An Extra Helping of Disney (Comments Welcome)

So today has been interesting...... Woke up to the beep beep beep of my cell phone -- and it told me that the office was indeed open :(
Off I go to get ready and a quick check of the scale shows that I am down to 206.2 :)
Drive to work in the wind and rain courtesy of Sandy. I took in lunch for our little office of 6 people -- happened to be celebrating a birthday today. This was a new recipe ,but VERY yummy.

Cowboy Chicken
6 boneless chicken breasts
2 T brown mustard
1 T splenda brown sugar
2 c southwest style salsa
Mix the last three ingredients and pour over chicken. Crockpot for 9 hours on low or 1 hour in the oven at 375
Serve over brown rice.

First time I've made it and got rave reviews.
So anywho -- we wound up closing at noon and I made my way home.
Hubby decided to make his Caramel apple Upside Down Cake.
Oh. My.
Had a small piece.
This hurricane is doing nothing for my walking schedule --- and no, don't want to use sandy as "wind resistance" LOL

For those here in Sandy's path -- be safe!
Right now I should be doing a pound off per week. If it gets to April and i still have 30 pounds to go then there is noooooo way! We are being aware of this and will be realistic. I could be 5 lbs off, but would still go. And of course by mid June we would have to decide (can cancel up to 45 days out) We shall see!

A pound a week is realistic.

How tall are you?

I'm 5'5.5" and my plan is to stay in the 130s, and I like being 135 or below.
A pound a week is realistic.

How tall are you?

I'm 5'5.5" and my plan is to stay in the 130s, and I like being 135 or below.

I am 5'5". The goal to go on the trip is 170. After that, we shall see. Last time I was 170 was in high school. Not sure how low I will go. That is the minimum to lose - 60 lbs!!!!
Haven't walked since Wednesday ----- or was it Tuesday?

Didn't care for what the scale was telling me this morning. But that should adjust itself..... bit of extra water.

Went to Outback for dinner. It was delicious. Good parts. Bad parts.

Moving on.

And DD has a birthday party tomorrow. I am making a cake. A REALLY yummy cake. My resistance to junk food is down this week.

But I had a salad for lunch today!!! :bitelip:
I know that living through big storms is very stressful and it can be hard to stay on track during them. We even have a name for it "hurricane snacks".

Great job on the salad choice, one day at a time.
Savor the cake, take a few small bites and try to enjoy each one. Quality. not quantity.
Well, I savored the cake..... each and every bite.

The scale is a meanie face.

In other news, youngest DD is 13 years old today. Her older sister gave her a Tinkerbell sweatshirt. She didn't absolutely adore it so we went to the Disney Outlet to exchange it for something else. They discovered her birthday and.......

she got a birthday crown, a button and a big pin,as well as, the Happy Birthday song serenaded to her by the employees! :tink:
So 12 days ago I checked in at 206.2 lbs. I know that I had reached 205.8 momentarily somewhere between then and now.

Today I was 206.0 I had to get back down to it after the week of three cakes. 2 separate occasions for DD and our 23rd anniversary.

Back to getting it done. We have discussed joining the YMCA so we can walk on their indoor track. Really don't want to spend the money. I dunno. We shall see.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel and it is at the top of the castle!
So DD and i went to a local gym to check it out for a possible membership. The tour guide was very nice and then he handed us off to "him" for the financial stuffs. We did not enjoy talking to "him". "He" ended the conversation with -- "Well, when you want to get serious about your fitness plan you can let us know".


Well, "Mr Wonderful", I am serious about my plan and it does NOT include YOU!

We are looking at other places. :p
The scale moved down - 205.8 :)

An interesting happening at work --- the substitute that was helping us out is a big Disney fan. It was enjoyable talking to another Mickey lover. She even wore her scarf that had Mickey Heads!
The scale moved down - 205.8 :)

An interesting happening at work --- the substitute that was helping us out is a big Disney fan. It was enjoyable talking to another Mickey lover. She even wore her scarf that had Mickey Heads!

Great job! Sorry about the snarky guy at the fitness center. I hope you find a friendlier place that is a great fit!
Hi Minnie Momma,

I just came across your journal! sounds like you are doing well

If you are still getting sore from your exercise, might I suggest some BCAA supplements. They are branched chain amino acids that do wonders for recovering muscles!

I am on a program suppose to be 12 weeks (i am on my 9th week, just finish my workout) and I am always sore each workout. I take these supplements pre, post or during workout and it helps. It helps so much my friend is taking it also and he says it definitely improved his workout. Now he doesn't have to skip 2-3 days before starting the NEXT DAY workout lol
Great job! Sorry about the snarky guy at the fitness center. I hope you find a friendlier place that is a great fit!

Thanks for the great job...... gotta keep it moving. I kind of feel like i have plateaued but I know it is because of more food/less movement. Gotta keep on trucking. Went for a walk with DD today, so that is a "step in the right direction!"

Snarky ----- yup, great word for him.

We are checking out another place tomorrow. Here's hoping!


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