Amy's Journal: Comments Welcome!

Thanks everybody, I am actually quite proud of myself. Although this morning I couldn't sleep (it was about 3:00 a.m.) and I started in on me, feeling almost ridiculous that I am proud to weigh what I weigh and that 20 pounds on somebody my size is like being proud you are trying to bail out the Titanic with a teacup. But I realize that regardless of my total weight, 20 pounds is still something and I am one fifth of the way there to my total goal. That is something. I think I was mostly depressed about my mom and her Alzheimers and since I hate thinking too deeply about that just started in on my favorite person to bash, myself. But I feel better now and know I have a long way to go but I don't want to lose ground and end up messing up what I have worked so hard to achieve this past three and half months. Thanks so much for all the good thoughts everybody, WISH is making a huge difference in my life.

Started today off with a slim fast and 32 oz. of water. I am going to walk on the treadmill in awhile and then I am off to get a haircut. What the heck, I might just live dangerously and get my hair colored too. I also think I need to take my measurements today, I haven't done that yet.
Hi Amy, just got thru reading your journal, way to go on the (nearly) 20 lb. loss! My scale isn't that precise, I would have just said "20, yeah, done it!" :teeth:

Sure tough dealing with the parents type issues, best wishes with all that. That AP thing flying down to DL sure sounds fun, very tempting. My DW works for JetBlue, and says that some of her co-workers here in SLC do the same thing, since we can fly to Long Beach free on standby. Maybe next year if our finances shape up a little more. Have fun on you WDW trip!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: pirate:

Funny, I got interrupted here at work while I was typing this, so you got another message posted before I finished! Hey, take it easy on yourself, you're doing fine!! 20 lbs. is most definitely significant, ain't no Titanic with a teacup!
Hi, Amy! I've been catching up on your journal, and WHEW, what a HUGE difference in your life since your first post. You have made so much progress beyond what you are seeing on the scale. You are eating so healthy and consciously and exercise is a regular part of your life, whereas before you were paying a membership fee to a gym you did NOT attend. So, pat yourself on the back, kiddo, and be proud of what you are achieving. When was the last time you lifted a 20 pound bag of anything? Next time you are at the grocery store, try picking up 4 5 lb bags of sugar or flour and lugging those for a lane or two. That should remind you of the progress you have made.
Congratulations and keep up the great work! :hug:
Thanks so much Cam and Don, words like that keep me goin! Today was a bit rough, I got my hair done and while there started in on a massive migraine. I get those most every month, usually hormones cause it I think. Anyway, I came home and ate lunch: Southbeach Diet pizza, squash and iced tea and then my head was hurting so bad I went down to my basement where its dark and took a nap. Helped the headache some but I woke up feeling that weird feeling you feel when you sleep during the day. I really wanted a burger and a coke (caffeine really helps the migraines and I drink regular because artificial sweetners make it worse). So I ate a Burger King kids meal with a small coke, didn't finish quite all the fries and then watched tv with the kids. By then I was beginning to feel normal, so I finally got my walk in tonight at 8:00 p.m., did 45 minutes on the treadmill and my headache is mostly gone. Only ate one serving of veggies but did drink my 100 oz. of water and stayed within points. So not a bad day considering. Sometimes my migraines can last for days but this one seems to be ending, I think the exercising and healthier eating I have been doing lately are helping. Thanks to all who are visiting my journal!
Hi Amy,

How are you feeling today? :grouphug: Migraines are no fun at all. :sad2: I've had a few in my lifetime and the sooner the headache is over, the better. I really hope you are feeling better today! :goodvibes

You are doing a great job, Amy! You have lost 20 pounds! I like what Cam said about going to the grocery store and lifting 20 lbs of something. That's a great way to see just how much weight has truly been lost.

Keep on keeping on, Amy! You are doing GREAT! :cheer2:
Amy -- So glad your migraine didn't endure. My neurologist said that healthy eating and exercise definitely diminish the number of occurrences and the duration, so there you have it-- another wonderful benefit to the changes you have made in your life!

I hope today is going well. Oh, and BTW, congrats on limiting the size of your fast food lunch. That is a great way to eat something you want without going overboard. Be proud of yourself, kiddo. You are doing so much right!

Have a great day!
Hi Amy,

Glad to hear that your migrain is gone...they are no fun. I get them at least once a month as well. I have to take medicine and pray that it will work. Sleeping it off does by you sleeping and then eating something you are pretty darn lucky!!!

You are doing a great job...even with the Burger King...not a bad day :)

Keep up the awesome work. Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend
I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! And way to go - instead of getting a huge double bacon cheeseburger, you got a kid's meal! :cheer2: And you even got in all your exercise when you weren't feeling too hot all day. That is some serious dedication!

You have every right to be proud of those 20lbs. Like Cam said, lug around a couple 10lb bags of potatoes - it's A LOT of weight! You are so much healthier with that gone and next thing you know, the next 20lbs will be off!

