Airmiles Armchair Chatter

So here's my Christmas at Mel's house.Past and present.
I grew up with four other siblings and Christmas was the best time of the year for us!
I don't think we ever thought of our selves as being poor but lets just say we probably were lower middle income even with both my dad and mom working.
My dad spent many nights at the corner park flooding the ice rink cause well he had 5 kids who loved to skate.
It's kind of funny how much I hate winter considering outdoor activities were quite the norm for my family.
So many Christmas tradition based on food,Turkey,stuffing mince tarts,pumpkin pie and always a special gift from both sets of my grandparents.My mom spent 3/4 of christmas in the kitchen.
The only down I can think of at Christmas was the "booze" that flowed,,always someone had too much to drink.

Fast Forward to the present
Mom and dad both gone for atleast far too many years,,sad I lost them in my 30's and 40's.and
I lost my special brother this year,
I have three great sons and 1 granddaughter and super special daughter inlaw.
Ex hubby lives on a sailboat and while our relationship is "rocky" we seem to put the past to bed and make the best of it/
Yes I allow him to come to my home for Christmas and have heard alot from my family about how I am too kind but yah see I only do it for my sons.Yes he has alot to answer for but I think as I get older I become more forgiving.
Stockings are what I enjoy the most and will miss the exchange my brother and I used to do,,hopefully my sons will pick up this tradition --cause well I did mention it to them a few times.We do have alcohol in the house but my sons know
my feelings about over indulging,,!!!!!.
We do a Christmas casserole brunch (I make this christmas eve and bake christmas morning) with fresh fruit and whipped cream and fresh cinnamon buns,fresh juice, tea/coffee.
I don't do a big turkey dinner anymore--just usually order Chinese food.
I love just hanging out in my PJ's and chillin for a few days.
I have a big brother who was born on Christmas day so I will make it out to his place in Burlington for a Christmas/Birthday visit and also will visit my other brothers home and maybe my sister's place.Sis and I are 10 years apart and not super close although we live 5 minutes away.No grand daughter this year--hockey tournaments but she knows I adore her and will catch up in January with her.Then we leave on Jan 1 for Cuba and that should be alot of fun.

Merry Christmas everyone
Big Hugs Mel

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So here's my Christmas at Mel's house.Past and present.
I grew up with four other siblings and Christmas was the best time of the year for us!
I don't think we ever thought of our selves as being poor but lets just say we probably were lower middle income even with both my dad and mom working.
My dad spent many nights at the corner park flooding the ice rink cause well he had 5 kids who loved to skate.
It's kind of funny how much I hate winter considering outdoor activities were quite the norm for my family.
So many Christmas tradition based on food,Turkey,stuffing mince tarts,pumpkin pie and always a special gift from both sets of my grandparents.My mom spent 3/4 of christmas in the kitchen.
The only down I can think of at Christmas was the "booze" that flowed,,always someone had too much to drink.

Fast Forward to the present
Mom and dad both gone for atleast far too many years,,sad I lost them in my 30's and 40's.and
I lost my special brother this year,
I have three great sons and 1 granddaughter and super special daughter inlaw.
Ex hubby lives on a sailboat and while our relationship is "rocky" we seem to put the past to bed and make the best of it/
Yes I allow him to come to my home for Christmas and have heard alot from my family about how I am too kind but yah see I only do it for my sons.Yes he has alot to answer for but I think as I get older I become more forgiving.
Stockings are what I enjoy the most and will miss the exchange my brother and I used to do,,hopefully my sons will pick up this tradition --cause well I did mention it to them a few times.We do have alcohol in the house but my sons know
my feelings about over indulging,,!!!!!.
We do a Christmas casserole brunch (I make this christmas eve and bake christmas morning) with fresh fruit and whipped cream and fresh cinnamon buns,fresh juice, tea/coffee.
I don't do a big turkey dinner anymore--just usually order Chinese food.
I love just hanging out in my PJ's and chillin for a few days.
I have a big brother who was born on Christmas day so I will make it out to his place in Burlington for a Christmas/Birthday visit and also will visit my other brothers home and maybe my sister's place.Sis and I are 10 years apart and not super close although we live 5 minutes away.No grand daughter this year--hockey tournaments but she knows I adore her and will catch up in January with her.Then we leave on Jan 1 for Cuba and that should be alot of fun.

Merry Christmas everyone
Big Hugs Mel

Merry Christmas Mel and have a magical trip!
Merry Christmas to Everyone and thanks for sharing your Christmas plans.

