Ack! Advice quickly, please!

See I see this differently. This is not an adult so it’s not the same. This
Is also a weekday evening. I don’t think it’s a reasonable expectation that a teen would need or ask to bring her BF to such an event. Guess things are just different around here.

Throughout this thread, you seem to have difficulty with the truth that "your way" isn't THE way.

For many 16 year olds, having a boyfriend over for weekday dinner is routine.

In many families, teenagers, especially those as close to college and adulthood as a 16 year old, are treated much closer to the same as adults than still as children.
I mean in general b/c you asked if OP would feel the same if it were an adult relative. But, it’s not. There is a distinction. I do have a young child. Doesn’t mean I don’t know what my friends & family do or what I did or was allowed to do as a teen. We wouldn’t have even asked. We saw boyfriends on weekends not at formal weekday dinner parties.
While I realize you are speaking about your experience I would gather that for most people they don't confine time spent with boyfriends as weekends only. Even during the school year (though the time to go home would likely be earlier than for weekends if it was a school night).

It's just strange to say "welp the event happened during the weekday--sorry not acceptable to come"..."welp the event happened during the weekend--acceptable to come"

I can understand using it on a case by case basis but for most it's not a blanket weekday=not ok, weekend=ok
Throughout this thread, you seem to have difficulty with the truth that "your way" isn't THE way.

For many 16 year olds, having a boyfriend over for weekday dinner is routine.

In many families, teenagers, especially those as close to college and adulthood as a 16 year old, are treated much closer to the same as adults than still as children.

Well said. My kids and their lives at 16 are very different than my life.

The world spins much faster and is much smaller.

And there are many more mixed guy/girl just friends groups today. Dd16 has a 'squad' equal mix of guy and girl friends. Any of them would be welcome any day of the week, regardless of our family activity.
Throughout this thread, you seem to have difficulty with the truth that "your way" isn't THE way.

For many 16 year olds, having a boyfriend over for weekday dinner is routine.

In many families, teenagers, especially those as close to college and adulthood as a 16 year old, are treated much closer to the same as adults than still as children.
Isn’t that what most ppl have done on the their opinions?? That is just my opinion. Most ppl have been downright dismissive of the OPs feelings on the subject & told her to lighten up b/c that’s their opinion & experience & implied that the way it’s done in their family is the “right way”. That’s great if that’s how some families are. That has not been my experience & so not what I prefer. Just my experience & opinion.
While I realize you are speaking about your experience I would gather that for most people they don't confine time spent with boyfriends as weekends only. Even during the school year (though the time to go home would likely be earlier than for weekends if it was a school night).

It's just strange to say "welp the event happened during the weekday--sorry not acceptable to come"..."welp the event happened during the weekend--acceptable to come"

I can understand using it on a case by case basis but for most it's not a blanket weekday=not ok, weekend=ok
To me it wasn’t whether it was ok or not. It’s that I thought it was a stranger request once the OP disclosed more details of the party. Although I understood her being annoyed with the request at all, I thought it was a little more reasonable of a request when I thought it was a casual party on a weekend.
To me it wasn’t whether it was ok or not. It’s that I thought it was a stranger request once the OP disclosed more details of the party. Although I understood her being annoyed with the request at all, I thought it was a little more reasonable of a request when I thought it was a casual party on a weekend.
I can understand the casual aspect but I think most people still consider it a more casual affair in the end given what the event was about (1-yr old bday). The OP themselves said "It's "formal" to the extent that, until two days ago, I had assumed I would at least know everyone in attendance." It sounds like the OP has made several choices out of necessity due to the number of people (prior to the bf issue) to use their China dishes that they would eat casually with too, tapas because they were convenient, ready to eat or heat and serve style food, etc While I think in the OP's mind it's more of an adult feel rather than a more child feel that people tend to envision with a young child's b-day party I somehow doubt that the 16 year old bf would ruin the overall adult feel.

But still the mere fact that it was a weekday vs weekend regardless of the event being deemed casual or formal is usually not a sticking point with people in if a teen's SO is invited.
Wow... after reading the OP's latest posts...
Sorry, but, again, I just can't even begin to wrap my head around any of this....
I just can't.
You don't seem to be getting peoples advice or why they are posting their thoughts.

My advice: Tell your SIL, right away, ASAP, that this BF, and/or any other un-invited guests, are not welcomed.
Get out your 'china' and your huge variety of TAPAS, (since, clearly, that is easier than cake on nice/cute disposable paper/plastic party-ware, and obviously one chair is just too much trouble)
NOTE: half of that list would be ten times more than your very limited number of guest might consume. An extra teenaged boy might remedy that.
Enjoy your gathering.