Keep up all your hard work! :banana:
Hi, Amy! Congrats on 20 pounds!

SEE, you CAN do this!

Hope you're feeling better and have a great weekend!
Hi Amy,

I have been reading through your journals, and congrats on losing the 20!! :banana:

You're making progress, that's what its all about. When you hit a snag, just remember ONE DAY AT A TIME. That has helped me in a lot of areas of my life, and each day is a new start. Don't worry about yesterday.

Hope the migraines don't happen very often. My DS (16) has migraines, and we just went to a special clinic for teenagers in our area. One of the things they emphasized was to get regular sleep, exercise, and eat veggies! So the whole healthier living is supposed to help reduce his frequency and lessen the intensity of the headaches.

Good luck to you and have a good weekend! :sunny:
Thanks everybody! The migraine did go away, I got a little bit of it back yesterday but I got on the treadmill and it went away. Today, no sign of it. I get this lump in my neck, probably from the tension of being in pain and once thats gone I know the headache's gone. Lump is gone so I think I am in the clear. I have had migraines since I was about 22, so almost 20 years. I have tried prescriptions and now just stick with Execedrin and ride them out. They are killer. But this one was a piece of cake. I really do have to wonder if the new healthier eating is making a difference. For now I am saying it is, another reason to stay on track!

Yesterday I spent the whole day with my mom as I always do on Friday. She wanted Wendy's, great choice because I had a salad. Mandarin chicken, I skipped the noodles, but did eat the almonds and dressing. Mom's burger and fries was looking good but my salad was very satisfying. Then for dinner, my family of four headed over to her and my stepdad's house. Well, this time she wanted hot wings from Wing Stop ( I can't wait to be old so I can eat weird food whenever I want and it won't matter anymore). Now that is a diet disaster. I thought oh well, I'll do it anyway. But we had to stop at Wendy's to get my daughter a cheeseburger since she hates spicy food. Suddenly I realized I could eat Wendy's too. So more Wendy's. I got a plain baked potato and a small chili. I also had two tangerines in my car I had not eaten earlier so that's what I had for dinner. I did have one boneless buffalo strip and maybe 10 fries. But way better than I thought I would do. So I got all my fruits and veggies in yesterday, drank 100 oz. of water, two diet cokes and did 35 minutes on the treadmill. So I turned what could have been a bad day, as are most of my Fridays I spend with my mom, into a pretty decent day.

For today, I had a biscuit and a piece of sausage. Tasted good, but not as good as it used to. Also had an order of hashbrowns. Needless to say my husband and son wanted McDonald's for breakfast and obviously I didn't resist the urge too well. Lord, I am surrounded by people who love grease! And they are all skinny which is even more sickening. My points for the day thus far is 13. Had 36 oz. of water with my nasty breakfast. Tonight we are going to a friends house for dinner. He is cooking a bunch of cajun food, sounds like a diet disaster, maybe I'll just sample a little of this and that. The main thing I need to resist tonight is beer. I am on the edge of my seat seeing how I will get out of this one! Hmm, maybe I should stop at Wendy's for my chile/baked potato ensemble? Thanks to all who are reading my journal and helping me along the way. I leave for WDW in 4 days, more food challenges on the horizon. I need a gameplan for that too. Has anybody done WDW while on WW or something along those lines?
You did pretty good considering all the fast food you've had the past couple days! Way to go on the healthy choices! :cheer2:

I believe there was a thread on the main WISH board about WDW and WW. Do a search and check it out.

You are going to have a blast on your trip!
Hi Amy!

I think you've done a great job with your food choices! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup2

I've been thinking about WDW too. ::yes:: Our trip isn't until September, but we have the free dining plan. When we are in WDW, we usually don't eat too much because we are on a limited budget. Now with this free dining, the sky is almost the limit and that makes me kind of nervous. :scared1: (Okay... a lotta nervous. ;) ) I think if you stick to eating what you want in moderation, you'll be just fine. Don't forget, you'll be doing lots of walking while in WDW and that will help burn some extra calories. Do you know where you are eating yet? Don't forget... you can always check and check out the different menus there. Then, you can get an idea of what types of foods you want to eat in advance.

I hope you have a great weekend! You'll be in WDW in a few days!!! party: Woohoo! :woohoo:
Well last night was truly a disaster! I did not eat from about 10:00 a.m. until 6:30 last night. So stupid. So of course I arrived starving to our friends house and chowed down on cheese and crackers, cashews, dip and veggies and four beers. I also ate a pretty big dinner and ended up not sleeping most of the night I felt so crummy and full. I came home and drank 48 oz of water to attempt to flush my system. Weird thing is, I got on the scale today and was up only a half a pound from what I weighed yesterday morning. I am betting the weight will find its way to the scale tomorrow when I go weigh in at WW two days early :guilty: ! Maybe if I do really well and drink plenty of water I will be allright. I am going tomorrow so I can weigh in one last time before my trip.