Mel we also make a casserole the night before Christmas, it's layers of bread with cheese, cooked bacon and veggies on it (like a lasagne) then you pour 10 beaten eggs on it and let it sit overnight . In the morning you cover it with crushed corn flakes pour half a cup of butter on it and bake, serve it with syrup or hollandaise sauce.

Is your recipe similar?
Joyeux Noël my friends! I wish you all a great Holiday!

Our Christmas started this morning with French toast and gingerbread house making. The girls also exchanged their gift so they would have some time to play with their new American Girls before leaving for the in-laws later today and tomorrow. My parents are in FL and sister in Qc city so we will do a FaceTime party the 26th. We considered driving down to Ft Lauderdale the 27th for 10 days but my oldest has medical appointments that day so we postponed to next year. We will go to my hometown (Quebec city) for the New Year instead. Cannot wait to exchange with you all in 2018! I never got so many AM and that's all because of this thread so a big thank you to all of you and especially to Jacqueline (@Donald - my hero) and @ottawamom for your help and generosity this year!
So things have taken a turn for our Christmas day. A good turn actually. I was chatting with my brother yesterday and just catching up. I mentioned what had taken place (he isn't speaking to our mother at all right now....with very good reason) and said that since we were home for the day we might come by for a visit. To be honest, I was fishing for an invite but didn't want to come right out and ask since it was last minute. Anyhow, he's a guy and didn't pick up on it. To make a long story short, I later chatted with his wife and she asked us to come for dinner. It's been so long since we did that I actually had a tear in my eye....I'm so excited!
I'll wish my Merry Christmas to everyone today as tomorrow is likely to be chaotic for most of us. I really enjoy chatting with my friends here on Disboards. We've all come a long way together. Here's to another fruitful year collecting AM in 2018.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

(side bar Dinner last night with my family was a success, even with one of us missing, I have the other side of the family on Christmas day. I will likely do this again next year (two days apart)as it seems to work)
:santa::santa::santa:I can't say enough how much I enjoy reading this forum. I tell my husband I have to check the forum to look for new AM deals, but it is also to hear about everyone's trips, families, etc. It really is a community. Thanks to all of you, I have collected more AM than ever before and look forward to next year being even better (don't think I will ever get 19 000!!!)

Our Christmas tradition is that my mom makes breakfast and we open presents in the morning. For dinner, it is just the immediate family and now my brother's GF. I don't speak to my MIL so that solves the "whose house do we go to" dilemma. She told my husband when we were on our honeymoon 18+ years ago, to never bring me back to her house, and I choose to respect her wishes. Her loss.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. I hope everyone isn't too busy tomorrow as I can't wait to hear what Santa brought everyone
Back to Air Mile-ing for a minute. I just logged in to my account and noticed that my Onyx status counter has dropped by approx. 2000miles. Weird!
Merry Christmas to Everyone and thanks for sharing your Christmas plans.

Mel we also make a casserole the night before Christmas, it's layers of bread with cheese, cooked bacon and veggies on it (like a lasagne) then you pour 10 beaten eggs on it and let it sit overnight . In the morning you cover it with crushed corn flakes pour half a cup of butter on it and bake, serve it with syrup or hollandaise sauce.

Is your recipe similar?

Hi Hon
Somewhat similar but no corn flakes,
It sure beats making bacon, eggs,and toast for everyone Christmas morning doesn't it?
Merry Christmas Hon
Hugs Mel
This had been a little piece of sanity for me this past week gang, I don't think you'll ever know how much of a life-line you've been to me this month! Reading about everyone's Christmas traditions, both the ones you grew up with and the ones you have forged with your own families, has been heartwarming. The Duck has some stories that could turn your hair grey before it fell out but we won't go there! My family of origin was the typical Christmas -- (picture-perfect to others, not so much to those of us who lived it!) and hubby and I pulled some of those traditions forward to our nuclear unit once our children were born, (our first on the 19th so we've dealt with the stupid "this is for both b-day & christmas, he understands) Christmas eve present of new jammies (so the Christmas morning pictures are decent!) Stockings first while cinnamon buns are cooking, they get devoured with hot chocolate and fruit before presents are opened and the main meal cooks. We insisted once our youngest was born that Christmas day was ours, & ours alone, no-one gets out of jammies, plenty of do-nothing-ness with a healthy dose of board games and constant nibbling till dinner. Boxing Day is when we go to my mom's, used to be a full-on gathering of my maternal family, but things being what they are, this year we will just pop in to say hi to my parents while my sisters & their families ignore our presence.