PS: Just a heads-up.... The day might come when your baby gets a little older, and wants to actually have friends and a social life, and they want to go to birthday parties where there will be 'gasp!!!' numbers of shrieking heathen kids running around. You might want to brace yourself. Just sayin'....

Ok, what??

Happy Birthday to the birthday boy :)
My ds is in montreal now, has sampled it many times this week, enjoyed it, but said it falls short of Jersey fries.

Oh, I hope he is having a great time, we had great weather , minus this minor blip of snow, almost gone, but it’s chillier.

Agree, poutine awful Is he here for our Parade Sunday L
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This! I've never been to a child's birthday party (and believe me, I've been to dozens) that was a formal sit-down dinner. Even if someone said "don't eat before you come over because we'll be serving dinner..." I'd still expect pizza or burgers/chicken on the grill or something "casual". I can totally understand how SIL isn't batting an eye at asking to bring the boyfriend along...they're probably not expecting their dinner to be served on china while sitting at the dining room table (but "yay" for using the china on a day other than Christmas or Easter! :D )

Agreed. Sounds like OP isn't so much hosting a child's birthday party but rather a cocktail party in which people are expected to bring a 1 year old gifts...
I wish i had china....
The older I get, the more I use my fine china. My grandmother passed it down to me, and I was able to (almost) complete the set using
I am missing two finger bowls, but just am not willing to part with the money right now. But it has been a great hobby searching for pieces throughout the years.
Agreed. Sounds like OP isn't so much hosting a child's birthday party but rather a cocktail party in which people are expected to bring a 1 year old gifts...

I agree. The one year old would be perfectly happy with applesauce and a cake to smash and people to play on the floor with him. He sure as heck doesn't care about international tapas, formal china, and whether his much older cousin's boyfriend is there. First birthday parties are for the parents.
Okay, the last people have left, we're all cleaned up, and I'm free to update.

Right after I posted my last comment, we got a call saying the teens had been in a car accident and were taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure. They're okay and were ultimately released, thankfully, though it sounds like the car is done for. That chunk of the family didn't come, obviously. My husband and I kept in touch with them via text throughout the party and they were all in good spirits; my niece asked that we send the baby over to the hospital "for comfort purposes" and we (jokingly!) told my niece to send her boyfriend over to the party once he was cleared without her. ;) I'm sure if not this weekend, then we'll catch up with them soon.

The rest of the family still wanted to come over. We had a good time, made nice memories. The baby gorged himself on an obscene amount of food, turned his nose up at the cake :rolleyes:, showed off his sweet new dance moves, had a blast playing with his new toys, and discovered the wonders of these things called balloons. party:
Sounds like a great party! Your baby enjoyed himself, your guests got to celebrate your little one, not sure why so many seem to care what you served or what you served it on; but the two main objectives were met so: successful party!

Glad the teens are ok that can be so scary!
Oh, I hope he is having a great time, we had great weather , minus this minor blip of snow, almost gone, but it’s chillier.

Agree, poutine awful Is he here for our Parade Sunday L
No, he’s driving back down today. It sounds like he had a great time exploring old Montreal, beer garden, ice skating, was going to a club last night.
Isn’t that what most ppl have done on the their opinions?? That is just my opinion. Most ppl have been downright dismissive of the OPs feelings on the subject & told her to lighten up b/c that’s their opinion & experience & implied that the way it’s done in their family is the “right way”. That’s great if that’s how some families are. That has not been my experience & so not what I prefer. Just my experience & opinion.

Yes, we all have. I was mostly referring to your comments like, "things are just different around here." I highly doubt things are that different overall where you are but more likely just different in your family and circle.

OP, glad it all worked out well. And good job using that china as a regular thing. I hate storing things that rarely/never get used. Therefore we regularly use Waterford barware. DH worked about 10 years for a small company that gave extravagant gifts at the annual Christmas party. For the non employee spouses, it was always Waterford so I have a large collection. For years, I just stored it thinking it was too fancy to use. When we remodeled 8 years ago, I realized that storing it was silly. I either needed to use it or get rid of it. We enjoy using it so now we do.
Yes, we all have. I was mostly referring to your comments like, "things are just different around here." I highly doubt things are that different overall where you are but more likely just different in your family and circle.

OP, glad it all worked out well. And good job using that china as a regular thing. I hate storing things that rarely/never get used. Therefore we regularly use Waterford barware. DH worked about 10 years for a small company that gave extravagant gifts at the annual Christmas party. For the non employee spouses, it was always Waterford so I have a large collection. For years, I just stored it thinking it was too fancy to use. When we remodeled 8 years ago, I realized that storing it was silly. I either needed to use it or get rid of it. We enjoy using it so now we do.
Perhaps. Of course, it’s only natural that I would know what it is typical in my circle. But, I also don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that things are just different in my area. I’ve noticed that with other topics that have been discussed on these boards.


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