Amanda & Steve's Planning Journal 11/01/09 SBP/ADH Back from our PS!!! Pics up soon!!


May 6, 2008
So I have been a lurker for about a month and i decided it's time to start!!!

How We Met:
Around the time that we met, there was a club that we frequented named Tequila Joes's. T.J. for short. Living in Northern Jersey means that the clubs are closed during the summer. So, whenever the club's re-opening night comes around in September, my friends and I would take a limo there. On the opening night in 2005, we rolled out in full fashion. My friend who had booked the limos had a few extra friends coming who would be going in the second limo. Where my future DF, little did i know, would be riding!! We arrived at the club and headed, in a sickeningly large group, inside. I, upon entering, started to talk one of the girls that i had known for a while when my future DF approached us. It turns out he knew her and had come with us in one of the limos. He asked if we would like a couple of drinks. Of course we said yes!!:banana: I would have said yes to anything he asked; He was so gorgeous. As he leaned over the bar to order the drinks, i felt an overwhelming urge to grab his butt.:rolleyes1 So I did. An hour later, we kissed and danced the night away. The rest is history!!!

As it turns out we had so much in common it was hard to deny. We were both ex musicians trying to get our lives back on track. Both had, well, not the easiest of lives and both were currently bartenders. It was crazy but i think we both knew that this was it. That we had found our true love.

The Engagement:

For awhile before hand, i had been asking (semi joking), when we would be getting engaged. My DF kept telling me that he was not ready yet. That he would eventually, but he just needed some time (2 freaking years). I was ok with that because as long as we were together i was still the happiest woman alive. So, My DF had brought up the idea of a WDW vacation. I was ok with the idea, but I must say that I was not 100% enthralled. I was never much of a Disney fan. He on the other hand is a fanatic.:mickeyjum He had been there over 14 times and was like a kid talking about going back. It never crossed my mind he would be proposing and he covered it up quite well. He even invited our 2 best friends to join us on the trip. He manage to get me excited about the trip with weeks of indulging in disney movies.So i digress.

The morning of the trip had come! We headed to the airport, half awake and half excited. As anyone from NJ knows going through Newark Airport Security can be some what hellish. For some reason, Steve took an exceedingly long time coming through. He said that because he had all our electronics they wanted to search everything. As i was told later, He had the ring in his camera case and wanted to make sure his cover wasn't blown. So, he showed the security guards the ring, so they knew not to say anything, and the lady guard went crazy. Screaming about it and telling everyone. Thank god, i was out of ear shot.

I can't believe he held the ring till almost the end of the trip. On the friday night of our WDW vacation, we had planned to go for a nice dinner. This was nothing out of the ordinary, we always have a nice dinner at least once on our vacations. I was complaining all night about my shoes. Walking around the parks all day then wearing heels did not work well for me. We, after a few failed attempts to get reservations, ended up at Spoodles.:worship: Thank god. We hurried over from our room at the YC to dinner. Which was actually the best dinner we had our whole trip. My DF was insistent on seeing illuminations. I still had no clue so i complained that i wanted to change my shoes. I said we could just see it another night. After a few compromises, I agreed to change them after the show. We walked around to a spot in France after our first attempt to get one in the Lower UK failed. We watched the show and afterwards he began to profess his love for me. I still had no clue. He is such a softy he always does that. Yet, standing by the water, music in the background, love abound, I was still clueless. He then said " You know i love you and i always will. I think its time we take the next step." I didn't understand until he dropped to his knee and pulled out the ring. I almost fell over the railing I was so shocked. He then said "So you gonna be my wife or what"? These were the same words he used to ask to be his girlfriend "Are you gonna be my girl or what"? I was so breathless i almost for got to say "Yes". Lucky for us we have it on tape. Our friends coyly got it all on film.

Before The Question​

Enjoying The Night After The Question​
Hi!! what a nice story!!!! YAY for another SBP will love it :)
Alright now miss, if you'd like to stay around these parts you are going to have to change your name. There really is only room for 1 Amanda around here. :rotfl2: JK

Welcome to the boards!
Welcome Welcome!

Can't wait to share your planning and see all of your choices!

