driving my family nuts in the process. :rotfl: I don't feel like any of the pictures that I've taken so far are any better than what I could have gotten with my point-and-shoot Nikon, but I'm learning. :thumbsup2

I continued my search for a camera bag over the weekend and found several that I liked. My favorite was the Tracy Joy shooting bag, but DH said they were too girly. :rolleyes1 So I started looking around on ebay for a more "manly" bag, and found this one.

He loved it (of course) because it has UT orange on it, so it's the one we decided to go with. I ordered it on Saturday and it should be here (hopefully) sometime this week.
I'm glad to hear you like your camera so far. You'll have fun learning how to use it, and you'll definitely get better pictures than your point and shoot.

Wow, I clicked on that link and agree with your husband -- those bags are girly! I had to go back up to the top of the screen to make sure they weren't purses. :eek:

It's funny that UT orange sealed the deal on the one you're getting.
I'm glad to hear you like your camera so far. You'll have fun learning how to use it, and you'll definitely get better pictures than your point and shoot.

I hope so. ;)

Wow, I clicked on that link and agree with your husband -- those bags are girly! I had to go back up to the top of the screen to make sure they weren't purses. :eek:

:lmao: That's what he said - that they looked like purses!

It's funny that UT orange sealed the deal on the one you're getting.

He is ALL about the ORANGE! :thumbsup2
I really enjoy taking portraits of my kids, so I might get some good usage out of a prime lens. So you would recommend the 85mm over the 50mm f/1.4, then? Once my kids start sports, I will probably go for the 75-300mm, for sure.

I haven't actually used the 50mm 1.4. :rolleyes1 But I have a few friends that have it and are happy. I have the 50mm 1.8 and I think it about the worst prime lens you can get but still takes better portraits than the 18-55mm that came with the camera. But it is very reasonably priced and a great way to get comfortable with a prime lens. Everyone I have ever talked to who has the 85mm has been very happy with it. The only downside that I should mention is that you have to back up pretty far from your subject to use the 85mm. About 10-15 feet :confused3. But I don't want to be right on top of my subject for a portrait because I think it makes people nervous. But I never attempt to use the 85mm indoors because there is not enough room. So I have missed a lot of photos because I'm not far away enough. All that to say I have no idea what you should get. :lmao: I would recommend posting the three options on the photography board and asking which prime lens everyone recommends.:)

I like the bag you picked!

I never thought to use the 75-300mm lens at AK, but that is a really good point! Maybe I should invest in it sooner than later.... :scratchin

It's great for Fantasmic! and the castle show too. You might want to consider the 75-300mm first. :) I personally like the 75-300mm but I do have one friend that claims that it focuses too slow and prefers the 55-250mm with the USM and IS. She is a much more serious photographer though. To me the 75-300 is good enough and I loved the price. :lovestruc I've also heard people rave about the 100-400mm for sports. As soon as I hit the lottery or land that job with Sports Illustrated, I'm going to get one :lmao:.
My camera bag looks like that, but it is black and blue. I want one a little larger so I don't have to cram everything in one bag. I haven't taken my camera out in a week or so so I need to get it out and play around with it.
I haven't actually used the 50mm 1.4. :rolleyes1 But I have a few friends that have it and are happy. I have the 50mm 1.8 and I think it about the worst prime lens you can get but still takes better portraits than the 18-55mm that came with the camera. But it is very reasonably priced and a great way to get comfortable with a prime lens. Everyone I have ever talked to who has the 85mm has been very happy with it. The only downside that I should mention is that you have to back up pretty far from your subject to use the 85mm. About 10-15 feet :confused3. But I don't want to be right on top of my subject for a portrait because I think it makes people nervous. But I never attempt to use the 85mm indoors because there is not enough room. So I have missed a lot of photos because I'm not far away enough. All that to say I have no idea what you should get. :lmao: I would recommend posting the three options on the photography board and asking which prime lens everyone recommends.:)

I like the bag you picked!

It's great for Fantasmic! and the castle show too. You might want to consider the 75-300mm first. :) I personally like the 75-300mm but I do have one friend that claims that it focuses too slow and prefers the 55-250mm with the USM and IS. She is a much more serious photographer though. To me the 75-300 is good enough and I loved the price. :lovestruc I've also heard people rave about the 100-400mm for sports. As soon as I hit the lottery or land that job with Sports Illustrated, I'm going to get one :lmao:.

:rotfl2: You and me both! I think that I may get the 50mm as a starter, like you said, to get used to using a prime lens. But possibly the first one I get will be the 75-300mm. I guess I just need to figure out which one I will probably use more.

