Amy's Journal: Comments Welcome!

Hi Amy,

Sorry to hear that you are still aren't feeling well.....hopefully that will pass before you leave!!!

I saw last night that it was in the 80's in FL... so much better than what we have today!!!! Maybe that is just what you need, warm weather!!!!

Keep up the good work!!! Have a wonderful time :)
Hi, Amy! Hope your WI goes well today. :goodvibes:

I know you will have a great time in the World. Just remember what most of us have learned already -- drink lots of water. Try to eat a nutritious salad at least once a day, enjoy a Minnie frozen strawberry bar, and don't sweat the diet issue. You will be getting in a lot of walking. As long as you are somewhat responsible about what you are eating, you shouldn't see too much damage on the scale when you get home. Most of all, have fun!!!
You are going to have a great time! Don't let the stress about getting there get you down. Everything will be fine! My trick for vacations like that is to skip lunch. I make sure to eat a big breakfast, and have a small snack for lunch (like fruit or a soft pretzel or something) and a sensible dinner. Don't worry too much about it, just enjoy yourself! :cheer2:
Weigh in was good today, down another 1.6 for a total of 21 pounds. So I made my goal of losing 20 pounds by my trip! I feel better today, I don't know if I had a little bug, a long lasting food hangover from Sat. nite or just pre trip nerves :confused3 ! I am feeling really in control and just hoping to maintain that feeling over my vacation. I like the idea of skipping lunch and having at least one salad a day thing. I have been drinking 100 oz. of water per day for a few weeks now so I definitely want to keep that up. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement, it has definitely helped to keep me motivated! I will hopefully journal at least twice while I am in WDW. I just found out Pop Century has highspeed internet access now and I know Boardwalk does so that should allow me to journal some. I need to, I think it really helps keep me accountable. Thanks again everybody :wave2: .

Congratulations on making your goal, Amy! :jumping1: I am so proud of you! :hug:

Please let me know how you like your stay at POP. We are staying there for the first time in September. :goodvibes

Have an amazingly wonderful vacation, Amy! party:
Congrats Amy!!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: I knew you would make your goal!!! Way to go!!!!

You are doing great and are going to do great on your trip!!!!
WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Congrats on making your goal! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :yay: :bounce:

Have a wonderful trip, and if you don't journal don't worry about it - you're on vacation!!!
Hi Amy,

Not sure when you are suppose to be back, but I hope you had a great time and are doing well.

Hope to hear how your trip was!

Happy Monday :)
Well we got back Saturday night. We had such a great trip (I posted a trip report in case anybody is interested). I am so depressed to be home! I did about as good as can be expected food wise. Tried to eat a salad everyday, drank my water and did not drink but one regular coke (my last night when I was so depressed to be leaving the next day). I also drank very little diet coke, I stuck to ice tea and water. I was amazed at how much easier it was to tour the park 20 pounds lighter. When we were there in January I was at my all time highest weight and I was miserable. My feet and knees were killing me, by the end of the trip I could barely make it on and off the bus due to the high steps. This time was much easier. I felt better and hurt way less. I kept somewhat motivated because of this and just kept thinking if I feel this much better with 20 pounds off, think how much better I will feel when I take off the rest of this lard! My major slip ups were Rainforest Cafe and the All Star Music food court (where I ate my last two WDW meals). I shared a total of three Mickey Bars, my all time record! And I didn't have any popcorn, churros and held myself to maybe 5 drinks total. One Mai Tai, one Ferris Wheel, three light beers and two rum and diet cokes. Wait a minute, thats 7 drinks. Still not bad for a 10 day trip. That was huge as when I drink I tend to lose my inhibition with food and get a what the he** attitude! I know I am up, I feel bloated but I am weighing in on Wednesday anyway. I am ready to be back on track and in fact since I got home have done pretty well.

Skipped breakfast and lunch, just felt gross, probably from the All Star Music food court lunch and the Del Taco I ate for dinner on Saturday. Had a grilled chicken breast, small helping of mustard potato salad, two pieces of buttery garlic bread, decent size salad with Italian dressing, two small pieces of Sarah Lee pound cake, strawberries and 60 oz of water and 48 oz of caffeine free herbal iced tea. Not a great day, but a start to getting back on track. Oh yeah, I also had some chips and salsa but not too many. I shouldn't have skipped breakfast and lunch, by the time dinner rolled around and my parents came over, I was starving and those chips were way too handy.

Slim Fast for breakfast
Southbeach diet pizza for lunch
1 bag of cheese twists for a snack
1 Mandarin chicken salad from Wendy's for dinner
80 oz of water and one diet coke. Much better day. Took a 15 minute walk with the dog. Need to get back on exercising. I got a blister my very last day at WDW and it was hurting. But its better now, I walked in my crocs tonight as they hurt my blister less than my Nike's. Should have done that yesterday instead of copping out with my blister sorrows!

Wish I could say its great to be home but its not! Oh well, it always takes me about a week to get over my WDW blues. I will try to catch up on journals tomorrow, I missed you guys!
Welcome home Amy!!!

Glad to hear that you had a good time....I know what you mean to have the WDW blues...that is the one thing that I hate about coming home from WDW!!

Glad to have you back...sounds like you did really well in WDW....