How exciting!!! :cool1:
So, We decided with our Disney themed engagement to follow suit with a Disney themed Engagement Part and eventually wedding. After kicking a few other ideas around it was the only thing that felt right! We decided to do every table & centerpiece in the fashion of a different Disney movie. It took a while to gather and create the right theme for each table but it was all worth it.... E-Bay rules. We took the base for each table off of a large snowglobe /musicbox collection i have and make the start from there. We decided to go with our favorites for our wedding parties, mickey and minnie for us, and a trickling down for family and friends. Here is the list:

We started with Our Groomsmen Table being the crazy pirates they are. That Pirates of the Caribbean was the only way to go. For each table my wonderful DF made table cards for every table to tell them where they belonged.


Next was our Bridesmaids and My favorite movie is Alice in Wonderland (Considering I have to Alice Tattoos).

Then came the family tables in the form of Beauty and The Beast & Snow White



Then respectively our friends and coworkers had:
The Little Mermaid

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Toy Story

Our Table was simple yet perfect

All in all we had an amazing night and everyone agreed.
MY DF is the biggest Disney Fan i have ever met!( Considering I haven't met any of you!):rotfl: :rotfl: When he was growing, his family would drive to Florida every year with ALL FIVE KIDS!!! God Bless his mother!!!!! He always describes it as the best times in his life!!!

Me, Well, I am, I should say WAS, an avid Disney fan. I went there once when I was 7, but I dont really remember. (I do remember crying when i met Mickey because i was scared of him, go figure!) And then two other times in my adult life.

After our Disney engagement, My DF and I started talking about where we would have the wedding. We are the kind of people that go over the top for EVERYTHING!!! We had a $5000 Halloween Party!!! Complete with full cemetary and Slaughterhouse in the Garage!!! I'm ramling

We knew everyone would expect something out of the ordinary from us. Now I dont know how many of you all are from NJ/Tri state area, But the reception halls around here run pretty steep and are very extavagant. Not really our style. So we sat down and did pros and cons. We did the Disney list first. The only con besides the $$ was me not knowing if my Mom would come. (she is a homebody, she barely ever leaves the house, nevermind getting on a plane!!!) I would have to drug her like B.A. Barracas!!!!:faint: Also, I was concerned that no one would come, so I took a poll of friends and family and I think were more excited than I was!! Then we got the the Jersey list and we couldnt think of one place we would want to have our ceremony. (We are not Church people) So the choice was obvious! I had to run it past Mom first because if she wasnt going to come than I wasnt going to do it. At first she said no. So I had My bro do a little coersing. She is still not happy with the idea and on the reg tries to get us to change or minds!!!

On to our choices:
We chose SBP because i have always wanted to get married outside. And after our engagement trip we fell in love with the Boardwalk Area.

We love the theme of ADH!! We love to dance and drink and it is just awesome in there. Very our style.
I really like the idea of using the disney movies for table ideas. The Alice in Wonderland table and Pirates table are awesome!
:love: I can't thank you enough for posting your engagement party table photos. I was having a nervous breakdown yesterday and about to scrap all the hard work I've put into our reception table ideas. Originally I wanted to do this, have a different movie for each table, but yesterday something inside me totally snapped and I was about to ebay all of the stuff I bought and go with a more traditional centerpiece/theme. But, after seeing how gorgeous your tables turned out, it's back on!! :woohoo: Thank you so much! I was afraid it would look too childish and too kids-birthday-party... But your tables were gorgeous! I'm sending all of these photos to my mom (if you don't mind) to give her a better vision of my ideas. thank you so much - I don't think you'll ever realize what a life saver you are!!! :cloud9:

(PS, if any of you are debating a board on the knot - don't...this is what instilled my complete lack of faith in myself and my creativity. I'm so glad I found this pj to talk me off the ledge!)
It all sounds great!!
Don't worry your mom will come around when you start planning everything and she see's how beautiful Disney makes it. Mine was totally against it, although she'll now tell you differently. She even told me I couldn't have a shower and "how dare I expect everyone to go to an amusent park and ride roller coasters for my wedding," but now she calls everynight to see if i've found a tierra yet for my princess wedding!:rotfl: Can't wait to read more!!


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