My camera bag looks like that, but it is black and blue. I want one a little larger so I don't have to cram everything in one bag. I haven't taken my camera out in a week or so so I need to get it out and play around with it.

Get it out and start playing, girl! You've got less than 2 months before you have it at Disney World! ;)
The bag looks great! I think your DH was just holding out till you found a bag with orange in it!!! :lmao:

I think I want a backpack style bag too for taking different lenses with me if I'm hiking or at the zoo or whatever.

So when are we gonna get to see some shots with your new 'toy'? ;)
But possibly the first one I get will be the 75-300mm. I guess I just need to figure out which one I will probably use more.

I use the 75-300mm more but everyone's different. I use it for sports, the zoo, bird watching (just kidding), and at the pool. You can get good swimming photos without getting your precious camera anywhere near the water. And I love taking photos of DD playing softball without having to get my lazy butt off the bleachers :rotfl::

The bag looks great! I think your DH was just holding out till you found a bag with orange in it!!! :lmao:

:rotfl2: I think you're right.

I think I want a backpack style bag too for taking different lenses with me if I'm hiking or at the zoo or whatever.

So when are we gonna get to see some shots with your new 'toy'? ;)

Soon. ;)

I use the 75-300mm more but everyone's different. I use it for sports, the zoo, bird watching (just kidding), and at the pool. You can get good swimming photos without getting your precious camera anywhere near the water. And I love taking photos of DD playing softball without having to get my lazy butt off the bleachers :rotfl::

Okay, I just have to say that your DD is SO CUTE!!!! And, I love that she is rocking a bow while playing softball. :thumbsup2
Okay, I just have to say that your DD is SO CUTE!!!! And, I love that she is rocking a bow while playing softball. :thumbsup2

Thank you. She is a girly girl. She has been known to stop to primp at 2nd base. :rolleyes1 That season the male coach attempted to order navy blue uniforms :scared1:. The girls set him straight and they ended up with pink uniforms with glitter. :rotfl2:
I've Been Bitten...

by the VB bug, that is! Their new summer colors were released today, and of course I had to venture over to their website to check them out. I really :love: Call Me Coral! It is just the right shade of pink for me, and I love the little pops of turquoise. I came thisclose to ordering a Hipster in that color, but I just couldn't bring myself to pay full price knowing that there were so many other colors on sale. Unfortunately, most of my favorites in the Hipster were sold out already (and I am still mad that I missed $19 sale last week!! :headache:). Since the Hipster and Mailbag are very similar, I decided to check and see if they had any colors I liked on sale in the Mailbag. They did! They had two colors on sale for $27 and Pinwheel Pink was one of them!! I also ordered a Mini Hipster for $18 in Pinwheel Pink. Total price for both bags, with tax and shipping - $57.77. Can't beat that! :thumbsup2

Now I said in an earlier post that new pictures were coming soon, so here they are. I'm having so much fun playing with my new camera! I'm going to try to post what mode these shots were taken in (not that I really know what that means yet :rotfl:)

*These first several shots are all SOOC (straight out of camera), meaning I didn't do any touch-ups or editing.

This was one of the first pictures I took, straight out of the box, in full Auto mode.

I think these next few were taken in Program mode.

What a ham.

After DD got tired of posing, I went outside trying to find some flowers to shoot, but none of ours are blooming yet. :confused3 So I shot this stump instead. :lmao: This was either in Macro mode or Aperture-priority.

Lone little leaf - shot in Macro mode.

Our male Yorkie (Neyland), shot in Aperture-priority (I think).

And our female (Emma), also shot in Aperture-priority.

*These next ones are from my second day of shooting, and I have done some minor editing to them.

DS playing outside - shot in Ap-priority, edited to B&W

DH - shot in Ap-priority, touched up

DS - Ap-priority, B&W

DS playing baseball - Manual exposure, Sepia

and the original

I think this one of FIL's dog is hilarious. Shot in Macro mode (I was shooting flowers and she was curious)

MIL's Easter flowers (that's what we call them, I don't know the proper name for them ;))

Are you bored yet? :rotfl:

Up next: See pics of the new VB's!!

I guess I'm not too bored -- I looked at all the pictures! :laughing:

I'm not a flower expert, but I think those are daffodils.
great pictures! those are daffodils :thumbsup2 I am glad you are enjoying playing around with your camera--I would love to get one!! One of these days :cloud9:
I guess I'm not too bored -- I looked at all the pictures! :laughing:

I'm not a flower expert, but I think those are daffodils.

I think you're right. :thumbsup2

great pictures! those are daffodils :thumbsup2 I am glad you are enjoying playing around with your camera--I would love to get one!! One of these days :cloud9:

Thanks for letting me know! I thought that was what they were, but I wasn't sure. :goodvibes


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