Tracy: I specifically didn't do the dining plan (for one things its not free next week) for this trip because the last two trips to WDW we have eaten way too much. Even with all the walking I came home up five pounds from those trips. So my husband and I decided we would only do two or three sitdowns for the 10 day trip and the rest counter service. I am not going to count points, just try to be careful and maybe order a kids meal at the cs places. They almost all have that little grilled chicken breast/grapes/crackers thing. And I will not drink too much soda or other drinks like Mai Tai's which I never drink anywhere else but WDW! I'll let you know how it goes. For your September trip, you would have been crazy not to do the free dining!

Amy: Thanks, I'll see if I can find that thread. Fast food places seem to have so many more choices now. I noticed at Wendy's they have deli sandwiches and baked lays now which is kind of nice. Wendy's has always been a place I can do pretty well. Burger King and McDonald's are another story, I avoid those like the plague! I prefer to avoid fast food but sometimes its better than other alternatives, like Wing Stop!
Hi Amy,

I think you did great this weekend considering all the fast food that you had around....

You are doing great even with the little mishap at dinner the other night....splurges are going to happen!!!

Wow it is almost time for your trip!!! I am so excited for you :) You are going to do fine in WDW with your eating...just remember that you are on vacation so you can let lose a little bit! Although, I too am a little worried about my trip and the eating in September.....

Hope you have a great day! Keep up the good work!
Hey, I splurged yesterday too! It was my DS's b-day, so you can just pretend that you were celebrating it! :teeth:

You will probably gain weight on your trip. That is a fact. There is something about going on vacation that makes the most sane of us lose our minds. :crazy: But as long as you know that you can fully get back into weightloss mode when you get back, you will do fine! Usually those vacation lbs drop off within the week you return. So don't sweat it - enjoy your trip and worry about the weight when you get back.

I have a beagle question for you - our has started the little "piddle when you pet him" trick. What the heck? Did yours do this? He is 7 months old. I'm wondering if it is a phase or if he has some bladder control issues...
Well today (Monday) has been okay I guess. I am still feeling kinda yucky (I felt this way all day yesterday), at first I thought it was from eating so much food on Sat. nite but now I think its nerves about our upcoming trip to WDW! So much still to do and I am also helping my parents get ready to go to Chicago to be with my brother while I am gone. Yesterday I had my slim fast, a cheeseburger (made with 93% lean beef and 2% cheese) and I can't remember what else. Not much to be frank, I just had no appetite. Today was pretty much the same. I had a slim fast for breakfast, a corn dog for lunch and a chili cheese burrito from taco bell for dinner. I was running errands and the kids were starved and since I have no food left in my house I got them Taco Bell. First TB they have had since maybe December. They neither one finished thier meals and just finished off the last of the pears and some cereal. Perhaps they have lost their taste for fast food! Or maybe its because we have eaten it three times in the past few days after basically not having any for three months! In any case I am about 8 points under today and was even more under yesterday. This can backfire as my body probably has no idea what the heck I am doing to it at this point. In any case I am weighing in tomorrow one last time before the trip. I am ready to go, its actually snowing here so I am ready for some warmth and sunshine! I am going to eat some fruit before I go to bed for a snack and maybe a glass of milk. Exercise yesterday: 25 minute walk outside with the dog. Today: 10 minutes outside (its freezing) and now I am hoping to do the treadmill for a half hour.

Jamie: Thanks, I will have a great trip. I'll have to let you know if doing well in the "World" is possible! I am going to try to splurge responsibly!

Amy: Ben used to do that when he was a puppy, especially when he was excited and being petted by a stranger. Now he does it again because he is old and just can't always make it outside. Hopefully Buckley will outgrow this for good or at least until he's an old guy like my Benjamin. I think I broke Benjamin of piddling when he was excited by spraying him with a spray bottle! Good luck!
Hi Amy~

I am sending lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: your way for you to feel better, for an amazing vacation in WDW, and for no weight gain on your trip. I hope you and your family have a safe, relaxing, fun, and wonderful time at the House of Mouse! party:

Take care, Amy :hug: and please tell Mickey we said hi! ::MickeyMo
toystoryduo said:
Hi Amy~

I am sending lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: your way for you to feel better, for an amazing vacation in WDW, and for no weight gain on your trip. I hope you and your family have a safe, relaxing, fun, and wonderful time at the House of Mouse! party:

Take care, Amy :hug: and please tell Mickey we said hi! ::MickeyMo

Thanks Tracy, I am pretty excited! I am hoping to journal a time or two while I am there, my husband is taking his laptop to log into work a couple of times so I might as well log into WISH. I am hoping to splurge a little but not too much. We shall see!


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