This year is even more different, the girls will soon be here "To play games all sorts" and nibble before they go back to their new apartment. Once they leave I'll stuff the stockings and watch a ton of trashy Christmas movies and hubby pretends to stay awake! I've already got breakie in the fridge ready to pop in the oven tomorrow (called Bacon Crack Tater Tots) after we have the cinnamon rolls. Dinner will be stuffed salmon, baked taters, roasted baby carrots, cesear salad & cheese biscuits and for dessert?? How bout a nice 50 AM cake from Foodland (or were they 75???) Boxing day will see us do a very quick pop up the parents before we head into TO for a break from reality (and to squish in my final 2 treatments) Our son & his wife have opted to come next weekend, so that's when the turkey dinner will happen.

No comments about the in-laws ... I haven't been to a gathering on that side since the girls got engaged. Nuff said? Can't even put into words what that does to my heart.

A quick glance at my account shows that to date we've snagged just shy of 20,000 AM but that doesn't include a LOT from Metro and a ton of the stupid StB coupons that didn't post properly (but that online chat has promised will credit :P ) definitely the best year we've had and we didn't even participate in Pickle-palooza 2017! I've already got a list started for Rexall next week (if there's a decent coupon that is!!) Hope everyone has a great holiday, enjoy time with those you chose to spend it with and be sure to take time for some good-old self care!
Back to Air Mile-ing for a minute. I just logged in to my account and noticed that my Onyx status counter has dropped by approx. 2000miles. Weird!

I was just checking my Airmiles, usual Sunday total check and my total was lower than what they posted last week. I went in to look at my transactions and decided to do a "past 12 months listing". When I scrolled down to the bottom of that and added my cash and dream together it was exactly what my spreadsheet says I've collected. I guess the status total wasn't updated correctly. My DH and DS's accounts are still at the same # they were at last week. My guess is it will be adjusted correctly in the next day or so.

As an aside. I printed my "last twelve months" to a PDF file and saved it for future reference if needed. Will likely update that file on the 31st one final time.
Merry Christmas Eve :) Kiddo is alternating between watching Santa on Norad and playing Math Prodigy (making up for missing so much school?) Since he came along I've insisted that I do Christmas morning at my house. My parents came the first few years but not the last couple, that's ok with me. We go to my sister's place for dinner and exchange the kids presents. When my parents came and stayed with me I did a casserole in the crock pot over night so we'd wake up to breakfast. Now it's just the two of us and kiddo doesn't appreciate my cheesy hashbrown, sausage casserole, so I don't bother. I do make myself some coffee while he enjoys his stocking and whatever Santa brought (which I think this year is wrong since kiddo didn't write a list until like yesterday... oops!) Then we open gifts, doesn't take too long, and then have breakfast while he plays. I have been buying a new board or card game to play but forgot this year. Travelling in December has messed me up! I wish he was a little older and perhaps not so believing. But I won't spoil it for him. He is 8 though. Any way.

I don't think I'll plan December travel again for awhile, though it was a good deal :) Just waiting for my 25 AM for spending 95 at Sobeys for the STB to post, and hopefully those STB points will post sooner than later. I look forward to the new year, and all the points I'll get through your help :) Hopefully I'll make Onyx again!
Awwwww I love reading through all these posts too. I’m not always as active as I could be on this thread, but I always read through and I appreciate everyone in our little community so so much. My partner and I started trying to get pregnant over 2 years ago. I won’t share the details, but let’s just say for two women it is a long, sometimes frustrating (and sometimes heartwarming) process. Early this year, we finally got good news, and this is one of the first places I shared our good news. I was so excited to have people to share my joy with. And although you didn’t know it, this group got me through some very dark days during the summer, when we suddenly and unexpectedly miscarried in the second trimester. Hunting air miles meant having a clear, achievable goal, and strangely it reminds me that some things are constant. So there’s my sappy moment: you all mean a lot to me.

And in the spirit of the season, here are some of our traditions. My very favourite tradition is pre-christmas. I love wrapping presents, and every year I have a night where I wrap all our gifts while the best christmas movie plays (Die Hard!). Christmas eve we get new jammies (I’m wearing mine as I write this). Christmas day my family has a big party and plays lots of games. It’s always fun, although it can be a bit tiring. We usually have a quiet day on boxing day or the 27th to recover. Pretty typical christmas stuff, but it’s nice to spend time with family.