Can't wait to read your trip report!!!

Happy Tuesday :)
Yay, I'm glad you're back and that you had a great trip!!! :banana: :cheer2: :cool1: Sounds like you did great in the food department. It does take a couple days to get back on track, but you seem like you are there already! :goodvibes

Good job getting the walk in even though you had a blister. Those stink! :sad2:

Now that you're back, you should join the May Exercise Challenge. I'm hosting it this month...
lovinaz said:
Now that you're back, you should join the May Exercise Challenge. I'm hosting it this month...

Can you explain that to me? That might be a good idea, its my biggest challenge. Unless I am running to get to Expedition Everest and then I rise to the challenge!

Today was okay, I am still just feeling depressed. I hate to say it, but it was so nice not dealing with my mom while I was gone and now that I am back, I just feel like I can't deal with it! I know I'll feel better in a few days.

Had Kashi for breakfast, chicken breast for lunch, lean cuisine for dinner and some chips and salsa. I need to get the store. My lettuce froze and I couldn't make my salad tonight which just made me mad so I had chips instead. Real smart move. I weigh in tomorrow. I am sort of dreading it but hopefully it won't be too bad.

I walked 15 minutes today. I had to walk in circles in front of my house with the dog, DH was working late and I couldn't go out of sight of the house since the kids were inside alone! But Ben and I got a little bit of a walk and my neighbors, if any of them were looking out their windows at 9:30 at night probably wondered what I was doing!
Glad you're back & had a good time! How could you not???

Sounds like you did very very well on food while you were gone!

Have a great rest of the week!
I think we all get those post-vacation blues. You will get back into the normal routine soon.

The exercise challenge is simple. You sign up on the main thread, tell how many minutes you think you can do for the month, then post your totals on that thread. Some people post every day, some post once a week, some don't post again until the end of the month. It's up to you! I love it because I like watching my totals go up and up and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Also some extra motivation to get to the gym even if I really don't want to... If you're not ready for this month, there is one every month.

Hope your weigh-in goes well! :wizard:
I weighed in today, I was up .4 and was pretty happy with that. Not bad considering we were gone so long. Last time I think I gained about 5, maybe 7 pounds at WDW! So I am still down 21 pounds, just not 21.4 pounds! I bought a pedometer at WW today, I am going to try to add more steps to my day. I parked further at Target, carried in the groceries only two bags at once to increase trips out to the car, so we'll see. Like I have said, exercise is my biggest challenge so I am always looking for ways to motivate myself to move!

Breakfast: Two southbeach diet cookies during my ww meeting.
Snack: Squash soup
Lunch: 3 cups romaine lettuce, 3 oz. turkery, 1 tb shredded cheese, 2 TB southwest ranch dressing. 1 cup Spaghetti with meat sauce.
Snack: ff pudding
Dinner: Southbeach Diet meal

Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minute walk with the dog. Just checked my pedometer and I walked a bit over 10,000 steps today, so I made my goal! (WW leader said that is what I should aim for).

Amy, I need to check out the exercise thing later tonight. I think that would really help me. I guess even though May is one third over I can still do it right?
That is awesome that you gained less than 1/2lb on vacation! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: I don't think I've ever maintained on a trip - I ALWAYS gain. Good job!

Great job getting 10k steps in! And you can join the exercise challenge whenever you want, just figure out how many minutes you think you can do between now and the end of the month and that will be your goal.

Keep it up! :Pinkbounc :yay: :bounce:
Thanks Amy, I was pretty happy with that half pound! This was the first time I was actually happy at a weigh in when I gained. I guess its all relative! Today was good, I only got in about 8900 steps. I think because I wasn't running around Target and Walmart and had to spend some time opening mail and paying bills. I also sat and watched a movie, I never do that, not even on weekends. It was pretty nice, I need to not make that a habit however! Here's today:

Breakfast: chocolate oatmeal (thank you Amy it was wonderful and so filling)
Lunch: Squash soup, cheese its
Snack: pudding
Dinner: Southbeach Diet pizza, salad. I drank somewhere around a 100 oz. of water give or take a few ounces. I did 22 minutes on the treadmill and a 20 minute walk with the dog.

I resisted eating Tator Tots and walked the dog while Dan and the kids were eating so I couldn't be tempted. They were also driving me crazy so I needed to escape, two birds killed with one stone! I may have to get to journals tomorrow, I need to proofread my son's report one last time and some other junk and I am beat. Thanks everybody!
Welcome Home, Amy!

I hear you about the WDW blues. ::yes:: Mine usually start the last day we are at WDW. Ya know how I "cure" my blues? Plan another trip! :teeth:

I think you did a fantastic job at WDW with your food choices! That is wonderful that you gained less than a pound with all of that wonderful food there. You did a great job, Amy! :woohoo:

Have a wonderful weekend! :sunny:
I'm glad you like the chocolate oatmeal. I thought it sounded so gross when I read the ingredients, but now I am a chocolate oatmeal junkie! :teeth:

Excellent job resisting the tater tots AND getting exercise at the same time! I really love those things, which is why I don't buy them. There is no such thing as "eating one or two".

You are doing awesome jumping back on track after your trip, congrats! :cheer2:


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