Edit: oh, and I managed to pull over 14K air miles this year. It’s way more than I’ve ever gotten, and with just myself and my partner, it feels like a huge amount. Thanks to you all for your hunting tips :) I can’t wait to beat my personal best next year!
Hope everyone has the kind of day that makes your heart just bit warmer! (mine started a tad too early thanks to the delightful snow blower under our bedroom window URGH)

Awwwww I love reading through all these posts too. I’m not always as active as I could be on this thread, but I always read through and I appreciate everyone in our little community so so much. My partner and I started trying to get pregnant over 2 years ago. I won’t share the details, but let’s just say for two women it is a long, sometimes frustrating (and sometimes heartwarming) process. Early this year, we finally got good news, and this is one of the first places I shared our good news. I was so excited to have people to share my joy with. And although you didn’t know it, this group got me through some very dark days during the summer, when we suddenly and unexpectedly miscarried in the second trimester. Hunting air miles meant having a clear, achievable goal, and strangely it reminds me that some things are constant. So there’s my sappy moment: you all mean a lot to me.

And in the spirit of the season, here are some of our traditions. My very favourite tradition is pre-christmas. I love wrapping presents, and every year I have a night where I wrap all our gifts while the best christmas movie plays (Die Hard!). Christmas eve we get new jammies (I’m wearing mine as I write this). Christmas day my family has a big party and plays lots of games. It’s always fun, although it can be a bit tiring. We usually have a quiet day on boxing day or the 27th to recover. Pretty typical christmas stuff, but it’s nice to spend time with family.

Edit: oh, and I managed to pull over 14K air miles this year. It’s way more than I’ve ever gotten, and with just myself and my partner, it feels like a huge amount. Thanks to you all for your hunting tips :) I can’t wait to beat my personal best next year!
Aww sweetie, I'm so sorry to read of your heart break this summer! I hope you are able to share happy news with us again soon.

Just had to let you know that you are a girl after my heart when you mentioned your idea of a Christmas movie --- i had to watch it myself since it doesn't tick off many of the hubby's boxes: doesn't require handful of kleenex, isn't black & white, doesn't have lots of smulty music and has a few too many explosions & wickedly perfect deaths

Awwwww I love reading through all these posts too. I’m not always as active as I could be on this thread, but I always read through and I appreciate everyone in our little community so so much. My partner and I started trying to get pregnant over 2 years ago. I won’t share the details, but let’s just say for two women it is a long, sometimes frustrating (and sometimes heartwarming) process. Early this year, we finally got good news, and this is one of the first places I shared our good news. I was so excited to have people to share my joy with. And although you didn’t know it, this group got me through some very dark days during the summer, when we suddenly and unexpectedly miscarried in the second trimester. Hunting air miles meant having a clear, achievable goal, and strangely it reminds me that some things are constant. So there’s my sappy moment: you all mean a lot to me.

And in the spirit of the season, here are some of our traditions. My very favourite tradition is pre-christmas. I love wrapping presents, and every year I have a night where I wrap all our gifts while the best christmas movie plays (Die Hard!). Christmas eve we get new jammies (I’m wearing mine as I write this). Christmas day my family has a big party and plays lots of games. It’s always fun, although it can be a bit tiring. We usually have a quiet day on boxing day or the 27th to recover. Pretty typical christmas stuff, but it’s nice to spend time with family.

Edit: oh, and I managed to pull over 14K air miles this year. It’s way more than I’ve ever gotten, and with just myself and my partner, it feels like a huge amount. Thanks to you all for your hunting tips :) I can’t wait to beat my personal best next year!

My daughter had a miscarriage with her first pregnancy, so I know how absolutely devastating it is. Fast forward to today when we have a beautiful, 9 month old grand daughter. You will get there! Just give it some time!
Merry Christmas to all. I am glad none of you are at my work, today or for the next long while.
I am glad you all have your wonderful traditions, my young girls are so used to waking up at 5am so I can watch them open their gifts. Have breakfast with them and then off to work. They ( being 6 and 10) fully understand that Daddy has to help people that are not having the best of Christmas if they are coming to see me. So we enjoy the time we have in the morning. Then grab hold of them when I get home, jump into jammies and cuddle on the couch with coco cookies and movies.
Make the best of the time you can with each other, and remember we have a short window to do it.


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